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ü Gia tăng vốn từ phong phú

ü Củng cố vốn cấu trúc chắc chắn

ü Hiểu ngay nội dung mà không cần từ điển
ü Phát triển tư duy suy nghĩ bằng tiếng Anh
Lời cảm ơn
Tôi xin gửi lời cảm ơn đến người đang đọc cuốn sách này.

Cuốn sách bạn đang đọc được biên soạn dựa trên 6 tập của bộ
sách 4000 Essential English Words của tác giả Paul Nation.

Tuy nhiên
Nội dung của từng tập đã được biên tập lại theo quy trình các
bước của phương pháp Phản Xạ Tiếng Anh nhằm giúp bạn đọc
hiểu sâu và gia tăng vốn từ vựng nhanh nhất.

Đây là cuốn sách tôi muốn dành cho những người thật sự muốn
chinh phục và làm chủ tiếng Anh đến mức thành thạo, lưu loát và
có thể ứng dụng tiếng Anh vào đời sống hàng ngày.

Tôi xin đưa ra 6 bước hướng dẫn để giúp bạn đọc sử dụng cuốn
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1. Đọc toàn bộ nội câu truyện, xem những từ vựng chưa biết
2. Dịch từng câu ra tiếng Việt bằng cách viết hoặc đánh máy
3. Gửi bản dịch bạn đã làm vào:
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và tăng dần tốc độ đến khi nghe được tất cả chi tiết trong bài.

Nghe âm thanh tại:

hoặc 2

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The Lion and the Rabbit

A cruel12 lion29 lived30 in the forest19. Every day13, he killed25

and ate9 a lot33 of animals6. The other animals6 were afraid1
the lion29 would kill24 them all. The animals6 told45 the lion29,
“Let’s make a deal14. If you promise38 to eat16 only one
animal5 each day13, then one of us will come50 to you every
day13. Then you don’t have to hunt22 and kill24 us.”

The plan36 sounded43 well thought-out51 to the lion, so he

agreed, but he also said, “If you don’t come50 every day13, I
promise38 to kill24 all of you the next day13!” Each day13 after
that, one animal5 went to the lion29 so that the lion29 could
eat16 it. Then, all the other animals6 were safe41. Finally18, it
was the rabbit39’s turn47 to go to the lion. The rabbit 39 went
very slowly42 that day13, so the lion29 was angry4 when the
rabbit39 finally18 arrived7.

The lion29 angrily3 asked8 the rabbit39, “Why are you late27?”
“I was hiding21 from another lion29 in the forest19. That lion29
said he was the king26, so I was afraid.” The lion29 told45 the
rabbit39, “I am the only king26 here! Take me to that other
lion, and I will kill24 him. The rabbit39 replied40, “I will be
happy20 to show you where he lives31.” The rabbit39 led28 the
lion29 to an old well52 in the middle34 of the forest. The well
was very deep15 with water49 at the bottom.

The rabbit39 told45 the lion, “Look in there. The lion29 lives31
at the bottom.” When the lion29 looked32 in the well, he could
see his own face17 in-the water. He thought44 that was the
other lion. Without waiting48 another moment35, the lion29
jumped23 into the well to attack10 the other lion. He never
came out. All of the other animals6 in the forest19 were very
pleased37 with the rabbit’s clever11 trick.
1. afraid 2. agreed 3. angrily
sợ đã đồng ý giận dữ
/ əˈfreid / / əˈɡriːd / / anɡrəli /
4. angry 5. animal 6. animals
bực bội con vật những con vật
/ ˈæŋɡri / / ˈæniməl / / ˈæniməlz /
7. arrived 8. asked 9. ate
đã đến yêu cầu đã ăn
/ əˈraivd / / ˈɑːskt / / et /
10. attack 11. clever 12. cruel
tấn công tài giỏi hung ác
/ əˈtæk / / ˈklevə / / kruəl /
13. day 14. deal 15. deep
ngày thỏa thuận sâu
/ dei / / diːl / / diːp /
16. eat 17. face 18. finally
ăn đối mặt cuối cùng
/ iːt / / feis / / ˈfainəli /
19. forest 20. happy 21. hiding
rừng vui mừng trốn tránh
/ ˈfɔrist / / ˈhæpi / / ˈhaidiŋ /
22. hunt 23. jumped 24. kill
săn bắt nhảy giết hại
/ hʌnt / / dʒʌmpt / / kil /
25. killed 26. king 27. late
bị giết nhà vua muộn
/ kild / / kiŋ / / leit /
28. led 29. lion 30. lived
đã dẫn sư tử sống
/ led / / ˈlaiən / / livd /
31. lives 32. looked 33. lot
cuộc sống nhìn nhiều
/ laivz / / lukt / / lɔt /
34. middle 35. moment 36. plan
ở giữa khoảnh khắc kế hoạch
/ ˈmidəl / / ˈməumənt / / plæn /
37. pleased 38. promise 39. rabbit
vừa lòng hứa, thề con thỏ
/ pliːzd / / ˈprɔmis / / ˈræbit /
40. replied 41. safe 42. slowly
trả lời an toàn chậm rãi
/ riˈplaid / / seif / / ˈsləuli /
43. sounded 44. thought 45. told
nghe có vẻ nghĩ kể lại
/ ˈsaundid / / ˈθɔːt / / təuld /
46. trick 47. turn 48. waiting
mưu mẹo lượt đang chờ đợi
/ trik / / tɜːn / / ˈweitiŋ /
49. water 50.come 51. well thought-out
nước đến, tới hợp lý
/ ˈwɔːtə / / kʌm /
52. well: cái giếng
1. A cruel12 lion29 lived30 in the forest19.
2. Every day13, he killed25 and ate9 a lot33 of animals6.
3. The other animals6 were afraid1 the lion29 would kill24 them all.
4. The animals6 told45 the lion29,
5. “Let’s make a deal14.
6. If you promise38 to eat16 only one animal5 each day13,
then one of us will come50 to you every day13.
7. Then you don’t have to hunt22 and kill24 us.”
8. The plan36 sounded43 well thought-out51 to the lion, so he agreed,
but he also said,
9. “If you don’t come50 every day13, I promise38 to kill24 all of you the next day13!”
10. Each day13 after that, one animal5 went to the lion 29
so that the lion29 could eat16 it.
11. Then, all the other animals6 were safe41.
12. Finally18, it was the rabbit39’s turn47 to go to the lion.
13. The rabbit39 went very slowly42 that day13,
so the lion29 was angry4 when the rabbit39 finally18 arrived7.
14. The lion29 angrily3 asked8 the rabbit39,
15. “Why are you late27?”
16. “I was hiding21 from another lion29 in the forest19.
17. That lion29 said he was the king26, so I was afraid.
18. ” The lion29 told45 the rabbit39,
19. “I am the only king26 here!
20. Take me to that other lion, and I will kill24 him.
21. The rabbit39 replied40,
22. “I will be happy20 to show you where he lives31.”
23. The rabbit39 led28 the lion29 to an old well52 in the middle34 of the forest.
24. The well was very deep15 with water49 at the bottom.
25. The rabbit39 told45 the lion,
26. “Look in there.
27. The lion29 lives31 at the bottom.”
28. When the lion29 looked32 in the well, he could see his own face17 in-the water.
29. He thought44 that was the other lion.
30. Without waiting48 another moment35, the lion29 jumped23 into the well to attack10
the other lion.
31. He never came out.

32. All of the other animals6 in the forest19 were very pleased37 with the rabbit’s
clever11 trick.
The Laboratory

Mia’s father20 had a laboratory32, but she had no idea29 what

was in it. Her dad12 always closed9 and locked39 the door16
when he went in. She knew31 that he used it to do projects46
for work65. He never told60 Mia what these projects46 were.
One night, Mia approached3 the door16 to the laboratory32.
She stopped55 and thought, “I wonder what crazy10
experiment19 he is doing now.”

Suddenly57, she heard26 a loud40 noise44. It sounded53 like an

evil18 laugh33. The noise44 scared48 her, so she walked63
quickly back to her room47. The next night43, her friend22 Liz
came to her house. When Liz arrived4, Mia told60 her about
the night43 before. “Oh, it was terrible 58,” she said. “Why
don’t we see what is in there?” Liz asked5. “It will be a fun23
adventure1!” Mia felt21 nervous42 about going into her father’s
laboratory32, but she agreed2.

As always, the door16 was locked39. They waited62 until

Mia’s father20 left36 the laboratory32 to eat17 dinner14. “He
didn’t lock38 the door16!” Liz said. “Let’s go.” The laboratory32
was dark13. The girls24 walked63 down the stairs54 carefully7.
Mia smelled51 strange56 chemicals8. What terrible58 thing
was her father20 creating11? Suddenly57, they heard26 an
evil18 laugh. It was even worse66 than the one Mia heard 26
the night43 before.

What if a monster41 was going to kill30 them? Mia had to do

something. She shouted50 for help. Mia’s father20 ran into
the room47 and turned61 on the lights37. “Oh, no,” he said.
“You must have learned35 my secret49.” “Your monster41
tried to kill30 us,” Mia said. “Monster41?” he asked. “You
mean this?” He had a pretty45 doll15 in his hands25. The
doll15 laughed34. The laugh33 didn’t sound52 so evil18
anymore. “I made this for your birthday6. I wanted64 to give it
to you then, but you can have it now. I hope27 you like it!”
1. adventure 2. agreed 3. approached
cuộc phiêu lưu đã đồng ý tiếp cận, đến gần
/ ədˈventʃə / / əˈɡriːd / / əˈprəutʃt /
4. arrived 5. asked 6. birthday
đã đến đã hỏi sinh nhật
/ əˈraivd / / ˈɑːskt / / ˈbɜːθdei /
7. carefully 8. chemicals 9. closed
cẩn thận hóa chất đóng cửa
/ ˈkeəfəli / / ˈkemikəlz / / kləuzd /
10. crazy 11. creating 12. dad
điên khùng tạo ra cha
/ ˈkreizi / / kriːˈeitiŋ / / dæd /
13. dark 14. dinner 15. doll
tối bữa tối búp bê
/ dɑːk / / ˈdinə / / dɔl /
16. door 17. eat 18. evil
cửa ăn ma quỷ
/ dɔː / / iːt / / ˈiːvəl /
19. experiment 20. father 21. felt
thí nghiệm cha đã cảm thấy
/ ikˈsperimənt / / ˈfɑːðə / / felt /
22. friend 23. fun 24. girls
bạn vui vẻ cô gái
/ ˈfrend / / fʌn / / ɡɜːlz /
25. hands 26. heard 27. hope
tay nghe mong
/ hændz / / hɜːd / / həup /
28. house 29. have no idea 30. kill
nhà ở không biết giết chết
/ ˈhaus / / aiˈdiə / / kil /
31. knew 32. laboratory 33. laugh
đã biết phòng thí nghiệm tiếng cười
/ njuː / / ləˈbɔrətᵊri / / lɑːf /
34. laughed 35. learned 36. left
đã cười đã học trái
/ lɑːft / / lɜːnd / / left /
37. lights 38. lock 39. locked
đèn khóa đã khóa, bị khóa
/ laits / / lɔk / / lɔkt /
40. loud 41. monster 42. nervous
to tiếng quái vật lo lắng
/ laud / / ˈmɔnstə / / ˈnɜːvəs /
43. night 44. noise 45. pretty
đêm tiếng ồn đẹp
/ nait / / nɔiz / / ˈpriti /
46. projects 47. room 48. scared
những dự án phòng đã làm sợ hãi
/ prəˈdʒekts / / ruːm / / skeəd /
49. secret 50. shouted 51. smelled
bí mật đã hét lên ngửi
/ ˈsiːkrit / / ˈʃautid / / smeld /
52. sound 53. sounded 54. stairs
âm thanh nghe có vẻ cầu thang
/ ˈsaund / / ˈsaundid / / steəz /
55. stopped 56. strange 57. suddenly
dừng lại lạ đột ngột
/ stɔpt / / streindʒ / / sʌdənli /
58. terrible 59. thought 60. told
kinh khủng nghĩ đã kể , đã nói
/ ˈterəbəl / / ˈθɔːt / / təuld /
61. turned 62. waited 63. walked
quay chờ đợi đi bộ
/ tɜːnd / / ˈweitid / / ˈwɔːkt /
64. wanted 65. work 66. worse
truy nã công việc tệ hơn
/ ˈwɔntid / / ˈwɜːk / / wɜːs /
1. Mia’s father20 had a laboratory32, but she had no idea29 what was in it.
2. Her dad12 always closed9 and locked39 the door16 when he went in.
3. She knew31 that he used it to do projects46 for work65.
4. He never told60 Mia what these projects46 were.
5. One night, Mia approached3 the door16 to the laboratory32.
6. She stopped55 and thought, “I wonder what crazy10 experiment19 he is doing
now.” Suddenly57, she heard26 a loud40 noise44.
7. It sounded 53 like an evil18 laugh33.
8. The noise44 scared48 her, so she walked63 quickly back to her room47.
9. The next night43, her friend22 Liz came to her house.
10. When Liz arrived4, Mia told60 her about the night43 before.
11. “Oh, it was terrible58,” she said.
12. “Why don’t we see what is in there?” Liz asked 5.
13. “It will be a fun23 adventure1!” Mia felt21 nervous42 about going into her father’s
laboratory32, but she agreed2.
14. As always, the door16 was locked39.
15. They waited62 until Mia’s father20 left36 the laboratory32 to eat17 dinner14.
16. “He didn’t lock38 the door16!” Liz said.
17. “Let’s go.” The laboratory32 was dark 13.
18. The girls24 walked63 down the stairs54 carefully7.
19. Mia smelled51 strange56 chemicals8.
20. What terrible58 thing was her father 20 creating11? Suddenly57, they heard26 an
evil18 laugh.
21. It was even worse66 than the one Mia heard26 the night43 before.
22. What if a monster41 was going to kill30 them? Mia had to do something.
23. She shouted50 for help.
24. Mia’s father20 ran into the room47 and turned61 on the lights37.
25. “Oh, no,” he said.
26. “You must have learned35 my secret49.” “Your monster41 tried to kill30 us,” Mia
27. “Monster41?” he asked.
28. “You mean this?” He had a pretty45 doll15 in his hands25.
29. The doll15 laughed34.
30. The laugh33 didn’t sound52 so evil18 anymore.
31. “I made this for your birthday6.
32. I wanted64 to give it to you then, but you can have it now.
33. I hope27 you like it!”
The Report

Lee sat47 among the books6 at the library29 and thought60

about his group24 project42. They had to turn63 it in soon, but
he hadn’t even started55 his part69! Jack and Claire were in
his group. They had worked67 hard. They were also very
smart50, and Lee didn’t want them to get a bad5 grade22.
Jack did the report45. He wrote68 a lot31 of very good 20
sentences48 and described things with great23 adjectives1.
Claire drew12 a nice38 map33 of the stars53.

Now, Lee needed37 to do his part69 of the project42. “Well, I

suppose58 I need to start54 my model 35,” Lee thought60.
making32 a model35 of a planet40 was really hard25. Lee tried
to read44 several books6, but he couldn’t comprehend11 any
of the charts9. “We’re going to fail15 because of me!” Lee
said. He put his head26 down on the table59 and said, “I wish
I could see a planet40, instead of having to read44 about it!”

Suddenly57, there was a bright7 light30. Lee was pulled43

from his chair, through the roof46, and right into a strange56
ship49! “Hello, kid,” said an alien3. “Did you ask for help?”
Lee told62 the friendly19 alien3 all about his project42. The
alien3 agreed2 to help Lee solve51 his problem41. “First, we’ll
fly17 through space52 to view65 the universe64. Then, I can
help you make a model35 of my planet40.”

Soon, they were going through the clouds10. They passed39

the moon36. Then they viewed66 Mars34. Lee was very
excited14. Instead of a bad5 grade22, his group24 would have
the best project42 ever! “It’s time61 to go home,” the alien3
finally16 said. On the way back, he helped27 Lee make a
model35 of the planet40 Mars34. Soon, they were on Earth13.
“Thanks,” Lee said. “My model35 will be awesome14!” Then
he took his model35 and said goodbye21 to his new friend18.
1. adjectives 2. agreed 3. alien
tính từ đã đồng ý người ngoài hành tinh
/ ˈædʒiktivz / / əˈɡriːd / / ˈeiliən /
4. awesome 5. bad 6. books
tuyệt vời xấu sách
/ ˈɔːsəm / / bæd / / buks /
7. bright 8. chair 9. charts
sáng cái ghế biểu đồ
/ brait / / tʃeə / / tʃɑːts /
10. clouds 11. comprehend 12. drew
những đám mây hiểu đã vẽ
/ klaudz / / ˌkɔmpriˈhend / / druː /
13. earth 14. excited 15. fail
trái đất hào hứng thất bại
/ ɜːθ / / ikˈsaitid / / feil /
16. finally 17. fly 18. friend
cuối cùng bay bạn
/ ˈfainəli / / flai / / ˈfrend /
19. friendly 20. good 21. goodbye
thân thiện tốt tạm biệt
/ ˈfrendli / / ɡud / / ˌɡudˈbai /
22. grade 23. great 24. group
cấp tuyệt quá nhóm
/ ɡreid / / ˈɡreit / / ɡruːp /
25. hard 26. head 27. helped
cực nhọc, khó, vất vả cái đầu đã giúp
/ hɑːd / / hed / / helpt /
28. kid 29. library 30. light
đứa trẻ thư viện ánh sáng
/ ˈkid / / ˈlaibrəri / / lait /
31. lot 32. making 33. map
nhiều chế tạo bản đồ
/ lɔt / / ˈmeikiŋ / / mæp /
34. Mars 35. model 36. moon
Sao hỏa mô hình mặt trăng
/ mɑːz / / ˈmɔdəl / / muːn /
37. needed 38. nice 39. passed
cần thiết tốt đẹp thông qua
/ ˈniːdid / / nais / / pɑːst /
40. planet 41. problem 42. project
hành tinh vấn đề dự án
/ ˈplænit / / ˈprɔbləm / / prəˈdʒekt /
43. pulled 44. read 45. report
kéo đọc bài báo cáo
/ puld / / riːd / / riˈpɔːt /
46. roof 47. sat 48. sentences
mái nhà ngồi những ý
/ ruːf / / sæt / / ˈsentənsiz /
49. ship 50. smart 51. solve
con tàu thông minh gỡ rối
/ ʃip / / smɑːt / / sɔlv /
52. space 53. stars 54. start
không gian những vì sao khởi đầu
/ speis / / stɑːz / / stɑːt /
55. started 56. strange 57. suddenly
bắt đầu lạ đột nhiên
/ ˈstɑːtid / / streindʒ / / sʌdənli /
58. suppose 59. table 60. thought
giả sử bàn suy nghĩ
/ səˈpəuz / / ˈteibəl / / ˈθɔːt /
61. time 62. told 63. turn in
thời gian kể lại nộp bài
/ ˈtaim / / təuld / / tɜːn /
64. universe 65. view 66. viewed
vũ trụ lượt xem đã xem
/ ˈjuːnivɜːs / / vjuː / / vjuːd /
67. worked 68. wrote 69. part
đã làm việc đã viết phần
/ ˈwɜːkt / / rəut / / pɑːt /
1. Lee sat47 among the books6 at the library29 and thought60 about his group24
project 42.
2. They had to turn63 it in soon, but he hadn’t even started55 his part69!
3. Jack and Claire were in his group.
4. They had worked67 hard.
5. They were also very smart50, and Lee didn’t want them to get a bad5 grade22.
6. Jack did the report45.
7. He wrote68 a lot31 of very good20 sentences48 and described things with great 23
8. Claire drew12 a nice38 map33 of the stars 53.
9. Now, Lee needed37 to do his part69 of the project42.
10. “Well, I suppose58 I need to start54 my model35,” Lee thought60.
11. making32 a model35 of a planet40 was really hard25.
12. Lee tried to read44 several books6, but he couldn’t comprehend11 any of the
13. “We’re going to fail15 because of me!” Lee said.
14. He put his head26 down on the table59 and said, “I wish I could see a planet 40,
instead of having to read44 about it!”
15. Suddenly57, there was a bright7 light30.
16. Lee was pulled43 from his chair, through the roof46, and right into a strange56
17. “Hello, kid,” said an alien3.
18. “Did you ask for help?”
19. Lee told62 the friendly19 alien3 all about his project42.
20. The alien3 agreed2 to help Lee solve51 his problem41.
21. “First, we’ll fly17 through space52 to view65 the universe64.
22. Then, I can help you make a model35 of my planet40.”
23. Soon, they were going through the clouds10.
24. They passed39 the moon36.
25. Then they viewed66 Mars34.
26. Lee was very excited14.
27. Instead of a bad5 grade22, his group24 would have the best project42 ever!
28. “It’s time61 to go home,” the alien3 finally16 said.
29. On the way back, he helped27 Lee make a model35 of the planet40 Mars 34.
30. Soon, they were on Earth13.
31. “Thanks,” Lee said.
32. “My model35 will be awesome14!”
33. Then he took his model35 and said goodbye21 to his new friend18.

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