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The middle ages

There were other people in the castles:
• The fletchers, that made bows and arrows.

• The armourers, that repaired and made new

Castles were made to protect people from enemies.
weapons and armours.
People lived around the castles in towns.
• The priest, that was in the chapel. He
could read and write, few people could
read or write in middle ages.

• The cooks, that worked in the kitchens.

Who lived in castles?
They cooked on fire. They made butter, cheese and
The owners were the feudal lords or the kings. bread next to the kitchens. They had bread ovens.

They had servants with them. All the lands around • The falconer, that trained the
the castle and the people who lived there (the hawks and falcons to hunt.
serfs) were from their property.

They had Knights and soldiers, too.

Knights wore armours and fought in tournaments.

How did they fight?

They had weapons. They had swords, axes,

dagger and lances, maces and arrows. They
also had catapults.

They also had shields and armours.

Soldiers lived in the gatehouse, and the They fought on horse and on horse.
archers defended the castle from the
How did they live? What did they think?

They lighted the castle with torches or candles. In middle ages, kings and church were very
important. People believed kings were kings
They didn't have water in the houses or buildings.
because god made them kings.
They had to go for it.
People also believed that the world was flat
They didn't have a bath so often.
and that if you sailed too far
They didn't have toilets. you would fall off and
disappear. They also believed that the Earth
They cooked on fire.
was in the centre of the
They ate on "trenchers", slices of hard bread used as plates. universe.
They didn't eat "trenchers". When They believed in witches,
they finished eating, they gave the
dragons and goblins. They believed in
"trenchers" to the poor or threw them
wizards and magic.
to the dogs.
They were very religious.
They used their hands to eat, they
used knifes and spoons, but they didn't
use or forks.

They ate roasted meat, fruit and vegetables. They used honey What did they wear?
to sweeten foods and drinks.
Kings and feudal lords wore crowns
They didn't have refrigerators. They preserved meat and and coloured silk and damask clothes.
fish. They smoked or dried meat and fish. They salted meat Feudal lords wore felt hats and
for winter. woollen and silk clothes.
They travelled on foot, horse or cart. Serfs wore straw hats and linen
Serfs lived outside the castle, they weren't shirts and trousers. Clothes were rough and
free. They worked for the feudal lord and scratchy.
couldn't leave the land. They were very

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