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Factors that affect the formation of Attitude

A. Overview of the self
Self- what an individual sees, perceives, and defines 1.) Social – social norm; dictates what is right/wrong.
oneself apart from others. “What makes a person Society tells us what to do. Family= very first society.
different from others.”
2.)Learnings (Classical Conditioning) – Ivan Pavlov.
Conditioned by the circumstance
B. Dimensions of the Self
3.) Operant Conditioning- B.F. Skinner. method
1.) Physical Dimension (soma)- pertains to what makes
of learning that occurs through rewards and
us an organism. It involves our whole being as an
punishments for behavior.
organism right from our cells, tissues, organs, and organ
systems. It obviously refers to our physical body. G. Self-concept & Self-esteem
2.) Psychological Dimension (psyche)- everything that 1.) Self-concept: our cognition to ourselves/what we
involves the mind of a person; thoughts, feelings, think. Fact about yourself.
behaviours, and ideas.
2.) Self-esteem: judgement of yourself. Attitude
3.) Spiritual Dimension- pertains to our faith and towards yourself. Feelings toward THAT fact.
devotion to a particular divine being or our belief
system. Some say that this is the fundamental H. Psychosocial Development by Erik Erikson
component of the self, because once you lost track of it,
you will have a hard time pulling yourself together. *identity vs. confusion! Know your strengths &
weaknesses (through SWOT)
C. Kinds of Self
I. James Marcia’s Development of Identity
Actual Self - Who you actually are in the present time.
How you feel, look, and act now. *crisis and commitment upheaval where choices are
Ideal Self – How we aspire to be. Aspirations may be
influenced by parents or experiences. 1.) Identity Diffusion- no exploration, no commitment,
no paths, no goals, avoids discomfort and acquires
Negotiation – When there is harmony between the pleasure.
actual and ideal self.
2.) Identity Forclosure- low degree of exploration, high
Incongruence – When there is contradiction between commitment. Passively accepts the identity assigned to
the two. them.

D. Overview on Attitude 3.) Identity Moratorium- high degree of exploration,

low commitment. Explore & experiment w/ different
Attitude – the way we feel, we think that is being values, beliefs, and principles.
manifested on the way we act/do. (not innate; clean
slate) 4.) Identity Achievement- high exploration, high degree
of commitment. Achieved through an active exploration
E. Components of Attitude and examination & strong commitment to a particular
set of beliefs, values…
1.) Affect – emotions directed to the self, the
environment, and the way we feel.

2.) Cognition – the way we think or our thoughts


3.) Behavior – action form or the manifestation of the

attitude. (observable part of the attitude.

A. Overview on Wholeness *conscious mental reaction. Strong feeling directed

toward a specific object.
* a transcendental life goal, a lifelong pursuit
L. Components of Emotions
B. Theories in Holistic Development
1.) Cognitive- evaluation of the event
*Recognition of a person’s uniqueness. Awareness of
one’s potential, strive self-actualization 2.) Physical-arousal of response. Physiological

* Gestalt theory- psychological distress are caused 3.) Behavioral- outward expression of emotion
significantly by the split self.
M. Moral Development
C. Aspects of Holistic Development
*understanding what is right and wrong
1.) Physical: body and its functioning.
N. Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
2.) Cognitive: patterns of thinking (reasoning, learning,
remembering, solving problems) * page 10 ng book

3.) Socio-emotional: how emotions will respond to

different life experiences.

4.) Spiritual: how one looks up to someone bigger tha

us; divine. Religious affiliations / spiritual practices.

D. Physical Development

* Adolescence period, hormonal change, taking care of

the body. Eat, fit & strong, avoid abuse.

E. Physical Changes

( see lecture)

F. Cognitive Development

*as children grow their mind grow as well. Repetition,

organization, mnemonics.

G. Neurobiological Development

H. Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development

* lecture tabeng

I. Cognitive Skills

J. Socio-emotional Development

‘motus anima’ the spirit that moves us

*components: physical, cognitive, behavioural

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