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Attachment В29.

Dialogues between employees of Evgeny Prigozhin’s "Company"

April 28, 2018

Evgeny Kopot: Nastya called, says the boss wants to talk

Evgeny Kopot: The boss has set us the task of writing a scenario for T [Faustin-Archange
Touadera] like we did in the desert [Syria], if… t

Mikhail Potepkin: The boss just called)), taking the piss

April 3, 2018

Evegny Kopot and Valery Kondakov

Еvgeny Kopot: The boss has banned all discussion of work in messengers

Еvgeny Kopot: I’ve been reporting back to the boss by phone. Elected the Bureau – reported
back. Flew in from Benin – reported back.

April 4, 2018

Evegny Kopot and Valery Kondakov

Valery Kondakov: Petr has been with the boss all [?day]. He showed him the map of Africa
with election dates.

April 5, 2018

Evegny Kopot and Valery Kondakov

Valery Kondakov: Hi. Yesterday the boss set us the task of writing notes on 20 African
countries: Russia’s interests, risks, economy and so on. In one day. I’m doing CAR and Sudan.
So, I’ve got a question: do you have the initial note on CAR, probably the first one?

April 11, 2018

Evegny Kopot and Valery Kondakov

Еvgeny Kopot: Nastya phoned. The boss said that unless I report back to him on a regular basis,
he’ll stop my salary.
Mikhail Potepkin: So why don’t your report back??

Еvgeny Kopot: Because I wrote to Valera and you.

Mikhail Potepkin: But you agreed at least twice a week.

April 13, 2018

Evegny Kopot and Valery Kondakov

Еvgeny Kopot: Let’s be more formal about this. Tell me who’s in charge and which computer to
send the notes to.

Mikhail Potepkin: Send the notes to computer 8 if it’s to the boss with a note from Evgeny, the
politologist from CAR

Еvgeny Kopot: You mean my line manager – the boss. Or Kuzin?

Mikhail Potepkin: At the moment you’re actually reporting directly to the boss and keeping
back office informed

April 14, 2018

Evegny Kopot and Valery Kondakov

Valery Kondakov: Understood. Valery Zakharov. So, the boss was talking to him yesterday…

Еvgeny Kopot: Yes

April 15, 2018

Evgeny Kopot writes to A

Еvgeny Kopot: The boss called me. I ran off to report to him.

April 15, 2018

Evegny Kopot and Valery Kondakov

Еvgeny Kopot: I spoke to the boss. Suggested the idea of accelerating things with the African

Mikhail Potepkin: And how did he like the idea?

Еvgeny Kopot: Accepted it. Told me what to do, I can give Bogdanov a kick in the shins. I said
I’m waiting for you so we can meet the African Union ambassador and then we’ll kick his shins.
He says OK.

April 16, 2018

Evgeny Kopot writes to A

Еvgeny Kopot: The boss has already called, said good morning and gave instructions

[А]: Yikes, now he’s always giving you instructions personally (or was it always like that?)

Еvgeny Kopot: No. But we’ve been talking twice a day for the last two days

April 16, 2018

Evgeny Kopot and Mikhail Potepkin

Еvgeny Kopot: So, I spoke to the boss about MINUSCA. Now everyone here’s got their
marching orders. The lawyer has to draw up a plan. Petr’s been summoned to St Petersburg

Еvgeny Kopot: How’s the boss?

Mikhail Potepkin: I’m in contact with the boss

Еvgeny Kopot: Have you spoken to him?

Mikhail Potepkin: Yes

April 16, 2018

Evgeny Kopot writes to Dmitry Syty

Еvgeny Kopot: Get back here at top speed. We’ll need to confer. The boss is hopping mad
today. We’ve got to prepare the humanitarian thing for Friday. We’re up to our ears in important

Еvgeny Kopot: The boss held a long meeting about CAR today. And now the boss is phoning
me twice a day. Yesterday he chewed my balls off because the information about the Gabonian
was released, and today he praised me. Yesterday I almost started building a wood processing
factory :))) like he guessed my thoughts.

[Dmitry Syty]: That’s an old idea of the boss’s. We talked about it back in Sochi.

Еvgeny Kopot: Seems like the boss is realising that V’s not really coping with overall
management and the negotiations
April 17, 2018

Evgeny Kopot and Mikhail Potepkin

Еvgeny Kopot: I phoned the boss. And now he’s saying let’s talk about a document on where
we’re going with Touadera. He’s given me something to think about.

April 26, 2018

Valery Kondakov writes to Evgeny Kopot

Valera Kondakov: Zhenya, the boss has set us the task of designing a conciliation order in the
CAR for Muslims and Christians. They have an order with a cross – a state award. Do Muslims
wear it? Can you check somehow?

April 28, 2018

Evgeny Kopot and Mikhail Potepkin

Еvgeny Kopot: Nastya phoned, says the boss wants to talk

Mikhail Potepkin: The boss has set us the task of writing a scenario for T like we did in the
desert, if…

Mikhail Potepkin: The boss has just called )). Taking the piss

May 1, 2018

Evgeny Kopot writes to Dmitry Syty

Еvgeny Kopot: For Nur: the boss is asking him to issue a communique saying that he denounces
the attack on the church. So that the UN sees that Nur is in calling for peace in CAR.

May 5, 2018

Valery Kondakov writes to Evgeny Kopot

Valery Kondakov: I’m seeing the boss in 40 minutes… got the MFA scan, but not the Roscon
one. I might need it…though it’s probably too late now to catch JJ. Maybe we could try and get
the RosCongress scan from him?
May 10, 2018

Valery Kondakov writes to Evgeny Kopot

Valery Kondakov: Re the tasks set by the boss on 05.05: — SPIEF delegation – film – work on
drawing rivals into a coalition – search for AB field commanders.

May 13, 2018

Valery Kondakov sends a file to Evgeny Kopot entitled "tasks from the boss 13.05.docx"

May 26, 2018

Igor Osadchy writes in CAR Media chat:

Colleagues, the boss has called a meeting at 12:00 tomorrow on CAR plans. Can you send in
your suggestions?

May 31, 2018


Taras Pribyshev: Colleagues, I want to warn you to bear in mind that one of the projects of
great concern to the boss re working with the population (he repeated this many times) <..> The
boss has allocated the tasks as follows:

June 5, 2018

Maria Pushkina in CAR Media chat:

Andrey (factory), Andrey (ours) says there are 42 Muslims in the FACA graduation class. Can
we make one of the graduates a hero. A moving interview (basic questions from me) about how
a Muslim is concerned about the future of CAR? In any event we need to support the narrative
about increasing the number of Muslims in FACA. This is the boss’s task.

June 15, 2018

Vadim Kuptsov in CAR Media chat:

Hello, colleagues! Tomorrow we have to report to the boss on media affairs over the past week.
June 21, 2018

Evgeny Kopot writes to Dmitry Syty

Еvgeny Kopot: Anyway, they asked the boss directly about my return and he said I should
definitely come back. So, no need to find out V’s view.

July 23, 2018

Evgeny Kopot writes to Nadezhda Kramar

Еvgeny Kopot: Our working day begins at 6 in the morning ))) when it’s 8–9 in Msc

Еvgeny Kopot: And when the boss phones me at 7, it’s 5 here

Еvgeny Kopot: Before going on holiday I probably gave my room-mate a good laugh by trying
to reply with a sheet in one hand and the phone in the other while standing to attention )))))

July 23, 2018

Valery Kondakov and Evgeny Kopot

Petr Bychkov: Let’s do some creative thinking about what domestic political system to set up
and how – new parties perhaps, perhaps something else…

Valery Kondakov: Clearly the boss set some tasks yesterday…political ones

Еvgeny Kopot: Yes, the boss gave everyone a bollocking yesterday. Political tasks…

Valery Kondakov: Yeah. If it’s political, then it’s for you alone. The boss has allocated this to
you, let me quote: "Kopot has done just one thing, but he’s done it well: he’s organised an
excellent election to the bureau".

July 26, 2018

Evgeny Kopot writes to Nadezhda Kramar

Еvgeny Kopot: The boss is the only one who hasn’t phoned me today about yesterday: Kuzin,
Mikhail, Petr

Nadezhda Krama: The boss doesn’t want to hear about deposits

Еvgeny Kopot: That was a ridiculous attempt to distract the boss’s attention for a month
August 12, 2018

Ksenia Klochkova and Mikhail Potepkin

Ksenia Klochkova: I was rushing to a meeting with a government official. I was late.

Mikhail Potepkin: Well, if it was a government official, then of course…I’m no match for a
government official ))

Ksenia Klochkova: But you’re more awesome – you produce gold for Prigozhin

Mikhail Potepkin: I don’t give interviews ))

August 13, 2018

Nadezhda Krama and Evgeny Kopot

Nadezhda Kramar: I’ve found all the documents on medals and orders

Nadezhda Kramar: The boss is very particular about CAR

August 28, 2018

Evgeny Kopot writes to Nadezhda Kramar

Еvgeny Kopot: SP will probably fly in this evening

September 1, 2018

Evgeny Kopot writes to Nadezhda Kramar

Еvgeny Kopot: The boss has asked us to plan activities for a half-year

September 2, 2018

Evgeny Kopot writes to Nadezhda Kramar

Еvgeny Kopot: Yesterday I got my b***s chewed off by the boss for the phone line

Nadezhda Kramar: So, you didn’t talk to him?

Еvgeny Kopot: We started twice but then he got mad and we didn’t finish.

Nadezhda Kramar: Blinkov might go and see him today

September 4, 2018

Evgeny Kopot writes to Nadezhda Kramar

Еvgeny Kopot: The boss is not picking up

Nadezhda Kramar; Have you got any news?

Еvgeny Kopot: He phoned me back himself. He’s not in SP

Еvgeny Kopot: Gave him a brief report, seems OK.

September 5, 2018

Petr Bychkov writes to Evgeny Kopot

Petr Bychkov: Hi, tell me how things are today and what you’re going to report to the boss

Petr Bychkov: Tomorrow we’re being grilled on CAR

September 6, 2018

Nadezhda Kramar writes to Evgeny Kopot

Nadezhda Kramar: Stanislav was here, attempt No.6 to introduce him to the Boss. They
postponed the meeting to the evening.

Nadezhda Kramar: That’s why Petr is at head office, and Ilya’s doing something again and
having a fierce discussion about it with Stanislav

September 13, 2018

Evgeny Kopot and Funkyboss

Еvgeny Kopot: The boss said his plane’s coming here on Saturday – Sunday and we can stuff it
full of those presents. So, I said: I’ll pick them up in the morning and urgently stuff the plane.

September 25, 2018

Evgeny Kopot writes to Nadezhda Kramar

Еvgeny Kopot: Seems the boss has signed off my salary for October. And that means I’m
damned if I’m going where…

October 05, 2018

Petr Bychkov in the FAT Presentation group

Petr Bychkov: We need to produce a nice convincing presentation so that the boss can tell
Touadera he needs to throw out the French and listen to us only. For that, we need to show how
much we’re doing for him and for CAR.

February 10, 2019

Evgeny Kopot writes to Nadezhda Kramar

Еvgeny Kopot: But the boss has always issued instructions personally rather than through the

February 23, 2019

Nikolay Koronnov and Nadezhda Kramar. She re-sends to Evgeny Kopot

Nadezhda Kramar: Blinkov has been sacked, and in a very bad way. For a drunken report.

Nikolay Koronnov: So, I was talking to the security guys. The boss has given instructions that he
doesn’t want Andrey here. We need to get him a return ticket urgently. Best to do it within one
hour. A ticket for tomorrow evening or Monday. You need to get the tickets and send them
within an hour.

March 8, 2019

Petr Bychkov and Nadezhda Kramar

Petr Bychkov: Colleagues, I suggest you turn your attention to Syria. The boss has already said
we need to get the documents and the people ready. He will be there on the 15th.

Nadezhda Kramar: The boss will be going there on March 15. So, we need to prepare the staff
schedule and all the necessary documents.

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