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Beating the Winter Blues

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Winter me is here in the Northern Hemisphere and this me of year, presents the human body with a set
of challenges unique to the season.
Each seasonal change presents the body with various issues, for example in the summer months the body
has to deal with the effects of excess sun, pollen allergies, insect bites and stomach upsets caused by
increased bacteria in food due to the warmer weather.
In winter we deal with increased fa gue due to less exposure to sunshine, weight gain from winter ea ng
and alcohol habits, slower metabolism and less outdoor ac vi es. And of course winter colds and flu are
rife, with viruses running amok in the workplace and social venues. The indoor environments are void of
natural air with closed windows and hea ng systems that circulate the germs.
As a person interested in NLP and personal development you are likely to be more tuned into your mind
and body and have strategies to ensure you can enjoy the delights of the season without external factors
such as the weather or viruses having an effect on your physical or mental health.
To allow external factors that you have no direct control over, to impact your state subscribes to the no on
of cause effect inherent in the mechanical world ruled by the laws of Newtonian physics. Human beings
are not mechanical devices and therefore the predictability from the classical physics world is not present in
the biology of human body.
This means we have more choice with our resistance to external influences and thus more choice with our
energy levels and health.
We all have nervous systems unique to our DNA, with an immune system there to combat an bodies and a
lympha c system con nually flushing our body of the toxins we voluntary consume.

Your body has natural systems to con nually take care of you, in NLP and hypnosis your natural healing
system is within the unconscious mind, and there are NLP and hypno c processes to engage with
unconscious processes connected with your immune and lympha c system to ensure you stay healthy or if
you do succumb to a winter virus you have a quick and easy way to heal.
In hunter-gather mes, tradi onal cultures used the winter me as a period of rest and renewal. These
cultures did not have the luxury of electric light and hea ng systems for everyday comfort, and also their
work was geared towards the sowing and harves ng of crops so from spring to later summer there was a
lot of manual work to be done, so winter was me to hibernate to a certain extent.
In modern mes, we do not have the same physical pressures associated with the seasons as our ancestors
had, yet s ll we can use the winter period to recharge our minds and
Shares op leave us a health.
mise our message
Top ten tips for winter health
1. Be posi ve, and embrace the season. Some people tend to complain about dark evenings and bad
weather. Moaning about such things, does not change a thing except your mood. Be happy, there are
people out there who have real issues to worry about, far more significant than the weather or lack of
2. Stay ac ve as your body responds posi vely to exercise, the endorphins released by physical ac vi es
will help you stay posi ve.
3. Get outdoors frequently. Take walks or exercise outside, whilst the winter sun is not strong enough for
our skin to naturally generate vitamin B, the fresh is much be er than the indoors environment with the
germs that circulate.
4. Avoid the consump on of stodgy and unhealthy food. Your body naturally craves these foods in winter
to store fat, based on our more primi ve ancestors whose food supply was not plen ful.
5. Boost your vitamin D intake. This will compensate for the reduc on in vitamin D due to less daylight
hours and weaker sun rays. Vitamin D can be found in a small number of foods, including oily fish such as
salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines, as well as red meat, mushrooms and eggs
6. Know your body. Set up a bio feedback communica on system with your unconscious mind, by doing
so, you can establish rapid healing frames, should you catch a cold, flu or any other vital infec on. You can
speed up the natural healing process significantly.
7. Rest well. Winter is an excellent me to set up a rou ne. Go to bed and wake up at the same me each
day. Your body will love it.
8. Nourish your mind. Use the winter evenings produc vely and you learn something new. For example,
how about learning the language of the country where you are planning your summer holiday. This will
give you a sense of achievement and you are likely to have a more interes ng summer holiday.
9. Tick something off your bucket list. There is nothing like something special to you, to boost your overall
sense of well being.
10. Enjoy down me as well. Take me out to meditate on your health and well being. Short periods of
closing out the external world and connec ng with your inner self has huge benefits on your well being.
Whilst many people in the winter months lounge on the couch, filling their mind with Ne lix and their
stomachs with food that increases redness, the brain stagnates and the body is on overload, no wonder
people experience winter blues. You have many choices to enable you to enjoy a happy winter.
By embracing the sugges ons above you will find yourself enjoying a healthy life style which for sure will
increase your energy levels combing the right amount of ac vi es with rest and rejuvena on.
Enjoy making every day of winter brilliant, and every day of your life fabulous as well!

About The Author

Michael Carroll is the founder and course director of the NLP Academy and co-founder with John
Grinder and Carmen Bos c St Clair of the Interna onal Trainers Academy of NLP.

He is the only NLP Master Trainer in the world cer fied by John Grinder and Carmen Bos c St Clair
and he works closely with them in developing and delivering high quality NLP training.

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