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Keoni Howell

CUIN 3313

Video Script
Using the Internet to your full advantage

*Picture of famous streamer ninja*

This is a picture of a very successful person that used the internet to their full advantage. When I say ‘full

advantage’ it could be from financial gain, self-promotion, education, etc. In the case of Ninja, he was

able to make a career from the Internet buy becoming a streamer. Which is someone who does live

sessions of them doing an activity that many people may like, sort of like tv but live, and more

individualized. This is something anyone can do, millions of people stream themselves every day, but

few get monetary incentive from it. How did he get to that point? Through self-promotion.

*screen recording of Instagram*

You guys ever heard of flat tummy tea? I’m sure almost all of us with an Instagram have. Scrolling

through your explore page and that is all you see, these ‘Instagram models’ endorsing this brand

because they are so popular, companies tend to look towards social media to promote.

*shows advertisement revenue on YouTube for last year*

The companies aren’t the only ones who can promote, individuals like Ninja and the Instagram models

promote themselves to get more views and attention, which circles back around to revenue because

businesses see these individuals as opportunities to put their brand out there. You see how the Internet

has its way of using avenues for gain of whatever that may be.
The Internet is much more than just social media, it is also a major hub for educating oneself. A great

example is this class we are taking. 40 years ago, this would never be possible, everyone would only be

able to do on campus classes and check books out of the library. Today you have access to everything

just from one device. You can take this class, study for a test on Quizlet, get an article for an essay, rent

books, even get tutoring over the internet. There is nothing but opportunity, so take advantage of

everything you can, while you can.

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