TPACK Creating Assignment Template

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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Subject Social Studies and English

Grade Level Second

Learning Objective E.2.9 The student will read and demonstrate

comprehension of nonfiction texts.
c) Use prior and background knowledge as context
for new learning.
d) Set purpose for reading.
e) Ask and answer questions about what is read.
f) Locate information to answer questions.
g) Identify the main idea.

E.2.12 The student will write stories, letters, and

simple explanations.
a) Generate ideas before writing.

E.2.14 The student will use available technology

for reading and writing.

SS.2.4 The student will describe how the

contributions of selected individuals changed the
lives of Americans, with emphasis on
a) Christopher Columbus;
b) Benjamin Franklin;
c) Abraham Lincoln;
d) George Washington Carver;
e) Helen Keller;
Content Knowledge

f) Thurgood Marshall;
g) Rosa Parks;
h) Jackie Robinson;
i) Cesar Chavez; and
j) Martin Luther King, Jr.
Complete this sentence:

In this activity, my students are going to use to create an online blog to
Pedagogy Planning

create a post, in paragraph form, about their chosen famous American.

Activity Students will use their chromebooks to create a blog
post in paragraph form from the view of their famous
American. They can use online and classroom
resources to conduct their research. They must
include the important event/contribution to society
as well as a date and three facts. They must write
their blog post from their famous Americans point of
view not from their own (they need to use pronouns
like “I” and “we” not “they”, “he”, or “she”)

1. Prior to lesson- create student accounts for

edublogs, cut out strips of paper with the famous
Americans that correspond to the curriculum on
them, and create example sentences of first and third
person so students can see the difference in the
writing, and create an example for students to use as
a guideline.
2. The teacher will explain the activity to students and
instruct them to go get their chromebooks one table
group at a time and to grab the card with their log in
information on it.
3. While students are getting their devices, the
teacher will randomly distribute famous Americans to
the students. (No trading allowed)
4. Once all students have gotten their devices, deliver
instructions on how to get to the website.
5. Explain that they are researching famous Americans
and show students the example. They must include
the important event/contribution to society as well as
a date and three facts. They must write their blog post
from their famous Americans point of view not from
their own (they need to use pronouns like “I” and
“we” not “they”, “he”, or “she”) They do not learn
point of view until the upper elementary grades so
this concept will need to be explained and examples
will need to be given.
6. Encourage students to use online and classroom
resources to conduct their research. They must use
one of each.
7. Once students begin to research, encourage them
to write what they are learning in their writing
notebooks and jot down fun facts and main ideas.
8. Walk around and assist students by prompting
questions i.e. why they are famous, what did they do,
when did the event(s) take place, etc. While walking

around make sure students are on proper websites:

brainpop, Wikipedia, etc (not playing games or
googling other information)
9. as students seem like they are wrapping up their
research tell them that they must let you see their
notes prior to beginning their blog posts. Walk around
and make sure students are getting the right
10. As students are writing their blog posts, walk
around and make sure they are writing in proper
form. Remind students not to use I or me but he, she,
or they.
11. If students finish early have them comment on
other students blogs with one thing they learned from
the blog post.
12. When all students are done or after the allotted
time, have students save if they are not done and
return chromebooks back to their charging stations.
Directions for Use 1. The teacher will explain the assignment and read
students an example of the assignment. During this
time the teacher should also explain the point of view
and use of I, we, and my instead of he, she, and they.
2. Students will be called by the teacher by table to
get their chromebooks out of the computer cart/
charging station.
3. Once back at their seat they will log onto their
computer using their school username and password.
The teacher will be handing out pieces of paper with
the names of famous Americans listed above to the
students. There will be repeats.
4. Students will then click on the chrome icon. Then in
the search bar they will type
(Teacher will write the url on the board and may need
to assist students with typing it in correctly or create a
shortcut link in schoology)
5. The teacher will instruct students to click the Log In
button in the upper right corner and sign in using your
username and password located on each students
personal computer information ring found in their
6. Students will use brainpop, Wikipedia, the
textbook, Who Was books, and their class notes to
gather information about their famous American.
7. The teacher will walk around assisting students
with their research. Ask questions that could give
them ideas of what would be considered important
information. (birth and death dates, career, location,
what are they known for, etc)
8. Students will get out their writing notebooks
located in their desks to jot down information (main
events/contribution to society, dates, and three
important facts)
9. Students will raise hand to show the teacher what
they wrote in the notebook. The teacher will either
give them the go ahead to start their blog post or
encourage them to dig a little deeper.
10. Students will then go to the left-hand guide and
click on POSTS then ADD NEW.
11. Students should title their post with their famous
Americans names.
12. Students should then write their blog post in
paragraph form from the view of their famous
13. While students are writing their blog posts the
teacher will remind the class to use I, we, and my in
place of he, she, and they.
14. Once completed on the upper right side select
PUBLISH to submit their blog post.
15. Students should then give their blog post a name
and hit publish.
16. Students must then raise their hand and wait for
the teacher to come over.
16. A url will pop up and students will need to copy
the url and paste it to the class webpage (Edmodo,
classdojo, schoology, etc). The teacher will instruct
the students where to post the url and how to copy
and paste it if necessary.
17. If they finish early they should view their
classmates blogs by clicking on the links in the class
webpage and comment on them on
Link to the example product

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