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Different kinds of cordillera dances?

The different kinds of cordillera dances are:


Tribe: Kalinga

"Banga" literally mean pots. The Banga or pot dance is a contemporary

performance of Kalinga of the Mountain Province in the Philippines. This dance
illustrates the languid grace of a tribe otherwise known as fierce warriors. Heavy
earthen pots as many as seven or eight at a time are balanced on the heads of maidens as they trudge
to the beat of the "gangsa" or wind chimes displaying their stamina and strength as they go about their
daily task of fetching water and balancing the banga.


Origin: Benguet Province

Also popularly called Bendian, this circle dance of the Benguet of Mountain Province is restaged. keeping
true to the dance's content and meaning. Song known as a dance to celebrate the arrival of successful
headhunters the Bendayan has taken a new face. it is part of every Benguet festivity with the circles
slowly giving way to other formations and interpretations.

3. Manmanok
Tribe: Bago

Three Bago Tribe roosters compete against each other

for the attention of Lady Sien. They use blankets
depicting colorful plumes to attract her.

4. Turayen

Tribe: Cgayan Valley

Gaddang comes from the word ga meaning "heat" and dang "meaning burned". The Gaddang live in the
middle of Cagayan Valley and speak a language similar to Ilokano.Most of them converted to Christianity,
and those who live alongside Christianized Ilokano groups have more or less adjusted to settled
agriculture of mixed crops. Small and scattered groups in southeastern Kalinga, eastern Bontoc, and
Isabela regions retain their indigenous religion and practice swidden agriculture (the cutting back and
burning of existing vegetation to produce temporary farming plots) with supplementary hunting and
fishing. In this dance, the Gaddang imitate birds attracted to tobacco trees.

5. Salisid

Tribe: Kalinga

The Salidsid is the Kalinga courtship dance, performed by a male and female (and thus is sometimes
called the "cayoo" dance). The dance starts when each of the dancers are given a pice of cloth called
ayob or allap. Usually the most important people in the village are the second to dance after the host has
signified that the occasion is formally open. The background and meaning in this dance is evident. The
male simulates a rooster trying to attract the attention of a hen while the female imitates the
movements of a hen being circled by a rooster.
6. Tarektek

Tribe: Benguet

Two tareketek woodpeckers vie for the attention of three females. One Male woodpecker rhythmically
bang on a brass gong to represent a good voice, while the other swish about a colorful blanket
representing beautiful plumage.

7. Uyaoy / Uyauy

Tribe: Ifugao

The Ifugao people are said to be the "children of the earth." The term Ifugao is derived from the word
ipugao which literally means "coming from the earth." The Spaniards, however, changed it to Ifugaw, a
term presently used in referring not only to these people but also to their province. This Ifugao wedding
festival dance is accompanied by gongs and is performed by the affluent to attain the second level of the
wealthy class. Wealthy people (Kadangyan) who have performed this dance are entitled to the use of
gongs at their death

8. Ragsaksakan
Tribe: Kalinga

This dance portrays the walk of the industrious Kalingga women, carrying water pots on their heads and
wearing the colorful hand-woven "blankets of life" around their necks. Their walk imitates the climb up
the Rice Terraces in the Mountain Provinces of the Philippines.

9. Lumagen / Tachok

Tribe: Kalinga

Origin: Luzon

When the Kalinga gather to celebrate a happy occasion like the birth of a first-born baby boy, a wedding,
or a budong (peace pact), the Kalinga Festival Dance (Tachok) is performed. This is danced by the Kalinga
maiden. The dance imitates birds flying in the air. Music is provided by gangsa, or gongs, which are
usually in a group of six or more.

10. Salip

Tribe: Kalinga

Tribes in the mountain provinces of Luzon preserve their identity, customs and lore. Their dances
celebrate important events in life such as birth, wedding, victory in war and thanksgiving. A Kalinga
wedding dance is an important celebration. The bridegroom offers the bride the protection and comfort
of his blanket. He simulates the movements of a rooster at love play, aspiring to attract and seize his
love. The bride's friends are ready to help prepare the bride by offering "bangas" (earthen pots) filled
with fresh water from the mountain spring.

Cordillera, a name given by the Spanish Conquistadors when they first saw the mountain ranges.
Meaning "knotted rope", the Spanish term refers to the jumbled rolls and dips of this long-range
traversing the northern part of Luzon Island.

Today, if one is to generalize one of the six ethno-linguistic tribes as an "Igorot" is considered degrading.
Living amidst the rice terraces that tower over Northern Luzon are a people whose way of life existed
long before any Spaniard or other foreigners stepped foot on the Philippines. The Bontoc, Ifugao,
Benguet, Apayo, and the Kalinga tribes reign over Luzon's mountain terrain.

They are pagan people, living simple lives to appease their gods. Their rituals celebrate their daily lives -
a good harvest, health, peace, war, and other symbols of living. Such traditions have survived the
changing scope of the Philippines and the tribes continue to maintain their cultures that are a part of the
colorful cultural fabric known as Philippine culture.
Spanish influenced dance

Nearly 400 years of Spanish rule left an unremovable mark on the Philippines.
Spain brought with them all aspects of their culture to the Islands. This
includes the Catholic faith, clothing, and dance. The barong tagalog and the
terno are Philippine interpretations of Spanish dress made to fit the humid
climate of the Philippines. Aside from creating their own versions of European fashion, Philippine
aristocrats created Filipino adaptations of European dance as well. These include jotas, fandanggos,
mazurkas and waltzes that were danced by young socialites to the stringed music of the rondalla.

1. Danza

Danza is a folk dance of Cuban origin which became popular in the late 19th century, also known as
habanera or danza habanera. The habanera is a social dance in duple time and performed in a ballroom
or on a stage.

The Argentine writer Carlos Vega (1898-1966) traces its origin to the English contra dance or square
dance, which was then assimilated into Spain as contradanza or danza. Around 1825, it was brought to
Cuba in this form where it was combined with Afro-Cuban rhythms; and around 1850, it was
transformed into the habanera.

2. Jota Cagayana

Origin: Cagayan Valley

The Jota brought by the Spaniards from Southern Spain found its way into many places in
the islands. One such jota is named after the valley it adapted. Though Filipinized in many
ways that one, Jota Cagayana still displays the fire and fury of its European origin.

Until the turn of the century the Ibanag of Cagayan Valley perform this fast tempo dance
which ncludes familiar European steps, the mazurka, polka, gallop and waltz.

3. Jota Isabela

Origin: Isabela

A fine example of a filipinized spanish jota, but unlike other jotas this dance does not use elongated
bamboo castanets. This Ilocano dance was first performed by the Ilocano settlers of the woodlands of
old Isabela.

4. Pantomina
Originally a wedding dance from the province of Albay, the dance is now popular at any social gathering.

5. Abaruray

Abaruray is a contraction of the words Aba and Ruray. Aba is an exclamation which is equivalent to
“Hey!” or “Hi!” in English. Ruray is a nickname for Aurora.

6. Jota Manileña

Origin: Manila

A dance that originated in the capital city around the 19th century. Like the other Jotas in Philippine folk
dances, this is an adaptation of the Castillian Jota, but the castanets are made of bamboo and are only
held, not fastened, to the fingers. It is recognizably Iberian in flavor.

7. Habanera Jovencita

A dance typical of a woman’s debut or even her wedding. The accompanying love ballad was written by
Maestro Nitoy Gonzales when he was courting Jovita Friese, who then choreographed the graceful and
beautiful habanera dance that accompanies it. Jovencita means “young lady” in Spanish.

8. Paypay de Manila
The young ladies carry scented fans, or "paypay" and flirt with young men with canes and straw hats,
once more giving evidence of the Kastilian influence.

9..Jota Paragua

A dance originating from Zamboanga, displays steps with very strong Castillian influence, but using
Philippine bamboo castanets held loosely. The woman in Jota de Paragua waves a shawl called manton.

10. Paseo de Iloilo

This is one of the most sophisticated courtship and flirtation dances of the Spanish
era. The gentlemen compete among each other to win the heart of the dalaga, or
young lady, by exemplifying chivalry, grace, and confidence. One of the most
sophisticated courtship and flirtation dances of the Spanish era. The gentlemen
compete among each other to win the heart of the dalaga, or young lady, by
exemplifying chivalry, grace, and confidence

11. Malaguena
This dance was a favorite dance of the people of Laguana and Quezon during the Spanish Era.

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