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leaders Beijing’s next cadre is market-
smart, business-savvy—and may
be even open to change
By Dexter Roberts
and Chi-Chu Tschang

communist party for a market-based economy. Many of
Congress might seem these up-and-comers have fought in the
like a throwback to an trenches of China’s reform wars, have the
older, less dynamic skills needed to run complex economies,
China. What the pub- and have shed earlier generations’ mis-
lic sees of these events, trust of foreigners. They certainly won’t
scheduled once every turn China into a replica of the U.S. sys-
five years, are video clips of 2,000-plus tem. But the dialogue they start with the
bureaucrats in the Great Hall of the West may be the most substantive and
People, a monumental, socialist-realist far-reaching yet.
edifice in the heart of Beijing. In a vast
auditorium swathed in a sea of red bun- english-speakers
ting, they’ll listen to hours and hours in their 50s, this bunch came of age
of turgid speeches and then cast near- during the chaos and violence of the Cul-
unanimous votes. tural Revolution, and most began their
Yet when officials from across the careers after Deng Xiaoping introduced
country converge on Oct. 15 for the economic reforms in the late 1970s. “The
Party’s 17th Congress, it won’t just be a prognostication is that they will be more
ceremonial exercise. True, the faces at progressive, pragmatic, and forward-
the very top won’t change—President thinking,” says Scott Kronick, president
illustration by chang park

Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao will of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide in
almost certainly rule for another five China. Hu and Wen spent their formative
years. But below them, a new genera- years in remote Western China where
tion of leaders will likely be promoted they had little contact with outsiders. Yet
into key positions. many in this generation speak English
Most important for foreign business and have traveled widely. Some have
and China’s trading partners, this will studied at Western universities, and most
be a new leadership that largely knows have advanced degrees in social sciences,
and appreciates the rules of the road economics, and law.

October 1, 2007 | BusinessWeek | 33


great hall More

than 2000 will be at
the Oct. 15 congress

Case in point: Zhou Xiaochuan, cur- leaders have “had a definite discomfort become vice-premier and take over as
rently head of the People’s Bank of in dealing with the outside,” says Kent China’s top trade official. Bo would be
China. The former economics professor D. Kedl, a China hand for the past at home in Washington or New York:
and fluent English-speaker is a strong two decades and now general manager “He’s stylistically very un-Chinese, a
contender for vice-premier in charge of of Technomic Asia, a Shanghai-based Mayor Ed Koch type,” says Sinologist
finance. One of China’s most sophisti- market strategy consulting firm. Most Kenneth G. Lieberthal of the Univer-
cated economic minds, he can hold his are career bureaucrats in their 60s who sity of Michigan. Highly educated—he
own with the likes of Alan Greenspan, studied hard sciences or engineering. holds a master’s degree in journalism
Ben S. Bernanke, and other central Few have graduate degrees and some from the Chinese Academy of Social
bankers. He has already grappled with have no higher education at all. Mao Sciences—he has been a frequent critic
intransigent rivals opposed to his drive Zedong’s comrades-in-arms are long of Washington on trade. “Bo Xilai won’t
to clean up China’s notoriously shifty gone, but today’s top leaders are from be so accommodating,” says Cheng
equity markets: His drive to crack down the first post-revolutionary generation Li, a senior fellow at the Brookings
on stock manipulators earned him the and began their careers during the Cul- Institution, a Washington think tank.
nickname “The Flayer.” He shares ma- tural Revolution. What’s more, those who have seen Bo
jor responsibility for China’s opening of at work in negotiating rooms say his
its financial sector to big Western banks deeper western ties rhetoric is matched by the brilliance of
and brokerages. more comfort with the outside doesn’t his arguments.
Contrast Zhou’s record with the cur- necessarily mean a greater willingness Overall, however, this generation will
rent leadership team, and the differ- to do what outsiders want. Commerce deepen China’s engagement with the
ences are striking. Until now, China’s Minister Bo Xilai, for instance, may West. Li Yuancho, 56, is a contender

Passing Reform 1949-1976

Deng Xiaoping shared Mao’s revolutionary
Stability 2002-2012
Some thought current President Hu Jintao

The Torch background and endured several purges,

but ultimately opened China to economic
reform via his “socialism with Chinese
and Premier Wen Jiabao might introduce
political reform, but they’ve cracked down
on dissent while working to improve the lot
Five generations of leadership characteristics.” His limited tolerance for of China’s poorest. The economy has come
reform was evident in the bloody close to overheating as local officials pursue
andrew wong/getty images

Tiananmen Square crackdown in 1989. GDP growth at all costs.

Revolution 1949-1976 Growth 1989-2002 Vision 2012-??

Led by Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji. Both
Mao consolidated power with the support were groomed in China’s freewheeling Unlike engineers Hu and Wen and their
of revolutionaries from the civil war and the financial capital, Shanghai, and had regular technocrats, the new leaders are trained in
Long March. This group was largely contact with foreign businesspeople. Jiang law, economics, and social sciences. The
focused on building the Party and the secured the place of private enterprise by hope is they’ll embrace political reform but
revolution to the detriment of economic writing its role into the Constitution, and prove more adept at managing China’s
growth and pragmatism. the economy started to take off. increasingly complex economy.

34 | BusinessWeek | October 1, 2007

for Hu’s job. Trained in economics and
law, he runs coastal Jiangsu province
and has helped turn it into a model
economy, attracting record amounts
Faces To Watch
of foreign investment from the likes Some likely leaders of Beijing’s next generation
of Emerson Electric, Advanced Micro
Devices, and Sony. Even the nationalist
Bo took a backwater northeast town,
Dalian, and turned it into a software
outsourcing center for Japanese busi-
ness. That made it one of the hottest
urban economies in China.
Some predict these new leaders, once
they take over the top positions, might
even start to dabble in democracy. Many,
particularly those who attended Peking
University in the late 70s and ’80s,
participated in elections on campus.
“There’s much more appreciation of
the plurality of interests in the economy Bo Xilai Wang Yang Zhou Xiaochuan
and in society,” says Joseph Cheng, a Age: 58 Age: 52 Age: 59
professor of political science at City
University of Hong Kong. Education: BA, history, Education: BA, Education: BA, auto-
Peking Univ.; MA, management, University mation, Beijing Univ. of
three-way race journalism, Chinese of Science & Technology Chemical Tech.; PhD,
Academy of Soc. Sciences economics, Tsinghua Univ.
the new leaders will begin to assert Experience: Chongqing
eugene hoshiko/ap photo; qilai shen/bloomberg news; jason lee/newscom; lucas schifres/bloomberg news

themselves over the next five years, even Experience: Minister of party secretary, vice- Experience: Governor,
while Hu and Wen remain firmly in con- commerce, governor of director of the National People’s Bank of China,
trol until the following Party Congress Liaoning Province Development & Reform chair, China Securities
(clockwise from top left) shen zhong/chinafotopress/newscom; lucas schifres/bloomberg news.;

in 2012. Many see a three-way race to Commission Regulatory Commission

His father was a party
succeed Hu. Besides Li Yuancho, there’s elder and a confidant of Spent early career in the His father was Machinery
Li Keqiang, the 52-year-old party sec- Deng Xiaoping. Bo is a top Communist Youth League. Minister. The English-
retary of the northeastern province candidate for vice-premier Almost certain to win a speaker has won praise as
of Liaoning, the heart of China’s old in charge of foreign trade. seat on the Politburo. central bank chief.
industrial rustbelt. He has a PhD in
economics and a law degree but details
of his performance are scarce. Perhaps
most important when it comes to suc-
cession, he’s a veteran of the influential
Communist Youth League, Hu’s power
base—making him the leading candi-
date. The other apparent contender for
the top job is Wang Yang, 52, who runs
China’s largest city, Chongqing.
As the nation’s economy continues to
surge, the emerging leadership will face
a host of challenges. They’ll need to craft
a quick and firm response to this sum-
mer’s tide of unsafe and poorly made Xi Jinping Li Keqiang Li Yuanchao
goods from China’s factories. They’ll Age: 54 Age: 52 Age: 56
face growing pressure from Washing-
ton over their ballooning trade surplus. Education: BS, chemical Education: BA, law, Education: BA, math,
And to get a handle on everything from engineering, and PhD, Peking Univ.; PhD, Fudan Univ.; MA, econ.
pollution to job safety to counterfeiting law, Tsinghua Univ. economics, Peking Univ. mgmt., Peking Univ.; PhD,
law, Central Party School
to corruption, they’ll need to rein in lo- Experience: Shanghai Experience: Liaoning
cal officials who often ignore Beijing’s party secretary, Zhejiang Province party secretary, Experience: Jiangsu
edicts and focus on economic growth, province party secretary, governor of Henan Province party secretary,
no matter the cost. The next generation Fujian Province governor. province vice minister of culture
of leaders will “have to be attuned to On his first trip to China Like Hu Jintao, Li climbed Spent time at Harvard as a
what’s going on globally,” says Yang as U.S. Treasury Secretary, up through the ranks of visiting scholar in 2002.
Dali, director of the East Asia Institute Hank Paulson traveled to the Communist Youth Considered a Hu protégé
at the National University of Singapore, Hangzhou specifically to League. Believed to be as both came from the
and “willing to adapt, to learn, and also meet with Xi. Hu’s preferred successor. Communist Youth League.
take decisive actions when needed.” zz

October 1, 2007 | BusinessWeek | 35

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