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Paintings by Marty McCorkle

Paintings by Marty McCorkle

Oil on Canvas
30 X 22 INCHES

for more information about and to purchase art works by Marty McCorkle.

Copyright © 2010 by Marty McCorkle

New art, if it’s good, hits you on the
head like a tea tray dropped from a
floating world.
Perhaps it falls from the clumsiness of a

divine icon taking siesta after tea in the clouds,

or from intentional mischief of an iconic diva

perched in Warhol’s studio, but in any case,

good new art kerplunks one on the old coconut

and makes stars circle it in cartoonish fashion;

recovering from the initial gaffah, one knows that

new doors of perceptions are creaking open, and

golly if you can’t get more about this floating

world soon enough.

I’ve painted canvas after canvas to open the

door to that floating world and intent on someday

beaning my fellow art lovers squarely between the


When I began to paint in earnest in the late

Male Figure at Pool

Oil on Canvas
26 X 28 INHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 1

1990’s, I understood that painting was dead.

“All that could be said in painting has been

said,” they said.

Far from being discouraged by

painting’s autopsy, I felt relief not to have

to approach art seriously, but rather to play,

experiment and bounce rhythms on the

canvas. This is a delightful approach to art,

Leslie Looking at Distant
Oil on Canvas and if you are into art, or anything for that
14 X 10 INCHES
matter I suspect, you should consider having

fun. One can be sincere, professional and

enthusiastic about art without being serious.

Armed with the certainty that painting

was a goner, off I went with a shovel (a

metaphorical one) and dug up its corpse

for some harmless giggles. And in my

experimental laboratory (studio) I found not

only that painting came alive, but sat up,

Pat on Turquoise Carpet

Oil on Canvas
28 X 36 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 2

Male Figure Looking Out Window
Oil on Canvas
14 X 20 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 3

Pat on Circular Rug
Oil on Canvas
30 X 22 INCHES

Reflected Figure
Oil on Canvas
44 X 42 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 4

Pat on Rail
Oil on Canvas
28 X 20 INHES

Twirling Figure
Oil on Canvas
38 X 48 INCHES

Male Figure with Bat

Oil on Canvas
48 X 36 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 5

Bather Pat on Red Chair
Oil on Canvas Oil on Canvas
36 X 28 INCHES 32 X 26 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 6

Pat on Circular Bed (detail below)
Oil on Canvas
20 X 48 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 7

asked for a glass of water and immediately

began to shimmer with life. Painting is

alive and doing cartwheels, thank you, and

shares a contagious enthusiasm for life.

The “Deconstructionism” Ism

An “ism” is an itchy affair, like a sweater

one receives for Christmas. On formal

occasions, one is obliged to wear it,

demonstrating to the aunt who bestowed

this itchy gift that it fits and is highly

cherished. It otherwise resides in the

second drawer of the dresser awaiting

deployment when the aunts return.

Thank goodness that art has broken out

of its monolithic movements packaging and

expresses itself more variously, like a series

of boutiques, more eclectic than it has been

Niccolo’ on Red Trim Chair

Oil on Canvas
29 X 22 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 8

Momentum of an Obsessive Mind
Oil on Canvas 58 X 72 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 9
Nicollo’ with Green Background
Oil on Canvas
Niccolo’ against Grey Wall
18 X 16 INCHES
Oil on Canvas
30 X 19 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 10

Suspended Figure Artist Falling Down
Oil on Canvas Oil on Canvas
28 X 20 INCHES 40 X 42 INCHES

Nixon at Great Wall of China

Oil on Canvas
18 X 17 INCHES

Nicollo’ on Red Sofa

Oil on Canvas
19 X 13 INCHES

Pat Holding Hair

Oil on Canvas
34 X 22 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 11

for some centuries.

I’m sometimes asked how to describe

or classify my art, and a journalist friend

suggests “deconstructive” as a revealing

term. My painting does deconstruct or break

things down, but lyrically, rhythmically,

rather than through cool analysis.

Forms, shapes and colors become

juggly elements in deconstructionism, but

one can extend deconstruction to the sense

of time, space and style. I like the medium

of oil painting because it carries a dusty,

hallowed pedigree, developing ambitions

in the late nineteenth century to depict

more than a flattering realism. Painting

houses the twentieth century artist Pable

Picasso, who would double back to raid

David and Goliath after Caravaggio

Oil on Canvas
48 X 36 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 12

Pat on Blue Platform
Oil on Canvas
38 X 48 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 13

Male Figure on Wood Deck
Oil on Canvas
30 X 44 INCHES

Travis and Mirror

Oil on Canvas
22 X 31 INCHES
Male Figure on Aqua Floor
Oil on Canvas
19 X 15 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 14

the nineteenth century, breaking all

its trove of delicate works with his

violent pastiches and tributes, like a

Viking taking swings in a glassware

gift shop.

Deconstructionism has less to

rebel against in an art world where

anything now goes, but instead

opens up depiction in painting with

an almost baroque flamboyance.

In this approach, painting scrubs

depiction down to essential brush

strokes, harking back to Cezanne,

Figure in Mirror but freely disagrees with that

Oil on Canvas
34 X 48 INCHES granddaddy of all painters by not

sensibly following and reinforcing

contours. Shimmering swaths of solid

color come into play.

Figure on Green Carpet
Oil on Canvas For me, deconstructionism
22 X 36 INCHES
suggests the power of the
Travis with Blue Dotted Line
Oil on Canvas
36 X 24 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 15
Figure on Hexgon
Oil on Canvas
48 X 34 INCHES

Travis on a Blue Chair

Oil on Canvas
28 X 20 INCHES

Male Figure by Pool

Oil on Canvas
42 X 41 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 16

brushstroke, the grand sweep of paint,

reminiscent of the Chinese ink paintings on

silk or paper, in which fewer brush strokes

create more energy and tension than many

smaller and fussier strokes would.

I’m not sure why, but partial

transparency of figures helps to suggest

depth or dimension, leaving some objects

ghostly or unfinished, suggestive when

one partially covers one eye when looking

at things, or the sense of a person as

he moves about the room. Living beings

don’t strike me as solid like statues or

photographs. They keep moving about in

time and space, coming and going, casting

depth, creating mood and aging.

I’ll stop here. To speak more in this

vain becomes a bit ethereal, like eating

Esteban Reclining on Pillow

Oil on Canvas
18 X 12 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 17

air sandwiches. It’s better to look at the


About Me
Having lived in California’s San Francisco

Bay Area for 15 years, I now reside with my

spouse, Esteban Sabar, in the Philippines.

For more samples of my painting, visit my

website at or email me


I am represented by the following art galleries:

Gallery Z
259 Atwells Avenue
Providence RI 02903, USA
Phone: (401) 454-8844
FAX: (401) 751-3295

Ricco Renzo Gallery

GF LRI Design Plaza
210 N. Garcia Street
Bel Air II, Makati
Self Portrait
Oil on Canvas (632) 898.2543
14 X 10 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 18

Self Portrait
Oil on Canvas
14 X 11 INCHES

Esteban Sabar
Oil on Canvas
14 X 10 INCHES

Peter L.
Oil on Canvas
18 X 22 INCHES

Esteban Sabar
Oil on Canvas
14 X 10 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 19

Oil on Canvas
19 X 35 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 20

Curled Figure
Oil on Canvas
40 X 30 INCHES

Oil on Canvas
36 X 23 INCHES

Travis Reclining
Oil on Canvas
38 X 28 INCHES DECONSTRUCTIONS: Paintings by Marty McCorkle Page 21

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