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By:Dominion Dominus-Paul: of the family Askins;

a living man not a dead legal fiction ;'Sui Juris; De Jure Sanguinis
Coronae WHO IS an American NATIONAL ;native OF the Republic/Union
state of New Mexico; WHO IS a Creditor to the bankruptcy of the UNITED
STATES/USA/District of Columbia WHO IS an Union state
constitutional citizen possessing 11 amendment immunity; pursuant to 8 USC

§ 1101(a)(21) WHO IS a
NON-person,Non-resident Alien with respect to The Federal Zone
(Corporation of UNITED STATES/USA/District of Columbia & it's territories,possessions,
enclaves & its jurisdiction)
(who is NOT a statutory Citizen/14th Amendment/United States citizen/“US citizen”).
Paul: of the family Askins is the SOLE Authorized Agent & Intervener
for PAUL ASKINS™ ens legis & all derivatives thereof;
All Rights Reserved UCC§ 1-308 § 3-402(b)(1).
In accord with 28 U.S.C. §1746(1). 15 U.S.C. § 7001(a) validity of electronic

King James Bible

James 5:12 -But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by
the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest
ye fall into condemnation.
All lawful authority is of God/For there is no power but of God (Romans 13). All
legitimate authority comes from higher powers according to the Bible in Romans 13:1.

Civil Servants often try to tell Christians that they [the civil servant]are the
legitimate higher authority.
Yet The Declaration of Independence states, “Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” This means that
government gets all its power from the people.
The people set up the government. The people run the government.
The government does not run the people.
The first amendment to the US Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
You as a public/civil SERVANT cannot DEMAND ,I a GOD fearing Christian, sign ANY of
your paperwork “UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY'. To acknowledge & sign as such IS AN
OATH. To commit a perjury a person must be under a "lawful" oath, then "violate" that oath in
a "willful" manner regarding an issue "material" to the oath.
If you a civil SERVANT ACT to DEMAND OR COMPEL me to swear such an oath that
IS a violation of my first amendment right of religious liberty.I the living man do
HEREBY aver & proclaim that.. any/all previous & heretofore oaths &
statements made by/or under “penalty of purjury” ARE AGAINST my
FAITH and are thus revoked vacated undone declared null& void ab

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initio as a contractual agreement made under false claims ;fradulent
misrepresentations and without true consideration. FRAUD VOIDS
ALL CONTRACTS.When it came to oaths, Jesus Christ demanded "Swear not at
all."Above all things (according to James) Christians cannot swear " ... neither by any
other oath". Pretty clear words. Jesus’ followers are always to speak the truth and, in
legal matters, simply to affirm that their statements are true.”
The term "Liberty ” ... denotes not merely freedom from bodily restraint, but
also the right ... to worship God according to the dictates of his/her own
conscience, ..”U.S. Supreme Court in Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, 399:
"The victory for freedom of thought recorded in our Bill of Rights recognizes that in
the domain of conscience there is a moral power higher than the State.
Throughout the ages men have suffered death rather than subordinate their
allegiance to God to the authority of the State ."U.S Supreme Court in Girouard v.
U.S., 328 U.S. 61 (1946)
Barclay's Fourteenth proposition of the true Christian faith: " . . . it is not lawful for
any whatsoever, by virtue of any authority or principality they bear in the government
of this world, to force the conscience of others..."
The biography of Flavius Josephus paragraph 23 footnote: "everyone is to be
permitted to worship God according to his own conscience, and is not to be
compelled in matters of religion"
Public servant Notice
TO: ALL Federal/state public servant/employee(s).
You are hereby given legal notice the information stated herein is true and correct under & IN
LAW & EQUITY and under the laws Of THE UNITED STATES .It is the law & public
servants have no special immunity from it.
Warning, you are in violation of Federal Law and persisting with your demand may lead to
your arrest and/or civil damages! The law provides that you can be held personally
responsible and liable, as well as your superiors & your agency.E MAY be in violation of
Federal Law if you act to deny me MY RIGHTS. This may lead to your arrest and/or civil
damages! The law provides that you can be held personally responsible and liable, as well as
your corporation /agency.
You are advised to cease and desist with your demand that I must SIGN any document
'UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY'. and to seek personal legal counsel if you do not
understand the law.
In law & love ,Paul of the Family Askins
Compos mentis sui juris viva voce ergo sum res ipsa
No assured value,No liability, Errors & omissions excepted

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