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Motion to Dismiss contending that they

are juridical entities with distinct and

1. Rosa was granted vacation leave by her separate personalities from
employer to spend three weeks in Africa Construction Corporation A and
with her family. Prior to her departure, therefore, they cannot be held jointly
the General Manager of the company and severally liable for the money claims
requested her to visit the plant of a client of workers who are not their employees.
of the company in Zimbabwe in order to Rule on the Motion to Dismiss. Should it
derive best manufacturing practices be granted or denied? Why?
useful to the company. She accepted the
request because the errand would be 3. Juicy Bar and Night Club allowed by
important to the company and Zimbabwe tolerance fifty (50) Guest Relations
was anyway in her itinerary. It appears Officers (GROs) to work without
that she contracted the disease during compensation in its establishment under
the trip. Upon her return, she filed a the direct supervision of its Manager
claim for compensation, insisting that from 8:00 P.M. To 4:00 A.M. every day,
she had contracted the disease while including Sundays and holidays. The
serving the interest of her employer. GROs, however, were free to ply their
trade elsewhere at any time, but once
Under the Labor Code, the sickness or they enter the premises of the night
death of an employee to be compensable, club, they Were required to stay up to
must have resulted from an illness either closing time. The GROs earned their
definitely accepted as an occupational keep exclusively from commissions for
disease by the Employees’ Compensation food and drinks, and tips from generous
Commission, or caused by employment customers. In time, the GROs formed the
subject to proof that the risk of Solar Ugnayan ng mga Kababaihang
contracting the same is increased by lnaapi (SUKI), a labor union duly
working conditions. registered with DOLE. Subsequently,
SUKI filed a petition for Certification
Is the serious disease Rosa contracted Election in order to be recognized as the
during her trip to Africa compensable? exclusive bargaining agent of its
Explain your answer. members. Juicy Bar and Night Club
opposed the petition for Certification
Election on the singular ground of
2. X was one of more than one hundred absence of employer-employee
(100) employees who were terminated relationship between the GROs on one
from employment due to the closure of hand and the night club on the other
Construction Corporation A. The Cruz hand. May the GROs form SUKI as a labor
family owned Construction Company A. organization for purposes of collective
Upon the closure of Construction bargaining? Explain briefly.
Company A, the Cruzes established
Construction Company B. Both
corporations had the same president, the
same board of directors, the same 4. Mam-manu Aviation Company (Mam-
corporate officers, and all the same manu) is a new airline company
subscribers. From the General recruiting flight attendants for its
Information Sheet filed by both domestic flights. It requires that the
companies, it also showed that they applicant be single, not more than 24
shared the same address and/or years old, attractive, and familiar with
premises. Both companies also hired the three (3) dialects, viz: llonggo, Cebuano
same accountant who prepared the and Kapampangan. lngga, 23 years old,
books for both companies. was accepted as she possesses all the
qualifications. After passing the
X and his co-employees amended their probationary period, lngga disclosed
Complaint with the Labor Arbiter to hold that she got married when she was 18
Construction Corporation B joint and years old but the marriage was already in
severally liable with Construction the process of being annulled on the
Company A for illegal dismissal, ground that her husband was afflicted
backwages and separation pay. with a sexually transmissible disease at
Construction Company B interposed a the time of the celebration of their
marriage. As a result of this revelation, Tess filed a complaint for illegal
lngga was not hired as a regular flight dismissal. The company's defense: she
attendant. Consequently, she filed a was legally dismissed because of her
complaint against Mam-manu alleging numerous absences without leave and
that the pre-employment qualifications not because of her pregnancy. On the
violate relevant provisions of the Labor other hand, Tess argues that her
Code and are against public policy. Is the dismissal was an act of discrimination,
contention of lngga tenable? Why? based as it was on her pregnancy which
the company treated as a disease. Whose
position is meritorious-the company's or
Tess'? Explain.
5. Gregorio was hired as an insurance
underwriter by the Guaranteed 7. Empire Brands (Empire) contracted the
Insurance Corporation (Guaranteed). He services of Style Corporation (Style) for
does not receive any salary but solely the marketing and promotion of its
relies on commissions earned for every clothing line. Under the contract, Style
insurance policy approved by the provided Empire with Trade
company. He hires and pays his own Merchandising Representatives (TMRs)
secretary but is provided free office whose services began on September 15,
space in the office of the company. He is, 2004 and ended on June 6, 2007, when
however, required to meet a monthly Empire terminated the promotions
quota of twenty (20) insurance policies, contract with Style.
otherwise, he may be terminated. He was
made to agree to a Code of Conduct for Empire then entered into an agreement
underwriters and is supervised by a Unit for manpower supply with Wave Human
Manager. Resources (Wave). Wave owns its condo
office, owns equipment for the use by
[a] Is Gregorio an employee of the TMRs, and has assets amounting to
Guaranteed? Explain. Pl,000,000.00. Wave provided the
supervisors who supervised the TMRs,
[b] Suppose Gregorio is appointed as who, in tum, received orders from the
Unit Manager and assigned to supervise Marketing Director of Empire. In their
several underwriters. He holds office in agreement, the parties stipulated that
the company premises, receives an Wave shall be liable for the wages and
overriding commission on the salaries of its employees or workers,
commissions of his underwriters, as well including benefits, and protection due
as a monthly allowance from the them, as well as remittance to the proper
company, and is supervised by a branch government entities of all withholding
manager. He is governed by the Code of taxes, Social Security Service, and
Conduct for Unit Managers. Is he an Philhealth premiums, in accordance with
employee of Guaranteed? Explain. relevant laws.

6. Tess, a seamstress at Marikit Clothing As the TMRs wanted to continue working

Factory, became pregnant. Because of at Empire, they submitted job
morning sickness, she frequently applications as TMRs with Wave.
absented herself from work and often Consequently, Wave hired them for a
came to the factory only four (4) days a term of five (5) months, or from June 7,
week. After two (2) months, the 2007 to November 6, 2007, specifically
personnel manager told her that her to promote Empire's products.
habitual absences rendered her
practically useless to the company and, When the TMRs' 5-month contracts with
thus, asked her to resign. She begged to Wave were about to expire, they sought
be retained, citing her pregnancy as renewal thereof, but were refused. Their
reason for her absences. Tess asked for contracts with Wave were no longer
leave of absence but her request was renewed as Empire hired another
denied. She went on leave nevertheless. agency. This prompted them to file
As a result, she was thus dismissed for complaints for illegal dismissal,
going on leave without permission of regularization, non-payment of service
management. incentive leave and 13th month pay
against Empire and Wave.
[a] Are the TMRs employees of Empire?

[b] Were the TMRs illegally dismissed by


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