Organic Mindset

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mindset Agile


Authentic engagement
Agile collaboration
Sustainable innovation

Index of An agile mindset is about

Organikins a fundamental shift in
Actor p2 Hunter p9
Advisor p26 Innkeeper p36
Organic Mindset works with the following assumption: An
Apprentice p18 Inventor p7 organisation can only transform to the extent that the people
in it undergo transformation. Each person in the organisation
Believer p31 Joker p12 needs to progress through transformation at their own pace.
Bookworm p19 Life giver p3 This theory is the product of an organic collaboration between
Bricklayer p22 Master p30 Marc Grond, Elsa Simpson, Martin Slabber en Nico Simpson.
It developed in the space between Organic Theory, Agile
Captain p11 Mayor p20 awareness, collaborative culture and organisational life.
Caretakers p15 Mediator p23
Agile is a MINDSET,
2018 TransMind - Chess player p17 Organiser p24 a way of thinking, and a collection of values around how work should be organized in a Diarist p16 Provider p37
Concept and product complex and ever changing world
development: Doubter p6 Revolutionary p8
ClariAct -
Design and layout: Dreamer p28 Seller p13
Out of the Blue Creative
Communication Solutions - Dweller p34 Tailor p25
Elder p35 Teacher p14
Change your thoughts
Concept Art:
Illustrations and graphics and you change your world.
by Nico Simpson - Explorer p5 Treasure seeker p4 Ben Christen
Printing and binding: Farmer p21 Winemaker p33
Print on Demand,
5 Koets Road, Grandma p27 Wizard p29
Parow Industria 7493 - Guru p32 Wrecker p10
2 Actor Life giver 3
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Life giver
Actors have abundant inspiring energy that Life givers are powerful and driven, mobile and
attracts attention. Their enthusiasm can bring able to reinvent themselves.
things into movement. They take centre stage to They are needed for growth and enthusiasm.
refocus other’s attention.
They have a ‘Lust for life’ and are life-creating.
Actors are very extroverted; they are not shy.
They can be clear about what they want. They Life givers are full of passion and conviction.
know in a good way how to draw attention to They are agile and they can facilitate great
We make themselves and how to prevent others from changes, even in terms of themselves. We respect
all work in stealing their limelight. They can take on great risks without thinking
about it for too long. They are tirelessly moving
and empower
They do this by acting or just by not acting.
progress forward. people to
visible on a Traditional mindset be their
Actors may be attention-seekers who don’t see Traditional mindset
prioritized the boundaries of others. They may constantly Life givers may feel threatened and anxious, and authentic
be showing others what they found or who they they may mill around without really achieving
list. are. They may be concerned about not adding anything. They may fight for survival, like selves.
value. someone driven into a corner.
We allow people to present We each have very specific roles in
their case and escalate issues the team.

A great team acknowledges when it messes up.

4 Treasure seeker Explorer 5
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset
Treasure seeker

Treasure seekers are always looking for the Explorers are agile, quick to make connections
treasure that they know they have. and therefore ready for anything.
They are looking every­where and nowhere, and The pleasure they get from all the uncertainties
find themselves over and over again. They are coming their way turns them into excellent
looking inside and outside them­selves and change and development agents. Come what
reinvent them­selves over and over again. may – their eagerness is contagious.
We often They are driven by the addictive magic of great Explorers know that life consists of challenges, if We welcome
happiness or the final wis­dom about who they
re-validate are.
only you can see them. changing
They have a fantastic agile energy, directly
assumptions They know that their self-image is based on moving with opportunities and possibilities. requirements
assumptions and they are constantly seeking
and discard self-knowledge and deeper insight. They are not They can and want to switch quickly, explore any time
afraid to confront themselves. They work hard at new horizons and use everything at hand.
everything self-realisation, even if it hurts, seems illogical or during the life
Traditional mindset
that does not causes a relapse.
Explorers have no time to catch their breath
cycle of the
add value. Deeply understood failure is a huge success.
because they feel their feet are burning. They are product.
always too busy to be in the present. They feel
Hank Green an overwhelming pressure to save themselves in
the midst of anxiety and hostility.
Traditional mindset
We constantly react to outside
Treasure seekers may stand up against
themselves. They may sometimes fight and challenges to survive.
clash with themselves and be unable to
understand the logic of their own background.
We try to analyse all possible Play is a means of learning important things.
causes for future defects before we @eegrove
implement our designs.
In doing of the work we discover what work we
“People who are right most of the time are must do . Doing exposes reality.
people who change their minds often.” Woody Zuill
Jeff Bezos
6 Doubter Inventor 7
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Doubters know that life is uncertain by Inventors are an inexhaustible source of
definition; certainty is an illusion. inspiration and creativity.
The search for an inner life and inner stability They are always busy with ‘the other side’ of
means saying goodbye to things that appear truth or current circumstances. They combine
stable. Openness to the situation in the here and thousands of things and turn these into
now feels liberating. something new.
We see All you know is that you know nothing. Feel The only real source of knowledge is within you.
free to ask. Everything can and should be So ultimately you can only build something you We take
change and questioned. yourself can see, feel and know is true.
Doubters are discoverers of the now, sceptic of Inventors are full of their own wisdom, adding to responsibility
uncertainty anything that seems to be sure. others with new ideas and unexpected twists.
for improving
as a given Doubters are free spirits who do not let
themselves be captured. Traditional mindset our own
and part of Inventors may be anxiously looking to find
They are constantly looking for new answers, knowledge.
our plans. which mean the questions are being called up themselves in what they created. They may be
persistent and unyielding, as well as frustrating
because they are afraid to be complacent and
Traditional mindset are always renegotiating.
Doubters may feel that everything is uncertain We question all the detail before
and threatening. In the chaos surrounding them, we proceed.
they may no longer find the inner anchor they
are searching for.
We run the project through The best innovators are not necessarily the most
detailed procedures and controls. creative people. The best innovators are those
who are outstanding at pattern recognition!
Waterfall: Act as if you can meaningfully predict Alex Osterwalder
the future.
Agile: Act as if you can’t .
8 Revolutionary Hunter 9
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Revolutionaries have an eye for the obstacles Hunters are alert and looking for opportunities
that people collectively have to encounter. to confirm and prove themselves. They want to
They feel like the Robin Hoods of their world. stay in charge of initiatives. They are industrious
They fight against what they regard as
nonsense, an injustice or unworkable ideas. Hunters see the possibilities that life offers.
Revolutionaries see where the world has to be They are not unquestioningly satisfied with
We simplify changed before others can see this. They can what seems to be readily at hand. Instead,
they delve and search for improvement and
We have
draw conclusions from this, suggest changes
in order to and improvements. They do this with vigour and sometimes even for the very purpose of life. constant,
focus, with insistent enthusiasm and passion. They have an almost unquestionable faith in
maximize what life has to offer and they radiate this, even on-site, direct
when life gets tough.
the amount Traditional mindset access to the
Revolutionaries may fight against the windmills
of work NOT of the world. This may make them miserable
Traditional mindset users of our
Hunters may be insecure and on the verge of
done. and powerless. Their battles deplete a lot of their
energy and emotions. critical self-doubt, and they may fear for their product.
own survival. They are scanning and waiting
We know we can’t trust other’s without taking decisions.
work upfront.
We highlight dangers and
obstacles and analyse how it
impacts on us.
The middle space is messy but creativity seems
to require some chaos.
Brian Mclaren
To dare is to loose one’s footing momentarily, to
not dare is to loose oneself.
10 Wrecker Captain 11
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Wreckers yearn to be supported. Captains have the urge to take control and know
They feel this new order lies beyond chaos. exactly what to do. Captains give direction.
They make underlying relationships clear so that
If things do not work out and if wreckers do not others know how they need to work together,
find the help to do their ‘thing’, everything must live together or take care of one another.
They determine, arrange, push and pull where
We limit Wreckers push and pull on the regulated
environment around them, seeking
they think it fit to do so.
work in improvement. Captains provide direction and guidance. They
determine the pace and content of cooperation
We all have
progress They take the responsibility to point out flaws
in it, so that they will eventually be optimally
and living together. They clearly see the route an equal say
they need to take and they know how to
and focus on supported in their work and being. persuade others to follow them. They do not in the whole
completing Traditional mindset
allow themselves to be pushed off their path
by others. They decide quickly with whom they
process of
one item at a Wreckers are sometimes frustrated with the
state of affairs in which they are forced to work
want to work or play. delivering.
time. and perform. This leads to fighting or avoidance Traditional mindset
(out of principle) to sidestep the restrictive Captains may only know one side of the truth –
environment. their truth. They set themselves up against every
We constantly question roles other opinion or decision but are uncomfortable
and functions based on the when others handle them in the same way.
organizational structure. We believe people act best when
they’re told what to do.

Think It, build It, ship It, tweak It.

Henrik Kniberg We want change:
without disrupting “business as usual”.
without really sacrificing anything for it.
If you want people to change their behaviour,
Which means the change will start looking
change the system that drives the behaviour.
suspiciously like the status quo
John Cutler
12 Joker Seller 13
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Jokers always take the initiative in the group, Sellers have a keen sense of knowing what
involving everyone, engaging them in what they others need and what they can therefore deliver.
are doing. They focus on the outcome of the deal. They
They ensure that the ‘safe’ people do not know how to apply their talents optimally.
‘escape’ from the collective group. They are enablers of success. They spend energy
Good at sensing who simply does not belong to thinking about opportunities and trying to find We take
We new ways to come to a deal.
the group. changing
appreciate Jokers take the initiative when it comes to being Sellers take responsibility for matters that must
together. Jokers can quickly assess people and be completed. customer
high instantly know whether ‘clicking’ is possible or They focus on issues that are important to others
involvement not. They are therefore able to quickly gather an in their work and life.
enthusiastic group around themselves, if it is at Sellers are not satisfied with half measures, also seriously
of everyone, all possible. not from others, although it has less to do with
They are the engine of being together, the the situation and more with whom they are. and focus
including driving force behind sociability.
Traditional mindset on speedy
customers. Traditional mindset Sellers sometimes do not take ‘the individual delivery.
Jokers are sometimes not sure what people are behind the person’ into account. They may
thinking of them. They may feel uncomfortable move around without seeing others. They may
in groups and stay with people they feel safe see ‘just pressing through’ as efficiency.
with. People could experience them as forceful
or challenging. Because we know what customers
We believe ‘cheer-leading’ is a
proper way to talk to people in our
In almost every case, action will produce many
times more results than planning.
“We” are the most complex part of the project
Antonio Santiago
14 Teacher Caretakers 15
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Teachers maintain the perfect balance between Caretakers are comforting, reliable, embracing
what they can do, who they are, and what and reassuring. They have an attitude of: trust
people want to see of them. me, lean on me, rest with me.’
They also know that this is why people They know they ‘are who they are’ and know
appreciate them. they ‘are trustworthy.’
They know their strengths and have very high Caretakers are a chip off the old block.
We are standards for themselves. They want to resemble their parents and
grandparents. They know themselves well and
We focus
On the one hand they are docile. On the other
transparent hand, they are determined to show the best are proud of their roots. on people’s
of what they have in themselves, preferably With a mix of pride and joyful resignation they
in our team without any compromise. accept who they are and they accept that they strengths
about cannot change the legacy of the generations and gifts and
Traditional mindset in them.
progress and Teachers may always be busy with their use it in our
Traditional mindset
roadblocks. interpretation of others’ wishes while ignoring
their own needs and longings. They may Caretakers may be rigid, showing a fixed version
demand more of themselves than others expect of themselves. ‘You won’t be able to change
of them. me.’ They keep on clinging to who they feel they
We believe there is a right way to
They can be proud of ‘rigid’ traits because that
do things. is characteristic of their heritage. They do not
see the need to change. They can get the same
advice for years without changing anything.
A good leader takes a little more than his share We are sure about our people’s
of the blame, a little less than his share of the strengths and capabilities.
Arnold Glasow

The world will ask you who you are,

and if you don’t know, the world will tell you.
Carl Jung
16 Diarist Chess player 17
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Chess player
Diarists know themselves well and fill any Chess-players build their ideas of the future and
gaps in this knowledge easily. To do this they vision on their reading of the now. Mapping
investigate, reflect and listen to others. future possibilities that are obvious to them.
They gather information in order to solve the They can formulate various scenarios, compare
‘mystery of me.’ various options and switch from one to the
Diarists have their act together when it comes other.
to their own background and the events in their Chess players are visionaries who scan the
We reflect lives that made them who they are. various options of what might happen. Chess
Diarists know a lot about it, have read about it players can tell you about the how and what of We inspect
on the past and have been advised about it. They can also the fog of the future. They know from “the most
likely” to “the possible.” In case of unexpected and adapt
to learn tell others a lot about how to deal with their
events, chess players quickly switch to a new set
own stumbling blocks in life, especially if these on a regular
and make look like their own. They are, in other words, of possibilities.
experts through experience. Chess players are a reliable and rewarding source basis.
changes. of information for people who want to make
plans and want to exclude uncertainties.
Traditional mindset
Diarists may hamper their own development
because they think they know who they are. Traditional mindset
They may form fixed ideas of themselves
based on what they have read or heard about Chess players may find it horrifying to change
themselves. This apparent ‘self-knowledge’ plans and just follow the whims of others. If they
sometimes translates to a fake authority on do not know what is going to happen, they can
other people’s life journeys. resist. They often hold on to what seems certain.
For them the future is no more than the
We do post mortems at the end of extrapolation of trends from the past, chess
completed projects. players think they know what could happen.
We negotiate the cost, time-line,
Most failure I see comes from stubborn refusal
to accept reality and scope of projects with clients
before we start.
Andy Brandt
It is not necessary to change. Survival is not
If you think you know start from zero again mandatory. Peter Drucker
Jaime Hayón You can’t predict in complexity you can only see
patterns when you look back
Marielle Heijltjes
18 Apprentice Bookworm 19
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Apprentices know peaceful rest can only be For Bookworms truth is something you can look
attained by practicing it continuously. up, something that is already ‘known’. Always
Peace of mind in the current situation, if properly look for the recognisable source of an idea.
guarded, provides life long balance and stability They regard themselves as the ones presenting
in being. knowledge rather than the ones discovering
Being one’s own best companion gives them a knowledge.
clear view on others Bookworms are grateful carriers of knowledge. We source the
Apprentices are calm and content. They know They just know things, quote with ease and
We do only where they stand and how they can handle life. know where they can increase their knowledge. knowledge
They also remain searching for it, but with a They are therefore a source of information for
enough sense of ‘one step every day’. Apprentices help their friends and colleagues. Bookworms know we need for
‘just in time’ others through their balance and stability. things and where you can get help. the current
They form anchor points for their environment.
planning. Traditional mindset piece of
Traditional mindset Bookworms may become hopeless and narrow- work.
Apprentices may block out everything that minded because they long for certainty. They
encourages them to think of doing things cling to the old and familiar, even if this is no
‘differently’, for they fear everything will then longer relevant.
collapse. They are watchful for potential danger. We improve the program through
We spend much time on detailed carefully following the theory.
analysis and planning early in the
Current leadership calls for a move to a system of
Encourage fast learning through many small Marielle Heijltjes
It is a waste of time to try and predict/control
risk in advance
20 Mayor Farmer 21
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Mayors act as examples for others when it Farmers do what they do. They feel responsible
comes to complying with codes of conduct and for their surroundings. They are relied upon for
(cultural) standards. sustainability and stewardship. They are anchor
They find compliance very normal. points in their environment.
They are decent and thorough. Farmers keep on ploughing. They do what
needs to be done because they are who they
We chose a Mayors are people who are ‘timeless’ in a sense.
They are decent, honest and trustworthy, and
are. They see themselves as extensions of their
intentions, often based on the underpinning of
framework they have a great sense of community. They an age-old tradition. We give
know how life should (or must) go to not disrupt
that fits the order of things. They have a kind of eternal Farmers plough on ... Farmers know where they everyone
stand and should stand, in the deep knowledge
our context value that seems to rise above themselves. It is
as if they can rise above the various parties and that the world is going the way it is, that times decision-
and follow still serve everyone and everything. are as they are and will always come again.
In a way, Farmers are unperturbed; inwardly
its guiding Traditional mindset grateful for life, because it is as it should be and authority.
they have their place in it. Their families see their
principles. Mayors may cling to fixed images others have of
them, which keeps them from discovering their
unwavering stability, even when the Farmers
themselves sometimes experience things
own worth. They may become so trapped in differently.
how things should be that there is little space for
them to move in a different direction. Traditional mindset
We stick to the scope, tools and Farmers may have fixed ideas about themselves
processes we know are the right and may be unable to risk looking at other
ones. alternatives. They may become grinding wheels,
slowly turning, almost making no progress.
We determine function and
Deep roots are not reached by the frost responsibilities through defined
J.K.R. Tolken roles.

Know where you stand or become a ball in

someone else’s game
Marielle Heijltjes
22 Bricklayer Mediator 23
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Bricklayers seek order through timing, regularity, Mediators like to make appointments and to
resources and right insight. stick to them. For them, certainty and clarity are
They build to make things that are obvious and more important than emotion and agility. They
factual the norm. are the reliable core of the group. They ensure
that everyone knows where they stand in terms
They do this to help others and themselves rise
We have to their potential.
of one another and in terms of them.
Mediators are anchors in their environment.
a delivery Bricklayers create peace and order in the They know how to create a sense of community We value
world around us – from literally tidying up to
rhythm with figuratively serving as a refuge in the maelstrom
and how to get people to work together. They
are very objective and they cannot be fooled
equality and
of life. They create this basis for them­selves
feedback as well as for others to be able to work and
by emotion and tension. ‘Appointments are members
agreements’, ‘This is how we do the things here’
loops that live well and effectively. They recreate and
organise, allowing them to offer insight and
and ‘What is good for one is good for the other’ have the
are statements often used by Mediators. Their
help us adapt under­standing. They know this and consider reassuring behaviour is gratefully embraced by power to
themselves as in­dispensable for the people
our way of around them. They are aware of the peace that
others. push back.
working. this knowing brings, also to themselves.
Traditional mindset
Traditional mindset Mediators may regard appointments as cast in
stone. Their rigidity often does not allow any
Bricklayers can cast everything in stone. When flexibility. This may put them out of the game in
in the middle of change they continue to teamwork and collaborations.
maintain the conceived structures and never let
it go. Even if everything else changes, they keep We ensure every interaction and
on believing that what supported in the past will cooperation is documented and
keep on supporting in the future. agreed upon.
We use a sequential design
that flows steadily through the
milestones of projects. Collaboration is hard work but it can start with
four words: what do you think?
Vala Afshar
“To change something, build a new model that
makes the existing model obsolete. You never
change things by fighting the existing reality”
Andy de Vale
24 Organiser Tailor 25
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Organisers simply know how to establish the Tailors listen well to what others want and they
social environment that makes everyone feel at do their utmost to deliver this as precisely as
ease. They meticulously ensure that everything possible.
is in order, and they make sure that there is They work along familiar lines and concepts.
something for everyone. They are always there
for friends and colleagues. They focus to optimize their chances of success We rely on
for others and themselves.
Emotionally quiet and friendly, they are in
Tailors know what people actually want, even
many cases the stable pivot around which a
before people them­selves know what they from
We have company revolve. They are where they need
want. Tailors are the diesel engines in a work
to be. They do the things that are expected
environ­ment. They are unwavering as they customers
respectful of them. Their reliability in relationships turns
them into valuable friends, colleagues and even continue along the right path. They will not be
and users
face-to-face opponents. thrown off balance by every­day happenings or
hindrances. Instead, they continue along the and know
conversations. Traditional mindset right path.
They move steadily and almost unconquerable, how we track
Organisers may have difficulty letting go of
the familiar. They often seek out the safe and
they continue on the right track. against our
recognisable group. They sometimes live with
a picture of an ideal group, without adjusting to Traditional mindset goal.
the present group. Tailors may just do what they always do and
think everyone should be satisfied with this.
We only work with people we They may try to convince people by telling
know and who are trustworthy. stories of how others find what they do helpful.
We avoid fragmentation and have
a complete understanding of all
An organisation that values teamwork must deliverables.
operate in a way that expects and promotes
group effort.
Realize the main purpose is to build products
that deliver value to people. Web Ratio Team

Stakeholders value first. Shareholders profit

second. No customers. No employees.
Andy Wilson
26 Advisor Grandma 27
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Advisors embody invitation. They show their Grandmothers focus on being there for all that
most endearing smiles and quickly put people at is needed, content and the source of rest for
ease with their kindness. everyone.
They want to be perceived as inviting and open. I can be there for others from a fulfilled Self.’
Their friendliness and ability to listen make They love , give safety and embrace from their
We are everyone feel welcome. abundance.
valued and Advisors know how to make you feel welcome. Grandmothers radiate an inner confidence. We trust each
They want you to know that you can always ask They have an unwavering belief in life and its
trusted them for help and that they are always there for possibilities. Grandmothers radiate safety and other and
you. That is why they are well loved. And why reassurance from their hearts. For them, nothing
because of people feel safe with them. is too much trouble. There is no need to impress. genuinely
our friendly They ask the right questions and give the right They personify inner strength turned into self- value
answers. They know how to put people at ease confidence.
helpful way without interfering too much. They are present everyone’s
Traditional mindset
of doing without being overwhelming. They rarely go
unnoticed and always pleasantly visible. Grandmas may be untouchable and hiding
things. behind a wall – smiling but detached. They may
Traditional mindset have a very modest attitude and may therefore
Advisors may be so out of touch with easily be ignored by others.
themselves that they cannot make contact with We do not play on each other’s
others. Their smiles may be unsettling. People
might be unsure how to handle them and start terrain.
avoiding them.
We recognise our knowledge is
power. The price of originality is criticism
The value of originality is priceless
Vala Afshar
28 Dreamer Wizard 29
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Dreamers gratefully accept what life has given Wizards’ strong presence allows them to be
them – not only the pluses and minuses, but normal, regardless of what is coming their way.
also the lessons. They do not need to wait for anything or
It makes them happy to know why they are anticipate anything.
who they are. The ‘lesser’ traits in them­selves no They trust they are everything they should be
longer bother them. and they do what they can and may do.
Dreamers have a picture of the history that Come what may, Wizards see themselves get
We pause has turned them into the fantastic beings they out of every situation with great calmness and
have become. They look around and see that confidence. They effortlessly sense and move We are open
regularly everything is good! Apparently, they received along, without being too concerned or finding
the right ingredients at the right time in their this extraordinary. Wizards seem to know what and adapt
to reflect, lives, enabling them to learn everything about is coming their way. This allows them to be well to changing
evaluate and being happy and full of love. That is why they prepared.
can love them-selves and also love others. circumstances.
learn. Traditional mindset
Traditional mindset Wizards may be indifferent and powerless in
Dreamers may start looking at themselves from terms of everything that is happening to them.
a distance. They may regard the stories of their They do not act or react, as if what is happening
lives as something inescapable. They feel it is has nothing to do with them. They may become
easier to accept it if they don’t think about it. almost invisible in their own show.
We complete a product’s life cycle We long for a fixed and stable
before moving on to the next environment and plan.

In chaotic times do something and see what

You can’t stand in curiosity and judgement at happens
the same time. Marielle Heijltjes
30 Master Believer 31
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset .

Masters are naturally comfortable in themselves Believers trust and then receive all that they
and are at peace. They are no longer focussing need. They really believe in the power of letting
on themselves. go.
Masters are connected to life and they are Believers know what need to be known at the
filled with love for everything. Masters have an right time they need to know it and they are
autonomy that distinguishes them from other open to receive this knowledge.
people. It seems that Believers dictate from the work of We trust
We have a They are anchored and calm, radiating inner others, but with a unique­ness and obvious­
power. They are enough in them­selves and can ness that speak of their own deeper wisdom. that we will
tolerance for therefore be there for others with­out feeling Believers have access to their inner source of
threatened, exposed or judged. They seem un­ knowing, which is aligned with the eternal discover what
failure and perturbed by the turmoil of life. It seems as if the source of knowing – even when the things they we need to
learn as we turmoil of life only makes them stronger. They know seem separate from their know­ledge and
are examples for many but they are unlike most experience of the worldly reality. Through their know when
adjust. others. They do not let society, material wealth, know­ledge, Believers serve more than
greed or competition influence who they are. their own affairs. we need it.
Traditional mindset Traditional mindset
Masters may close their eyes, as if nothing can Believers may stand far away from their core
happen. They choose to be on their own, rather selves. They no longer know where the outside
than letting threats in by acknowledging their world stops and they begin. This deprives them
surroundings. of the opportunity to serve others.
We trust our plans are robust We trust our analysis to design
enough to face any changing and determine the solutions we
demands. implement.

Shed self preservation. We all have infinite room The number 1 job skill in 10 year will be creative
to improve thinking.
Chrisro Bertsuk Jamie Anderson

Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed

sense of fear and no concept of the odds against
Alex Osterwalder
32 Guru Winemaker 33
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Gurus are examples for every­one of how to live Wine makers have peace of mind in the
life through the way they create space to think dimension of givenness, free from the here and
and play. now.
Their natural attraction makes people follow The givenness of life is often translated into a
them on their way. natural sense of long-term reassurance.
The way Gurus create space in which to think Their being in life sometimes feels like destiny.
We value an and play is examples of how to live life. They get We have
Winemakers are the personification of
environment people to follow them on their way. They find self-confidence and inner peace. They have a sense of
it quite natural to attract people. the ability to remain calm and collected on
that supports Gurus stand for (aspects of) eternal truth. a fundamental level of being, even amidst belonging
sustainable, Gurus are examples of trust in human society.
They show you how to act in line with your
turmoil. Their stability has an irresistible yet
incomprehensible kind of logic. Although it does
and moving
consistent, own inner being and how to get closer to your not seem to flow from them, they are saturated towards a
authentic self. They are the obvious examples of with it. They radiate ease and natural flow,
repeatable ‘practice what you preach’ and they serve you as which they themselves sometimes find common
they serve everyone: without attachment and difficult to understand.
delivery. without expectations. purpose.
Traditional mindset
Traditional mindset Winemakers may dwell in the haziness of life
Gurus may feel so powerless that the distance and its meaning, unable to feel, understand or
between them and the world and others get moving. They feel safe in the invisible arms
becomes a valley that they cannot cross. They of their comfort zone.
feel the situation is more than they can picture
in their mind. We are good at any project.

We have unrealistic deadlines and

project scope.
Build a culture of trust because creating an
employee-centric culture is good for business
Paul J Zak
Innovation at scale requires trust at scale!
No politics, no fear, no shame, no blame!
Not “Feel empowered” but “We trust you; do
@MannMitHund what’s right”?
Bill Wake
34 Dweller Elder 35
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Dwellers can enjoy everything that their Elders have a natural delegation power -
surroundings has to offer. They can sit back and everyone does what they need to do but within
do what they were born to do! a larger context of doing things together.
They like the idea that they do not have to think They can and want to work without someone
about arranging their resources themselves. watching over their shoulder.
Dwellers see the possibilities and opportunities It is about giving people space and trusting
in everything around them. them to do the right thing.
We Everything seems to serve them and provide Elders have the ability to trust people in what
them with the means to achieve success. they do. We let teams
accommodate They sail through life with an almost They themselves also exude trust. Hence, very define their
each other in unconscious ease, finding that life always few people feel the need to control Elders.
conspires to help them. Coincidence does not Similarly, Elders will not reprimand others. They own way of
a supporting exist, because everything comes ‘natural’ to
know that the optimal development of people work.
environment. happens when they are allowed to apply their
own strengths and set their own goals.
Traditional mindset Elders can therefore delegate well and
Dwellers may look at themselves from a appreciate the value of others.
distance and see themselves as people who
are unable and disempowered to change their Traditional mindset
circumstances. They often over analyse the pros Elders may retreat behind a glass wall of in-
and cons of their situation. approachability. They leave others in the dark
We over analyse the pros and cons about what they want and do. They may make
others feel as if they are left to their own devices.
of our current structures.
We assume everyone will do their
best as we do ourselves.
“When a corporate culture is designed not just
to encourage innovation but to systematically
nurture employee ideas, the results are Autonomy promotes innovation
Being trusted to figure things out is a big
Bill Fischer motivator
Paul J Zak
36 Innkeeper Provider 37
Agile mindset Agile mindset
Collaboration mindset Collaboration mindset

Innkeepers are always willing to be there for Providers give themselves to others.
others, no matter who they are. They are very They trust that ‘what comes from the heart’ will
trusting and kind, open and welcoming, making always be welcome.
everyone feel at ease immediately.
Meeting others are about fulfilment and not
Innkeepers ‘per definition’ have the ability to filling a need.
see the goodness in people. With Innkeepers
everyone immediately feels at ease. Providers have an almost unnoticed presence
and they are effective in achieving what is We check in
We This means that people deeply know they are needed. They often retreat into the background,
welcome; people are seen for who they are but their presence and love are always felt. with each
collaborate and not (only) for what they do. Innkeepers are Providers take care of what people want, even
hospitality personified. Innkeepers facilitate before they have voiced their needs. Without other daily on
in a cross peace in the group and reduce tension. They demanding attention and without effort, progress and
functional ensure that people start talking to each other Providers unobtrusively add value to the people
again. around them. things that
Traditional mindset Traditional mindset block it.
Innkeepers may hide behind slight grins. They Providers may easily overlook the wishes of
are cautious about who comes close to them. others because they are filled with blind faith
They sometimes make no real contact and are that people will want what they offer.
there without really being there.
We believe that faithfully
If results are okay we accept that following our usual process serves
the working relationships will also the customer best.
be fine.

Give people discretion in how they do their work

You’re not a team because you work together.
Paul J Zak
You’re a team because you respect, trust, and
care for each other
Vala Afshar
38 Culture Developed by ClariAct in partnership
with Transmind International.
Agile is not a product.
Agile Culture is about Collaboration and Cultivation

Agile is a cultural system or mindset Helping leaders, individuals and teams deal
“If you do not manage culture, it manages you, and you may not even be aware of with organisational change and acquire
the extent to which this is happening.” awarefulness and interpersonal skills to
deliver sustained high performance within
Edgar Schein complex environments as cross-functional,
self-organising teams.
Dimensions to culture:
• Customs
• Traditions
• Group norms Concept art by Nico Simpson
• Accepted values
• Formal philosophy
• Rules of the game
• Root metaphors
Communicating complex messages
Culture is the #1 Challenge with through pictures
Agile Adoption Graphic facilitation
Real-time concept illustration
“Research shows that the climate of an organization Creative communication at conferences
influences an individual’s contribution far more than the Plotting customer journeys
individual himself.” Developing interactive training programs
Deming Hermanni Hyytiälä Redesigning customer experiences
Key note speaking

Martin Slabber
Product manager using Agile Practices
Bridging the gap between business and
Promoting Agile Values and Principles

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