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Travet Award Redemption / \ffiAfifg,

Buy Mites / Mites Transfer Form

Present this form at the Mabuhty l{iles S€rvic€ Center or your preferred Phllippins Airlines tick€t offlcs.

rnay Gquest tur fligtrt fiads or your behdt tlnly cornpletdy accomplishad and signed forn$ xnh the roquiftd do.ilnents lill [o processsd.

Mabuhay Mibs membership numba

Pha* updatetln loilouing only if lhaearecharryes
NdI'F (asFifi&ar {Cotfty@) WuCe) Iebflwet*ntu)
FictNdrE Conbc{ No.

ilIdde Ndne

MoifbNo. tt


n*iflg your resewation, otlswise, Frr fsaentatbfi will b€ caEeued. Rush FocessilB leos may apply.


d?a u.t cm6y aoerd nafr&E

0 USl30 Rl}si Doces$oq ee b. arBd tideb Es{ed +9 calorxler days ryix b fihht ftor[tr€ O US$50 Rrdl o|mseim lbs tor au6rd tct€c bq,ed 1-3 cdondar dflvs Ddor b nhm d60a.urs


Servbg Clss Upgrado 6rads h lanfiy and fdolds tr'to a'E rrwlbers 0f Mabuhay Mihs.

0 RegulaFocs{rllg er (qrr6ds €ceit,td d hasl l0calendardails wiorb fi'qhtd€paft{s il br€q{S r€cdlqttrS cderdtrdays Fhrb flight@dFe
US$30 rush p{oc€€sFE l€e


Do yo{ ntrd addili$rd Mils fo. yoff 6hhl ilatd? f ydl hfl6 50t6 el fb raguiFd M[6 fu rod€rpliff, yoi
Tmtu )qf, itle. to atuSH t dnlEy Mt6 ndr$€i8 md. Iilib ca be ls6btr6d io in6B& ol 1,000
car buy ilild al tlSS25 por tiock of 1,000 Mil€s. Purdneed lliles musl bo us€d rgsiret lh6 roqustod 1,fi6 !6. hileio.r. llil* lrash mb U$$15 per t ,000 Mil€6 per [d$sc.tion. ltuinua Lld* hmb domd
fiight award. lriles purchassd shall bs valid I ye$ ftm date ot purchass. Porchased fiiies do nol ie 25,06 Xi6p€r €lqd{ }€s. Rsdtri*trn€y HdE a MilMof 25,0m Ml€pscdsdtrys. Tra.Ekn€d
runt toisrds €lil*levsl ststq8, ililiun l#l€s p{ 6
pu&hs p€( cd€{rdr ye* ie 25,@ $iles. ftlie f,Hs m6t bo used against th6 rsquesldd Righl arard sd shall b€ v4lid 1 yosr fron dele of lrensfer,
F dla€d 6mt b€ ffi$d. Plw returlo 4}-Tg;|jlijl:g;g: lr ddds. m Trefolt€d Uiloa do nst codnl loudrds 6lile-t€yol slatu8. lrliles hatetash{r€d mrd ba reverc€d.

U Top Up illle+ {Miles lo be added to your Mabuhay Mibi accounl) B€neficiays Name
Tdal Mtleg Amourtl US$
I Glft tit E (itil8s to be added to andher rt|emb€t's Mduhay Miles ffiunt) Ben€ffci8tt/s Mabuhay Mil6 fiGmbership nurFsr
Ben€ficisds Name
Frd Lndh be Tcid Miles to be trandc,..ted (nittnatn of z,oN Mites,
B€fi€ficiavs Mabuhay l,liles mernbersi$p ounbet
Tdd llilos Amount US8
Totd MibsPurdred P&co{}cr€ Fce (tj8t10) Tdd lrfiea TraFfetrcd PrDcesdr8 F6e (U3$f0)
ApdicaueTa(G Totd Amolllrl U$$ ApdlcableTeres_ TddArnqrr{[JS$_

Requirements IMPORTANT
Prerent original and submit photocopies of tie following doarmofits wien I -_ Airlines will only issue flight arards to mysell
undeBtand that Phillppine
claiming your award tickets: and/or my beneficiaries in accotdance wih lhe Terms and Conditions set forth
Member's Mabuhay Miles membershi! card (optional) and shted in the Mabuhay Miles sebsit6. My signafure below also certifiss
Valid lD trifr photo and signature of illember / that I trlll pay taxes and processing fees, whsre applicable.
Travel Coordinator lBeneficiary {eg. Driver's License/ Passport}
For international travel: Copy qf pa$sengeCs yalid passport
Valid lD wi$ pioto and signature of auth0rired repres€ntative $ignatur€ over printfd ndme of member or Date
authorized TraYel Coordinator

Ihls portioil hto be filled byBe Mah*uytlilc llembe/ttavef Coordinatgr whench'llningflidrt affifdsthru an4drcrized re$tserit{tive.


M*tlltay llils Sdlios &nts, ?F Pdffi Re$y er'kitq, 1@l A. Andz Skst (My Paeay Rd.), 12?3 il*ai Cty, itiihftB fAmodoT
Tdlh.ll$ils{63?}817&00 Fs(632}018-1921/8S3{88{C6bu:(032)310JQ0 UgCdBdal{@747-1959
llllalsib: viqr':ll:iay'.rie:.o'r Email: r:;t'rll![ai !:.iri rl
Travel Award Redemption /
Buy Miles / Miles Transfer Form
Present this form at the itabuhay miles Service Center or your prefsrrcd Philippine Airlines ticket office.

may reguegi for flight awards on yout behalf, Only conplstcly accomplished and signed forns yrith the roquircd docments trill be proces$ed.

Mabuhay Mibs membership number It tS totcil( r*Lf

@ riwl PIea* update tn fallowing caty ilthue are changx
Nane pinted on menbersnp
Name (as wnted nenW,ship card) (CosW@@ Ate:a^de) ffelephdtevrntut)

FrstNari* [rr0rSrfrfrpfJitMfr t t t t t t t I ContactNo. I I I

Midde Name I I I I l. I I I I I I I Mobirer,l,o.

LastNare |rtfltDtgtrrJtAl t t t t t I t t t t I EmaitAddress


rnaking your rcselation, otlErwbe, your ressrvation will b€ cancelbd. Rush processing fees nEy apply.

*s rs at lga$ I o €tendtr oays pntr to ngm oepanufF

il US$50 Ru$r orocesfu fes 6r amd tckea Esued 1-3 cd$dar days pdor to ahht depafiIre


Service Class Upgrads awards to family and trisrds wtD a€ tnembers of Mabuhay Miles.

0 Regubr poces$ng for rcq@s{s receitEd at least 10 cahrdar days prior b flight depattuc I US$30 R]sh pmcessing fee for rpq$B€ts rcceiv€d 4-9 calendar days prior b Right depature


Do y@ n€d addition€l Mils ftr )our ffight trard? lf ye hds 50% of th€ r6quired Mlls fq red€mplis, you
yw li,fih8 to am$s Mabuhay MB$ mqrb€is 9@d. Mil€e ce be lrambned in inffitB of 1,000
cd buy Mil* al US$25 p6 l,loc* sf 1,000 Mil6. Purchasod Milss nust b€ 6€d against tho raquostsd Mils ps hmatbo, Miles Trffib sbUS$'15 pq 1,000 Mil68 ps bilssfa, Msjnm lriles fdBbr a{o€d
flighl award. Mil€s purchased shall be valid 1 yeor from dat6 ot purchase. Purchassd Mil6 do not ie 25,000Mils p€r €hndd ysl kipbnt may rodw a mflimm of 25,000 Mibs ps caisdar y@r. Tr&stur€d
munt towards oiitelevel stat!8. Maimum Miles tou @n pudle p€( cal€nda y€tr is 25,000 Milas. Mil€s Uibs must be usod againsl ths r€qu€stsd flight award sd shall bs valid I year fron dat€ of transfer.
psdlssd cenotbe w{sd. PIes rek to kr w€ ddalls Tranfen€d Miles do not @uot towards elilslovsl elatus. Mils $al ac tan6fEred €nnol b€ 6F6€d.

I Top Up Itiles (Miles to be add€d to your Mabuhay Mibs account) Beneficiaryg Nane
Total Mil$ Amounl US$
I Glftt|ile! (Miles to be added to another hemb€ds Mabuhay Miles account) Beneficiarys Mabuhsy Miles rnemb€rship number
tsenefcien/s Name
firyl lfrddle Las Tdal Miles to be tlandened (ninimum of 4No Mil66],
Beneficiary's Mabuhay Miles membarship number
Tctal Milos Amount US$
Tc{al Mikes Purdesed Processing Fee (US$10) Totd Miles Transfened Proesdng Fee (US$10)
ApdicibleTa(ee- TotdAmountus$ ApdicableTares_ TOdAmouniUS$--._

Requirements I IMPORTANT
Present original and submit photocopies of the following documents when I I undertand that Philippine Airlines will only issue flight awards to myself
claimiBg your award tickets:
- I -
and/or my beneficiaries itr accordance wift the Terms and Conditions set forth
Member's Mabuhay Miles membership card (optional) | and stated in the Mabuhay Miles website. My $ignature below also certifles
Valid lD wittr photo and signature of Member I that I will pay taxes and processing fees, where applicable.
Trayel Coordinator /Beneficiary (eg. Driver's License/ Passport)
For inte.national travel: Copy of passenger's valid passport
Valid lD with photo and signature of authorized representative Signature over printed name of member 0r Date
authorized Travel Coordinator

This portion is to be lilled by lhe Mabutuy Miles MembedTravd Cmrdinator when claiming flight awards thru an anthorized represertative.


Ulite iercbv adE te t* doe rglfioned



Mabuhay Mils Sflke C€nttr, 21F Pffit Realty B'libing, 1021 A. Amaiz StrFt (tmfily P*y Rd.), 123 Makati City, PhilippiE TARF/OC07
T€l llo, litanila (632) 817 S00 Fil (632) 818-491 / 893-6884 c€b!: {032) 340{000 UgcaEda 1400.747-1959
WebGils: 1@ m3bul.aytriies com Enail: mabuhaymlles@gai6n th
Travel Award RedemPtion /
Buy Miles / Miles Transfer Form
pr63ant this form at the tlsbuhay f,{ile. Sewiee Cent*r or your preferred PhilippinG Airlines ticket offico.

*ay Or night anarUs on youi mnaf. Onlt cfuetdy accorplished and signsd foms tith-tha roqdtod documrnts rill bG proce$ed.
Mabuhay Mibs lremberuhiP number Pleax tffide dre ffilwitU uty ilthem are clnrges
' (CdtfrYe)- 6twM) tetePtwrtiAnW)
Nann (asgiilglon
FFstNarts ContaclNo. I I I .l
irliddeNarc Mobile No.


n*ing yow reservstion, ohetlvba. your rssorYdton ui! b€ caEsflod' Rush ptoc$sing lees apply.

u.t cf{tw slole tol namqg

0 US$30 Ru$ Hoce$dm bo br a|Vad XcfieB beEd /Lg caFdadaYs BUto iiqhl depa$r€ fl U3$50 Rrdl fiffitu lbe b. aril, {*es b&Fd 'l'3 calsd?r davs trb io ffoht &Daturs


aervns Cbss Upgaads Ef,a$s to fanlly and fd,atds f,ho are r€mleB of Mabuhay Miles.

g Re$IdptoesEirB &,f e$res ecelFd dlE6t l0cahttdada!8 pdsb iigtttdepatuB o us$:}0 rush pfocsssiq f€€ hr €q{Fdt tecslved +9caiqdedays$o.b qfid4at(e
fffiftr€d h iffiHl|s d
Do yd n6d€ddiliof,rl Mt€s b
your ff{0ht trtrd? lf ydr htr8 60$ ot lhs Gs,it€d Mlls $ot mddTplis' voo TrdFbf yar ldb€ b dcds MafurlBt ltls wddds ffid- llil€{ cd} b€ 1,[40
Ml6 p6. b#ado.l, Trm$r 6;& US$i5 F, 1 ,m0 ili€8 FaBadis Muirnm Hiles tsgsk alqrcd
cil d US3?5 pq bbci( of 1,000 ilih& Purdtar€'d Mils n08t bo Eed .gainEt lhe rcqffited
brry lril€s
lfiloG P€.

fljsht awad. Mil€s purchas€d sfiall bo Yalid I yeer ftm date of pur.hate Purchas€d t{ils do rol a aJb nisper €ldd{ y€s. Reipleot msy r;crwsmiliM of 25,m0 uil€8Fqcdsdsys l'sbn€d
cdrnt towsds elilFl€El rtstuE. Uaim t*c
;ur purds Xe cCsrds Fs b 25'0001,ih€. l,fds
m 1l{es.must be used againit th6 r.que€tsd flight arard erd shall b€ valid 1 y6ar kom dr}e of trsn$fer.
psdlas€dmmtb€ ffisd.
Pleeroblb g'sajGli::q:i:91::i1! kv dd:d€. ffi Trmfsrsd Miles do noi mf,t toysrd6 6lits.levol stalue. Llils hdl dq t#Ekt€d ba Bdscd'snd

I Topnll€ {Miles to be add€d to your llabuhay Mile3 accourd}

UI Bcn€fidarY8 Il]BfiF
Tctd Amounl US$-

I gftn[rt (irilssto be add to andher fi€mb€l,s UsbuhEy Miles accounl) Ben€fida{fs Mabuhay Mils mgmbership nunbar
8anefi€i8r/3 l{ame
Totd Mile3 to be tsan{efied khid,trunof2,a& Mites)
B€neficievs Mab{lhay Milos membership numbet
Tdd Mit€3 Anpunt us$
TctdttilosPutde#d* ProdngF€G{U$t10}, - Tdd Mil€n Trdi!fiBncd Fffiing F6c (US$10)--
Apdicail4T068 Apdicaur Tax€s- Tddtunount USi

Requirements IMPORTAIiT
Pre*ent origi0al 80d Submit phot0copies of he lollowiflg doc{mont$ when I undsrstand that Phillppine Alrlinos sill only issue flight auards to myself
claiming your awatd ticltets: and/or my benetioiailes in accordance wih the Torms and Conditio0g set fotffi
MomGi's Mabuhay Miles membership card (optionsl) and shtdd in ths Mabuhay Miles rvebsile. My signatule below also certifies
Valid lD wisr photo and signature ot illember / lhal I rlll pay taxss and processing fees, Ychere applicsble'
Travel Co0rdinator /Beneficiary {eg. Ddver's Licsnsel Passport}
For inter0ational travel: Copy of passenger's valid pa$spott
Valid lD with photo and signafure 0l authorired repretentative $ignature over printed nsme of mer$er or Dat€
authorized Travel Coordinator

This portiofi is to bo filbd by UE ilahfisy Hiles Memberltravcl Coordimtor wlEfl clalrfq ni$rt awuds hru en alslorited reprosentative.

s*$Aa$e *sfigl$oatgl llleffireffigb€lor



M*r-*qv ttites Ssoioo C€nls,ztF Pffi Realty &iHnq, 1ml A, knaiz 6b6l (bmcly Pwy Rd.), 1223 tl*ati City' PhilipriG
ie$*itaros?)stz$00 Frx(632)818-192t/89368EaCEbr:(032)31G8000 us,tspdal{0s747'195s
l/Y€bsib:p.4s,:ii!f ayF:* lc- Emd: r:irrrralll6sa.i:i]i *;.r !;'
Travel Award Redemption /
Buy Miles / Miles Transfer Form
Pr€tent this fom at the ttabuhey Hilas Service Center or your preferred Phllippine Aldinei ticket afftcs.

may Gquest k'r f ight eafils on yoor behatf. Only conrphtely #conplishod atd signod furms uith tte roqtdtd tucttmenls rill !c processod.

MabuhayMilmmembenrripnumber t AO|Bt?t*-t{t'ilttpt#t preant*tetntdt*tuuily*rrwearectwges

Nane bsryittdmnetnbashbcard) GsWe) {A'uce) Feref,wnilnbi
F,FtNane'lFtlr'frtlAylt rt-r.ttttt,ttlcontactNo. l-. 1,, I ---. .l
rr{ddeNarelAJ t*f t J t l, f. rl t t ,t ,t l-t MobileNo. I ,.1 I I

L,*rNdne lTiAtntaMA t t-t t t t t t t. t I EmailAddrsss


mding your resoFrdion, ourrwise, yur reeoffa$on siil be caEei€d. Rush p&cassin0 ts€s lrlay apply.

I usl30 eebaftd dcre8 h$ed +9 cdefidtdffsiotttfiqld

Rnsh o.lcessng deDan$ I USli60 Rd| lrmho hefora|dd tck€bFstE{t t3cdendardavsothrbft$t{hptrfin9


S€rvho Class thg€ds ard6 l0 fsiity ad fti€rds *F al8 msmbgts of Mabuhay Mihs.

First Cless

0 Re$dag0c6s$ng e re$ests recoirBd dloast 10c*rdstdrys pdof b {bht&plf,l(e tl us$30rush proc€s8irE I€ei€d il-scdondildsy$ pdorb ffightd6patrr{9


Do you rrad additiofiNl Mls h yolr ffbht flsd? ll ts hays 50S ot ths rcqoit€d tlil6 &r Edffiplixt, you TrfrEbr tdr $hs b apfs tldxtE t{k mdrbds Four{, liibe m be fsffibtred h iF€ol€.tr of 1,000
ca hry Mil6 d US325 ps l&* d 1,000 iliba. Purchaeed llilo8 must bs used ag.inst lh€ Equst€d f.Ox pet bsrEdin $hs Traeftr mb US$15 pr l,S0 tlts t€. t{l6*6m. UdiM lriiee bffiftf dsl€d
tlight arard. t iles purcha$d 6hall be valid 'l yesr fion dsle ot purchaa. Putchat€d llils do rot ic 25,0m tli6 F. cahnda ,ps. kff*ilt nsy miF 8 nsilM of 25,0m MilEs ps #d ys. Trdd€hr€d
6snt towsrds €litg-brsl cteluE. Mairom llil6 you a
ptfdls t€. calcdt y€a ie ?5,&0 ilil6. Mls Mil€$ must bs used alsin€t lh€ requsled fligh! sw€(d af,d shail bs valid 1 yes |to!n d3td of kansfer.
p{r$€€€d csrbt b6 ffisd.Pl6as r€f€t h tnr!-Hl]tij:i{,ii;-:a h. trpl€ ddale Irst6{€d ltilgs do not c@ni lorsds 6lile-hvel Etstus. Mils hst & h*sbr€d c$td be resssd.

tr Top Uptlls3 (Mil6 to b€ dtl€d to your Mabuhay lttile! aceurd) Beneticitr/s !'|arne
Told Miles Arnounl US$
D efttiLa (Miteslo be add€d lo anothff membo/s Mabuhsy Miles acsgufil) Beneficiats M8buhay Mil€3 rnomb€rslllp numbef
Eerleficisry3 Narm
Totd Mi,erlo b€ trand3'ted (nidnumot2(r(N Mites,
Befleficiary's Mabuhay Mile6 tnemborship nufirber
To(el Atttount US$-
Tctd ltil€| *-'l----aaenounljSl'
Ptocc$Hng Fee(US$lo) Tdd ldiles Trgl.ftrrud Ptpe*{rlg F€o {US$10) .-..--
npOcauera,es AppfieblcToos- Tolalturldlntus$

Requirements IMPORTANT
Pre$ent origioal and submit photocopios of the follosing documents i.i€n I --*
understand that Philippine Airllnss will only issue flight awards to mysell
daimiry your af,ad Uckets: and/or my beneficiaries in accordance wi$t the Terms and Conditione set fotth
Menber's Mabuhay Miles membership card {opUonal) and shted i0 the Mabuhsy Miles website. My signaturo below aleo certilies
Valid lD f,itr photo and signatur€ of ldembet / that I *lll pay taxos and procesEing fe€s, wtiere applicabls.
T.avel Cotrdinator lBsneticisry (eg. Driver's Licenss/ Passport)
For i[ternatioilat travel: Copy ot passet]ger's valid passpott
Valid l0 wifr photo and signsture of authotized representative Signature over printed name of member 0r Date
auhorized Travel Coordinator

fiisportion is to befillcd bytrc tilahSuy tliles lternberfinvel Coo.dinafor uftenchimfuqfl!fit arads hru alanlhorieed represontativs.



lbrtuy i*is sflioo c{ds, aF Poid Rsslty &dldi4. 1@1A. Am.iz sb€€t (bmst Pxay Rd.}, 1223 Uddt qty, PhilippiE IAS,IMN
Id No. Msila 1632) 817 F00 Fu (632) 8l0-192'l t893{881 C€&u: (032) 340{000 usrtdEda l{0G74H959
1ya6516; 'r3lti ain;i*s cin Esd: daliir3tiri4eJa olr t:

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