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[Senders Name]

[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code].

[Letter Date]

To [Recipients Name] eg The Principal,

Kenya Medical Training College,
[Address line],
[State, ZIP Code].

Dear Sir/Madam,

RE: Application for admission to the Kenya Medical Training College

I am writing to express my desire to enrol in your prestigious school for this coming intake. I was
informed of the opening through the advertisement in our local newspaper, and I immediately
jumped at the opportunity to submit my application to you. I believe that my skills, passion, and
interest in the field of nursing will be an asset to your honourable school. I assure that I will follow
all the institution rules and will continue to maintain its high standards of intellect.

I have enclosed my copies of high school transcript and other relevant documents along with this
letter for your review. I shall be most grateful if my application is considered favourably.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,


[Senders Name]

[Enclosures: Phone number] - Optional -

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