Aice Thinking Skills Syllabus

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AICE Critical Thinking Skills (9694) Syllabus

Teacher:​ Ms. Todd, Room 1221 or Portable 34

​Email:​ ​
​ ambridge Website:​ ​

The purpose of this course involves the development of a range of transferable thinking skills and
processes. These skills are valuable and relevant within other subjects as well as being essential for
further and higher education. It should engage students in the study of the language of reasoning by
identifying reasons, evaluating reasoning of different kinds, recognizing and evaluating assumptions,
clarifying expressions and ideas, and the production of reasoning appropriate to a given task. The AICE
Thinking Skills examination is an integrated part of this course. Additionally, there will be an
incorporated component of a Student Government Class within this course. Each 9 weeks will focus on a
different emphasis, as follows:

1st 9 weeks: Paper 2, Paper 1

2nd 9 weeks: Paper 3, Paper 1
3rd 9 weeks: Paper 4 , Paper 1
4th 9 weeks: Papers 1-4 Review, Mentoring

Textbooks: Cambridge University Press ​Thinking Skills

Additional readings from a variety of other resources will be used
Internet and teacher created/procured documents and information
Various news articles/sources
ACT/SAT prep resources/ KHAN academy

​Supplies Needed:
Bay Net Access (AUP) USB Jump Drive
(1) Folder Highlighters (multicolored)
Loose leaf Paper Notecards
Dividers Blue/Black Pen/Pencil
Access to School Gmail SGA application/medical release*
*SGA class only

AICE Exams:
Paper 1: (1¾ hours) Problem Solving
30 multiple choice questions Maximum mark 30 Weighted/25% of total.
Paper 2: (1¾ hours) Critical Thinking
3 structured answer questions Maximum mark 45 Weighted/25% of total.
Paper 3: (2 hours) Problem Analysis and Solution
4 structured answer questions Maximum mark 50 Weighted/25% of total.
Paper 4: (1½ hours) Applied Reasoning 4 questions, one requiring an extended response Maximum mark
50 Weighted/25% of total.
Class Expectations:
Students will come to class prepared each and every day with correct supplies.
Students will arrive on time- TARDIES will count!
Students will work towards a successful pass on AICE Thinking Skills I examination.
Students will follow all Bay High School handbook rules.
Students are expected to be in class every day and understand the make-up policy according to the Bay
High School handbook.
Although students are expected to be highly motivated, if students are having difficulties with mastering
the standards they should ask for help and schedule individual time with teacher.

Course Objective:
This course offers opportunities to develop and improve critical thinking and problem solving skills. The
following are specific objectives for thinking and solving skills:

I. Critical Thinking II. Extensions of Critical Thinking

a. Recognizing reasoned arguments a. Constructing a reasoned case,
(CT1) including selecting and combining
b. Identifying conclusions (CT2) information (CT13)
c. Drawing conclusions (CT3) b. Interpretation of statistics (CT14)
d. Recognizing implicit assumptions III. Problem Solving
(CT4) a. Extracting relevant data
e. Assessing the impact of further b. Processing data
evidence (CT5) c. Finding procedures for solving
f. Recognizing flaws in reasoning problems
(CT6) d. Searching for solutions
g. Selecting believable explanations e. Identifying similar data
(CT7) f. Suggesting hypotheses for
h. Recognizing the logical functions variations
of key elements of an argument g. Using spatial reasoning
(CT8) h. Identifying necessary and sufficient
i. Understanding and clarifying key data
terms and expressions (CT9) i. Working with models
j. Being able to infer and deduce j. Making choices and decisions
(CT10) IV. Extension of Problem Solving
k. Analyzing and evaluating evidence a. Developing a model
and arguments (CT11) b. Analyzing complex data and
drawing conclusions

All grades will be accessed through FOCUS portal. The student is solely responsible for keeping up with
his/her grade online. Student must adhere to the BDS policy regarding grading, missing assignments, and
late work. The teacher will upload all materials needed for assignments, including missed assignments, on
Google Classroom. It is not the responsibility of the teacher to track down the student for makeup work.
All work must be completed within two weeks of the assignment due date. If a student takes an
assessment, and it is below a 70%, the student may REQUEST TO RETEST an assessment/standard.
When doing so, the request must be completed by the student and signed off by student, guardian, and
teacher, and the reassessment must be completed within two weeks (ten days) from the original test date.
Any test grades a student wishes to retest above a 70% is at the teacher’s discretion. Makeup assessments
will not be given during class time. Students must schedule a time to come in before school or after
school in order to make up assignments within two weeks. They will not be permitted to interrupt another
class in order to make up an assignment.
Any assignment not completed will be denoted by a (**) in FOCUS. This translates to zero if not made up
within the set time frame. At the end of the first 9 weeks teachers will put in a 50% as the quarter 1 grade.
After the first 9 weeks, all (**) will become zeros.

Formative Grades (5%)

Daily work is considered formative. Its purpose is to assist both students and teachers in
evaluating student progress and providing information to direct instruction. Formative work is
practice, but it is essential for progress. Without appropriate practice, students cannot expect to do
well on summative assessments.

Summative Grades (95%)

Summative grades, also called “tests” or “assessments,” are intended to measure student mastery
of content. After working on skills and concepts with formative materials, a summative
measurement will provide feedback on skill mastery and student achievement. The results of
summative measures also provide information for the teacher and student about deficient areas
that may require additional time spent on them.

Students should be seated and already at work on the bell-ringer before the tardy bell. Any students not in
the room at the time of the bell will be considered tardy. After 4 tardies, students will receive a conference
with the teacher and a phone call home. Upon the next tardy, they will receive a discipline referral (DR).
Upon receiving any additional tardies for the 9 weeks, student will continue to receive DRs and will be
subject to ISS/OSS. LATE WORK. Students should refer to the 2018-2019 BHS Student Handbook.
Excused late work can be completed and will be accepted up until ONE WEEK before the end of the 9
week grading period.

Electronic Devices
Students are to put​ ​electronic devices AWAY ​unless otherwise instructed by the teacher or with
permission.​ If you can not do this on your own, they will go into the CELL PHONE STATION​ and

First offense​:​ Student will turn the phone into the teacher until the end of class.
Second offense:​ ​Student will turn the phone into the teacher until the end of day and receive WARNING. Loss of
phone for 9 weeks.
Third offense:​ ​Phone will be turned into office and parent will have to pick up the device from the office. Student
will also be subject to a discipline referral for insubordination.

Students who use classroom and testing accommodations (extended time, testing in separate room, real
allowable text, or any other documented accommodations) are encouraged to contact me as soon as
possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.​ ​ Please see me
before/after class/school, send me an email through FOCUS, or leave a note so I am aware of your needs
so you can be successful in this class.
Please sign and return the LAST SHEET to school with your student before Friday August 16, 2019. In addition, 
please sign and return the AUP for your student to have internet access to the assignments we will be doing in the 
classroom throughout the year. 
I fully understand and agree to the procedures and contents of the syllabus above. I realize that my child is 
responsible for coming to class and acting appropriately. In addition, I understand that my child will be held 
accountable if they do not follow the procedures in this syllabus, and disciplinary actions will be taken as needed. 
____________________________ _____________________________ ______  
Student’s Name Student’s Signature  Date 
____________________________  ______________________________  ______ 
Parent’s Name  Parent’s Signature  Date 
*You may also sign up for the Remind101 system for test date reminders!  
Text 81010 @toddlit if you are in thinking skills 
Text 81010 @bhssga19 if you are in the SGA thinking skills class 

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