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Banstola D. Effect of Yoga Breathing Exercises...

| Original Article

Effect of Yoga Breathing

Exercises on Ventilatory Function
Banstola D1*
Associate professor, Physiology Department
Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal

Introduction: Controlled breathing not only keeps your mind and
body functioning at their best, it can also lower blood pressure,
promote feelings of calm and relaxation and help you de-stress. Many
experts encourage using the yoga breathing exercises as a means of
increasing awareness, mindfulness and reducing anxiety. Over-worked,
under-slept, and feeling pressure may impair breathing pattern. There
are some yoga breathing exercise techniques that improve ventilatory
Objective: To assess the effect of yoga breathing exercises on their
ventilatory function.
Methods: Forty eight male and female students of 18 - 30 years were
involved in the study of ventilatory function before and after yoga
breathing exercise. Pulmonary function tests were performed with the
subject sitting in a comfortable chair. Initial recording of tidal volume,
Yoga, Breathing exercise,
Ventilatory function. inspiratory capacity, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve
volume, forced vital capacity, and timed vital capacity in one second
Corresponding author were measured.
Dinesh Banstola, Associate professor
Results: There was significant increase in inspiratory reserve volume,
Physiology Department
Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj, expiratory reserve volume, vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in
Kathmandu, Nepal one second and forced vital capacity after yoga breathing exercise.
Conclusion: Yoga breathing exercise improves ventilatory function.

INTRODUCTION chemical feedback mechanisms can be affected by

Controlled breathing not only keeps your mind and body many ways e.g. stress, anxiety, panic states, abdominal
functioning at their best, it can also lower blood pressure, and thoracic trauma and surgery apart from diseases
promote feelings of calm and relaxation and help you de- of respiratory system10-15. Breathing exercise is used
stress. Many experts encourage using the yoga breathing widely in clinical medicine as one of the methods of
exercises as a means of increasing awareness, mindfulness physiotherapy. It is also used in everyday life as a part of
and reducing anxiety. Over-worked, under-slept, and relaxation technique to alleviate stress and to regularize
feeling pressure may impair breathing pattern. There are breathing pattern.
some yoga breathing exercise techniques that improve Certain guided breathing exercises are being used like
ventilatory function1-4. yoga, pranayama and chants are advocated to improve
Breathing is synonymous with being alive. Correct pulmonary function. Respiratory muscles strengthening
breathing leads to proper ventilation and oxygenation5-9. were tried using music therapy exercise. Effects of
Breathing even though finely controlled by neural and meditation and mental chanting of “OM” on certain

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Original Article | Journal of Gandaki Medical College-Nepal

physiolological parameters has been studied by several and a detailed instruction cum demonstration upto the
workers. These studies show increased alertness, satisfaction was given. All the procedures were carried out
autonomic changes, physical relaxation, changes in oxygen in the postgraduate laboratory, Physiology Department,
consumption, and basal metabolic rate. Large number IOM.
of literature is available on the effects of music therapy. During the test, the subjects were adequately encouraged
Listening to specific “ragas” is said to improve health, to perform at their optimum level. The forced respiratory
bring down elevated blood pressure, relieve headache maneuvers were repeated at least five times and the
and abdominal pain. No extensive study has gone into the highest values were considered for the analysis.
mechanism of such therapy benefits.
Pulmonary function tests were performed with the
Effect of yoga breathing exercises on their ventilatory subject sitting in a comfortable chair. After reassurance,
function has not been so far studied. The present the procedure was explained. Initial measurement of tidal
investigation was to assess the certain pulmonary volume (TV), inspiratory capacity (IC), inspiratory reserve
functions before and after yoga breathing exercise in volume (IRV), expiratory reserve volume (ERV), forced
young male and female students. vital capacity (FVC) and timed vital capacity in one second
(FEV1) measured. Breaths interrupted by swallowing or
OBJECTIVE coughing were identified and discarded.

To assess the effect of yoga breathing exercises on their Spirometry is a procedure that measures the volume
ventilatory function. of air an individual inhales or exhales as a function of
time1-11. The measurement was performed with the
subject in an upright position, usually seated. Procedure
METHODS was demonstrated till subjects were clear regarding the
Forty eight students were involved in the study of technique. Subjects were given instruction to loosen their
ventilatory function before and after yoga breathing clothes that might restrict the movement of the chest and
exercise. Both male and female students were involved. upper abdomen.
The students were within 18 to 30 year age groups. Yoga breathing exercises session
Inclusion criteria After initial recording of the above tests, the yoga
1. Subjects 18 - 30 years without respiratory problems breathing exercise was administered at morning time, in
small groups of six to eight people. All subjects were put
2. Non-smokers
through daily practice of “yoga breathing exercise” for one
3. Subjects without history of chronic cardiovascular hour each day for 60 days.
Method 1: Bhastrika pranayam: Bellows breath
4. Subjects without history of allergy that affects
1. Breathe in deeply through your nostrils. First,
feel the diaphragm move down, allowing the lungs to
Exclusion criteria expand and forcing the abdomen out; then feel your
1. Subjects with upper respiratory tract infections and chest expand with your collar bones rising last.
any sort of other respiratory disorders 2. Breath out quickly through your nostrils. Feel your
2. Subjects with smoking habits collar bones dropping, chest deflating, and abdomen
shrinking as the lungs collapse. This process of
3. Subjects with history of chronic cardiovascular
exhaling should be much faster than the process of
inhaling - almost like a rapid deflation.
4. Subjects with history of allergy that affects breathing
3. Repeat the process. When correctly done, your chest
All tests were done at the same time of the day to avoid will expand when you breathe in and deflate when
possible diurnal variation. Informed consent was obtained you breathe out. Continue doing this for five minutes.
from each volunteered student for this study.
4. With practice, speed up your breathing. Beginners
Pulmonary function tests were performed in Knipping- should always start slowly to avoid hyperventilating,
open spirometer C.F. Palmer Ltd, London, England. Before but over time, it will be possible to turn this into a
each test the subject was familiarized with the instrument rapid breathing technique.

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Method 2: Kapalbhati pranayam: Shining forehead 8. Close the right nostril and open the left.
breath 9. Breathe out slowly through the left nostril. This
1. Inhale through your nostrils normally until process is one round of anulom vilom pranayam.
your lungs are full. Keep your inhalation slow but 10. Continue for 15 minutes. You may take a minute’s
unforced. First, feel the diaphragm move down, rest after every five minutes of exercise.
allowing the lungs to expand and forcing the
Method 4: Bahya pranayam: External breath
abdomen out; then feel your chest expand with your
collar bones rising last. 1. Inhale deeply through your nose. First, feel the
diaphragm move down, allowing the lungs to expand
2. Exhale through both nostrils forcefully. This places
and forcing the abdomen out; then feel your chest
the emphasis of the breath on the exhale rather than
expand with your collar bones rising last.
the (natural) inhale. Assist your exhalation by pulling
in your stomach muscles to expel air. Exhaling should 2. Exhale forcefully. Use your stomach and diaphragm
take much less time than it took to inhale. to push the air from your body. “Forced” exhalation
means that the contraction of your stomach muscles
Ÿ “Forced” exhalation means that the contraction
helps push the air out of your body. It does not mean
of your stomach muscles helps push the air out of
that the exhalation should be uncomfortable for you
your body. It does not mean that the exhalation
in any way.
should be uncomfortable for you in any way
3. Touch your chin to your chest and suck in your
3. Repeat breaths for 15 minutes. You may take a
stomach completely. The goal is to leave a hollow
minute rest after every five minutes.
below your ribcage, making it look like the front
Method 3: Anulom vilom pranayam: Alternate nostril muscle wall of your abdomen is pressed against the
breath back. Hold this position -- and your breath -- for as
1. Close your eyes. Focus your attention on your long as is comfortable.
breathing. 4. Lift your chin and breathe in slowly. Allow your
2. Close the right nostril with the right thumb. lungs to completely fill with air.
Simply press the thumb against your nostril to block 5. Repeat three to five times.
Method 5: Bhramari pranayam: Bee breath
3. Inhale slowly through the left nostril. Fill your
1. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing.
lungs with air. First, feel the diaphragm move
down, allowing the lungs to expand and forcing the 2. Place your thumbs in your ears, your index
abdomen out; then feel your chest expand with your fingers above your eyebrows, and remaining
collar bones rising last. fingers along the sides of your nose. Keep each
pinky finger near a nostril.
4. Remove your thumb from your right nostril. Keep
your right hand by your nose and your lungs full of 3. Breath in deeply through the nose. First, feel the
air. diaphragm move down, allowing the lungs to expand
and forcing the abdomen out; then feel your chest
5. Use your ring and middle finger to close your left
expand with your collar bones rising last.
nostril. Most people find it easier to continue using
the same hand to block either nostril, but you’re 4. Use your pinkies to partially close each nostril.
welcome to switch hands depending on which nostril Keep your lungs filled.
you’re blocking. You can also switch if your arm gets 5. Breathe out through the nose while humming.
tired Note that the humming sound should originate in
6. Exhale slowly and completely with the right your throat, not as a result of your partially-blocked
nostril. Feel the collar bones dropping, chest nostrils.
deflating, and abdomen shrinking as the lungs 6. Repeat three times.
collapse. When you’ve finished exhaling, keep your
Method 6: Udgeeth pranayam: Chanting breath
left nostril closed.
1. Breathe in deeply through the nose. First, feel the
7. Inhale through the right nostril. Fill your lungs.
diaphragm move down, allowing the lungs to expand

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Original Article | Journal of Gandaki Medical College-Nepal

and forcing the abdomen out; then feel your chest ml but after yoga breathing exercise it decreased up to
expand with your collar bones rising last 499 ml which was statistically insignificant (p>0.05).
2. Exhale very slowly while saying Om. Allow the Mean inspiratory reserve volume of total subjects was
syllable to draw out as slowly as you can. Make sure 1549 ml before exercise but after exercise it increased up
to keep the 'O' long and the 'M' short. (“OOOOOOm.”) to 1704 ml. Increment of inspiratory reserve volume was
3. Repeat three times. statistically significant (p<0.05).

All the lung volume and capacities were estimated for The mean value of inspiratory capacity before exercise
the entire group of students after 15 days of breathing was 2056 ml but after yoga breathing exercise it increased
exercise session. The mean values of guided breathing up to 2183 ml which was statistically significant.
exercises were compared with the mean values of the The mean expiratory reserve volume of total subjects was
same parameters after breathing exercise using paired 1281 ml before exercise but after exercise it increased
“t” test. P values of <0.05 was considered significant. Each upto 1450 ml. The increment was statistically significant
subject acted as his own control. (p<0.05).
Results were tabulated. Age, height and weight of each The mean value of vital capacity before exercise was 2973
subject were recorded and body surface area was ml but after yoga breathing exercise it increased up to
calculated. 3280 ml. The increments and p-value are significant.
The mean forced vital capacity of total subjects was 3007
RESULTS ml before yoga breathing exercise but after yoga breathing
exercise it increased up to 3219 ml.
Forty eight students were involved in the study. The mean
age of subject was 21.05 years. The mean height was 1.61 The mean expiratory volume in one second was 2398
meters. The mean weight of students was 57.3 kg. The ml before exercise but after yoga breathing exercise it
mean body surface area was 1.61 sq meter. increased up to 2659 ml which is highly significant.

The values of the lung volume, capacities and percentage The mean value of percentage of FEV1 was 80% before
of FEV1/FVC parameters measured in subject before and yoga breathing exercise it increased upto 82%. The values
after yoga breathing exercise depicted in Table 1. are however statistically non-significant.

Table 1: Parameters of lung volume, capacities, FEV1

and percentage of FEV1/FVC DISCUSSION
S Param- Yoga was practiced since more than one thousand years
Test Mean SD ± SE t value p value
No eter in Indian subcontinent. It consists of exercise of different
1 Pre test IRV 1549.47 454.5 ± 65.6 4.97 0.0001* body parts. Breathing exercises are one of them. Yoga is
Post test 1704.34 490.5 ± 62.8
considered to be a very good exercise for maintaining
2 Pre test ERV 1281.25 391.8 ± 56.5 3.5 0.004* proper health and also has a profound effect on the lung
Post test 1450.62 461 ± 73.8
function of an individual. It is claimed that yogic practices
3 Pre test TV 505.72 145.4 ± 20.9 -0.91 0.224
Post test 499.06 125.8 ± 27.4 help in prevention, control and rehabilitation of many
4 Pre test IC 2056.25 507.5 ± 73.2 3.14 0.005*
respiratory diseases. Yoga breathing exercise increases
Post test 2183.83 573.7 ± 95.3 compliance of lungs and thorax, airway resistance and
5 Pre test VC 2973.95 683.2 ± 98.6 3.56 0.003* strength of respiratory muscles16-20.
Post test 3280.98 721.6 ± 104.7
Some researchers like Vinayak P, Doijad et al16, Makwana
6 Pre test FVC 3007.39 633.4 ± 91.4 2.99 0.006*
K et al17, Joshi LN et al18, Yadav RK et al19 and Sodhi C et al20
Post test 3219.91 718.3 ± 105.6
had carried out study on effect of yoga breathing exercise
7 Pre test FEV1 2398.60 710.7 ± 102.5 3.28 0.001*
Post test 2659.84 716.6 ± 105.7 on pulmonary or ventilatory functions and they all
8 Pre test % of 80.21 14.7 ± 2.1 0.98 0.248 observed that following yoga breathing practice there was
Post test FEV1 / 83.19 12.389 ± 1.6 significant improvement in forced vital capacity (FVC) and
FVC timed vital capacity in one second (FEV1) but there was
*p value significance as it is <0.05 no significant change in tidal volume (TV) and percentage
The mean value of tidal volume before exercise was 505.7 of timed vital capacity in one second (%FEV1)16-20. This

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finding is similar to present study result. Vital capacity

Tidal volume Vital capacity depends on the strength of respiratory
During quiet breathing, expiration is a passive process and muscles compliance of lung and chest wall, airway
is brought about by relaxation of the inspiratory muscles resistance, integrity of pleura and thoracic structures.
and lung recoil. Since contraction of the inspiratory The mean value of vital capacity before exercise was
muscles increases the size of the thoracic cage, relaxation 2973 ml but after yoga breathing exercise it increased up
of the same muscles decreases the size of the thoracic to 3280 ml. The increments and p-value are significant.
cage to the original. That is enough to generate positive Yoga breathing exercises have resulted in increased
pressure in the lungs to expel the normal tidal volume. values of vital capacity and forced vital capacity. This
Spirometric measurement of tidal volume varies from can be explained by better use of respiratory muscles,
breath to breath. greater compliance and mobility of chest wall structures
or decreased airway resistance following yoga breathing
Tidal volume was found to be less after yoga breathing
exercises. The mean value of tidal volume before exercise
was 505.7 ml but after yoga breathing exercise it decreased Forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume in
up to 499 ml which was statistically insignificant (p>0.05). one second

Inspiratory reserve volume and inspiratory capacity The mean forced vital capacity of total subjects was 3007
ml before yoga breathing exercise but after yoga breathing
Inspiratory reserve volume and inspiratory capacity
exercise it increased up to 3219 ml.
depend upon the use of accessory muscles of respiration.
These forced breathing maneuvers depend on the The mean expiratory volume in one second was 2398
strength of inspiratory muscles. These muscles have to be ml before exercise but after yoga breathing exercise
used to their maximum capacity to inhale the inspiratory it increased up to 2659 ml which is highly significant.
reserve volumes. FEV1 depends on the airway resistance. It is a test to
differentiate obstructive lung disease and restrictive lung
Mean inspiratory reserve volume of total subjects was
disease. Increased FEV1 may be due to lesser airway
1549 ml before exercise but after exercise it increased up
resistance after yoga breathing exercise.
to 1704 ml. Increment of inspiratory reserve volume was
statistically significant (p<0.05). The percentage of FEV1

The mean value of inspiratory capacity before exercise was The mean value of percentage of FEV1 was 80% before
2056 ml but after yoga breathing exercise it increased up yoga breathing exercise, and it increased up to 83%. The
to 2183 ml which was statistically significant. Better use values are however statistically non-significant.
of inspiratory muscles following yoga breathing exercise Some researchers claim effectiveness of yoga therapy,
may be the reason for the increase in inspiratory reserve which may include improved pulmonary function,
volume and inspiratory capacity. muscle relaxation, reduced anxiety levels. Yoga breathing
Expiratory reserve volume exercises may be a better therapeutic modality since the
present study revealed improved ventilatory function
Expiratory muscles have to be used to their maximum
following yoga breathing exercises. This was evident from
capacity to expel the expiratory reserve volume. During
the increase in the value of inspiratory reserve volume,
forceful expiration abdominal muscles play an important
inspiratory capacity, vital capacity, expiratory reserve
role augmenting the expiratory pressure.
volume, forced vital capacity and forced expiratory
The mean expiratory reserve volume of total subject was volume in one second.
1281ml before exercise but after exercise it increased
upto 1450 ml. The increment was statistically significant
(p<0.05). CONCLUSION

Better use of the expiratory muscles following yoga In conclusion, yoga breathing exercises are feasible and
breathing exercise may be the reason for the increase in can improve lung function. It seems to be beneficial on
expiratory reserve volume. Decreased airway resistance respiratory efficiency. Further studies are required to
may be indirectly contributing in the increase to establish the fact that whether yoga exercises can improve
expiratory reserve volume. quality of life by preventing respiratory disorder.

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Original Article | Journal of Gandaki Medical College-Nepal

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