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Sri Swamiji in Switzerland:

Sri Ganapati
Sachchidananda Swamiji
Concert in Interlaken 21 July, Programme in Flüeli-Ranft 22 – 26 July 2007
Sri Swamiji gives us great joy by coming to Switzerland in 2007. DYC Switzerland and
DYC Germany have joined together to invite Sri Swamiji. A wonderful location for the seminar
has been found in the Pax Montana hotel in Flüeli-Ranft. Flüeli-Ranft is the birth place and
subsequent work place of the Swiss national Saint Niklaus von der Flüe, and is situated in the
foothills of the Swiss Alps with a beautiful view of the lake and mountains.

Seminar on the Guru Gita 23 – 25. 07. 2007

“Even when you are highly educated you should always remember that you are supported by an invisible energy. We follow the Guru so
he can help us understand this invisible energy. Once you have understood this you will be blissful.”
Sri Swamiji, 2004
Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji
Sri Swamiji’s first visit to Switzerland and Germany was in 1976. Since Concert: Nada Sagara – Ocean of Sound
then he has given countless concerts and seminars on yoga, philosophy, Sri Swamiji uses music (Nada Yoga) as the main medium to convey his
and the Indian healing tradition in these and many other countries. spiritual message. Even when he was a child he would urge his playmates
According to Sri Swamiji there are many different ways which can support to sing and play music. For over twenty years he has enthusiastically been
people in their endeavour to lead a fulfilling life. He respects all religions giving concerts all over the world.
and their adherents. Sri Swamiji teaches about the divine nature of the Self, He composes his own Bhajans which he sings, and he plays healing ragas
that which is honored in all traditions in various forms and with different from the Vedic tradition on the synthesizer. A group of exceptionally
names. accomplished musicians accompany him on classical Indian instruments.
The ragas which Sri Swamiji plays, enhanced by the abundant tones of the
Seminar: Guru Gita – Hymn of the Masters synthesizer, have a very harmonizing effect on the body and mind of the
The master and disciple relationship is the heart of the spiritual path in the
eastern traditions.The Indian name for the master is Guru.The Guru Gita is Sri Cakra Puja and Ganapati Homa
one of the most highly treasured Sanskrit hymns in the whole of India. It
forms the Uttara Kandha, the last part of the Skanda Purana and is imbued Sri Swamiji has been performing Sri Cakra Puja every day in the morning
with the Vedantic concept of non-duality.These hymns have also been for many years. Puja means reverence and involves worship of God through
incorporated into the Dattatreya tradition where they are considered to be sacred actions such as offerings of flowers, water, fruit, light etc. accompa-
very important.The Guru Gita narrates the dialogue between Shiva and nied by the chanting of appropriate mantras. Sri Cakra Puja is dedicated to
Parvati. Parvati asks Shiva the following fundamental question:“How can the feminine principle upon which the entire universe and all of nature is
an individual soul attain union with the Absolute (Brahman)?” founded. On an individual level, puja can lead the participants to a wonder-
ful spiritual experience of oneness.
The Guru Gita explains the role of the spiritual Master on this meaningful
journey. For example, verse 104 of the Guru Gita says:“The Guru is the Homa is a fire ceremony where an offering is given into the sacred fire
manifestation of the eternal, formless Brahman (Absolute); that which he ‘Agni’. According to the Vedic (ancient Indian) tradition, fire is the ‘unchang-
has reached, he enables his disciple to reach, as one light kindles another ing principle within everything that is transitory, the universal life that
light.”The Guru Gita answers questions such as “What are the distinguish- leads us to immortality’. (Rig Veda,VI.4.2; I.31.2). On the external, physical
ing features of a Guru?, How should a disciple behave? What is the relation- level the natural element fire is honored as a powerful force.‘Agni’ is
ship between Guru and disciple? What does a Guru give to a disciple? described as the ‘mouth of the Gods’ (Rig-Veda, II.1.13-14), in the sense
that it conveys the offerings to the Gods for which the ceremony is being
Sri Swamiji is well known for his singing seminars, where he teaches performed. In this Homa Ganapati, with the attributes of wisdom and the
melodiously verse by verse with much humor and wisdom. He takes topics gift of removing obstacles, is being revered.The smoke of such a sacrificial
from daily life, and enriches his presentations with anecdotes, stories and fire is healing, cleansing and empowering due to the addition of special
parables from Indian spiritual literature and mythology. herbs and ghee (clarified butter).You can personally participate in this
ritual by writing your name and date of birth (also those of people not
present) on a list. Sri Swamiji includes all these names in his Homa ceremo-
ny and pays attention to the individual matters of all these participants.
Sri Swamiji in Switzerland Bus transfer to the concert on Saturday 21 July
Concert in Interlaken on 21 July 2007 There will be a bus transfer from Pax Montana hotel to the concert in
Programme in Flüeli-Ranft from 22-26 July 2007 Interlaken and back, departing at about 16:30.You can book a return ticket
or a one-way ticket from Interlaken to Flüeli-Ranft. If you would like to take
Programme this bus transport please note this on the registration form.
The cost of the bus transfer will depend on how many people register for it,
Saturday 21 July 2007, 18:00 so we will inform you at Flüeli-Ranft.
Concert with Sri Swamiji and his musicians in the Casino Kursaal in Inter-
laken (Theatersaal) at the base of the Jungfrau, a famous Swiss mountain. Concert tickets
The concert tickets can be ordered using the registration form.There will be
Sunday 22 July 2007, 10:00 108 sponsoring tickets at CHF 108.- / ? 70.-.The other prices categories are
On Sunday morning there will be a traditional Ganapati Homa and CHF 40.- / ? 25.- (middle rows) and CHF 25.- / ? 16.- (back rows). For chil-
Sri Cakra Puja in the community hall (Mehrzweckhalle) in Flüeli-Ranft. dren there are the following reduced prices: CHF 20.- / ? 13.- (middle rows),
Prasadam will be given at the end. CHF 15.- / ? 10.- (back rows).
The seats in the first two categories are numbered.
Monday 23 July – Wednesday 25 July 2007 The chance to buy tickets through us is valid until 31.03.2007. After
There will be a special opportunity to participate in a seminar on the 01.04.2007 concert tickets can be purchased through the following ticket
Guru Gita during these three days.The Guru Gita is a literary composition sale offices: BEO-Tickets, Herr VonAllmen,Tel. 0041 (0)33 8212115
on the philosophy of spiritual masters, a tradition which has been flourish- (+CHF 9.- / order), or BLS-Reisezentrum, Genfergasse 11, Bern,
ing in eastern countries since ancient times. Sri Swamiji has only taught Tel. 0041 (0)31 327 32 71.
this seminar once in the west, in 1990. Sri Swamiji will personally teach this Sponsoring tickets and reduced tickets for children are only
course in Flüeli-Ranft. available through us.
A translation of this seminar is planned. Please note that families with young children will be offered seats near the
Every morning there will be a Sri Cakra Puja and in the evenings there will exit. If the children become restless you are requested to leave the hall with
be an activity as part of the supporting programme. them.
There will be a special programme for children during the seminar.
There are several different types of room available which are listed in the To register please send the attached registration form before
registration form. Next to the comfortable 3 Star Pax Montana hotel with 28. February 2007 to Doris Wegmann, Schulstrasse 17, 8488 Turbental,
many double and some single rooms, there is a hostel offering less expen- Tel +0041 (0)52 383 38 30, Email
sive rooms with several beds per room and showers in the hall.You can
book a package with 5 night’s accommodation or only the weekend with Registration is confirmed upon payment of CHF 500.- / € 300.-
one night.The arrival date is Saturday 21 July after 14:00 and the depar- before 31 March 2007. Full payment must be made before 20 May
ture date is 26 July 2007 after breakfast. 2007. You can also pay the full amount in one payment.
The prices for accommodation and meals in Pax Montana hotel and
the hostel are given in the attached registration form.

Seminar cost Kursort Hotel PaxMontana

The seminar costs CHF 300.- / ?200.- plus an overhead cost of CHF 100.-
/?65.- . Partners who are taking care of the children only need to pay the
overhead cost.
Room reservations will be made following payment. Doris Wegmann will Directions to Pax Montana hotel
allocate the room categories and the hotel will allocate the specific rooms.
Please note on your registration form with whom you would like to share a By car
room.We cannot guarantee that you will receive the type of room you wish. From Basel: Motorway A2 direction Luzerne
You cannot make a direct hotel booking at the hotel during the course. From Zurich: main road through Adliswil to Sihlbrugg, then motorway A4
to Luzerne. Before the Luzerne exit go direction Brünig/Interlaken, then exit
Confirmation of registration Sarnen Sud, drive to Sachseln, and in Sachseln turn left to go up the
You will receive confirmation of registration after we have received the mountain to Flüeli-Ranft. Follow the signs to Hotel Pax Montana. Parking is
payment. For cancellations after confirmation has been sent out we will directly below the hotel or in the village.
charge CHF 80.- / € 50.-.
By public transport
Payment by bank transfer Train connections to Flüeli-Ranft
For Swiss participants to: (change to bus in Sachseln at the station)
Datta Yoga Center Switzerland, Postcheckkonto No. 85288830-2 or use the Basel Zürich Zürich Flugh. Bern St. Gallen
attached payment slip. Dep 11.04 12.04 11.47 11.32 10.48
Arr Luzerne 12.14 12.49 12.49 12.54 12.49
For EU and international participants to: Dep Luzerne 12.37 13.07 13.07 13.07 13.07
Datta Yoga Center Germany e.V Arr Sachseln 13.12 13.43 13.43 13.43 13.43
Deutsche Bank 24, Barbarossaplatz, 40189 Düsseldorf Dep Sachseln 13.46 13.46 13.46 13.46 13.46
Arr Flüeli-Ranft 13.58 13.58 13.58 13.58 13.58
Account 643 303 105
Alte Post
BLZ 300 700 24
Berlin Hamburg Düsseldorf München Stuttgart
Dep 01.08 22.47 06.26 07.12 08.04
IBAN DE 15 300 700 24 064 33 031 05 Arr 12.14 10.14 12.14 12.49 12.25 in Luzern
Please enter the same name on the payment as is on the
registration form. Purpose of payment: Flüeli-Ranft 2007 Train connections from Flüeli-Ranft (first take bus to Sachseln)
Basel Zürich Zürich Flugh. Bern St. Gallen
Contact persons for further information Dep Flüe 08.29 08.29 08.29 08.29 08.29
Doris Wegmann, Schulstrasse 17, 8488 Turbental, Arr Sachseln 08.41 08.41 08.41 08.41 08.41
Tel. +0041 (0)52 383 38 30, Email: Dep Sachseln 09.15 09.15 09.15 09.15 09.15
Jaya Ward, Schweikhofstrasse 91, 8925 Ebertswil, Arr Luzern 09.52 09.52 09.52 09.52 09.52
Tel. 0041 (0)44 715 40 17, Email: Dep Luzern 10.45 10.10 10.10 09.57 10.10
Arrival 11.51 10.56 11.13 11.24 12.15
Up-to-date information can also be found in Berlin Hamburg Düsseldorf München Stuttgart
Dep 10.45 11.45 11.45 10.10 10.10 d. Luzern under “Termine”.
Arr 19.25 19.35 16.33 16.34 13.56
Hotel Address
Train connections to Interlaken (direct connection to concert)
Hotel Pax Montana, Postfach, 6073 Flüeli-Ranft, Switzerland Basel Zürich Zürich Flugh. Bern St. Gallen
Tel 0041 (0)41 660 22 33, Fax 0041 (0)41 660 61 42 Dep 15.27 15.32 15.13 16.39 14.11
Email:, Arr 17.35 17.35 17.35 17.35 17.35

Train connections from Interlaken after the concert

Basel Zürich Zürich Flugh. Bern St. Gallen
Dep 20.47 20.47 20.47 21.25 20.25
Arr 23.08 23.00 23.16 22.21 23.53

Datta Yoga Center Switzerland Datta Yoga Center Germany
Schweikhofstrasse 91 Arnheimerstrasse 16
CH-8952 Ebertswil D-40489 Düsseldorf
Tel. 0041 44 715 40 17 Tel. 0049 211 536 74 51
Registration form for Sri Swamiji’s visit 21 – 26 July 2007 in Flüeli-Ranft, Switzerland
Please send before 28 February, 2007 to: Doris Wegmann, Schulstrasse 17, 8488 Turbental, Switzerland, email:

Accommodation 21 – 26.07.2007 EURO Number There are a limited number

5 nights with full pension pro person persons Total of single rooms.
Hotel Pax Montana
Single room with shower/WC 475
Double room with shower /WC 415
3/4 Bed room with shower/WC 400
Extra cost for single person in double room 145
Children 0-2 years in parent’s room 0
Children 3-5 years in parent’s room 205
Children 6-11 in parent’s room 290
Children 12-14 in parent’s room 330
Hostel accommodation – showers in hall and several beds in each room
Adults 285
Children 8-11years 200
Children 12-14 year 230
Seminar including overhead costs 255
Children programme free
Overhead costs for people not in seminar 65
Accommodation for weekend 21 – 22 July 2007
Hotel Pax Montana (1 night half pension)
Single room with shower/WC 90
Double room with shower /WC 80
Concert Payment of CHF 500.-/€ 300.-
Spende für Spital
Sponsoring tickets (front rows) Datta Peetham 70 per person before 31.03.2007.
Middle row 25 Full payment before
Middle rows children 15 20.05.2007. Bank costs must be
Last 3 rows (unnumbered) 15 paid by the person paying.
Last 3 rows children 10 Please note on the payment the
Total name of the person

Please fill out a separate form for people not in the same household
Surname, forename (Indian Name)
Name(s) of accompanying person(s) (living in same household)
Post code,Town, Country
Telephone # with country code fax
Email address
I would like to share a room with (paying separately/paying together)
If this room category is not available I would prefer the following category
Children’s birthdates:
I would like a bus transfer from Flüeli-Ranft to the concert in Interlaken
 Return ticket, number people:  Single ticket, number people:

Place, Date Signature

Please make a copy of this before you send it in!

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