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Screenshot 1 (Facebook chat between Andrey Konyakhin and Aleksandr Rastorguev)

23/04/2018, 0:12


Kirill [Romanovsky]: Good evening. I found a potential fixer, and he, in general, can even get you in
where you so wanted to go. Starting today we’re going to be out of touch for 10 days. I propose
to meet on my return to Moscow and discuss a joint work plan.

(Facebook chat between Andrey Konyakhin and Aleksandr Rastorguev)


Monday would be perfect

I replied that we can wait (there’s no other options anyway)


Okay, Sunday-Monday then

June 24, 12:34



Romanovsky is in Moscow

He called and is ready to meet

What do I have to suggest to him?

I’m okay either beginning of the day (11-12 or the end)

(Facebook chat between Andrey Konyakhin and Aleksandr Rastorguev)

Rastorguev: How Kirill [Radchenko] showed himself in Chelyabinsk?

I have another good cameraman, Belarusian

I have not spoken to him yet

June 24, 13:00

Konyakhin: Let’s meet on Bakinskiy Bulvar [] at 12.

24 июня, 13:24

Rastorguev [forwarding message from Romanovsky]

Sure. But if possible, give me 20-25 minutes, because I’ll be on chemotherapy starting tomorrow
and can oversleep, as falling asleep.

Telegram chat between Romanovsky and Konyakhin:

June 29

Romanovky calls Konyakhin and send two voice messages (3 seconds and 24 seconds).

June 30

Romanovsky sends voice message

Konyakhin: great, thanks!

July 4

Konyakhin: Hi Kirill. Dutchman is silent

C2.b audio
22 second:

Greetings Andrey, it’s Kirill. I just wanted to say that I found several contacts that might be useful
for you and, so, these people, or, more precisely, person, whom I mentioned in the conversation,
is ready to help you, it would be good to have a phone call about it, I could explain a little bit

19 seconds:

Greetings Andrey. A possible contact with the friend about whom we talked, will be on Monday or
Tuesday. They’ll return a little

Chat between Romanovsky and Konyakhin on WhatsApp

July 7

Konyakhin, 08:53 am

Kirill, hi. The dutchman is not in touch. What to do? They are flying out in a week or so.

Romanovsky, 16:40

+236 75 16 77 73 and audio message (41 seconds)

Konyakhin: Thanks!!!

July 9


Hi Kirill. Do you think two full weeks will be enough for work in Syria?

Telegram group Centrafrique

14:13 Gorshkova: you don't use an iphone?

14:13 Radchenko: Nope

14:14 Radchenko: There're also complaints on Google play.

15:47 Dzhemal: Yes and online ones [programs] translate badly

17.29. Gorshkova: So, a reminder about finances:

daily allowance for food - $ 40 / day ($ 840 each)

$ 2,150 - accommodation, 16 nights, calculation based on the cost of a house in Bangui

$ 2,250 - a translator-driver, calculation for a maximum of 15 days at $ 150 in the city (do not
forget that in Bangui he should be paid $ 90)

$ 1500 - NZ (other expenses, such as a taxi from the airport, if Martin does not meet you, "bribes"
to someone, etc.)

Please document all expenses

17.33 Konyakhin: I will just add that Kirill is dubbed the accountant

Telegram group Centrafrique

17.33 Konyakhin: I will just add that Kirill is dubbed the accountant

17.39 Rastorguev: Meaning, let him shoot how money is spent.

17:40 Radchenko: ))

17:40 Konyakhin: No, worse, just let him note it from time to time)

19:09 Konyakhin: Martin writes that a translator with a sign will meet you at the airport, his name
is Bienvenu. He will immediately take you to the villa. On the way, ask him to stop at Ledger Hotel
to exchange money. Probably, it makes sense to pay for housing immediately for only a week,
which is 500,000 CFA. (The exchange rate is $ 1 = 540 CFA)

Next - Martin is in Bambari now (it’s where the beautiful gold mine is). He negotiated with the
rebels for them to let you through, the driver is aware. Rodion will clarify how long Martin is going
to stay there.

Most likely, on the first day of your stay you should go visit the PMC in…

Telegram group Centrafrique

19:09 Konyakhin: Most likely, on the first day of your stay you should go visit the PMC in the
Bokassa's residence, evaluate the situation there and the next day travel to Martin in Bambari,
film everything there, chat with him and get back to Bangui, work with contacts that he will
provide and also with a local journalist (Gorshkova will send contacts).

19:16 Rastorguev: 45$ per person per night

By European standards, this is also expensive. But it’s good that it’s not 100))

If we leave for the mine, it’s 2-3 days, should we pay for a week? (The plan to go after the PMC
immediately to the mine if Martin is there sounds good)

19:18 Konyakhin: Don't know, but that is what Martin agreed on. We must bargain with the house

Gorshkova: Martin negotiated with him on the basis of our request for “accommodation in Bangui
for two weeks,” back then it was not clear if you would go somewhere else. We must try to
persuade the owner of the house to pay for…

Telegram group Centrafrique

July 9 (date of creation of the Telegram group Centrafrique

23.20 Chepel: I will create a Google document, and we’ll be stuffing it with contacts.

23.23 Chepel sends a link to the Google doc to the group

Telegram group Centrafrique

19.39 Chepel: How're the travelers doing?

19.40 Konyakhin: we need to discuss an important thing!!!

19.46: Rastorguev: we’re sent from one place to another in the airport

There are problems with accommodation understanding

Our flight is postponed for three hours just passed the control

19.49 Rastorguev: ***, I’m writing while in the queue

19:57 - Konyakhin: Once you are accommodated, we need to talk

There’s an important topic

19:58 Rastorguev: So far, nothing hints that we will be accommodated

19:59 Konyakhin: What are they saying?

20:02 Konyakhin: Moscow office is already closed

20:04 Rastorguev: Turn. We’ll be sent to Bangui today

20:04 Gorshkova: THAT’S EXCELLENT

Telegram group Centrafrique

20:08 Chepel: Once your flight is determined - call him immediately and notify him about the time
of arrival

22:25 Konyakhin: Any news?

22:29 Dzhemal: Yes, flying out to Bangui in two hours

22:30 Konyakhin: What time are you landing, to speak to the driver?

22:32 Dzhemal: We'll land at 7.25 am tomorrow morning

22:23 Dzhemal: Will you speak to the driver?

22:33 Konyakhin: Yes, we'll speak to him

July 28

00:00 Dzhemal: Are you there?

00:00 Dzhemal: ?

Telegram group Centrafrique

00:00 Dzhemal: Did you speak to the driver?

00:02 Dzhemal: Would be good to talk

00:02 Gorshkova: Driver's phone is off)) we're trying to get in touch with him and Martin, I'll send
plan B now

00:02 Gorshkova: Will call now

00:03 Rastorguev: Talk it through with Andrey urgently on the record

00:03 Dzhemal: Okay, waiting

00:03 Chepel: If we don't reach the driver, you have to go to Center hotel in the morning, at least
there's connection

Telegram group Centrafrique

00:18 Gorshkova: I will deal with them. Did you pay by card or cash?

00:19 Rastorguev: Either you fly out now or do whatever you want until your flight.

00:19 Gorshkova: I will deal with them. Did you pay by card or cash?

00:19 Rastorguev: Cash, no one had this amount of money on the card

00:21 Rastorguev: The main question on the Morocco border towards Bangui was - aren’t it we
military)) But we didn't film it, we were chased because of filming in the airport by then.

10:19 Radchenko: Arrived and crossed the border

10:20 Radchenko: Couldn't reach the driver

Telegram group Centrafrique

10:50 Gorshkova: Hotel Oubangui (on the river) or Hotel du Centre. Before this ask to drive you
through Hotel Ledger Plaza to exchange money

10:51 Radchenko: We can get settled for 62 dollars now

10:52 Konyakhin: Did you find something?

10:52 Radchenko: A hotel

10:52 Konyakhin: Take it, for sure

10:52 Radchenko: Send us Martin's telephone number

10:52 Gorshkova: Martin +23675167773

10:53 Konyakhin: Ask taxi drivers for the price of the trip first. The city is very close to the airport

11:30 Radchenko: We're staying in the National [Hotel National]

11:30 Konyakhin: Is there wifi?

11:57 Chepel: I don't think it's a problem

11:59 Radchenko: I don’t see him on WhatsApp

So if he doesn’t get in touch himself - you are responsible for the negotiations

11:59 Chepel: Ok

12:03 Rastorguev: The problem is that a car could meet us and that you could solve everything
with Bienvenu

12:03 Chepel: I don’t get it

12:04 Konyakhin: Neither do I, his phone is not responding from the moment it became known
that you are arriving today

12:09 Konyakhin: So you need to somehow get in touch with Martin (today) and go from there

Telegram group Centrafrique

11:57 Chepel: I don't think it's a problem

11:59 Radchenko: I don’t see him on WhatsApp

So if he doesn’t get in touch himself - you are responsible for the negotiations

11:59 Chepel: Ok

12:03 Rastorguev: The problem is that a car could meet us and that you could solve everything
with Bienvenu

12:03 Chepel: I don’t get it

12:04 Konyakhin: Neither do I, his phone is not responding from the moment it became known
that you are arriving today

12:09 Konyakhin: So you need to somehow get in touch with Martin (today) and go from there

Rastorguev: Guys

Telegram group Centrafrique

12:31 Chepel: both funny and sad. hardcore. Did you manage to sort out the housing and food
after all?

12:31 Chepel: [in response to a message from Radchenko, ‘did you manage to reach the driver?’]

No, both phones don’t work. But there is chance that Martin will talk to him (how - is unclear). And
[he will] direct him to the National. I have no doubt that the local driver will be able to easily find
three white guys in this hotel.

12:41 Radchenko: We wrote to Martin.

Waiting for an answer.

12:42 Gorshkova: Cheers

Rastorguev: I suggest we look for a Russian-speaking student or an expat with Russian-French,

etc. and take them in concession instead of treacherous journalists

10:50 Nastya Gorshkova
Hotel Oubangui (on the river) or Hotel du Center.
Ask to the driver to first take you to Hotel Ledger Plaza to use their currency
exchange office

edited 10:51 Kirill Radchenko

Now we can get a room for 62 dollars

10:52 You found something?

10:52 Kirill Radchenko

A hotel

10:52 Sure, take it

10:52 Kirill Radchenko

Text me Martin's phone number

10:53 Nastya Gorshkova

Martin +23675167773

10:53 When talking to cabbies, ask about the fare first. The city is very
close to the airport

11:30 Kirill Radchenko

We have stopped at Nationale

11:3? You got wifi there?

11:34 Rodion Chepel
Stop! Martin has just answered me on WhatsApp

11:40 Rodion Chepel

Write him on WhatsApp rent now

11:40 Rodion Chepel

Rent=right now


11:41 Rodion Chepel

Describe your plan, ask relevant questions, and set up a meeting

11:41 Rodion Chepel…

…Describe your plan, ask relevant questions, and set up a meeting

11:41 Rodion Chepel

Sorry, made a mistake in the latest message: not "right you", but "write you", of

11:42 Rodion Chepel

Who'll be talking to him? I can send your number

11:42 Kirill Radchenko

Go ahead, sent it

11:42 Kirill Radchenko


11:42 Rodion Chepel

Kirill Radchenko

11:48 Rodion Chepel

I sent your number to him

11:48 Rodion Chepel

So, have you contacted him yet? I think over there communicating may be possible
ONLY via messenger

[screenshot: French text]

19:26 Kirill Radchenko

We're about to intercept the driver now.

20:27 Orkhan
Local numbers
Sasha +23672778357
Orkhan + 23675883061

20:28 Nastya Gorshkova

aha, good

20:47 Aleksandr Rastorguev

Photos not loading
Do not send them, they are slowing down the chat

21:43 When you have done making your schedule for tomorrow, post it to
our little chat

[screenshot: French text]

19:26 Kirill Radchenko

We're about to intercept the driver now.

20:27 Orkhan
Local numbers
Sasha +23672778357
Orkhan + 23675883061

20:28 Nastya Gorshkova

aha, good

20:47 Aleksandr Rastorguev

Photos not loading
Do not send them, they are slowing down the chat

21:43 When you have done making your schedule for tomorrow, post it to
our little chat

21:43 When you have done making your schedule for tomorrow, post it to
our little chat

21:46 Aleksandr Rastorguev

Photos not loading
Do not send them, they are slowing down the chat

21:49 Aleksandr Rastorguev

Bienvenue is a hard nut
Tomorrow in the morning we are going to see Bokassa's grave in the evening we are
CHANGING OIL AND TAKING GAS and on Monday going to Bombari, where martin
is etc.
That's the plan

21:52 Aleksandr Rastorguev

Tomorrow we are extending our hotel stay by one day

21:53 Aleksandr Rastorguev

Tomorrow we are getting some info on Russian-speaking teachers etc. from the local

22:19 Good plan

July 29
21:44 Kirill Radchenko
We have a new expense – gas, one liter costs about 2 bucks

22:49 Kirill Radchenko
We went there, but the residence is now a closed facility. They did not let us inside
and after long negotiations with the interpreter (he spoke without us, they let him in)
said that to get access to the palace we will need a pass from the ministry of
defense. The interpreter said he had seen a Russian inside. The way we see it (but
this is not certain) he was intermediating access negotiations
Also near the hotel two cops got us with all our equipment – we had to bribe them off.
Then we got stopped at a checkpoint – another bribe, but a smaller one. White is the
wrong color for the CAR.
Locals don't take it well when you point a camera at them.

22:51 Kirill Radchenko

Not friendly. Looks like pride. Some shouted out they are "not pygmies" (so why film

22:52 Nastya Gorshkova

And why would you need to bribe cops?) is it like tourists cannot film stuff?

22:58 Means you are being watched. You need to go see Martin, ask him
what you should do.

edited 22:58 Kirill Radchenko

But it's a fact that it's the locals that blew the whistle on us as we were messing with
photo equipment near the car. That's what the cops said, after the bribe, like, "you
should have chosen a quieter street."

22:59 Kirill Radchenko

Unfortunately, we didn't manage to film that

22:59 How much was the bribe, anyway?)

23:00 Kirill Radchenko

Andrey Konyahin
Means you are being watched. You need…
We're going tomorrow, for the whole day

23:00 Kirill Radchenko

Andrey Konyahin
How much was the bribe, anyway?)
65,000 local coins, one dollar – 550

23:01 Soon you'll have people lining up to you. That's way too much

23:01 Kirill Radchenko


22:49 Kirill Radchenko
We went there, but the residence is now a closed facility. They did not let us inside
and after long negotiations with the interpreter (he spoke without us, they let him in)
said that to get access to the palace we will need a pass from the ministry of
defense. The interpreter said he had seen a Russian inside. The way we see it (but
this is not certain) he was intermediating access negotiations
Also near the hotel two cops got us with all our equipment – we had to bribe them off.
Then we got stopped at a checkpoint – another bribe, but a smaller one. White is the
wrong color for the CAR.
Locals don't take it well when you point a camera at them.

22:51 Kirill Radchenko

Not friendly. Looks like pride. Some shouted out they are "not pygmies" (so why film

22:52 Nastya Gorshkova

And why would you need to bribe cops?) is it like tourists cannot film stuff?

22:52 Nastya Gorshkova
And why would you need to bribe cops?) is it like tourists cannot film stuff?

22:53 Nastya Gorshkova

Does anybody know how to get that MoD permit?

22:55 Kirill Radchenko

Nastya Gorshkova
And why would you need to brib…
No, they cannot. Either they conned us, or that is the truth, what with common
mistrust in anyone holding a camera.

22:56 Kirill Radchenko

File a meeting request in Bangui)
They took our interpreter's contact info and said they would call back within 5 days
and tell him where to come with the documents.

22:57 Nastya Gorshkova

Haha) even though this could be a fucking swindle, or whatever.

22:58 Means you are being watched. You need to go see Martin, ask him
what you should do.

edited 23:17 Kirill Radchenko
The one who came out to talk to us was not an ordinary soldier, someone higher-
ranking, he spoke a mixture of Russian and English, and he apologized and said that
no, you cannot pass. Everything needs to be processed through the ministry

23:49 And who translated that cops wanted you to pay, Bienvenue? Was
he with you?

July 30

00:08 Kirill Radchenko

Well, yes, he did translate that, but before that, when they got in our car and drove
some 200 m away from the hotel, so they could talk, it was pretty clear what they

00:08 This is fucked up. He gets paid to get your asses out of trouble,
among other things, and in fact he is an accomplice in this rip-off.

00:10 Kirill Radchenko

He is not an accomplice, but he deals with them same as we would.

00:10 I'm sure it's not like that

00:11 Kirill Radchenko

I.e. he is not protecting us from bribes – this...

23:01 Kirill Radchenko

23:02 And why for one day? The deposit is there, and Martin is there

edited 23:02 Kirill Radchenko

On the way back from martin we will move to another place. And also try and see if
we can hang out at Martin's for two or three days.

23:02 Kirill Radchenko

Whole day – to get there

23:03 All correct.

23:04 And next time be tougher with bribes, what did you violate? Say you
will go to the embassy etc.

edited 23:05 Kirill Radchenko

As for access to the residence, Orkhan gets this feeling they sent us packing in a
polite way

23:05 Kirill Radchenko

Andrey Konyahin
And next time be tougher with bribes…
We are feeling stupid too, white people got bullied

00:08 This is fucked up. He gets paid to get your asses out of trouble,
among other things, and in fact he is an accomplice in this rip-off.

00:10 Kirill Radchenko

He is not an accomplice, but he deals with them same as we would.

00:10 I'm sure it's not like that

00:11 Kirill Radchenko

I.e. he is not protecting us from bribes – this is for sure. But he is not an accomplice,
either, it doesn't look that way

01:14 Request: when you go to see Martin tomorrow, discuss, while in the
car, police detention and the first trip to Bokassa (negative experiences
also need to be recorded). And Kirill, you always have to be ready for
more extortions – maybe you should hang Alpha up higher so that you can
film stuff on the stealth, without using your hands, if such crap starts again,
e.g., at checkpoints.

01:17 Or think of something else to make sure that you are recording

July 31

09:19 Hi, have you arrived?

Kirill Radchenko Mil…

19:08 !!!

Sunday, July 22

21:39 Kirill, hi. What's Martin's last name?

Monday, July 23

21:57 Hi, Unfortunately I don't remember. Something very Dutch, I believe. Definitely
with "van" in it.

21:59 ))) Can you may come to the group meeting before they fly out? We
rendezvous on Wednesday at 17:00 at Bakinsky Boulevard

??:?? I'll know exactly tomorrow,…

Kirill Radchenko Mil…

21:43 Have you gone to the CAR?

21:43 Yes. An hour and a half ago the decision was made at an editorial meeting. I
convinced them this is necessary

Friday, August 3

13:56 Martin Vandendyck?

13:57 Damn. Can't remember for the life of me. It's the third day this thing is haunting
me. Anyway, I think there may have been a double vowel, or it may have been
pronounced like a vowel with the so-called "umlaut"

13:57 Can't remember the last name. That's the trouble.

Monday, October 15, 2018


Evgeny Lvovich, good afternoon. I have written a brief text on new

attempts by Khodorkovsky to whitewash himself and the company.
Mikhail reviewed the text and asked you to evaluate it and, if necessary,
simplify it for the average reader. Thank you.


Kir Rom Oct 15, 2018 5:42:42 AM


Why and to what end is Khodorkovsky collecting signatures of
relatives of the perished documentary film-makers "foundation…is
not a "useless" waste of money… That money … One acquaintance
(when asked about her life's purpose) answered: create a
Extract from a comment to Mikhail Khodorkovsky's Facebook post
regarding establishment of JFJ foundation

13:07 MilRep MilRep

Please do not use my name at the time of publication

13:07 Evgeny Zubarev

In reply to this message

Good afternoon, Kirill, thank you for the op-ed, this is well-timed, yes, as it has not
been updated for a long while.

13:08 What about the film about the expedition to the CAR?

Kirill Romanovsky Mil…

19:04 and "provided a fixer" – this is an intentional fake

19:33 Who are you writing this for?

19:39 for you


21:41 Sorry for reminding you about the store's location

21:42 Well now, I am trying to check it out in Google Maps. I just can't understand in
which of altstadt's main streets it is situated

21:47 Thanks, we are waiting

4:24:32 PM so that he gets a little hotter, and we put a little distance between you
and this info

4:24:37 PM MilRep

I can send this to the Russia Today woman

4:24:20 PM Konyakhin has blocked me. one more thing required here, play a naïve
little fool: let someone send this in or mention it in a publication. And then I, like, get
the fucking surprise of my life. let this message simmer on the back boiler for now,
until this evening

4:28:33 PM Mikhail Sporin

where did he block you?

4:28:39 PM in the messenger?

4:29:12 PM are you talking about the fb publication?

4:29:33 PM MilRep

yes. in whatsapp. or just deleted. but my messages do not reach him

4:31:18 PM Mikhail Sporin

ahem. This is very interesting

4:31:23 PM or, rather, strange

4:31:46 PM you got verzilov's phone number?

4:31:57 PM maybe you could write to him and ask what the fuck is going on?

Saturday, October 13, 2018

8:39:30 PM MilRep

Supermarkets are rather hard to recognize in google maps. It was a small one. I just
can't remember exactly whether it was in Breite Strasse or in Karl Heinz.

8:39:58 PM [Photo]

8:39:58 PM [Photo]

8:39:58 PM [Photo]

8:47:54 PM Mikhail Sporin

a small supermarket in such and such district

8:48:18 PM no need to provide any more info

8:48:58 PM MilRep

this will make them suspicious. they will be trying to do it from Berlin sending photos

8:52:39 PM Mikhail Sporin

don't remember

8:52?45 PM I think it may have had a red sign

← Mikhail Sporin

01:00 MilRep MilRep

Verzilin has woken up

13:21 MilRep MilRep



16:21 Mikhail Sporin

how about enemy shit storms after the publication?


16:21 MilRep MilRep

no storms observed so far

16:21 Mikhail Sporin


16:22 MilRep MilRep

I think no-one has noticed

16:23 Mikhail Sporin

then tomorrow we feed it to the media and try and get comments from konyakhin and
verzilov on this thing?

16:23 MilRep MilRep

sound option, this one, only they won't give is any comments

16:23 Mikhail Sporin

what if you send Konyakhin a message with a link and the question: "What the fuck is

16:21 Mikhail Sporin
how about enemy shit storms after the publication?
16:21 MilRep MilRep
no storms observed so far
16:21 Mikhail Sporin
16:22 MilRep MilRep
I think no-one has noticed
16:23 Mikhail Sporin
then tomorrow we feed it to the media and try and get comments from konyakhin and
verzilov on this thing?
16:23 MilRep MilRep
sound option, this one, only they won't give is any comments
16:23 Mikhail Sporin
what if you send Konyakhin a message with a link and the question: "What the fuck is
16:24 so that he gets a little hotter, and we put a little distance between you and this
16:24 MilRep MilRep
I can send this to the Russia Today woman
16:25 Konyakhin has blocked me. one more thing required here, play a naïve little
fool: let someone send this in or mention it in a publication. And then I, like, get the
fucking surprise of my life. let this message simmer on the back boiler for now, until
this evening
16:28 Mikhail Sporin
where did he block you?
16:28 in the messenger?
16:29 are you talking about the fb publication?
16:29 MilRep MilRep
yes. in whatsapp. or just deleted. but my messages do not reach him

16:32 Mikhail Sporin
) konyakhin is a coward
1 October 2018
16:51 MilRep MilRep
Kir Rom 01.10.2018 16:51:26
Верзилос_правка_2.docx [Verzilov_edit_2.docx]
22.4 KB
16:52 MilRep MilRep
I marked my edits with green color
16:58 Mikhail Sporin
"from 'Prigozhin's man'."
16:58 delete this
16:58 from a man who knows virtually nothing about Africa
17:00 the rest is OK – hand it over to the editor's office for proofreading and logical
alignment of your inserts with the rest of the text
17:01 MilRep MilRep
17:01 I think I've done the alignment
17:02 Mikhail Sporin
well then let them double-check all logic
17:02 MilRep MilRep
17:02 gotcha

Mikita Ancharov
last seen recently
1:53 PM Kirill, you there?

3:05 PM hi. online

3:44 PM We may have to deal with two things, same topic, and they will
need to be well-prepared lest anybody thinks we are involved.

1. Terrorist notes.
Key points: photos of "terrorist notes" allegedly found by Muhabarat or
locals should appear in the Arabic segment. There should be no accent
discernible in the notes, but the text should be readable so that we can
read it later. Ideally, the notes should be found in a weapons cache or in
positions previously held by the blacks. To shift the accent. Like, we
were taking pictures of these weapons, and the notes just got in the
frame. We do the placement, but you are responsible for the notes and
their photos.
Contents: You need to write a text in Arabic on behalf of a terrorist about
fighting in, say, Abu Kamal/Al Mayadin/Deira,…

Mikita Ancharov
last seen recently

etc. Some Muhammad al Shishani/Ahmad al Tunisi/Maksud al Iraqi is

remembering Allah and crying because it's all over. Recalling the death
of his many comrades-in-arms, describing in detail a battle in some
district, then recalls "Russians (kafirs?)" because of whom all his
caliphate dreams have gone to the dogs. The note will need to be
handwritten and photographed on site.

2. Terrorist interview.
Key points: a video with an "Islamic State" terrorist should appear in the
Arabic segment. His face should not be seen, you might want to put a
bag on his head. And he needs to be "caught" somewhere in the desert.
We handle the placement, you do the filming.
Contents: the terrorist is saying that he did some fighting here and there.
That they would have won if not for the Russians. Someone asks him off
screen: what Russians? And he says that in the desert, in Deir ez-Zur,
and everywhere they fought alongside with Nusayris who are not a
wimpy bunch, …

Mikita Ancharov
last seen recently

crazy katiba [unit]. And they would have massacred more if they simply
hadn't run out of ammo.

We can write Russian texts together, but you are more competent in this
area, I think. We can also help you with the translation. It's not like we
have to do it right now, but we already need to start thinking how we'll do
it. If you have any questions or doubts – write to me, we'll discuss it.

3:46 PM got it. I'll get in touch in the evening, closed

3:46 PM closed chat?

3:46 PM yes. or three-digit

3:46 PM well, I don't have three-digit)

3:46 PM Does Ilya know about this assignment?

3:47 PM Yes, he is discussing the details right now.

?:?? PM gotcha. then later this the evening. we are talking to

Syrians now

← CAR Media
Colleagues, urgent news! Three Russian journalists with UN accreditation were killed
last night in the vicinity of Dekoa! One of them is Kirill Radchenko. I ask you to start
looking for information and react to the incident asap. Thank you
05:43 Bland
Remark. We need to check the names with SanSanych [Aleksandr Aleksandrovich]
05:44 We need to wait till we get photocopies of documents
06:04 Bland
The information is out, please prepare a release about the journalists for local and
foreign mass media, they are asking for comments
06:05 San Sanych has the info
06:14 BLVRK
In reply to this message
Let SanSanych and Nikolay write something, at least briefly
06:15 Bland
Nikolay is already working on that
06:18 Vadim Kuptsov
As soon as I get enough information, I'll write a press release.
06:18 BLVRK
OK. Then we wait so we can circulate it

← CAR Media
06:52 Vadim Kuptsov
Colleagues, on whose behalf shall we make the press release?
07:03 BLVRK
We can do it on behalf of Valery. Only we need to clear this with him
07:04 Nikolay Chiklin
It's him we're waiting for
07:54 Vadim Kuptsov
We got information that two are from the Izvestia
07:55 Nikolay Chiklin
Yes, we did
07:55 But izvestia is not running this story
07:56 Petr Bychkov Bychkov
What was the name of one of them?
07:57 Nikolay Chilkin
Kirill Radchenko
07:57 Petr Bychkov Bychkov
08:05 Maria Pushkina

← CAR Media
07:04 Nikolay Chiklin
It's him we're waiting for
07:54 Vadim Kuptsov
We got information that two are from the Izvestia
07:55 Nikolay Chiklin
Yes, we did
07:55 But izvestia is not running this story
07:56 Petr Bychkov Bychkov
What was the name of one of them?
07:57 Nikolay Chilkin
Kirill Radchenko
07:57 Petr Bychkov Bychkov
08:05 Maria Pushkina
08:07 Press release probably written already
08:10 Nikolay Chiklin
We are waiting for full info to be provided by Valery whose arrival is expected shortly.
He promised to come. There is a live witness.

← CAR Media
07:04 Nikolay Chiklin
It's him we're waiting for
07:54 Vadim Kuptsov
We got information that two are from the Izvestia
07:55 Nikolay Chiklin
Yes, we did
07:55 But izvestia is not running this story
07:56 Petr Bychkov Bychkov
What was the name of one of them?
07:57 Nikolay Chilkin
Kirill Radchenko
07:57 Petr Bychkov Bychkov
08:05 Maria Pushkina
08:07 Press release probably written already
08:10 Nikolay Chiklin
We are waiting for full info to be provided by Valery whose arrival is expected shortly.
He promised to come. There is a live witness.

← CAR Media
09:01 Bland
The consul at the embassy said they did not know about their presence in the
territory of the CAR, they spoke to UN generals, and they said they didn't know those
journalists were in the CAR
09:01 I.e. they had not told anybody about their movements
09:02 It is not clear why then went to Kaga-Bandoro, a territory fully controlled by
Abdoulaye Hissène
09:03 BLVRK
In reply to this message
We need to use this
09:04 Get permission from Valery
09:04 And then we'll do this topic
09:04 Maria Pushkina
Varlamov News 31.07.2018 08:50:19
A source in CAR police told Interfax that the motive behind the murder of
Dzhemal, Rastorguev and Radchenko was robbery.
09:04 Maria Pushkina
Interfax is doing this topic.
09:04 BLVRK
I thinks they just guessed
09:04 I most likely this is the truth

← CAR Media
09:01 Petr Bychkov Bychkov
Those shady individuals, probably acting under orders from Khodor, headed for
Kaga-Bandoro where, according to MINUSCA, a rebel meeting was under way with
the participation of Ali Darassa, Al Khatim, and Abdoulaye Hissène
09:26 About 10 Arabic-speaking rebels stopped them to rob them.
09:26 the driver, although wounded, managed to escape, he is being interrogated

← CAR Media
09:27 Vadim Kuptsov
Why should we come up with an official statement regarding this incident, anyway?
09:27 What do we have to do with it?
09:28 Aren't we gonna give ourselves away if we stick our noses in this mess?
09:28 What does it matter to us who died there and why it happened?
09:28 The Ambassador has already provided his comments.
09:28 Should we say something too?
09:29 Taras
It may just happen that uneasy conscience betrays itself
09:29 Vadim Kuptsov
And what do we want to achieve with this?
09:29 In reply to this message
09:29 Petr Bychkov Bychkov
I agree
09:30 Taras
Now all journalists in the country (and Ukrainians, too) are looking at the CAR.
09:30 Anyone who speaks up will stand out like a sore thumb
09:30 Maria Pushkina
Very simple approach. Maybe this information will be released by the embassy? Or
the CAR security service? Because lack of information is an opportunity to fill in the
missing information with something else

← CAR Media
09:27 BLVRK
In reply to this message
We'll launch 3–4 publications in the local mass media
09:31 I spoke with Petr
09:32 Vadim Kuptsov
I believe that local police should be the key source of information.
09:32 Format – current information about the investigation
09:33 It will be logical if the information comes from the police.
09:33 In reply to this message
09:35 Mikhail
local police, embassy
09:35 other sources – strange

← CAR Media
09:27 BLVRK
In reply to this message
We'll launch 3–4 publications in the local mass media
09:31 I spoke with Petr
09:32 Vadim Kuptsov
I believe that local police should be the key source of information.
09:32 Format – current information about the investigation
09:33 It will be logical if the information comes from the police.
09:33 In reply to this message
09:35 Mikhail
local police, embassy
09:35 other sources – strange

← CAR Media
10:21 Vadim Kuptsov
Vadim Kuptsov 31.07.2018 10:11:31
I suggest the following plan:
10:21 1) Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, news article run by two or three
local mass media (two newspapers + radio)
10:21 2) On Friday, statement by head of gendarmerie re investigation and
10:21 3) At the weekend, analytical material about what happened run by
international Russian mass media (providing a version of the causes of the
incident and what those people may have been doing there).
10:21 4) Social networks flood the internet with discussions and possible
versions (including downright stupid versions) of what those people may have
been doing there.
10:21 As for what those people were doing there, we need to think it up.
10:21 Any versions that they were filming PMC activities, or working for Khodor,
should be killed off.
10:21 I think we can say that they came to the CAR to make a film about the
successful work that Russian instructors have been doing for the FACA. And
they simply met with some bad luck on the road.
10:21 As for us, we are training the FACA – officially, openly, and legally.
10:21 Then the story about why Russian journalists appeared there will be
10:21 It would be desirable to end this whole story with some high-ranking
politician (maybe even someone from FAT) making a statement condemning
the incident and offering apologies to Russia and to family members

1 Thierry Oronfei $ 5,000.00
2 Claude Bireau $ 5,000.00
3 NA Intermediary (lemon tree) $ 4,500.00
4 Police Chief $ 5,000.00
5 Security Minister $ 5,000.00

Total $ 24,500.00

Budget July Advisor Services

From aglushenkovhiddentexthiddentext

Subject Urgent!!! Attn S.I. Lobanov Re Visa issue. 22.08.2017, 12:32 +0300

To hiddentexthiddentext

Dear Sergey Ivanovich:

In line with the instructions issued by M.L. Bogdanov (his office has sent repeated
enquiries), I must approach you directly with respect to resolution of M.L. Bogdanov
to issue Moscow visas at the request of M Invest LLC for three individuals (passport
copies enclosed) for participation on August 24, 2017, in a meeting with their Russian
The Consular Department has been duly apprised. Official instructions will probably
be issued tomorrow (individual responsible: Aleksandr Vorobyov, Foreign Nationals
Entry Section, telephone: 33-17).
I thank you in advance for your understanding. If you have any questions, I will be
happy to answer them by phone.
Respectfully yours,
A. Glushenkov
Africa Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

1 attachment: Просьба о выдаче виз-ЦАР-август 2017 г..pdf [Request to issue

visas-CAR-August 2017]

← Bychkov 2

23:20 Mikhail Potepkin


23:20 ok

23:21 Bychkov 2

глава жандармерии.docx [chief of gendarmerie]

307.8 KB

23:21 Лантоарьяка Разафиндракото.docx [Lantoaryaka Razafindrakoto]

103.5 KB


163.5 KB

23:21 m_RANDRASANA ERIC 2.doc

238.5 KB

23.:21 Страны Африки.docx [Countries of Africa]

844.7 KB

23:21 countries of africa for Kostryukov at the ministry of defense, reports on

individual people for the chief

23:28 Mikhail Potepkin

Missed call

← Nadine

03:13 Nadine

I have the same feeling

03:13 that we have lost control of the missions and the chief no longer needs us

03:13 Evg Kopot

Well, because he did not particularly need us

03:14 The Chief has always been issuing instructions personally rather than through

← Nadine

06:35 Nadine


06:35 this is for Korotkov

06:36 it's all simple

06:36 yesterday was a FAKE

06:36 and now the opposition is furious

06:40 Evg Kopot

What fake?

06:40 Nadine

you didn't see?

06:41 Evg Kopot

Probably not

06:41 Nadine

NEZYGAR 03.02.2019 00:34:51


← Nadine

06:41 Nadine

NEZYGAR 03.02.2019 00:34:51


At about 13:00 on February 2, 2019, Navalny finished his meeting on the 6th
floor of the Sokos Hotel (8th Line of Vasilyevsky Island 11–13) with Evgeny
Viktorovich Prigozhin. After the meeting, Navalny left the hotel by a Volkswagen
motor vehicle with license plate number V677VE198. Prigozhin walked on foot
to the building at Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment 7, and entered it.

06:41 NEZYGAR 03.02.2019 00:34:51


← Nadine

06:41 NEZYGAR 03.02.2019 00:34:51


06:41 NEZYGAR 03.02.2019 00:34:51


06:41 NEZYGAR 03.02.2019 00:34:51


← Nadine

06:41 NEZYGAR 03.02.2019 00:34:51


06:41 NEZYGAR 03.02.2019 00:34:51


06:42 Nadine

btw)) I was told how it happened, the chief went there, had some pics taken, and
then left

← Nadine

06:41 NEZYGAR 03.02.2019 00:34:51


06:42 Nadine

btw)) I was told how it happened, the chief went there, had some pics taken, and
then left

06:42 maybe it's a rumor

06:42 but then it started

06:42 Nadine

TVmoscow 03.02.2019 01:23:19

And completely by accident, Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment 7 is home to only

one entity. Concord Catering – known to all those who likes reading
investigative report about Putin's chef (Prigozhin)

06:42 NEZYGAR 03.02.2019 02:54:47

Lyosha Navalny is not a very good joker, but I am sure – he has come up with a
strong argument against Nezygar:

"Well, yeah, I did. Reached an agreement about who else we are going to kill in
the CAR together, and how many children we are going to poison in Moscow
with rotten lunches."

← Nadine
"Well, yeah, I did. Reached an agreement about who else we are going to kill in
the CAR together, and how many children we are going to poison in Moscow
with rotten lunches."

06:43 Nadine

shall I forward everything?

06:43 yesterday all channels were abuzz

06:43 Evg Kopot

I didn't read it))

06:43 Nadine

oh, Zhenya…

06:43 how could you

06:44 so, navalny came to us in Saint-Petersburg, and he stayed next to Concord

office, with the Sokos hotel right around the corner

06:45 to hold some event for his sectarians at two o'clock

06:45 this was not concealed, but it was not actively advertised, either

06:47 Nadine

NEZYGAR 03.02.2019 03:18:03

Sobol Lubov

Like anybody doubted that Prigozhin is ready to do anything to keep his billions earned under state procurement
programs. Fakes and provocations – these are the least things you can expect from him. To kill, buy and
intimidate – those are the methods preferred by Putin's friends.

Navalny supporters do not deny that the meeting did, in fact, take place,
focusing instead on saying it was a provocation.

← Nadine

Navalny supporters do not deny that the meeting did, in fact, take place,
focusing instead on saying it was a provocation.

06:47 Stukach [Whistle-blower] 03.02.2019 03:10:57

Today @ruccica2 published the navalny-prigozhin joint photo shoot. Everyone

is bombed out. I have been observing both for quite some time. Prigozhin is
going through a difficult stretch. Everything is made worse both by his
opponents from MO [Ministry of Defense] and FSB [Federal Security Service]
and by the fact that Frenchmen and Englishmen have stepped up their efforts to
establish contacts with Prigozhin's advisors in Africa and Latin America.
Navalny, as a project sponsored by First Division scions vs. Counter
Intelligence scions, has exhausted himself, failing to advance to the next level.
Today's play, in fact, worsens the positions held not only by both of them, but
also by their support groups. Apparently, Operation Trust is entering its final

06:47 NEZYGAR Brief 03.02.2019 03:25:12

Navalny has confirmed that he did stay at the Sokos Hotel during his trip to

06:47 NEZYGAR 03.02.2019 03:44:23


← Nadine

For those who thrive on minute details. Navalny and Prigozhin – walking the
same road. At the same time.

06:47 Protoproedr 03.02.2019 04:05:27

1. Prigozhin – sociable. He likes meeting people and talking with them.

Prigozhin personally interviewed people to some of his information projects.

2. Only Prigozhin could have been the initiator of such meeting, if it did take
place. It is not the first time that he proposes meetings with his conventional
enemies, those who are working against him. It is a known fact that Navalny is
currently publishing information on Moscow schoolchildren poisoned by
Prigozhin's firms.

In this sense, it would be interesting to know whether Prigozhin ever suggested

a meeting with Denis Korotkov.

3. For Prigozhin, information aftermath from this meeting is negligible. For

Navalny, it is catastrophic.

Having agreed to this conversation without prior announcement, Aleksey made

a suicidal error.

But some questions remain open:

- who "helped" Navalny team to make reports on Prigozhin's activities?
- who photographed them in Saint-Petersburg?
- how did "Nezygar" get those photos?

06:47 Pyar vo vremya chumy [PR in Time of Plague] 03:02.2019 04:19:01

Negotiations between Prigozhin and Navalny were about using Prigozhin's

media to promote Navalny as a candidate for…

← Nadine

06:47 Pyar vo vremya chumy [PR in Time of Plague] 03:02.2019 04:19:01

Negotiations between Prigozhin and Navalny were about using Prigozhin's

media to promote Navalny as a candidate for the position of Saint-Petersburg
Governor instead of Sobchak.
Recently Navalny attacked Sobchak and at the same time gained his share in
Prigozhin's information flow.
This was a meeting not of opponents, but rather of situational allies. Cause –
Saint-Petersburg elections.

06:47 NEZYGAR 03:02.2019 05:08:06

The tactics employed by Navalny HQ and Prigozhin trolls is clear – silence,

silence, and then more silence. Hoping that by Monday everyone will forget
about their meeting in the Sokos Hotel.

06:47 Margarita Simonyan 03.02.2019 05:10:37

Navalny is upset that Nezygar published photos of his meeting with Prigozhin.

Navalny is forced to explain himself. Spend his Sunday on doing that. Getting

It's always bad when you have to explain yourself. It is even worse when you
don't. People will believe. So this is all very unpleasant and damages your
reputation anyway.

If Navalny did have a meeting with Prigozhin, I am very glad that it has been

If he didn't, I am still glad. In that case, Navalny will have a unique chance to
learn what people – about whom he is lying in such an untalented fashion – are
feeling when he does that.

← Nadine

feeling when he does that.

Recently Navalny borrowed a story from my book about how 14 years ago a
driver, a man whom I did not know and whom I incidentally cut off, spat in my
face – and presented it in a way that suggested that I got that spit virtually
several days ago, suggesting that it was payback for my pro-Kremlin activities.

I found that unpleasant.

Imagine the unpleasantness I felt when Navalny lied that I had given birth in the

I have been getting those rebukes for the last five years, no matter how many
times I tried to explain that it was a well-distilled lie.

Naturally, I never gave any birth in the USA, nor was I ever going to do that.

But if back in 2014 Navalny said that I did, well, it means that I did.

Now in 2019 the world has changed. Now if Nezygar released the pictures
showing that Navalny had a meeting with Prigozhin, it means that he did.

How do you like the taste of your own medicine, Aleksey Navalny?

06:47 POSTPRAVDA [POST-TRUTH] 03.02.2019 08:00:26


← Nadine


"Evgeny Viktorovich does not comment personal meetings"

06:48 Nadine

paradox_friends 03.02.2019 10:35:32

The meeting with Prigozhin (always assuming that it did take place) will
definitely have little, if any, impact on the way members of the Navalny flock feel
about him.

As for the rest of the audience, this episode – again, regardless of the level of
verification – will make people look at new FBK [Foundation Against Corruption]
investigation reports with (even) more skepticism than before.

What with the Arashukovs case, it would be logical to expect a stir in the market
for compromising revelations.
The list of connections of the key personas is too long and "star-spangled" not
to use it for new discrediting publications and intra-elite skirmishes.

All other things being equal, Navalny could be probably one of the best
channels for such revelations.
But now any his sensations will be viewed…

← Nadine

But now any his sensations will be viewed through the "Prigozhin" prism.

At least until some strongman decides to remind Navalny of the Kirovles case,
or challenges him to the tatami.

06:48 Pyar vo vremya chumy [PR in Time of Plague] 03:02.2019 00:03:55

In the history of the Arashukov clan, there is a political dimension linked to the
"Bolotnaya" period.
In early 2011 administration of President Dmitry Medvedev continues rotation
across Russian regions, selecting heads for the second terms.
Instead of Boris Ebzeyev who opposed the use of the ethnic principle to staff
republican governing bodies, Medvedev appoints Temrezov, a representative of
the Cherkess group.
The appointment is heavily influenced by Cherkess NCOs and regional elites
which back in 2008 launched the process of building the "Greater Cherkessia":
a single entity within the boundaries of Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria, and
Fatima Tlisova, a Cherkessian journalist who fled to the west, maintained that
the process had been initiated in Moscow.
The Navalny project "Stop Feeding the Caucasus" works to mount pressure in
the Northern Caucasus and stir nationalistic sentiments. Local elites, the
Arashukov clan openly blackmail the federal center, acting concurrently with the
spreading Bolotnaya protests in Moscow.
While blackmailing, they guarantee that pressure within the society will
decrease. How: we see that on the example of 2010 murders of Shebzukhov,
Ebzeyev's advisor, and Zhukov, an activist of the nationalist movement Adege

← Nadine

06:48 NEZYGAR 04.02.2019 03:00:45

Nezygar's publication about a meeting between Navalny and Prigozhin caused
quite a stir. Navalny tried to explain himself in a rather hysterical manner, while
Prigozhin said he was not willing to comment personal meetings.

No arguments have been advanced to refute the version suggested by

Other than pure emotions.
Other than speculative opinions.

Blogger Venediktov, Roizman, Kudryavtsev and others simply pronounced –

fake. The reason is clear. They are all key figures of the Navalny project.

One of Echo of Moscow employees went further and said that even everything
that Nezygar has said is true, this does not mean absolutely anything.

We will assume that a real journalist (not the lazy plushchev) would have done
three simple things: compared schedules, found phone printouts, and talked to
hotel employees.

Finally, he would simply open his eyes and taken a closer look at certain
fragments of the photos.

But nobody is doing that for one reason only – it would support Nezygar's
Navalny knows that, and Prigozhin knows that.
As for Venediktov's opinion – well, who cares?

← Nadine

06:53 Nadine

07:07 Evg Kopot

Why have they all not been blocked in our country, I wonder?

07:08 Back from the USSR times

07:27 Nadine

Lentach 04.02.2019 07:27:17

BBC reports that Evgeny Prigozhin's press service confirmed his meeting with

"Evgeny Viktorovich said that one of the topics under discussion was the
proposal of Aleksey Navalny to stop FBK attacks regarding the schools catering
scandal in exchange for loyal attitude towards Navalny team during the
forthcoming municipal elections in Saint-Petersburg, to which Evgeny
Viktorovich said: "I do not change my solders while we are marching", said the
press service spokesman.

Navalny told BBC that "Prigozhin is lying, and there was no meeting."

07:28 Nadine

He's trolling ))).

07:28 There was really no meeting

← Misha Potepkin

03:09 Evg Kopot

Talked with the chief

03:09 Misha Potepkin

He alive?

03:09 Evg Kopot

Brought up the idea of speeding things up with the African Union

03:10 Misha Potepkin

so how about that idea

03:10 Evg Kopot

He took it well.

03:10 Told me what to do, that I can kick Bogdanov's ass.

03:10 I say, I am waiting for you, we meet the African Union ambassador, and then
start kicking ass.

03:10 And he is like, OK.

← Misha Potepkin

07:03 Misha Potepkin

the chief just called))

07:03 mocked me a little

07:03 he will probably let them go soon

07:03 looks even

07:03 Evg Kopot


07:03 What do you mean "mocked"?

07:04 Misha Potepkin

Sort of like, back office is scared when they need to get some information from me))

07:04 because of my bad reputation

← Valera Kondakov
10:52 maybe some other options?
27 April 2018
00:22 Valera Kondakov
good morning. how are things? what's going on? what do you think about the order?
00:24 Evg Kopot
I think we probably need to introduce a new one
00:24 Good morning!
00:26 Valera Kondakov
what about the old one with the cross? will Muslims be wearing it? have there been
precedents? what do you think?
00:58 Evg Kopot
Yesterday we were thinking about the Star of Boganda
00:59 And zo kwe zo fits in well here
00:59 À la Lenin-Stalin order
01:00 Valera Kondakov
I also stood up for a star yesterday… an eight-pointed one.
01:00 Evg Kopot
Boganda is an icon and there is some anti-colonial pathos
01:00 :))
01:00 Valera Kondakov
how about peace-making pathos?
01:01 Evg Kopot
His principle is he is all for peace
01:01 Valera Kondakov
Boganda is so revered in Tsaritsyno?
01:01 Evg Kopot
01:01 Sort of like Lenin in the USSR
01:01 And Bokassa is sort of like Stalin

Unity - Dignity - Work

DECREE #19.070



In view of the Constitution of the Central African Republic of March 30, 2016;
In view of Decree #16.0218 of March 30, 2016, promulgating the Constitution of the Central
African Republic;
In view of Decree #19.022 of January 28, 2019, establishing the Order of Reconciliation in the
Central African Republic;
In view of Decree #94.87 of March 8, 1994, on the organization and functioning of the Office of
the President of the Republic,


Art. 1: The following persons are hereby nominated to the Order of Reconciliation:

- ZAKHAROV, Valery
- POTEPKIN, Mikhail
- DUBEL, Anton
- TURYGHIN, Fyodor
- KOPOT, Evgeny
- ANTIPOV, Aleksandr


- NABOKOV, Sergei

← Nadine
06:40 Evg Kopot
:((((( whine
06:40 Nadine
well I don't know you to know who will get what
06:40 except two awards

1ST Degree (with Large Star)

Prigozhin Evgeny Viktorovich
Zakharov Valery
Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Bogdanov Mikhail Leonidovich (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Potepkin Mikhail Sergeyevich

06:41 you get a badge instead of an order

06:41 but look who else is getting it
06:41 it's rather impressive
06:41 Golden badge

Dubel Anton Vladimirovich

Timchenko Anton Guennadyevich
Turyghin Fyodor Viktorovich
Kopot Evgeny Mikhailovich
Antipov Aleksandr Sergeyevich

06:42 I don't know what the fuck Dubel is doing there)) he is responsible for the UN
06:42 Evg Kopot
OK, what about Blan?
06:42 Nadine
Syty gets a cooler award
06:42 So does Konkov
06:42 Evg Kopot
06:42 Nadine
incidentally, even Strelkov is on the list, this is really fucked up

← Valera Kondakov
10:52 maybe some other options?
27 April 2018
00:22 Valera Kondakov
good morning. how are things? what's going on? what do you think about the order?
00:24 Evg Kopot
I think we probably need to introduce a new one
00:24 Good morning!
00:26 Valera Kondakov
what about the old one with the cross? will Muslims be wearing it? have there been
precedents? what do you think?
00:58 Evg Kopot
Yesterday we were thinking about the Star of Boganda
00:59 And zo kwe zo fits in well here
00:59 À la Lenin-Stalin order
01:00 Valera Kondakov
I also stood up for a star yesterday… an eight-pointed one.
01:00 Evg Kopot
Boganda is an icon and there is some anti-colonial pathos
01:00 :))
01:00 Valera Kondakov
how about peace-making pathos?
01:01 Evg Kopot
His principle is he is all for peace
01:01 Valera Kondakov
Boganda is so revered in Tsaritsyno?
01:01 Evg Kopot
01:01 Sort of like Lenin in the USSR
01:01 And Bokassa is sort of like Stalin

← Dima the Translator Lokhmaty [Disheveled]
11:43 1. Choir notes 2-3. Place where the woman died 4. Personal effects of the
wounded. Site where the priest was wounded. 5. Aftermath of a grenade explosion
6,7,8. Places where three wounded people were found 9-10. Car used to carry the
wounded. The blood did not wash off.
12:20 Evg Kopot
Evg Kopot 01.05.2018 12:06:43
Force's guys drove to the church. Threw a grenade, opened fire. Killed 6
people, including the priest. Some people in response demolished a mosque. A
shootout started between Muslims, policemen, gendarmes, and presidential
guards. 2 policemen were wounded. 4 Muslims were killed.
12:20 Fatima district 5 KM.
12:20 For Nour: the chief asks him to release a communiqué saying he
condemns the attack on the church.
12:20 So that the UN gets the idea that Nour is for peace in the CAR

2 May 2018


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