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Vertigo and Imbalance: Clinical Neurophysiology of the Vestibular System

Handbook of Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 9

S.D.Z. Eggers and D.S. Zee (Vol. Eds.)
# 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved 315


Vestibular neuritis
Michael Strupp* and Thomas Brandt
Department of Neurology, University of Munich, Klinikum Grosshadern, D-81377 Munich, Germany

25.1. Introduction Theil et al., 2001, 2003). A similar etiology is also

assumed for Bell’s palsy and strongly supported by
Vestibular neuritis (VN), also known as acute unilat- the demonstration of HSV-1 DNA in the endoneurial
eral vestibular paralysis or vestibular neuronitis, is fluid of the facial nerve of the affected subjects
the third most common cause of peripheral vestibular (Murakami et al., 1996).
vertigo. VN accounts for 8% of the patients presenting VN is most likely a partial rather than a complete
in a dizziness unit (Brandt et al., 2005) and has an vestibular paresis, with predominant involvement of
incidence of about 3.5/100,000 population (Sekitani the horizontal and anterior semicircular canals
et al., 1993). It was first described by Rutin in 1909 (the posterior semicircular canal is spared) and the
(Ruttin, 1909) and later by Nylen in 1924 (Nylen, utricle. This is likely to be due to anatomical differ-
1924). Key signs and symptoms of vestibular neuritis ences between the bony channels of the superior
are an acute onset of sustained rotatory vertigo, and the inferior canal. It was shown that the lateral
postural imbalance with Romberg fall (toward the bony channel of the superior vestibular nerve is
affected ear), horizontal-torsional spontaneous nys- seven times longer than the inferior vestibular chan-
tagmus (toward the unaffected ear), and nausea. The nel. Further, there are a larger percentage of bony
head-impulse test (Halmagyi and Curthoys, 1988) spicules occupying the superior vestibular compared
and caloric testing invariably show a deficit of the with the inferior vestibular or singular channels
vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). (Gianoli et al., 2005). Therefore, the superior nerve
In the past, either inflammation of the vestibular is more susceptible to swelling. The condition mainly
nerve (Ruttin, 1909; Nylen, 1924; Dix and Hallpike, affects adults, ages 30–60, and has a spontaneous
1952) or labyrinthine ischemia (Lindsay and Hemen- course of gradual recovery within 1–6 weeks. Recov-
way, 1956) were proposed to be the cause of vestibu- ery from vestibular neuritis is due to a combination
lar neuritis. Nowadays a viral etiology is favored. of: (a) peripheral restoration of labyrinthine function,
The evidence, however, remains circumstantial which is usually incomplete (Okinaka et al., 1993)
(Nadol, 1995; Brandt, 1999; Baloh, 2003). Vestibular but can be improved by early treatment with corti-
nerve histopathology in cases of vestibular neuritis costeroids (Strupp et al., 2004); with this treatment
was similar to that in single cases of herpes zoster oti- the recovery is 62% within 12 months; (b) mainly
cus (Schuknecht and Kitamura, 1981). Herpes simplex somatosensory and visual substitution; and (c) central
virus type (HSV I) DNA was detected in about two- compensation, which can be improved by vestibular
thirds of autopsied human vestibular ganglia by poly- exercise (Strupp et al., 1998b).
merase chain reaction (PCR) (Furuta et al., 1993; The diagnosis of VN is based on the simple
Arbusow et al., 1999). This indicates that the vestibu- assessment of an acute vestibular tone imbalance
lar ganglia like other cranial nerve ganglia are latently associated with a unilateral peripheral vestibular loss
infected by HSV-1 (Nahmias and Roizman, 1973; (head-impulse test and caloric testing) after clinical
exclusion of other peripheral as well as central
vestibular disorders that may mimic VN, namely
Correspondence to: Michael Strupp, MD, Department of “vestibular pseudoneuritis” due to a lesion in the
Neurology, University of Munich, Klinikum Grosshadern, root entry zone of the VIIIth nerve or vestibulo-
Marchioninistrasse 15, D-81377 Munich, Germany. cerebellum.
Tel.: þ49-(0)89-7095-3678; fax: þ49-(0)89-7095-6673. In this chapter, the clinical syndrome, sponta-
E-mail: (M. Strupp). neous course, findings of laboratory examinations,

etiology and pathophysiology, differential diagnoses, tone imbalance in the yaw (horizontal) and roll (tor-
and, finally, the management will be described. sional) planes. Hearing loss is not found in VN, and
the detection of any neurological deficit besides the
25.2. Clinical syndrome above-indicated signs and symptoms should raise
doubts about the diagnosis of VN.
Key signs and symptoms of VN (Fig. 1) are an acute/ A suspected diagnosis is supported by demon-
subacute onset of sustained (1) rotational vertigo strating a unilateral deficit of the VOR by the head-
(contraversive) with pathological adjustments of the impulse test (Halmagyi and Curthoys, 1988) and a
subjective visual vertical and perceived straight- hypo- or unresponsiveness in bithermal caloric
ahead; (2) postural imbalance with Romberg fall testing (Fig. 2; horizontal semicircular canal paresis
and past-pointing (ipsiversive); (3) horizontal sponta- of the labyrinth opposite to the fast-phase of the
neous nystagmus (contraversive) with a torsional spontaneous nystagmus). There is, however, no
component associated with oscillopsia; and (4) nau-
sea and vomiting. Short attacks of rotatory vertigo
occasionally precede the onset of manifest loss of
function by a few days.
Ocular motor evaluation reveals an incomplete
ocular tilt reaction (see below), apparent horizontal
saccadic pursuit, gaze-evoked nystagmus toward the R
fast phase of the spontaneous nystagmus (obeying L
Alexander’s law), and a directional preponderance time

of optokinetic nystagmus (contraversive to the

lesion). All of these symptoms are secondary to
spontaneous nystagmus, which indicates vestibular

44⬚ C 44⬚ C

L 30⬚ C 30⬚ C
falling tendency Fig. 2. Eye signs in the acute stage of right VN. (A) Spontaneous
eye torsion
VN is always horizontal-rotatory away from side of the lesion. It is
Subjective visual vertical
best observed with Frenzel’s glasses, since fixation largely sup-
Subjective straight ahead
presses nystagmus (top). During lateral gaze and fixation of a
Fig. 1. Ocular signs, perception (vertigo, subjective visual vertical, stationary target, spontaneous nystagmus is inhibited when gaze
and subjective straight ahead), and posture in the acute stage of is directed toward the affected ear and increased when gaze is
right-sided vestibular neuritis. Spontaneous vestibular nystagmus directed toward the unaffected ear. (B) Caloric irrigation of the
is always horizontal-rotatory away from the side of the lesion (best external auditory canal (caloric test) demonstrates unresponsive-
observed with Frenzel’s glasses). The initial perception of apparent ness of the affected right horizontal semicircular canal but normal
body motion (vertigo) is also directed away from the side of the responses in the left horizontal semicircular canal (bottom). Spon-
lesion, whereas measurable destabilization (Romberg fall) is taneous vestibular nystagmus to the left causes a directional bias of
always toward the side of the lesion. The latter is the compensatory the recorded eye movements during caloric irrigation (modified
vestibulo-spinal reaction to the apparent tilt. from Brandt, 1999).

pathognomonic test or sign for VN as a clinical entity. involved canals. A significant directional preponder-
In a strict sense, only an acute unilateral peripheral ance of optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) may be
vestibular hypofunction with horizontal semicircular another consequence of the peripheral lesion rather
canal paresis can be diagnosed by the proposed pro- than from involvement of the brainstem or cerebel-
cedure. Differential diagnosis (see section 25.6) lum. These vestibular-induced differences in OKN
may be difficult, especially the exclusion of “vestib- slow-phase velocity can be as large as 70% and are
ular pseudoneuritis”. due to enhancement toward the side of the lesion
and depression in the opposite horizontal direction
25.2.1. Eye movements (Brandt et al., 1978). The interaction is not purely
additive or subtractive; a feedforward optokinetic
The nystagmus is always horizontal, but it has a tor- gain control of the vestibular component (multi-
sional component (beating counterclockwise-left or plication) is involved before the two signals are
clockwise-right from the patient’s point of view). combined.
The nystagmus is typically reduced in amplitude by An incomplete ocular tilt reaction with ocular
fixation (visual fixation suppression) and enhanced torsion (Fig. 3) and perceived tilts of the subjective
by eye closure, Frenzel’s (high plus) lenses, and dur- visual vertical has been described in most patients
ing convergence. According to Alexander’s law, with VN (Böhmer and Rickenmann, 1995). Although
amplitude and slow-phase velocity are increased with mentioned in the literature before (Safran et al.,
gaze shifts toward the direction of the fast phase, and 1994; Vibert et al., 1996), patients with VN do not
decreased with gaze shifts toward the direction of the have a skew deviation. This typically occurs in ves-
slow phase of the nystagmus. This may mimic unilat- tibular pseudoneuritis (Cnyrim et al., 2008) and can
eral gaze-evoked nystagmus in a patient with moder- also be found in a complete de-afferentation as
ate spontaneous nystagmus that is completely occurs in zoster oticus (Arbusow et al., 1997). These
suppressed by visual fixation straight ahead but still signs indicate a vestibular tone imbalance in the roll
present with the gaze directed toward the fast phase. plane induced by involvement of the anterior semi-
Using a motor-driven 3-D rotating chair, Fetter and circular canal, otolith function, or both. The superior
Dichgans (1996) studied 3-D properties of the vestib- division of the vestibular nerve innervates not only
ulo-ocular reflex in 16 patients in the acute stage of the cristae of the horizontal and anterior semicircular
VN. Their measurements support the view that VN canals but also the maculae of the utricle and the
is a partial rather than a complete unilateral vestibu- anterosuperior part of the saccule. It is possible that
lar lesion (see below) (Büchele and Brandt, 1988) a lesion of only the superior division results in ocular
and that this partial lesion affects the superior divi- torsion and tilts of the subjective visual vertical,
sion of the vestibular nerve including the afferents whereas a lesion of both the superior and the inferior
from the horizontal and anterior semicircular canals divisions of the VIIIth nerve results in ocular torsion,
and the utricle (Fetter and Dichgans, 1996): “In all tilts of the subjective visual vertical, and skew devia-
patients, spontaneous nystagmus axes clustered tion. As mentioned above, we have seen evidence for
between the direction expected with involvement of the latter in a patient with herpes zoster oticus, which
just one horizontal semicircular canal and the direc- manifested with a complete ocular tilt reaction,
tion expected with combined involvement of the hor-
izontal and anterior semicircular canals on one side.
Likewise, dynamic asymmetries were found only
during rotations about axes which stimulated the ipsi-
lesional horizontal or ipsilesional anterior semicircu-
lar canals. No asymmetry was found when the
ipsilesional posterior semicircular canal was stimu-
lated.” This analysis was based on physiological data
showing that electrical stimulation of single semicir- Fig. 3. Fundus photograph of the left eye in a patient with vestib-
cular canal nerves elicits eye movements in the plane ular neuritis on the left side showing 20 cyclorotation (OT)
toward the left (excyclotropia, torsion of the papilla-fovea line
of the canal and that combinations of canal lesions clockwise from the viewpoint of the observer) on day 3 after
should result in a direction of spontaneous nystagmus symptom onset. On day 30 the ocular torsion was within the nor-
reflecting the weighted vector sum of the axes of the mal range (x  2 SDs: 1 to 11.5 ).

including skew deviation (ipsilesional eye under- generated by the combination of a central velocity-
most) and showed a contrast enhancement of the storage mechanism, which perseverates peripheral
superior and inferior parts of the VIIIth nerve on vestibular signals, and Ewald’s second law, which
MRI (Arbusow et al., 1997). states that high-velocity vestibular excitatory inputs
are more effective than inhibitory inputs.
25.2.2. High-frequency defect of VOR in
permanent peripheral vestibular lesion 25.2.3. Vertigo and posture

It is possible to demonstrate a permanent, direction- In VN the fast phase of the spontaneous rotational
specific, high-frequency defect of the VOR in nystagmus (Fig. 1) and the initial perception of
patients whose semicircular canal function has not apparent body motion are directed away from the
been restored. This is predicted by Ewald’s second side of the lesion, and the postural reactions initiated
law (Ewald, 1892), which states that horizontal canal by vestibulo-spinal reflexes are usually opposite to
function has a directional asymmetry, with ampullo- the direction of vertigo. These result in both the
petal stimulation (cupula deflection toward the utri- Romberg fall and in past-pointing toward the side
cle) being more effective than ampullofugal of the lesion. Patients with this type of vertigo often
stimulation (cupula deflection away from the utricle). make confusing and contradictory statements about
Electrophysiological studies of primary vestibular the directionality of their symptoms. In actual fact,
afferents in the monkey during constant angular there are two sensations of opposite directions, and
accelerations have confirmed the law (Goldberg and the patient may be describing one or the other. The
Fernandez, 1982). Gain asymmetries have been first is a purely subjective sense of self-motion in
demonstrated in humans after acute unilateral periph- the direction of the nystagmus fast phases, which is
eral vestibular lesions, showing rotation toward the not associated with any measurable body sway. The
side with the lesion (ampullopetal stimulation of the second is the compensatory vestibulo-spinal reaction
remaining intact labyrinth) resulted in lower gain resulting in objective, measurable destabilization and
than rotation away from the side with the lesion. a possible Romberg fall in the direction opposite to
Unpredictable, passive rotational head impulses with the fast phases (Brandt and Daroff, 1980). Subjective
accelerations up to 4000 /s2 demonstrated consider- straight-ahead and tilts of the perceived vertical can
able asymmetries in VOR gain even 1 year after a be determined psychophysically as the perceptual
unilateral peripheral vestibular lesion (Halmagyi consequence of vestibular tone imbalance in yaw
et al., 1990). That there is no central compensation (horizontal semicircular canal) and roll (anterior
of the directional asymmetry of high-frequency canal semicircular canal). The direction of pathological
function was also demonstrated by Halmagyi and deviation – as adjusted by the patient – and the
Curthoys (1988) using a simple VOR bedside test Romberg fall are ipsiversive to the affected ear.
(Fig. 4). When the head was rapidly rotated toward Since the severity of tone imbalance can be measured
the side with the lesion all 12 patients who had in degrees, it is possible to assess quantitatively the
undergone unilateral vestibular neurectomy made recovery of spatial disorientation during the course
clinically evident, oppositely directed, compensatory of the illness. Furthermore, the efficacy of physical
re-fixation saccades. This indicates a unilateral high- and medical treatment of the condition can also be
frequency deficiency of the VOR, which is produced measured in this way (Strupp et al., 1998b).
by functional asymmetry of the remaining labyrinth.
Furthermore, the well-known clinical method of
25.3. Epidemiology, spontaneous course,
provoking spontaneous nystagmus by head-shaking
recurrences, and complications
with Frenzel’s glasses (Kamei, 1975) reveals a uni-
lateral labyrinthine loss even if it is apparently com- 25.3.1. Epidemiology
pensated centrally. It was also shown that horizontal
head-shaking in yaw elicits horizontal nystagmus VN has an incidence of about 3.5 per 100,000 popula-
with slow phases that are initially directed toward tion (Sekitani et al., 1993). In our dizziness unit VN is
the side of the lesion and upward (fast phases the third most common cause of peripheral vestibular
directed toward the unaffected ear) (Hain et al., disorders (first Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
1987). They assume that head-shaking nystagmus is BPPV, second Ménière’s disease). It accounts for







(2) (3)
(1) (2) (1)

Fig. 4. Clinical examination of the horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) by the head-impulse test (Halmagyi and Curthoys, 1988). To test
the horizontal VOR, the examiner holds the patient’s head between both hands, asks her to fixate a target in front of her eyes, and rapidly and
arbitrarily turns the patient’s head horizontally to the left and then to the right. This rotation of the head in a healthy subject causes rapid com-
pensatory eye movements in the opposite directions (A). In cases of unilateral labyrinthine loss the patient is not able to generate the VOR-
driven fast contraversive eye movement and has to perform a corrective (catch up) saccade to re-fixate the target. Part B explains the findings
in a patient with a loss of the right horizontal canal. During rapid head rotations toward the affected right ear, the eyes move with the head to
the right and the patient has to perform a re-fixation saccade to the left; the latter can be easily detected by the examiner (C).

about 8% of the patients (Brandt et al., 2005). Its usual above). This explains why only 34 (57%) of 60
age of onset is between 30 and 60 years (Depondt, patients with VN reported complete relief from sub-
1973), and age distribution plateaus between 40 and jective symptoms at long-term follow-up (Okinaka
50 years (Sekitani et al., 1993). There is no significant et al., 1993), a figure that roughly corresponds to
sexual difference. VN is relatively rare in children, but the 50–70% complete recovery rate of labyrinthine
it has repeatedly been reported to occur in children function assessed by caloric irrigation (Meran and
aged 3–15 years (Tahara et al., 1993). VN in children Pfaltz, 1975; Ohbayashi et al., 1993; Okinaka et al.,
seems to differ from VN in adults by: (1) a higher fre- 1993).
quency of preceding upper respiratory tract infections;
(2) a more rapid recovery from vertigo and nystagmus; 25.3.3. Recurrence rate
and (3) a better prognosis as to the recovery rate of
labyrinthine function assessed by follow-up caloric In a recent long-term follow-up study (5.7–20.5
testing (Shirabe, 1988; Sekitani et al., 1993; Tahara years, mean 9.8 years) on a total of 103 patients with
et al., 1993). VN, only two patients (1.9%) had developed a
second VN, 29–39 months after the first (Huppert
25.3.2. Spontaneous course et al., 2006). It affected the contralateral ear in both
and caused less severe, distressing vertigo and pos-
There is usually a sudden onset of the disease (some- tural imbalance. Thus, unlike Bell’s palsy and sudden
times preceded by a short vertigo attack hours or hearing loss, a relapse in the same ear does not occur.
days earlier) with rotational vertigo, oscillopsia,
impaired fixation, postural imbalance, nausea, and 25.3.4. Complications
often vomiting. Patients feel severely ill and prefer
to stay immobilized in bed. They avoid head move- In 10–15% of patients with vestibular neuritis a typi-
ments, which exaggerate symptoms, until the vertigo, cal, benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo develops
postural imbalance, and nausea subside, usually after in the affected ear within a few weeks (Büchele and
1–3 days. After 5–7 days spontaneous nystagmus is Brandt, 1988; Huppert et al., 2006). It is possible that
largely suppressed by fixation in the primary posi- the otoconia loosen during the additional inflamma-
tion, although – depending on the severity of the tion of the labyrinth (HSV-1 DNA was also found
canal palsy – it is still present for 2–3 weeks with in the human labyrinth (Arbusow et al., 2000)), and
Frenzel’s glasses and on lateral gaze directed away this eventually results in canalolithiasis. Patients
from the lesion. After recovery of peripheral vestibu- should be warned about this possible complication,
lar function, spontaneous nystagmus transiently because there are therapeutic liberatory maneuvers
reverses its direction in some patients (“Erholungs- that can quickly free the patient of his complaints.
nystagmus”), i.e., when the centrally compensated The second important complication is that vestibular
lesion regains function. “Erholungsnystagmus” then neuritis can develop into a somatoform phobic pos-
reflects a tone imbalance secondary to compensation. tural vertigo (Brandt and Dieterich, 1986; Brandt,
Bechterew’s phenomenon, a reversal of post- 1996). The traumatic experience of a persisting
unilateral labyrinthectomy spontaneous nystagmus organic rotatory vertigo leads to fearful introspection
occurring after contralateral labyrinthectomy in ani- resulting in a somatoform, fluctuating, and persistent
mals or humans (Zee et al., 1982; Katsarkas and postural vertigo, which is reinforced in specific situa-
Galiana, 1984), is produced by a similar mechanism. tions and culminates in a phobic behavior of
After 1–6 weeks most of the patients feel symp- avoidance.
tom-free, even during slow body movements, but
actual recovery depends on whether and how quickly
25.4. Laboratory examinations
functional restitution of the vestibular nerve occurs
during “central compensation” (Brandt et al., 1997b) 25.4.1. Caloric testing
and possibly on how much physical exercise the
patient has done. Rapid head movements, how- The principal diagnostic marker of the disease is an
ever, may still cause slight oscillopsia of the visual initial paresis of the horizontal semicircular canal
scene and impaired balance for a second in those on the affected side; this can be demonstrated
who do not regain normal labyrinthine function (see by caloric tests (Fig. 2). Since there is a large

intersubject variability of the nystagmus induced by in one of them (Ochi et al., 2003). More recently,
caloric irrigation and a small intraindividual variabil- recovery was found in 5 of 13 patients with VN
ity of the response of the right and the left labyrinths and pathological VEMPs. It took 6 months to 2 years
in healthy subjects, Jongkees’s “vestibular paresis to return to the normal range. On the other hand,
formula” (Jongkees et al., 1962; Honrubia, 1994): caloric responses returned to the normal range in
[((R30 þ R44 )  (L30 þ L44 ))/(R30 þ R44 þ only one patient (Murofushi et al., 2006). It has also
L30 þ L44 )  100] should be used to determine ves- been demonstrated that skull tap stimulation evokes
tibular paresis, where, for instance, R30 is the mean responses similar to VEMPs. In a study on 18
peak slow-phase velocity during caloric irrigation with patients with VN, abnormal skull tap VEMPs were
30 C water. Vestibular paresis is usually defined as found in 10 (56%), but only 4 of 18 (22%) showed
> 25% asymmetry between the two sides (Honrubia, asymmetry in the click-induced VEMPs. The high
1994). This formula allows a direct comparison of percentage of abnormal skull tap VEMP differences
the function of the horizontal semicircular canals of in adjustment of the subjective visual horizontal
both labyrinths, which is important due to the large between the two groups suggests that this response
inter-individual variability of caloric excitability. is not only dependent on the inferior but also superior
Jongkees’s “vestibular paresis formula” is also useful vestibular nerves, namely fibers that innervate the
for treatment studies in VN (Strupp et al., 2004). utricle (Brantberg et al., 2003).
Meran and Pfaltz (1975) reported that 2 weeks
after onset of vestibular neuritis, 66% of patients 25.4.3. MR imaging
did not respond to thermal irrigation of the external
auditory canal, and 34% showed reduced responses. High resolution MRI has become increasingly impor-
Two years later, however, 72% had normal reactions, tant for detecting labyrinthine or VIIIth nerve disor-
12% showed reduced responses, and 16% did not ders (Jäger et al., 1997; Casselman, 2002) such as
respond. They found complete recovery of semicir- vestibular schwannoma, Cogan’s syndrome, vestibu-
cular canal function in two-thirds of the patients. lar paroxysmia, leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, or
Okinaka et al. (1993) found that caloric responses meningitis. It has become clinically more relevant
normalized in only 25 (42%) of 60 patients. Horizon- for the exclusion of vestibular pseudoneuritis by
tal semicircular canal paresis was found in about brainstem or cerebellar lesions (MS plaque or
90% 1 month after onset, and in 80% after 6 months. stroke). Due to recent MRI advances it is now possi-
The different results in these two studies may be due ble to demonstrate facial nerve enhancement in
to different criteria for defining a pathological unilat- Bell’s palsy and cochlear enhancement in sudden
eral hyporesponsiveness. hearing loss. However, all attempts to image lesions
of the vestibular nerve or ganglion in patients with
25.4.2. Vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials cryptogenic VN have so far failed (Fig. 5) (Hasuike
and galvanic stimulation et al., 1995; Strupp et al., 1998c).

In response to loud clicks, “vestibular-evoked myo-

25.5. Pathophysiology and etiology
genic potentials” (VEMPs) can be recorded from
the sternocleidomastoid muscles (Murofushi et al., 25.5.1. Pathophysiology
1996; Colebatch et al., 2000). There is good evidence
that VEMPs originate in the medial (striola) area of Normal vestibular end organs generate an equal
the saccular macula (Murofushi et al., 2000). VEMPs resting-firing frequency, which is the same on both
allow examination of the function of the sacculus sides. This continuous excitation (resting discharge
and, thereby, of the inferior vestibular nerve. In rate in monkey 100 Hz (Goldberg and Fernandez,
VN, VEMPs are preserved in two-thirds of the 1971); 1800 vestibular afferents for each labyrinth
patients (Colebatch, 2000). This is due to the sparing (Bergstrom, 1973)) is transmitted to the vestibular
of the inferior part of the vestibular nerve in most nuclei via vestibular nerves. Pathological processes
patients (see below), which supplies the sacculus affecting an end organ alter its firing frequency, thereby
and posterior canal, among others. In one study on creating a tone imbalance. This imbalance causes most
two patients the recovery of abnormal VEMPs and, of the manifestations of the vertigo syndrome: percep-
thereby, of the inferior vestibular nerve was found tual, ocular motor, postural, and vegetative (nausea).

Fig. 5. MRI of a patient with a left vestibular neuritis (and persisting caloric unresponsiveness) which were performed 20 days after symp-
toms began. (A) Axial T1-weighted 2-D FLASH (fast low angle shot) sequence with gadolinium-DTPA: the facial nerve (short big arrow),
the superior part of the vestibular nerve (large big arrow), the cochlear nerve (long small arrow), and the inferior part of the vestibular nerve
(short small arrow) can be delineated. No contrast enhancement is visible (from Hasuike et al., 1995; Strupp et al., 1998c). (B) Herpes zos-
ter neuritis: coronal T1-weighted 2-D FLASH sequence reveals gadolinium enhancement of the pars superior and inferior of the right ves-
tibular nerve (white arrows) (from Arbusow et al., 1997).

As distinct from bilateral vestibulopathy, unilat- also Section 25.2.2.). Vertigo, spontaneous nystag-
eral semicircular canal paresis can be largely substi- mus with oscillopsia, and postural imbalance in
tuted for by the redundant canal input from the VN are the appropriate stimuli to promote central
unaffected labyrinth. Angular head accelerations vestibular compensation and vestibular substitution
are detected by three pairs of semicircular canals, by visual and somatosensory input. Since vestibular
and linear head accelerations by two pairs of compensation is less perfect than generally
otoliths. These sensors induce compensatory eye believed, especially for dynamic conditions, further
movements (slow phases) in the opposite direction mechanisms such as sensory substitution by vision
to head acceleration and transduce the sensation of or proprioception in part replace the missing vestib-
head motion. Sensorimotor transformation proceeds ular input (Brandt et al., 1997b). There is, for exam-
via canal planes to the planes of eye movements ple, a measurably increased influence of cervical
so that the neurons always contact their two proprioception on spatial orientation and gaze in
respective extraocular muscles. This means that a space ipsilateral to a peripheral vestibular lesion
lesion of a single semicircular canal induces a spon- (Strupp et al., 1998a). Vestibular exercises and
taneous nystagmus with slow phases in the “off- pharmacological substances may facilitate these
direction” of that canal. If multiple canals are processes (Strupp et al., 2001).
lesioned, the slow phases should be in a direction
that is a weighted vector sum of the axes of the 25.5.2. Vestibular neuritis – not a total but
involved canals [8]. The direction of head rotation a partial unilateral vestibular loss
is sensed by corresponding on-and-off modulation
of the resting activity (on: 100!500 Hz; off: Does VN produce a complete or a partial unilateral
100!0 Hz) of the right and left canals, corroborat- vestibular paralysis? The coexistence of VN and
ing in pairs for the particular plane of motion (yaw benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in the same
¼ horizontal semicircular canals, right and left). individual, in the same ear, at the same time seems
Loss of function in the on-direction (head rotation impossible, for this implies the simultaneous function
to the right with right horizontal semicircular canal and loss of function of one labyrinthine structure.
paresis) is still sensed by the opposite canal, which The repeated clinical observation of this apparently
is stimulated (inhibited) in its off-direction. Modu- paradoxical coincidence led us to draw the following
lation of the neural activity in the off direction is conclusions (Büchele and Brandt, 1988). VN affects
limited, and as the speed of head rotations increases, only part of the vestibular nerve trunk, usually the
the firing rate of the neurons will reach zero; this is superior vestibular nerve (innervating the horizontal
also called Ewald’s second law (Ewald, 1892) (see and anterior semicircular canals, the maculae of the

utricle, and the anterosuperior part of the sacculus), semicircular canals (Fetter and Dichgans, 1996). This
which has its own path and ganglion (Lorente de is supported by head-impulse tests and the recording
Nó, 1933; Sando et al., 1972), whereas the inferior of the thereby elicited eye movements in patients
vestibular nerve (innervating the posterior semicircu- with VN (Aw et al., 2000). All in all, these data
lar canal and the posteroinferior part of the sacculus) and the above-mentioned findings in VEMPs support
is spared (Fig. 6). This hypothesis of partial involve- an isolated lesion of the superior vestibular nerve; the
ment of the vestibular nerve is supported by findings inferior vestibular nerve is spared in most patients
of temporal bone pathology (Schuknecht and Kita- with VN.
mura, 1981) and also by the histopathology of a case
of herpes zoster oticus (Proctor et al., 1979). In the 25.5.3. Etiology
latter case the otolith apparatus and the posterior
semicircular canal remained intact. An analysis of In the past, two main causes were proposed: either
3-D properties of the VOR in patients with VN inflammation of the vestibular nerve (Ruttin, 1909;
clearly demonstrated that the vectors of the spontane- Nylen, 1924; Dix and Hallpike, 1952) or vascular
ous nystagmus clustered between the expected direc- disturbance, which could be due to labyrinthine
tions for lesions either of the horizontal or of a ischemia (Lindsay and Hemenway, 1956) or even
combined lesion of the horizontal plus the anterior microvascular disturbances caused by infection
(Meran and Pfaltz, 1975). The histologic findings in
single cases (Hilding et al., 1968) suggest infectious
pathogenesis. On the basis of a few autopsy studies,
in which the pathological findings were similar
AVA to those occurring with known viral disorders,
Schuknecht and Kitamura (1981) deduced that typi-
cal VN is in fact a viral neuritis of the superior ves-
tibular nerve (Fig. 7).
The most popular theory is that of viral etiology,
but the evidence for it remains circumstantial (Nadol,
1995; Brandt, 1999; Baloh, 2003). The following
arguments are presented to support a viral etiology:
(1) Vestibular nerve histopathology in cases of VN
(Schuknecht and Kitamura, 1981) is similar to that
AC seen in single cases of herpes zoster oticus, when
temporal bone histopathology was available. (2) An
VN animal model of VN was developed by inoculating
HSV-1 into the auricle of mice (Hirata et al., 1995);
HC postural deviation was observed in 5% of the mice
6–8 days after the inoculation. Degeneration of
PC Scarpa’s ganglion and HSV-1 antigens were found
only in symptomatic animals. Vestibular symptom-
atology can be induced by intraperitoneal, intracere-
bral, intralabyrinthine, or intracutaneous inoculation
of various viral agents (Davis, 1993). (3) HSV-1
Fig. 6. Vestibular neuritis, a partial labyrinthine lesion with hori- DNA was repeatedly detected in about two-thirds of
zontal semicircular canal paresis: vascular or viral etiology? A the-
oretical explanation is that only the anterior vestibular artery
autopsied human vestibular ganglia by polymerase
(AVA) is affected, sparing the posterior branch which supplies chain reaction (PCR) (Furuta et al., 1993; Arbusow
the posterior canal (top). The more likely explanation is a viral eti- et al., 1999); further the “latency associated tran-
ology affecting parts of the vestibular nerve (VN), in particular the script” was found in about 70% of human vestibular
horizontal ampullary nerve, but sparing the inferior division, the ganglia (Theil et al., 2002) (Fig. 8). All these find-
functioning of which is necessary for the occurrence of simulta-
neous vestibular neuritis and benign paroxysmal positioning nys-
ings indicate that the vestibular ganglia like other
tagmus in the same ear. AC ¼ anterior canal; HC ¼ horizontal cranial nerve ganglia are latently infected by HSV-1
canal; PC ¼ posterior canal (modified from Brandt, 1999). (Nahmias and Roizman, 1973; Theil et al., 2001,


Total atrophy of
ampullary nerve fibers Atrophy of crista


Normal crista Normal ampullary

B nerve fibers

Fig. 7. Histopathology of a patient with a right VN who died 12 years after symptom onset. (A) Right ear. This view shows degeneration of
the ampullary branch of the superior division of the vestibular nerve as well as the lateral canal crista, including the sensory epithelium
(x 39). (B) Left ear. The ampullary nerve and lateral canal crista, including the sensory epithelium, appear normal (x 39) (from Schuknecht
and Kitamura, 1981).


Superior Anterior, horizontal SCC

nerve Utricle
Facial r Saccule
nerve ula c
s tib is
-ve os
a cio stom Posterior SCC
F na
a a b
nerve vestibular
Vestibular nerve b

Fig. 8. Schematic drawing of the vestibular and facial nerves, the facio-vestibular anastomosis, the geniculate ganglion, and different
sections of the vestibular ganglion (a, stem; b, inferior portion; and c, superior portion). Right: Longitudinal cryosection of a human ves-
tibular ganglion, in which the individual portions are separated. Using PCR HSV-1 DNA was found in about 60% of the examined human
vestibular ganglia. Moreover, the double innervation of the posterior canal, which led to the preservation of its function during vestibular
neuritis, is visible (from Arbusow et al., 1999).

2003). A similar etiology is also assumed for Bell’s If HSV is the most likely candidate, it can be
palsy and strongly supported by the demonstration assumed to reside in a latent state in the vestibular
of HSV-1 DNA in the endoneurial fluid of affected ganglia, e.g., in the ganglionic nuclei as has been
subjects (Murakami et al., 1996). reported in other cranial nerves (Theil et al., 2000,

2001, 2004). As a result of intercurrent factors, it between central and peripheral causes of unilateral
suddenly replicates and induces an inflammation vestibular loss is simple, if the patient presents with
and edema and, thereby, secondary cell damage of obvious additional brainstem signs. If this is not the
the vestibular ganglion cells and axons in the bony case differential diagnosis is indeed difficult. In a
canals. recent study we, therefore, correlated clinical signs
to differentiate vestibular neuritis (40 patients) from
25.6. Differential diagnosis and clinical problems central “vestibular pseudoneuritis” (43 patients) in
the acute situation, and the final diagnosis was
When based on careful history taking and clinical assessed by neuroimaging. Skew deviation was the
evaluation, the differential diagnosis is determined only specific, but non-sensitive (40%) sign for ves-
by two elementary questions: (1) Is the clinical syn- tibular pseudoneuritis. None of the other isolated
drome compatible with peripheral vestibular loss signs (head-thrust test, saccadic pursuit, gaze- evoked
only or are there any central neurological deficits nystagmus, subjective visual vertical) were reliable;
incompatible with VN? (2) Are there any signs, however, multivariate logistic regression increased
symptoms, or clinical indications for a specific etiol- their sensitivity and specificity to 92% (Cnyrim
ogy of an acute unilateral, partial, or complete vestib- et al., 2008).
ular loss? Topographically, dysfunctions or lesions Cerebellar infarction may also mimic VN,
in the brainstem and/or cerebellum (so-called ves- namely in the territory of the posterior inferior cere-
tibular pseudoneuritis) as well as other peripheral bellar artery (PICA) (Duncan et al., 1975; Huang
vestibular disorders may mimic VN. and Yu, 1985; Magnusson and Norrving, 1991,
1993; Norving et al. 1995). It may also cause incom-
25.6.1. Central lesions mimicking vestibular plete ocular tilt reaction (Mossman and Halmagyi,
neuritis 2000) (see Section 25.2.1), which may make the dif-
ferential diagnosis even more difficult.
There is a small area in the lateral medulla including In a recent series of 240 consecutive cases of
the root entry zone of the vestibular nerve and the isolated cerebellar infarction in the territories of the
medial and superior vestibular nuclei in which a cerebellar arteries diagnosed by brain MRI, 25
lesion may cause confusion with peripheral vestibu- patients (10.4%) with isolated cerebellar infarction
lar nerve or labyrinthine lesions. We have seen sev- were identified who had clinical features suggesting
eral patients with multiple sclerosis who have VN (Lee et al., 2006). Twenty-four of these patients
pontomedullary plaques or small lacunar strokes presented with isolated spontaneous prolonged ver-
(Fig. 9) (Thomke and Hopf, 1999) at the root entry tigo, and imbalance was the initial manifestation of
zone of the VIIIth nerve. This leads to “fascicular cerebellar infarction; 15 of them had a spontaneous
nerve lesion”, which mimics VN: so-called vesti- nystagmus and 17 of them a pathological Romberg
bular pseudoneuritis. The differential diagnosis with falls toward the affected side. MRI showed that

Fig. 9. Fascicular and nuclear lesion of the vestibular nerve due to an MS plaque (A) and vascular lesion (B), mimicking vestibular neuritis
(T2-weighted MR images).

the medial branch of the PICA was affected in 24 of the attack and the patient’s rapid recovery, however,
the 25. The medial branch of the PICA supplies the allow differentiation. During the course of the dis-
nodulus and uvula, both are key structures of the ves- ease almost all patients with Ménière’s disease
tibulo-cerebellum with strong connections to the ipsi- develop hypoacusis, tinnitus, or aural fullness in the
lateral vestibular nuclei (Voogd et al., 1996; Fushiki affected ear, which also allows differentiation (see
and Barmack, 1997; Lee et al., 2003). Further, if Chapter 28). An initially burning pain and blisters
the infarction is small, limb ataxia may be minimal as well as hearing disorders and facial paresis are
or even absent. typical for herpes zoster oticus (Ramsay–Hunt syn-
Infarction in the territory of the anterior inferior drome) (in such cases acyclovir or valacyclovir is
cerebellar artery (AICA) may also mimic VN, but it indicated). It has to be pointed out that there may
is most often associated with AICA unilateral be a skew deviation (see Section 25.6.1.) in herpes
hearing loss (due to cochlear ischemia) and addi- zoster oticus due to the complete unilateral periph-
tional brainstem signs (Lee et al., 2002, 2006). eral vestibular deficit, i.e., of the pars superior and
All in all, cerebellar infarction may cause isolated inferior of the vestibular nerve (Arbusow et al.,
vertigo and a pathological Romberg sign, but clinical 1997) and – contrary to VN – a contrast enhancement
examination and testing of hearing will allow its dif- of the eighth cranial nerve (Fig. 5B). Very rare
ferentiation from VN and vestibular pseudoneuritis. causes of acute unilateral peripheral vestibular
However, further studies are necessary on this lesions are toxically serous types of labyrinthitis
important issue in order to correlate clinical vestibu- which accompany a middle-ear inflammation and
lar and ocular motor signs with MRI lesions in the are usually painful (here antibiotic treatment is indi-
cerebellum. cated); the acute suppurative form of labyrinthitis
Acute attacks of vestibular migraine may also and mastoiditis, which is also characterized by pain
mimic VN, because they may be associated with a and frequently by hearing disorders as well (these
rotatory vertigo and horizontal-torsional nystagmus. require in addition operative decompression and
Accompanying symptoms and the course of the dis- drainage); and tuberculous labyrinthitis, which is
ease help to differentiate between the two entities more frequently a complication of tuberculous men-
(see also chapter on migrainous vertigo, Chapter 33). ingitis than of tuberculous middle-ear inflammation.
Cogan’s syndrome (often overlooked) is a severe
25.6.2. Peripheral vestibular lesions autoimmune disease accompanied by interstitial ker-
atitis and audiovestibular symptoms (hearing disor-
The differential diagnosis of peripheral labyrinthine ders are very prominent). It occurs most often in
and vestibular nerve disorders mimicking VN young adults and responds, in part only temporarily,
includes numerous rare conditions. Nevertheless, to the very early administration of high doses of cor-
extensive laboratory examinations, lumbar puncture, ticoids (1000 mg per day for 3–5 days, then slowly
and CT/MR imaging are not part of the routine diag- tapered off) (Vollertsen et al., 1986; Vollertsen,
nostics of VN for two reasons: (1) the rareness of 1990) or – like other autoimmune diseases of the
these disorders, and (2) typical additional signs and inner ear – to a combination of steroids and cyclo-
symptoms indicative of other disorders. For example, phosphamide (McCabe, 1991; Orsoni et al., 2002).
the combination of vestibular with auditory symp- Vestibular schwannomas produce such a gradual
toms suggests herpes zoster oticus, if the ear is pain- reduction in vestibular brainstem input from the end
ful and blisters are observed in the external auditory organ on the side of the tumor that central compensa-
canal; or Cogan’s syndrome, if inflammatory eye tion is capable of preventing vertigo. However, acute
symptoms are found. Thus, any further diagnostic rotational vertigo and semicircular canal paresis are
procedures in patients with VN are usually prompted rarely the first manifestations of a rapidly growing
and guided by the unusual presentation of the syn- and larger tumor of the cerebellopontine angle. At
drome, an atypical course, or additional signs and that time the critical site of the lesion is peripheral,
symptoms. even though larger tumors compress the brainstem
An initial monosymptomatic vertigo attack in and the flocculus.
Me´nie`re’s disease or a short attack in vestibular par- Rare variants of VN have been described, e.g.,
oxysmia can be confused with VN in a patient admit- inferior vestibular neuritis (here there is a selective
ted to the hospital in an acute stage. The shortness of deficit of the posterior canal combined with sparing

of the lateral and anterior canals) (Halmagyi et al., vestibular function; and (3) physical therapy (vestib-
2002) and a form in which a dysfunction of the ular exercises and balance training) to improve
posterior canal is combined with one of the cochlea. central vestibular compensation. Treatment with
The latter probably does not have a viral but rather a measures to improve circulation (vasodilators, low-
vascular etiology, since both structures have a com- molecular weight dextrans, hydroxyethyl starches,
mon area of vascular supply. Despite the absence of local anesthetics, or inhibitors of the ganglion stella-
click vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials, normal tum) is ineffective.
galvanic vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials were
found in some patients with vestibular neuritis; this 25.7.1. Symptomatic treatment
finding is compatible with the presence of labyrin-
thine lesions (Murofushi et al., 2003). Acute unilat- During the first 1–3 days, when nausea is pro-
eral disorders of labyrinthine function can also be nounced, vestibular sedatives such as antihistamine
caused by ischemia as a result of labyrinthine infarc- dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) 50–100 mg every 6 h
tions with or without hearing disorders (see above) or the “anticholinergic” scopolamine (Transderm
(supply region of the A. labyrinthi or AICA). scop) 0.6 mg can be administered parenterally for
Recently, vestibular and auditory functions were symptomatic relief. Their major side effect is general
examined in 29 patients who had suffered from uni- sedation. Transdermal application of scopolamine
lateral sensorineural hearing loss. A vestibular lesion hydrobromide avoids some of the side effects of the
was found in 45% of these patients, and 53% of them conventional means of administration. The most
had a combined impairment of the cochlea and the probable sites of primary action are the synapses of
ipsilateral posterior semicircular canal. The authors the vestibular nuclei, which exhibit a reduced dis-
suggested that this possibly reflects a vascular dis- charge and diminished neural reaction to body rota-
ease in the common cochlear artery, leading to com- tion. These drugs should not be given for longer
bined vestibular and auditory dysfunction (Rambold than 3 days, because they prolong the time required
et al., 2005). to achieve central compensation (Zee, 1985;
Vestibular schwannomas, which arise in the mye- Curthoys and Halmagyi, 2000).
lin sheaths of the vestibular part of the VIIIth nerve,
only cause vertigo, a tendency to fall, and nystagmus 25.7.2. Causal treatment
when the pontomedullary brainstem and the floccu-
lus are compressed and the increasing peripheral tone Based on the assumption that VN is caused by the reac-
difference can no longer be neutralized by central tivation of a latent HSV-1 infection, a prospective, ran-
compensation. The main symptom is a slowly pro- domized, double-blind trial was conducted to
gressive unilateral reduction of hearing without any determine whether steroids, antiviral agents, or a com-
identifiable otological cause which is combined with bination of the two might improve outcome in VN
a caloric hypoexcitability or non-excitability. In rare (Strupp et al., 2004). Patients with acute VN were ran-
cases there is also a loss of hearing as well as acute domized to a placebo, methylprednisolone, valacyclo-
vertigo in cases of a purely intracanalicular dilata- vir, and methylprednisolone plus valacyclovir groups.
tion, which can be confirmed by MRI and treated Vestibular function was determined by caloric irriga-
early by microsurgery or with the “gamma knife”. tion, using Jongkees’s vestibular paresis formula (see
Other tumors that can cause vertigo are meningioma Section 25.4.1) within 3 days after symptom onset
of the cerebellopontine angle, epidermoid cysts, car- and 12 months later. A total of 141 patients were
cinomas, or glomus tumors of the vagus or included in the study and randomized: 38 to the pla-
glossopharyngeus. cebo; 35 to methylprednisolone (initially 100 mg/day
and then tapered off by 20 mg every 3 days), 33 to vala-
25.7. Management cyclovir (1 g tid for 7 days), and 35 to methylpredniso-
lone plus valacyclovir groups. Follow-up examination
The management of VN involves: (1) symptomatic showed that vestibular function improved: in the pla-
treatment with antivertiginous drugs (e.g., dimenhy- cebo group from 78.9  24.0 percentage points (mean
drinate, scopolamine) to attenuate vertigo, dizziness  SD) to 39.0  19.9, in the methylprednisolone group
and nausea/vomiting; (2) “causal” treatment with from 78.7  15.8 to 15.4  16.2, in the valacyclovir
corticosteroids to improve recovery of peripheral group from 78.4  20.0 to 42.7  32.3, and in the

Control Methylprednisolone
100 100 100 100
90 90 90 90
Vestibular Paresis (%)

Vestibular Paresis (%)

80 80 80 80
70 70 70 70
60 60 60 60
50 50 50 50
40 40 40 40
30 30 30 30
20 20 20 20
10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0
Onset Follow-up Onset Follow-up Onset Follow-up Onset Follow-up

Valacyclovir Methylprednisolone plus Valacyclovir

100 100 100 100
90 90 90 90
Vestibular Paresis (%)

80 80 80 80

Vestibular Paresis (%)

70 70 70 70
60 60 60 60
50 50 50 50
40 40 40 40
30 30 30 30
20 20 20 20
10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0
Onset Follow-up Onset Follow-up Onset Follow-up Onset Follow-up

Fig. 10. Unilateral vestibular failure within 3 days after symptom onset and after 12 months. Vestibular function was determined by caloric
irrigation, using the “vestibular paresis formula” (which allows a direct comparison of the function of both labyrinths) for each patient in the
placebo (upper left), methylprednisolone (upper right), valacyclovir (lower right), and methylprednisolone plus valacyclovir (lower left)
group. Also shown are box plot charts for each group with the mean (▪)  SD, and 25% and 75% percentile (box plot) as well as the
1% and 99% range (x). A clinically relevant vestibular paresis was defined as > 25% asymmetry between the right-sided and the left-sided
responses (Honrubia, 1994). Follow-up examination showed that vestibular function improved in all four groups: in the placebo group from
78.9  24.0 (meanSD) to 39.0  19.9, in the methylprednisolone group from 78.7  15.8 to 15.4  16.2, in the valacyclovir group from
78.4  20.0 to 42.7  32.3, and in the methylprednisolone plus valacyclovir group from 78.6  21.1 to 20.4  28.4. Analysis of variance
revealed that methylprednisolone and methylprednisolone plus valacyclovir caused significantly more improvement than placebo or vala-
cyclovir alone. The combination of both was not superior to steroid monotherapy (from Strupp et al., 2004).

methylprednisolone plus valacyclovir group from the swelling and cause a mechanical compression of
78.6  21.1 to 20.4  28.4 (Fig. 10). Analysis of the vestibular nerve within the temporal bone. Thus,
variance revealed that methylprednisolone and meth- steroids but not antiviral agents can be recommended
ylprednisolone plus valacyclovir caused significantly as a treatment for acute vestibular neuritis, for they
more improvement than placebo or valacyclovir cause a significant functional improvement. These
alone. findings are also supported by an ongoing trial in
This study shows that monotherapy with steroids Sweden (Michael Karlberg, personal communication).
suffices to significantly improve the peripheral vestib-
ular function in patients with vestibular neuritis; there 25.7.3. Physical therapy
was no evidence for synergy between methylpredniso-
lone and valacyclovir. Glucocorticoids (methylpred- So far the most important principle of therapy is to
nisolone) should be given within 3 days after promote central compensation by means of physical
symptom onset and for 3 weeks (initially 100 mg/day therapy. This so-called central compensation is not
and then tapered off by 20 mg every 3 days). As in a uniform process. It involves various neural and
Bell’s palsy, the benefit of steroids might be explained structural mechanisms that operate in different loca-
by their anti-inflammatory effects, which reduce tions (vestibulospinal or vestibulo-ocular areas)

Postural control

n = 5⬘ control
Sway path (m/min)

30 n = 4⬘
vestibular exercises
25 p < 0.001

n = 20


n = 19
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (day after symptom onset)
Fig. 11. Time course of the changes in SP values for the control and physiotherapy groups: vestibular exercises improved central vestibulo-
spinal compensation. For postural control we measured the SP values (m/min, mean  SD) of patients with eyes closed and standing on a
compliant foam-padded posturography platform. There was a significant difference (ANOVA, P < 0.001) between the two groups at the
statistical endpoint (day 30 after symptom onset). The dotted line indicates the normal range. During the first days after symptom onset
not all patients could stand long enough (> 20 sec) on the platform to permit accurate quantitative measurement of the SP values (from
(Strupp et al., 1998b).

within different time courses, have various limited movements, and gait exercises to improve the vestibu-
possibilities, and cause incomplete results, especially lospinal regulation of posture and goal-directed motion.
as regards head oscillations at high frequencies Pharmacological and metabolic studies in animals
(Halmagyi et al., 1992; Brandt et al., 1997a). Central suggest that alcohol, phenobarbital, chlorpromazine,
compensation of a unilateral labyrinthine lesion is diazepam, and ACTH antagonists retard central com-
enhanced and increased if movement stimuli trigger pensation, whereas caffeine, amphetamines, and
inadequate and incongruent afferent signals that ACTH accelerate it (survey in Zee, 1985; Curthoys
provoke a sensory mismatch. Animal experiments and Halmagyi, 2000). So far no clinical studies have
have proven the efficacy of exercises to promote been performed on this subject (overview in Strupp
central compensation of spontaneous nystagmus and et al., 2001).
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