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SYLLABUS : 5 Year Dual Degree Course

1ST and 2nd SEMESTER (common to all branches)
Mathematics-I (MA-101)
Weekly contact: 3– 1 - 0 Full Marks: 100 (Credit: 4)

Sl. Module Name and Topics Lectures

1. Functions of Single Real Variable: n-th order derivative, Leibnitz’s theorem for 8
successive differentiation, , Taylor’s theorem with Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s forms of
remainders, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series, expansion of functions, curvature,
2. Functions of Several Real Variables: Partial derivatives, chain rule, differential and 8
small error, Euler’s theorem for homogeneous functions, Taylor’s theorem (statement
only), expansion of functions of two real variables, maxima and minima (unconstraint and
3. Infinite Series: 4
Concept of convergence, Geometric series and p-series, Comparison test, D’Alembert’s
ratio test, Cauchy’s root test, Raabe’s test, Gauss’ test, Power series, radius of

4. Multiple Integrals: Double integral, change of order of integration, change of variables, 4


5. Improper Integrals : Definition, Convergence, Cauchy’s principal value, Comparison 5

test and  -test, Beta function and Gamma function and their properties, Relation between
Gamma function and Beta function.
6. Ordinary Differential Equations : Higher order ordinary differential equations with 10
constant coefficients, Euler’s equation, method of variation of parameters, series solution
in the neighborhood of an ordinary point, Legendre differential equation, Legendre
polynomials, Orthogonality property, recurrence relations, Bessel differential equation,
Bessel functions, recurrence relations.

Total 39
Weekly Contact: 3-1-0 PHYSICS (PH 1201) FM : 100 (Credit: 4)

Sl. Topic Lectures

1. Vectors: Idea of scalar and vector fields, gradient, divergence and curl operators, , line, 5
surface and volume integrals of vectors, fundamental theorem of gradient, Divergence
theorem and Stokes’ theorem, curvilinear coordinate systems; Transformation between
Cartesian, Spherical polar and Cylindrical coordinate systems

2 Electromagnetic Theory: Gauss’ Law, Polarization and displacement vector, Ampere’s 5

Circuital Law equation of continuity and its contradiction with Ampere’s circuital law,
displacement current, Maxwell’s Field equations, electromagnetic wave equation and its
plane wave solution in free space, Energy in an electromagnetic field, Poynting’s

3 Oscillations: Differential equation of forced vibration and its solution in steady state , 5
mechanical impedance , velocity and amplitude resonance, power in forced vibration and
resonance, half power frequency, sharpness of resonance , quality factor , Simple case of
two coupled oscillators, idea of normal modes and normal coordinates

4 Waves: Differential equation of plane waves and its harmonic solution, wave group and 5
group velocity (taking a group of two waves). Diff. equation of transverse wave and its
velocity along a stretched string, solution of the equation by separation of variables,
application to stretched string rigidly fixed at two ends, vibrating string as stationary
wave, the eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and eigen-frequencies, energy of vibrating string.

5 Wave Optics: Diffraction-Fresnel and Fraunhofer classes, Fraunhofer single and double 5
slit, missing orders, N-slit, Plane transmission grating, Resolving power, Polarization,
Polaroids, linearly, circularly and elliptically polarized light, Double refraction.

6 Laser: Spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein’s A and B coefficients, Population 4

inversion techniques: three and four level systems, Optical resonator and condition for
lasing action, Operation of He-Ne Laser.

7 Special theory of relativity: Contradiction between Newtonian mechanics and 5

Electromagnetic theory, Michelson-Morley experiment, Einstein’s postulates of special
relativity and its Consequences: - length contraction, time dilation, simultaneity, velocity
addition law, relativistic mass, mass-energy equivalence.

8 Quantum theory: Wave particle duality: Davison Germer’s experiment, Compton effect, 5
De Broglie’s hypothesis, wave groups, γ-ray microscope thought experiment, uncertainty
principle and its application, wave function and its physical interpretation, Idea of
operators in quantum mechanics, Schrodinger’s equation- application to free particle and
particle in a one dimensional infinitely rigid box.

Total 39
Weekly Contact: 3-1-0 CHEMISTRY (CH 1201) FM : 100 (Credit: 4)

Unit Module Name and topics No. of

No. Classes
1. Structure and Reactivity of Organic Molecules 05
Electronic influencing effects, aromaticity, elementary idea of stereochemistry,
mechanisms of some selected organic reactions, Protein Chemistry

2. Polymeric Materials 03
Elementary ideas of Polymer chemistry, Thermosetting and thermoplastics, Nylon 6, Nylon
66, polyester, SBR, biopolymers.

3. Spectroscopic Techniques in Chemistry 07

Experimental methods of structure determination using UV-VIS, IR and 1H-NMR

4. Chemical Bonding 07
Valence bond theory, Molecular orbital theory, crystal field theory.

5. Coordination and Bioinorganic Chemistry 03

Coordination complexes and their applications, coordination numbers, chelate effect, metal
ions in biology, toxicity of metal ions, metal ions in medicine.

6. Electrochemistry 05
Solid solution interfaces and polarization, electrochemical cells and energy conversion.

The Phase Rule

7. Different Phases, Components, Degrees of Freedoms, One and two 05
Component systems.

8. Rate Theory and Chemical Dynamics 05

Elementary reactions & complex reactions (including chain, Parallel,
consecutive & unimolecular reactions), temperature dependence of rate constants:
fundamental aspects of activated complex model & transition state theory, thermodynamic
formulation: rate constants & activation barriers, enzyme catalyzed reactions.

Total 40
Environment and Ecology (CE 1201)

Weekly contact: 2 – 0 – 0 Prerequisite: None Full Marks: 50 (Credit: 2)

Sl. Module Name and topics Lectures

1. Introduction: Component of Environment – Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, Biotic and 2
Abiotic component

2. Ecology: Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources; Biosphere; Ecosystem and its Components, 6
Nutrient cycles (C, N, P); Energy Flow; Food Chain; Food Pyramid; Biomagnification; Terrestrial
and Aquatic ecosystem; Biodiversity.

3. Water Pollution: Water and Wastewater Quality Parameter (Temperature, Turbidity, Taste and 6
Odor, Color, Solids, pH, Metals - Fe, Mn, As, Hardness, Alkalinity, Chloride, Fluoride, Nitrate,
Organic Matters- BOD & COD, Pathogens- Indicator Organisms), Brief Overview on Water
Treatment; Water quality standard.

4. Air Pollution: Primary and Secondary Pollutants; Source and Effects of SPM, SO x, NOx, CO, 4
Photochemical Smog; Environmental Lapse Rate, Particulate Control Devices - Types and Working
Principle; Global Atmospheric Issues- Ozone Layer Depletion, Global Warming and Acid Rain; Air
quality standard.

5. Solid Waste Management: Sources; Types and Characteristics; Disposal Methods of Municipal 2
Solid Waste - Sanitary Landfill, Composting, Incineration; Biomedical Waste.

6. Noise Pollution: Classification - Continuous, Intermittent, Impulsive; Sound Levels – Pressure 2

Level, Intensity Level, Power Level; Noise Measurement Criteria - Leq, Adding and Averaging of
Noise levels; Noise quality standard.

7. Environmental Issues: EIA –definition and applicability; Pollution Control Acts. 2

Total 24

Text Book:

Introduction to Environmental Science and Engineering by Amal Kumar Dutta

Introduction to Environmental Science by Gilbert M. Masters

Reference Book:

Fundamentals of Ecology by M. C. Dash

Environmental Engineering by Peavy, Rowe and Tchobanoglous


Weekly contact: 3 – 1 – 0 Full Marks: 100 (Credit: 04)

Sl. Module Name and Topics Lectures

1. D.C. Circuits: Node, branch, active& passive elements, linear & non linear circuits, bilateral 4
network, Kirchoff’s laws, Maxwell’s loop current method, star-delta transformation. Network
theorems – Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Maximum power
transfer theorem.

2. Magnetic Circuits: Magnetic quantities, B-H curve, calculation on magnetic circuits, analogy with 3
electric circuit, iron losses.

3. A.C. Fundamentals: Sinusoidal quantities, phase & phase difference, average & RMS values, 3
form factor & peak factor, concept of phasor diagram, impedance & admittance, power & power

4. A.C. Cicuits: Single-Phase – V-I relationship in R,L,C circuit, R-L,R-C,series & parallel 8
combinations of R, L & C, phasor diagram, apparent, active & reactive power, series resonance,
applicability of network theorems (Superposition & Thevnin) to A.C. circuits. Three-Phase -
Balanced system, star and delta connections, phase & line quantities & their relationships,
measurement of power with single wattmeter.

5. Transformers: Constructional parts, types, emf equation, concept of transformer & motional emf 5
phasor diagrams, equivalent circuit, no-load & short circuit tests, efficiency, voltage regulation.

6. D.C. Machines: Construction, types, emf equation, torque equation, back emf, starting & speed 4
control methods in DC separately excited motor, mention applications.

7. Induction Motor: Three-phase Induction Motors – operating principle, concept of rotating 4

magnetic field; types, slip & slip frequency, rotor emf & current, power & torque; Torque-slip
characteristic curve, losses & efficiency, starting & simple speed control methods,
fields of application; mention of single phase Induction Motors and their applications.

8. Measuring Instruments: Classification, torques in indicating instruments; PMMC, Moving Iron 3

Dyanamometer type instruments and their applications as Ammeter, Voltmeter & Wattmeter;
(Analog meters only); mention digital meters.

9. Distribution of Electricity: Domestic and Industrial Distribution and Wiring System 2

Total: 36
Suggested Reading:
A course in Electrical Engineering Volume I- Direct Currents
Volume II- Alternating Current by Chester L, Dawes
1. Basic Electrical Engineering by V.N. Mittal & Arvind Mittal, Second Edition
2. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals by Del Toro
3. Advanced Electrical Technology by II Cotton
4. Electrical & electronic Technology by Hughes
5. Electric Circuits by J. Edminister & M. Nahvi
Basic Electronics (ET 1201)

Weekly contact: 3-1-0 Full Marks: 100 (Credit: 4)

Sl. Module Name and topics Class

No. Hours

1 Semiconductor Diodes: Introduction, Ideal diode, PN semiconductor diode, I-V 8

characteristics, Breakdown, Diode equivalent circuits, Zener diode, Light emitting
diodes, Solar Cell
2 Bipolar Junction Transistor: Introduction, transistor construction, transistor 8
operation, input and output I-V characteristics, Common-base configuration,
common emitter and common collector configuration.
3 Field Effect Transistor: Introduction, Construction and characteristics of JFETs, 6
Transfer characteristics, Depletion type MOSFET, Enhancement type MOSFET.
4 Operational Amplifier: Inverting and non-inverting amplifier, summing 4
amplifier, Subtractor, voltage buffer, Integrator, Differentiator.
5 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Introduction, Cathode ray tube-theory & 4
construction. Measurement of voltage, frequency, phase by CRO
6 Electronic Instruments: Introduction, Electronic Voltmeters, Differential 6
amplifiers, D.C. Voltmeter with direct coupled amplifier, Electronic multimeter.
7 Digital Electronics: Introduction to digital circuits; logic gates and flip-flops. 4
Total 40

Prerequisite: None

Text Books/References:
1. Electronic Principles: Malvino, TMH
2. Integrated Electronics: Millman and Halkias, Mcgraw-Hill
3. Electronic Circuits: Schilling, Belove, TMH
Introduction to Computing (CS 1201)

Weekly Contact : 2 – 1 –0 Full Marks: 50 (Credit 3)

Sl. Module Name and topics No. of

No. Classes
1. Introduction: A brief history of the efforts in Automated computing: ABACUS, PASCAL to 5
Babbage’s Difference Engine. Electronic era and early developments. Number system, codes:
Positional number system, Binary, Hex etc., Conversion, Representation of negative numbers,
Floating point representation. Addition, Subtraction, Character representation: ASCII, UNICODE.
2. Logic operation and basic gates: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND and NOR; operations, gates, 5
Truth tables and use with respect to arithmetic ckts. ( Half Adders and Full Adders etc.)
3. Computer Organisation: Functional units: CPU, MEMORY, I/O Devices – commonly used 5
peripherals, cache, Bus etc. Organisation of a typical PC
4. Problem Solving Steps: Systematic decomposition, Flowchart & Algorithm. Simple constructs 3
(assignment, loop and decisions)
Operating System and the programmer/user: What is OS, How it helps developing programs,
Basic file manipulation, Editing, Compilation and linking loading steps, Debugging, I/O
redirection. Source file, object file, compiler etc.
5. Introduction to Programming (in C) : High level, assembly and machine level language. Writing 22
simple programs, Basic data types and their use, Declaration and definition. Loop and Decision
statements, Structured type: Array of basic types, Use of array in simple problems. Special control
structures: Switch, break, continue. Philosophy of modular development, User defined and library
functions, Parameters, return type, call by value and call by reference. Storage class. Bit
manipulation. Definition and use. Array and pointers, Special use like memory allocation.
Combined data types, use in real life problems. Running debugger, creating library, finding
execution time, linking/loading concepts, Stack and heaps.
Total 40

Suggested Reading:

i) Digital Principles and applications (5th Edition) : Leach & Malvino

ii) Digital Computer Electronics : Malvino
iii) The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer ..: Noam Nisan and
Shimon Schocken
iv) The C Programming Language : Kernighan & Ritchie

Weekly Contact : 3-1-0 Full Marks : 100 (credit 4)

Sl. Module Name and topics No. of

No. Classes
1 Introduction to Statics : Mechanics; Basic Concepts; Scalars and Vectors; 01
Newton’s laws
2 Force Systems : Force Systems in Two Dimensions; Moments and Couples; 04
Resultants and Components
3 Equilibrium : Free Body Diagram, Conditions for Equilibrium in Two 03
Dimensional Force Systems
4 Structures : Plane Trusses and Frames 06
5 Distributed Force Systems : Center of Mass; Centroid of Lines; Areas and 06
Volumes; Theorems of Pappus; Area Moments of Inertia
6 Friction : Friction – Application to wedges 06
7 Kinematics of Particles : Two Dimensional Particle Kinematics in Rectangular 06
Co- ordinates, Cylindrical Co-ordinates and in terms of Normal and Tangential
8 Kinetics of Particles : Conservation Laws – Approaches in terms of Force, Mass 12
and Acceleration; Work and Energy; Linear Impulse and Momentum – Impact;
Angular Impulse and Momentum – Central Force Motion
Total 44

Text Book :
1. Engineering Mechanics Statics (Vol. I) and Dynamics (Vol. II) – J.L. Meriam &
L.G. Kraige

Reference Books :
1. Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics – I.H. Shames
2. Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics – F.P. Beer and E.R. Johnston Jr.
3. Vector Mechanics for Engineers Dynamics – F.P. Beer and E.R. Johnston Jr.
Professional Communication in English [HU 1201 ]

Weekly contact : 2-1-0 Full marks: 50 Credits : 3

Sl. No. Module Name and Topics No. of


1 Introduction : Elements of Grammar & Vocabulary – parts of Speech, use of Verbs, 4

Tenses, Voice, Synonym, Antonym, One word for a group of words, Foreign words,
Error detection, Punctuation, Homonym, Homophone, Etymology of words.

2 Elements of Oral Presentation – Individual verbal presentation, Group discussions, 8

Mock interviews, Debating, Extempore, Interactive skills.

3 Elements of Composition(I): Comprehension, Summary writing, Paragraph 6

formulation, Enlargement, Precis writing.

4 Elements of Composition (II) : Business letter, Curriculum Vitae, Writing for Promotion 8
and Publicity, Memo writing, Note making

5 Elements of Composition (III) : Technical Report Writing , 7

Proposal framing, Writing a Research paper /Dissertation

6 Linguistic & Literary Appreciation :Selection of prose and poetry dealing with topics 7
relating to Science & technology, Environment, Human values, Aesthetic appreciation
& Gender awareness

Total 40

Suggested Reading:

1) English Grammar Composition and Usage – By J.C. Nesfield

2) Technical Communication – By Raman & Sharma
3) English Skills for Technical Students
W.B. State Council for Technical Education n collaboration with British Council

4) The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing – Ed by Richard Dawkins


Computing Practice (CS 1251)

Weekly contact: 0-0-3 FM 50 ( Credit: 2)

Serial Assignment / Experiment Allotted

No Hours
1. Familiarization with Laboratory Environment: LAN, Server-Client, 3
Microsoft Windows and Linux Platforms, Common OS Commands, Editor,
2. Developing simple C programs involving computation of arithmetic 3
expressions having integer variables with user input.
3. Developing C programs involving conditional statements. 3
4. Developing C programs involving iterative statements. 3
5. Developing C programs involving arrays and pointers. 3
6. Developing C programs with user-defined functions. 3
7. Developing C programs with user-defined functions having arrays 3
(multidimensional) as parameters.
8. Developing C programs with recursive user-defined functions. 3
9. Developing C programs involving structure and dynamic memory allocation. 3
10. Developing C programs involving file operations. 3
11. Developing C programs involving command line arguments and pre- 3
processor directives.
12. Laboratory Test 3
Workshop Practice (WS 1251)
Weekly contact: 0-0-3 Full marks: 50 (Credit: 2)

Serial Assignment / Experiment Allotted

No Hours
1. Fitting Shop: Introduction to different tools, equipment and measuring 3+3
devices, sawing, filing & drilling. Practice Jobs on MS Plate.
2. Forging Shop : Arc welding practice and demonstration of forging a 3+3
Octagonal Chisel.
3. Machine Shop: Study of Lathe and demonstration of different types of 3+3+3+3
operation like facing, centering, turning, taper turning, knurling, groove
cutting, threading. Study of shaping, milling, drilling and demonstration of
different types of operation.
4. Carpentry Shop : Specification of wood and wood products, Introduction to 3+3
Tools and equipment, different wood joints. Practice jobs on Dove Tail Notch

5. Electric Shop : Demonstration of different types of Electric wires and fittings. 3+3
Simple house wiring and electrical connections.

Total 36
Drawing Practice (AM-1251)

Weekly contact: 0 – 0 – 3 Full Marks: 100 (Credit: 2)

Sl. No. Module Name Detailed Topics No. of

1 Introduction to Engg. Drawing Geometric Constructions, Types of Lines, Symbols, 3
Hatchings, Dimensioning Styles
2 Projection of Points, Lines & Concept of Projection Planes and Corresponding 6
Surfaces Methods, Concept of True Length and True Angles, Plan
and Elevation Lengths and Angles only in First angle
Projection, Projection of Plane Surfaces with regular
Geometric Boundaries
3 Projection of Solids Projection of Regular Solids resting on H.P. on corners, 6
sides and bases.
4 Section of Solids Sectional Views of Regular Solids, Concept of True 6
5 Orthographic Projection Conversion of Pictorial Views to Two Dimensional Views 3
on Planes of Projections
6 Isometric Projection Concept of Isometric Scales, Isometric View and 6
Isometric Projection
7 Evaluation Drawing Practice Evaluation 3
Total 33

Suggested Reading: i) Engineering Drawing – Bhatt ii) Engineering Graphics –Venugopal.

Chemistry laboratory (CH 1251)

Weekly contact: 0-0-3 Full marks: 50 (Credit: 2)

Serial Name of the Experiment No. of classes

1. Estimation of Copper in brass by iodometry 03
2. Estimation of iron in cement by dichromatometry 03
3. Estimation of hardness of water by complexometric titration 03
(EDTA method)
4. Determination of partition coefficient of benzoic acid 2× 03 = 06
between water and toluene.
5. Detection of different organic functional groups in known 4 × 03 = 12
and unknown samples
6. Conductometric titrations of weak and strong acids with a 2 × 03 = 06
strong base.
7. Determination of solubility product of BaSO4 in water by 03
conductometric method.
Total 36
Basic Electronics Lab (ET 1251)

Weekly Contact: 0-0-3 Full Marks: 50 [Credit: 2]

Sl. No. Name of Experiment Class


1 Study of the Multimeter and familiarization with electronic components 3

2 Study of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 3

3 Study of V-I Characteristics of P-N junction diode & Zener diode 3

4 Study of the rectifier circuit with different filter arrangements 3

5 Study of diode clipping and clamping circuits 3

6 Study of Zener diode as a voltage regulator 3

7 Study of the transistor input and output characteristics in CE configuration 3

8 Study of the Frequency response of R-C Coupled Amplifier 3



Weekly contact: 0-0-3 Full Marks:50 [Credits: 2]

Sl Title of the Experiments No. of periods


Familiarization Experiment ( VARIAC, POTENTIAL DIVIDER 3+3


2 Experimental verification of circuit theorems (For DC circuit) 3+3

3 Study of AC Series Circuit 3+3

4 Speed control of DC Shunt Motor 3+3

5 No load test on Single Phase Transformer 3+3

Characteristics of (a) Carbon and Tungsten lamp (b) 3+3

Fluorescent and CFL

7 Verification of three-phase relationship 3+3

Total 42

Mathematics-II (MA-201)
Weekly contact: 3– 1 - 0 Full Marks: 100 (Credit-4)

Sl. Module Name and Topics No. of

No. Lecture
1. Vector Spaces and Linear Transformation: 6
Definition, subspaces, linear combinations, linearly dependence and linear independence
of vectors, linear span, basis, dimension of a vector space, linear transformation and
some properties.

2. Matrices: 8
Elementary row and column operations, orthogonal matrix, symmetric and skew-
symmetric matrices, consistency of a system of linear equations, eigenvalues and
eigenvectors, similarity transformations, diagonalization.

3. Vector: Brief review of vector algebra, Shortest distance between skew lines, work done 7
by a force, moment of a force about a point and about an axis, motion of a rigid body
about a fixed axis, Directional derivatives, Gradient, Divergence, Curl, Line integral,
Surface integral, Volume integral, Irrotational vector field, Gauss’ divergence theorem
and Stokes’ theorem (Statement only), Green’s theorem in plane, applications.

4. Fourier Series: Fourier series, Dirichlet’s conditions, Half range series as Fourier Sine 6
and Cosine series .

5 Complex Variables : Introduction to Complex variable, Function, concept of limit and 12

continuity, Derivative of complex functions, Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann
equations, Harmonic function, line integral, Cauchy-Goursat theorem (statement only),
Cauchy’s Integral formula, Generalized Cauchy’s Integral formula (statement
only), Taylor’s and Laurent’s series (statement only), Type of singular points, Residue,
Cauchy’s Residue theorem and its application in evaluating real integrals using unit
circle and semi-circle (without indentation).
Total: 39

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