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The following questionnaire is given as a part of research on the topic “EFFECTIVENESS OF

be completely confidential. This will help in improving the services provided to the tourists in future.
Please take a few minutes in participating in this important study by answering all the questions given


International guest

Domestic guest

1) Country/State of residence ___________

2) When did you arrive Kerala ___________
3) By which means of transport did you arrive?
Air Train Bus Combination of both Own vehicle

4) How did you learn about Kerala?

 Word-of-mouth
 Previous trip (s)
 Internet
 India Tourism website
 Kerala Tourism website
 Other
 Brochure/travel guide
 Travel Agent/Tour Operator
 Newspaper/ Magazines editorials
 Advertisement by Department of Tourism, Kerala
 Kerala stall in Exhibition /Travel Fair in your city. Please

 Other, specify ________________________________

4) What from the following first comes to your mind about Kerala(please tick

 Popular image
 Low Cost Holiday
 Easy accessibility
 Hospitable people
 Heritage, History, Culture
 Entertainment
 Other, specify _______________________
6) How many times have you visited Kerala including this trip
6.1)If more than once, was the quality of experience:

Better than earlier Same as earlier Lower than earlier

6 .2) If lower than earlier why? _______________________________________

7) What kind of accomodation did you choose:

 Hotel:
 Starred
 Unstarred
 Private Apartment/ Bungalow
 Government Run Hotel, Name__________
Other, Specify __________

8) Where is your Accommodation situated: pl. specify _____________________

9) Are you satisfied with the services provided?
Highly satisfied MediumSatisfied Less satisfied Satisfied
Not at all satisfied

10) What do to you feel about the behavior of locals toward you?
Highly satisfied Medium Satisfied Less satisfied Satisfied
Not at all satisfied

11) Opinion on sanitation facilities:

Excellent Very Good Good Bad Very bad

12) Opinion on hygiene factors:

Excellent Very Good Good Bad Very bad

13) Are you satisfied with the facilities provided by the Govt. Hotels?
Highly satisfied Medium Satisfied Less satisfied Satisfied
Not at all satisfied

14) How would you rate the Kerala Government’s role in making your holiday
experience in Kerala a comfortable/memorable one:

Highly satisfied Medium Satisfied Less satisfied Satisfied

Not at all satisfied

15) The tourism experience in Kerala is safe and secure:

Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree

16) The transportation facilities provided are:

Excellent Very Good Good Bad Very bad

17)The overall tourism experience is:

Excellent Very Good Good Bad Very bad

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