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Exp Brain Res (1984) 55:263-271

9 Springer-Verlag 1984

Preparatory Process for Anticipatory Postural Adjustments:

Modulation of Leg Muscles Reflex Pathways
During Preparation for Arm Movements in Standing Man

M.H. Woollacott t, M. Bonnet, and K. Yabe 2

Department of Experimental Psychobiology, Institute of Neurophysiology and Psychophysiology, National Center for Scientific Research,
F-13402 Marseille C6dex 9, France

Summary. We have investigated, in 6 standing sub- in global effects and at the supraspinal level in
jects, the time course of amplitude changes in the directionally specific effects.
short latency (40-60 ms) and long latency (60-80 ms)
Key words: Movement preparation - Postural adjust-
reflex response components of gastrocnemius
ments - Long latency reflex - Man - EMG
medialis (GM) and soleus (S) muscles during the
preparatory period (time between a warning signal
and a response signal) as a function of the precued
direction (pull or push) of arm movement. Subjects
maintained their standing posture by visual feedback
during the 1.5 s preparatory period of a reaction time Introduction
task. A warning signal gave advance information
concerning the voluntary response to be performed Previous research by Requin et al. (1977), and
which consisted of either a pull or push movement of Bonnet and Requin (1982) has explored changes in
the right arm. The excitability of the reflex pathways both spinal and transcortical reflex pathways during
was evaluated by triggering a rapid rotation of the preparation for a simple voluntary movement involv-
right ankle joint (dorsiflexion) applied randomly at ing flexion or extension about a single joint. The
100, 300 or 500 ms before the response signal for arm research has demonstrated a decrease in spinal reflex
movement. Statistical analysis of EMG amplitude excitability, and increase in transcortical reflex
(ANOVA) showed that preparatory effects were excitability of the implicated muscle in the subject at
different for the two synergistic muscles with both rest. The following experiments were designed to
short (spinal) and longer latency components of GM determine if the postural regulatory system, which in
showing generalized facilitation and of S showing standing subjects is phasically activated in advance of
generalized inhibition. In addition, the longer voluntary movement as a function of the direction
latency, presumably supraspinal, component of the of movement (Belenkii et al. 1967; Elner 1973; Lee
two muscles was differentially modulated according 1980; Bouisset and Zattara 1981), is also modulated
to directional advance information, showing relative by preparatory processes, either in a global fashion,
facilitation for pull as compared to push trials. These or more specifically, in relation to the direction of the
reflex response modulations were emphasized in prepared movement. Toward this goal, we have
faster reaction time (RT) performers at the end of studied the reflex excitability simultaneously in two
the preparatory period. It is concluded that postural synergistic muscles which are differentiated by the
preparatory processes are reflected at the spinal level nature of their intervention during the maintenance
of standing posture. The soleus muscle (S) of the
triceps surae is continually active during quiet stance;
it furnishes the largest part of the stiffness of the
ankle. In contrast, the gastrocnemius medialis muscle
1 Present address: Department of P.E. and Human Movement (GM) shows only low level, intermittent activity
Studies, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA; 2 Insti-
tute for Developmental Research, Aichi Prepectural Colony,
during quiet stance, but proportionally greater con-
Kasugai, Aichi, Japan tribution during the postural adjustments which
Offprint requests to: M.H. Woollacott (address see footnote) accompany voluntary arm movements.

In this experiment we have elicited a brief stretch @

of the triceps surae by a dorsiflexing rotation of the PULL PUSH

support of the foot about the axis of the ankle joint.

This stimulation elicits in GM and S muscles a
response containing two successive components, R1
, r
and R2. The first component to muscle stretch (at I
35-45 ms latencies) has been shown to be of spinal
origin, while the second component (at 55-70 ms
latencies) has been postulated to be affected by a "

supraspinal loop. o ! !
o TA I ~ . . . . . . _..a.
This technique was used to determine if either , i

spinal or purported long loop reflex pathways of the ! i

i i
GM and S muscles of the leg were modulated during
i ,
preparation for a push (elbow extension) or pull RS
I !

(elbow flexion) arm movement. 2 0 0 ms

It was predicted that: (1) The reflex responses of 82

the postural muscles would be modulated differently

according to directional advance information (push
versus pull), since the triceps surae has a different
function in the corresponding feedforward postural
adjustments; (2) the GM and S muscles would be
modulated differently during preparation due to their
different functions in quiet stance (S being tonically
active and GM intermittently active); (3) R2 would
be more sensitive to the postural preparatory process
than R1 because purely spinal reflex pathways have
been shown to be less sensitive to instructional set 40 eo 12o ms ~ - - I
than longer latency pathways (Bonnet et al. 1981; ~ ankle rotation
Bonnet 1983).
Fig. la. Postural responses before and during voluntary activation
of biceps brachialis in a reaction time task (push or pull). Rectified
EMG's from one trial are illustrated, b The time course of reflex
Materials and Methods responses to ankle rotation for gastroc, medialis and soleus,
showing the early (R1) and late (R2) components (averaged Raw
Apparatus EMG from 10 trials. GM given is twice that of SOL). c Position of
the subject during experimental trials. RS: response signal; SOL:
In order to test for modulation of the postural regulatory system, a soleus; GM: gastrocnemius medialis; TA: tibialis anterior; BB:
strain gauge equipped platform consisting of separate foot plates biceps brachialis
on which the subject stood was triggered to produce a rapid
dorsiflexing rotation in the right ankle joint axis and elicit triceps
surae stretch responses. Rotations were produced by a solenoid
driven hammer attached to the back of the right foot plate. The judged via platform force feedback on an oscilloscope screen that
impulse command duration was 60 ms and the amplitude of his position was correct; after two seconds the illumination of the
rotation mechanically limited to 3 ~. This device generated repro- central LED either by itself (control trial), or with the addition of
ducible strain gauge signal changes from the platform foot plate directional information (experimental trial), served as a warning
(see Fig. 1C). signal (WS). In the case of advance information, one (or both)
Three light-emitting diodes (LED) were arranged vertically peripheral LEDs were illuminated for 200 ms, instructing (or not)
on the oscilloscope screen in front of the standing subject. The the subject in advance about the direction of the rapid arm
central LED served as a continuous warning signal, while the top movement he would have to perform. This warning signal started a
and bottom LED's (2 cm apart) served as directional preparatory preparatory period of 1.5 s during which the ankle joint rotation
and response signals (RS = 200 ms duration). was randomly distributed at three times: 100, 300 and 500 ms
In order to measure reaction time for the push-pull response before the response signal.
movement, two photocells placed 1 cm from the central (rest) The preparatory period ended by illuminating again one of
handle position were activated when the handle was displaced. the peripheral LED's, for 100 ms, as a response signal, triggering
the previously instructed movement in the corresponding direc-
tion. After 5 s, the subject was able to trigger a new trial.
Procedure and Experimental Design In a series of 66 trials, there were 12 randomly distributed
control trials without the reaction time task which formed the
Successive events of a trial (Fig. 2) controlled by a PDP 12 reference sample for stretch responses. The three advance infor-
computer were as follows: The subject triggered the trial when he mation conditions: "Push" - top LED, "Pull" - bottom LED or

self-triggered ........ w a r n i n g signal ............................................................. response signal ......... a r m .........
~ movement

ITI advance information

min P= 87
5 s

// I I I

waiting period
ankle rotation
Reaction Time

-2 ~f~/ 0 i i
0.5 1 1.5 S

Fig. 2. Experimental design. ITI: Intertrial interval

"No advance information" - with simultaneous top and bottom maintenance of a central postural position. Activity of the biceps
LED's, were equiprobable (0.33) and randomly distributed. For brachialis (BB) muscle was also recorded for 3 subjects in order to
each advance information condition, the probability that the verify that the task required advance postural adjustments before
response signal would occur was 0.83. The remaining trials where activation of the prime mover (BB) during pull trials. EMG
the response signal did not occur were randomly included in the responses to ankle rotations and platform signals were displayed
series as catch trials in order to prevent anticipatory responses on a storage oscilloscope. EMG was filtered (10 Hz - 3000 Hz)
which may appear in a reaction time task with a preparatory period rectified, digitized on-line with an effective sampling rate of 1000
of fixed duration. Thus, in a series of 66 trials, each combination Hz and collected on magnetic tape for later off-line analysis. For
(advance information x delay) was tested 6 times. Each subject each session, averaged data obtained during 10 advance control
performed the task during at least three sessions consisting of perturbations were used to adjust 2 computer integration windows
4 separate experimental series. The last three series of the last 20 ms in width. In most cases, the windows were adjusted from 40
session were used for statistical analysis. to 60 ms (for the RI component) and from 60 to 80 ms (for the R2
component) after rotation onset.

Subject's Instruction
Statistical Analysis
Six normal subjects participated in the final experiment (5 males, 1
In order to compare and to average EMG data from different
female aged 18-43). After a brief explanation about the apparatus
subjects, the method of standardized z score was used. For each
and general procedure, they were instructed as follows: (1) to
series, after calculation of the mean and standard deviation of the
grasp the handle capable of anterior-posterior movements against
12 control stretch responses, the experimental response values
springs; (2) to precisely maintain the central position of the beam
were converted into z scores, expressing the deviation of these
of the oscilloscope that registered the two directional displacement
values from the control mean in control standard deviation units.
of the center of vertical forces of the two feet (measured via
EMG data collected during error trials were eliminated. Analysis
platform strain gauges); (3) to trigger each trial when ready and
of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine significance of
the posture was centered (a button was placed under the thumb on
changes in EMG response amplitude during the preparatory
the handle); (4) to maintain this position when the LED's were
period. The effect of the following experimental factors was
illuminated as a warning signal; in some cases only the central
tested: nature of advance information, muscle tested, component
LED was illuminated (control trials); (5) to move the handle as
of reflex response (R1, R2) and time before the response signal. In
fast as possible in the precued direction when the corresponding
addition, the ANOVA furnished information concerning the
LED was illuminated again as a response signal; (6) to take
presence of interaction between these factors.
warning that in some cases the response signal would be omitted
(catch trials); (7) that on some trials, the warning signal would be
formed by the simultaneous lighting up of the LED's, thus making
movement direction unpredictable until the response signal; (8)
that the right foot position might be unexpectedly disturbed during Results
the task.
It has b e e n v e r i f i e d t h a t t h e s t a n d i n g p o s t u r e d o e s
Recordings not systematically change during the preparatory
p e r i o d as a f u n c t i o n o f i n s t r u c t i o n . T h e f a c t t h a t t h e
The platform output (anterior-posterior force changes) and the
subject continuously grasped a handle and visually
surface EMG from the gastrocnemius medialis (GM) and soleus
(S) muscles (using surface electrodes placed 3 cm apart) were monitored the force feedback signal (stabilogram)
recorded. The experimenter continually monitored the subject's c l e a r l y a i d e d h i m in this t a s k . A s h a s b e e n p r e v i o u s l y

Table 1. Reaction Time (milliseconds)

Advance information No Push No Pull
Response signal Push Push Improvement Pull Pull Improvement
Faster subjects 1 307 265 42 310 250 60
Faster subjects2 353 291 62 370 295 75
Faster subjects 3 355 290 65 368 297 71

Mean 338 282 56 349 281 68

Slower subjects4 436 345 91 375 314 61

Slower subjects 5 439 392 47 365 317 48
Slower subjects6 447 364 83 421 347 74

Mean 441 367 74 387 326 61

Total mean 390 325 65 368 303 65

found for tasks involving rapid arm movements in the Reaction Time
context of quiet stance, during the course of the
reaction time period it is possible to observe varia- Table 1 shows the RT's observed during the experi-
tions in the activity of the postural muscles of the leg ments. In order to determine if there was a relation-
which precede the activation of the muscles of the ship between the subjects' performance level and
ipsilateral arm responsible for carrying out the reac- amplitude of EMG response to probe stretch during
tion time task (Fig. tA). It is postulated that this the preparatory period, subjects were split into two
activation serves to preset postural muscle stiffness to groups according to the average reaction time
counteract the anticipated perturbing forces of the observed with directional advance information.
rapid arm movement. In the present experimental Average reaction time for the three faster performing
context involving the act of pushing or pulling on a subjects was 312 ms, while average reaction time for
spring-loaded handle, GM and S were activated in the three slower performing subjects was 380 ms, the
advance of BB (60 ms for the subject in Fig. 1) during difference (68 ms) being significant (p < 0.05).
pull trials while they showed a contrasting decreasing Concerning the direction of the voluntary move-
activity during push trials (there is some coactivation ment (Push or Pull), average reaction time for the
of biceps and triceps brachialis for both pull and push three faster subjects was similar for the two responses
movements). when directional advance information was provided
(Push = 282 ms, Pull = 281 ms). In the slow subjects,
a tendency to elongate reaction time before Push
Timing o f E M G Activity Following a Sudden A n k l e
responses was observed. The diminution of reaction
time with directional advance information is both 1)
identical on average for Push and for Pull, and 2)
Figure 1B shows the averaged reflex activity of GM
similar in the two performance groups: total mean
and S muscles in response to 10 successive dorsiflex-
improvement was 65 ms, or 17%. This difference was
ing ankle rotations (control conditions). The stretch
response, superimposed upon postural E M G activ- significant (p < 0.001).
ity, occurred with approximately a 40 ms delay
following the platform signal change, and continued Main Changes in the Reflex Responses During
for at least 40 ms. On the basis of latency and shape the Task
of EMG responses, two successive components of the
burst were identified. These components appeared Figure 3 shows the mean amplitude of the reflex
regularly in all subjects in both GM and S muscles of response according to the responding muscle (GM or
the rotated leg (without a corresponding contralat- S). The corresponding A N O V A indicates that the
eral effect). From 40 to 60 ms after the platform modulation of the reflex responses during the course
displacement started, the first response (R1), corre- of the preparatory period differed according to the
sponding to the activation of the spinal monosynaptic muscle tested (p < 0.05); in particular, a marked
reflex pathway appeared. The second component of facilitation was observed in the responses of GM. In
the response (R2) occurred between 60 and 80 ms addition, the time course of the modttlation at the
after stimulus onset. end of the preparatory period differed for the two

muscles (Interaction Delay x Muscle; p < 0.01) with
the responses of GM tending to increase with the
approach of the response signal in contrast to a
decrease in S. The amplitude of the reflex responses
did not depend on the type of directional advance

information. Neither did it depend on the response

component considered (R1 or R2). These two factors
,.s :' "-..~ _,;o I
show an interaction. The amplitude of each compo-
-soo -~>o ---.i I -.,o nent varies differently as a function of directional
pp ~.
response advance information (p < 0.001). This differential
modulation of R1 and R2 as a function of preparat-
Fig. 3. Time course during the preparatory period of the main ory information is significant for each muscle.
effect for average difference between reflex response amplitude of
solens and gastrocnemius medialis

Time Course of the Two Components of the Reflex

Response During the Preparatory Period According
40 - 60 ms 60 - 80 ms to the Tested Muscle GM or S and to Directional
9 60
.a p U LL
Advance Information, Push or Pull
o :o
.40 m
g Figure 4 shows the mean amplitude of the two
components (R1 and R2) of the reflex responses
9 20
according to the time when the stimulation occurred
( 0 O
during the preparatory period9 Data are presented
separately for GM and S according to directional
PREPARATORY PERIOD I advance information (Push or Pull). Table 2 presents
responsl 9 40 >
"o the two corresponding ANOVA's. The only signifi-
~PULL .20
cant comparison in common to the two components
m is relative to the difference in amplitude of the reflex
I o
during the task, between GM and S (for R1,
p < 0.05, and for R2, p < 09 The preparatory
- .20
changes always consisted of a facilitation of the
responses of GM including the strictly spinal compo-
-500 -300 -100 0 ms nent (Fig. 4, R1, GM) which becomes progressively
Fig. 4. Changes in reflex response amplitude of two successive
larger toward the end of the preparatory period
components (R1 and R2) of the response recorded simultaneously without relation to directional advance information.
in the two synergistic muscles, gastrocnemius medialis and soleus The modulation of the amplitude of the late

Table 2. Analysis of variance for two components: R1 and R2 of the stretch response during the preparatory period preceding the execution
of directional-precued arm movement (Push or Pull)

R1 R2
Degrees of F ratio Level of F ratio Level of
freedom significance significance

Advance information I 1-5 2.99 NS 13.47 p<0.025

(Push or Pull)
Tested muscle M 1-5 6.68 p<0.05 11.92 p<0.025
(GM or S)
Mechanical stimulation delay D 2-10 1.35 NS 0.53 NS
(-500, -300 or -100 ms)
None of the interactions were significant.

Partial comparison
I for Gastroc. 1-5 0.01 NS 4.90 0.05<p<0.10
I for Soleus 1-5 3.14 NS 19.60 p<0.01
M for Push 1-5 1.15 NS 19.01 p<0.01
M for Pull 1-5 3.33 NS 5.60 0.05<p<0.10

SLOW FAST are inhibited. For the information Pull, the most
marked facilitation of GM is present for only the last
two delays tested during the preparatory period
(0.05 < p < 0.10).
Supplementary statistical analysis has shown that
the principal effects demonstrated above are more
marked in the rapid subjects, and only significant in
this group. As is demonstrated by the temporal
evolution of the amplitude of the reflex during the
.30 course of the preparatory period (Figs. 3 and 4), the
.20 differential variations are more marked for the last
9 10 r- -I I delay tested (-100 ms), indicating an increasing effect
0 of preparatory processes as the response signal
- 910 approaches. Keeping in mind these two considera-
tions, we present in Fig. 5 the results from the group
of 3 slower subjects (left side) compared to the
results from the group of the most rapid subjects
(right side), and using only the data obtained from
the last delay. The accentuation of the modulation
.10 which is observed when one takes into account both
0 the level of performance and the proximity of the
t response signal underlines the specific preparatory
character of the reflex modulation. Moreover, for the
!i '-
-.30 i: condition "no directional advance information"
-.40 ~]R1 (No), the modulations observed were of a value
-.50 intermediary between Push and Pull (Fig. 5). This
~R2 PUSH NO PULL fact confirms the directional specificity of the pre-
paratory processes which influence reflex excitabil-
ity. However, it should be noted that there is a total
Fig. 5. Amplitude of two successive stretch response components absence of a directional modulation for the R1
(R1 and R2) of the synergistic muscles gastrocnemius and soleus as
a function of directional advance information (push, no or pull).
component of GM, in contrast to the modulation of
Data were averaged for the three slower subjects (left side) and R2.
the three faster subjects (right side). Data were averaged for the
final delay (100 ms prior to the RS) only. Corresponding values in
percent (faster subjects, final delay) were: GM, Push, RI: 121%,
R2: 95%, Pull, RI: 125%, R2: 128%, S, Push, RI: 104%, R2:
87%, Pull, RI: 92%, R2: 94%
The above experiments used a fixed foreperiod
reaction time task requiring advance postural stabili-
response, R2, during the course of the preparatory zation in order to study the effects of preparation on
period is dependent on the nature of directional the postural control system. Preparatory changes in
advance information (p < 0.025). This relation is two reflex response components, purported to be
more marked for S (p < 0.01) than for the GM associated with separate neuron subsystems, and in
(0.05 < p < 0.01). the synergistic muscles GM and S were examined.
In each muscle, the amplitude of the R2 compo- Results indicate that only the late reflex component
nent was consistently larger for Pull advance infor- was sensitive to directional advance information
mation trials (Fig. 4, right side). In spite of the during the time course of the preparatory period;
identical nature of this differential effect of advance however, both components of the two synergistic
information on the two muscles, the between muscle muscles were on average, regardless of directional
comparison of absolute variations introduced by each advance information, modulated in an opposite man-
type of advance information shows that these two ner. On the basis of the behavioral data and the re-
synergists are modulated in a contrasting fashion. For quirements of the reaction time procedure employed,
the information Push, the difference between GM it will be argued that changes in the activity of
and S is highly significant (p < 0.01); the GM supraspinal structures activating postural muscles are
responses are on average facilitated, while those of S triggered by preparatory advance information.

(motor cortex)

primary synergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . primary syner lyJ

- - selection . . . . . . . . . . . triggering

(association cortex
basal ganglia
cerebellum) Ji~ ~
S e e c t on
[ of l Command T
I Movement I System ) automatic

Directional I /
Advance _~_ I / / (bu,bo-spi..,)
Information .... ] ] .... 1_. . . . ~.__
----~P ~Stur]a/c~Y~ r gY] . . . . . . . . . . . t ...... --L~-- P~stt!~/SlYnngrg YI

l 1 postural adju
[ imovement
tment I executionl


Fig. 6. Model of possible psychologicalprocesses and neurophysiologicalmechanisms underlyingpreparation and initiation of postural
adjustments associated with voluntary movements. There are three main points: (1) the preparation is expressed by a choice between
alternative synergies,(2) the muscularreflex response modulationsobserved do not express themselvesthrough anticipatorychangesin the
postural activityitself, (3) it is hypothesizedthat there is an inhibition of voluntary instructionaloutput of the command system by the
automatic contextual output

Contrasting Changes of Soleus and Gastrocnemius element and the GM intervenes as a "stabilizing"
Medialis Stretch Response Modulation element (Gurfinkel et al. 1965). Correlated with
these functional differences are differences in motor
A general preparatory effect was noted, which on unit and muscle fiber make up, with S possessing a
average depended neither on the modality of ad- greater proportion of slow muscle fibers and GM
vance information nor on the muscle response com- possessing a greater proportion of fast muscle fibers
ponent (R1 or R2). This consisted of a reciprocal (Buchtal and Schmalbruch 1980).
modulation of reflex excitability in the two muscles This differential evolution of the GM and S
with GM facilitated and S inhibited. This global during the preparatory period constitutes an argu-
aspect of postural preparation is interesting because ment against the hypothesis according to which the
it demonstrates opposite effects on the GM and S modulations of the reflex responses result from
which are generally considered synergists and often preparatory variations of the standing posture itself.
studied together as the triceps surae. This finding In effect, the overt changes of posture in the sagittal
should serve as a cautionary note to the common plane would be expected to be accompanied by
assumption that it is possible to record the activity of parallel changes in the GM and S muscles.
one of the muscles and abstract the results to the
function of both. What functional differences under-
lie these differences in modulation of reflex excitabil- Differential Modulation of Reflex Response
ity? Though considered synergists, the GM and S Components
differ in the following ways: 1) GM is biarticular,
whereas S is monoarticular and gives the greatest The lack of R1 amplitude change related to direc-
contribution to the maintenance of stiffness. 2) GM is tional advance information at the end of the pre-
used predominantly in phasic movements and is paratory period confirms results previously collected
usually silent during quiet stance, whereas S is in experiments using the H-reflex (Requin et al.
tonically active during quiet stance. 3) During stance, 1977), or the spinal component in the reflex response
the S intervenes as a fundamental "supportive" to rapid stretch of upper limb flexors (Crago et al.

1976; Marsden et al. 1978; Bonnet and Requin 1982; activation of the primary and postural response
Bonnet 1983). This effect suggests that the lower synergies are progressively organized (dotted lines)
level of the nervous system is implicated only in during the preparatory period after the selection
unspecific processes of preparation. If it is accepted process has taken place. Direction specific changes
that the programming process occurs during the are hypothesized only to occur in central circuits,
preparatory period (as a function of the information since in the present experiment and in previous
which the subject possesses concerning the task experiments on preparation for arm movements
which he must execute), it is probable that the (Bonnet 1983) only supra-spinally modulated
direction parameter of the postural synergy is supra- response components were directionally changed.
spinally organized and stored, and has no spinal At the time of the response signal a second
consequences until it intervenes at the moment of process is triggered, in which a command system
movement execution. (involving association cortex, basal ganglia, and
It was found that the R2 change consistently cerebellum) activates the previously facilitated prim-
depended upon the expected voluntary movement ary and postural response synergies. It is
direction and was related to performance level. In hypothesized that the two execution processes are
each muscle, the amplitude of the R2 component was separate, and that the postural synergy output ini-
larger for pull advance information trials. It is exactly tially inhibits the primary synergy output (as
in this pull condition that one observes during the hypothesized by Cordo and Nashner 1982) for the
reaction time period a burst of activity in the tested following reasons: (1) we observed that occasionally
muscles. subjects responded to "catch trials" with a postural
In experiments measuring multiple muscle output, but without subsequent activation of the
responses, Cordo and Nashner (1982) showed that primary synergy. This suggests that the outputs are
postural adjustments activated in advance of rapid not tightly linked. (2) It has been shown previously
arm movements are essentially identical in organiza- (Mankovskii et al. 1980) that when aging subjects are
tional structure to previously described automatic asked to perform a similar movement as rapidly as
postural adjustments (Nashner and Woollacott 1979) possible, they occasionally activate the primary
which are activated by feedback mechanisms in synergy without previous activation of the postural
response to body sway perturbations. Thus, it is synergy, and subsequently lose balance. This also
likely that the same postural control system is acti- argues for the separability of the two systems, and in
vated in the two cases, and simply accessed in the one addition, suggests a possible inhibitory mechanism
case by voluntary control structures and in the other (Fig. 6) operating in the normal young adult, which
case by somatosensory (ankle joint) afferents. We delays the voluntary output until after the beginning
show here that, in goal-directed action organization, of the activation of the postural synergy.
these same centers which control postural synergies In conclusion, our results support the concept
are selectively modulated during the preparatory that the postural system is modulated by preparatory
period like previously described primary movement processes. This modulation appears to have both
synergies (Bonnet 1983). Thus, in addition to the global and directionally related effects on the post-
command system linkage of the voluntary and post- ural response system. The global effect involves the
ural output, it can be hypothesized that the preparat- preparatory facilitation of GM and inhibition of S
ory processes of the two responses are linked spinal reflexes (without regard to directional advance
together by a common preparatory system. information). The directionally related effects con-
cern only the presumed supraspinal component and
consist of relative facilitation of both GM and S for
Possible Mechanisms and Model pull compared to push trials. The similarity of
for Postural Preparatory Process supraspinal processes underlying the preparation of
the voluntary response system (Bonnet 1983) and the
The proposed model (Fig. 6) represents possible postural responses seen here argues for a linking of
psychological processes and neurophysiological the two systems during the central selection process,
mechanisms underlying preparation and initiation of and could indicate that both systems are subunits of
postural adjustments associated with voluntary the same motor program.
movements. The preparation is represented by the
selection of the appropriate primary (arm move-
ment) and postural response synergies from a pre- Acknowledgements. This work was supported by an INSERM
determined alternative (push or pull). It is grant no. 826016. M.H. Woollacott was supported by the Fyssen
hypothesized that the central circuits involved in the Foundation.

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