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Step by Step procedure to activate UI5


This document would give you complete reference on,
o How to activate the Apps and OData Services
o How to Assign the Apps to Users
o How to create the Roles with Catalogs
o And many more required information.

Prepared by

Mohanraj Muthuraja
Our FIORI Launchpad looks empty. To make Apps available to the Fiori Launchpad, please follow the
below steps.

1. Activate UI5 Application (Transaction SICF)

Transaction: SICF

UI5 Applications names from Fiori Apps Library: ”Manage Sales Orders”

Enter the Hierarchy Type and Service name (referred from SAP Fiori App Library)
Transaction SICF:

Press Execute
Right click on the service and activate it. In this case, it has been activated already.
2. Register OData service (Transaction - /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE
(Activate and Maintain services))

OData Services from Fiori App Library

 Go to the Transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE

 Click on Add Service button

 Provide the input for,
o System Alias: LOCAL as this system configured as an Embedded Deployment(not a
Central hub Deployment).
o Technical Service Name: Provide the OData service here (take from Fiori App Library).
o Press Get Services Button.
o If the Service is already got registered, then we would get a message as below and no
further action is required.

o If the Service is new and not have been registered in this transaction, then the “Get
Service button” would give us the result of Searching OData Services as below.
o Double click on the Technical Service Name or select the line item and click on “Add
Selected Services” Button to get it registered.
The below window would be opened to type in for a package.

Click on Local Object Button  Press Enter.

Now, the service has been registered successfully.
Repeat the same process for other OData Services to get it registered.

3. Role Maintenance (Transaction: PFCG)

 Go to Transaction PFCG.
Note: It’s always advisable to copy the role to ZRole and make the required changes as per the User
 Enter the role  click on Copy button  provide the Zrole name  Press Copy all button.

Once the role get copied successfully, we have to make sure to complete the process for the below tabs.
Menu  contains Groups and Catalog.
Authorization  To Generate Authorization data
User  whom we should provide access to.

Under Menu tab, we should add our OData services which we have activated in the Maintenance
 Click on the Authorization Default option from the drop down options.

 Select TADIR Service

Step1 : Select IWSV : SAP Gateway Business Suite Enablement.

Step 2: Click on the first line of TADIR SERVICE column in table control  Press F4.
Step 3: Search the OData Services in the displayed list and Select the output  Press Enter.
Step 4: You will get the OData Services add in the table control.

Step 5: Select on IWSG  Press F4 on the table control.

Step 6: Search for the same OData Service  add it in the table control and save it.

Now you could see those objects have been added under the Menu tab of PFCG.
 Repeat the same steps (From Step 1 to Step 6) for Other OData services which exist for this APP.
Since This App has two OData Services related to this APP, finally we would get the lines added as below.

Once all the OData services were added, please save this role.

2. Authorization tab
Go to Authorization tab and click on “Change Authorization Data”.
 Click on Save  you will be asked to maintain the profile name and text  Press Enter.

 Click on the Generate Icon to get the profile created successfully.

Once the Authorization data is generated, come back and go the Users tab.

Go to the User tab and assign your USER ID  Click on Enter  click on User comparison button 
Now you could see the tabs, Menu, Authorizations and User are in Green status.

Now go back to your Fiori Launchpad in Browser and refresh the page. You would be able to see the
Tiles (Apps) in the Fiori Launchpad under Groups.

The above User has more groups and its dependent apps to it.
If we want to assign only few apps instead of assigning all apps, then please follow the below steps.
Required tasks:
1. Create Catalog
2. Create the reference of the tiles to the Catalog from the Actual Catalog
3. Crate the reference Target Mapping of the Tile to the newly created Catalog from the Actual
4. Create the Role and assign the catalog to this Role.
Launchpad can be launched in two different scopes.
1. Customization  applies the changes to the current client of the System.
2. Config  applies the changes across all the clients of the System.

By default, if we don’t specify any scope in the URL, the Fiori Launchpad will be launched in the
customization scope.
If we want to Launch the Launchpad in the config mode, we have to append the line “scope=CONF”
Ex: https://s4hana:8001/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/arsrvc_upb_admn/main.html?scope=CONF

Then you could see that the client has been specified as Client ALL. So the changes done in the CONFIG
scope, it would be available across all the clients of this sytem.

The changes done to this scope will be available only for this client. (default scope of the Fiori
App can’t be directly assigned to the User.
Apps grouped into Catalogs  assign catalog to user

Create Catalog:

Step1 : Go to the Launchpad Designer Administrator.

Step 2: Create the Catalog by clicking the button in the admin Launchpad.

It will ask you to enter the *Title and *ID to create a new Catalog.

Click on Save.
Now you could see the Catalog has created successfully.

Create the reference of the tiles to the Catalog from the Actual Catalog

Now go to the actual Catalog to copy the App from there to the newly created Catalog “Sales Order

1. Go the Admin Fiori Launchpad and provide the actual Catalog name from where you want to
copy the app to your newly created Catalog.
2. You could see all the Tiles available for this particular Catalog.
3. Now, Place the Cursor on any of the Tiles and drag it to copy it to your newly created catalog.

4. Here, I have dragged the Manage Sales Order Tile and when you drag it, it will show two
i. Create Reference
ii. Delete
5. Place the Tile on the Create Reference button and inturn, if will ask you, under which Catalog
you want to place this Tile.
6. Provide the Catalog name and click on the search button.
7. Now double click on the resulted catalog to successfully place the Tile in this.
8. Now go to the newly created Catalog and check if you have this Tile copied.
9. You would see the Tile as below:

10. Now we have to create a Target Mappings for this Tile as well, to tell from which data source the
data will be pulled up for the communication. Hence, Copying of the Target Mapping for the Tile
is Mandatory.
11. Now, go the Actual Catalog  Click on Target Mapping  select the required Target mapping
line  click on Create Reference.
12. Once you click on the Create Reference, it will ask you for the Catalog in which you want to copy
13. Provide the catalog  and get it copied.
14. Now, you could see the target mapping in the newly created Catalog.

Create the Role and assign the catalog to this Role

1. Go to Transaction PFCG.
2. Enter the Role name “ZSALES_MANAGE_ORDER_MM” (Can be any name) Click on Single Role.
3. Go to Menu Tab  click on Transaction button  select SAP Fiori Tile Catalog.
4. Enter the newly created Catalog and press Enter.

5. We can see the details of the App once we have added.

6. Go to the Authorization Tab and click on Change Authorization data.

7. Click on Generate button and Enter.

8. Once the Role ZSALES_MANAGE_ORDER_MM is created, please assign the role to User.
9. Go back Fiori Launchpad and refresh the page. You will be able to see the apps assigned to the

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