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My name is Fidel Eduardo Jordan Regalado I am 16 years old, I used to watch

programs for children but now I watch documentaries before going to the gym, but
now it is more frequent to do it and I liked it a lot since I saw more changes in my
physique, the music that I was listening to it changed a bit since I did not listen to
rock before and now I do it and it's the one I listen to the most since it became one
of my favorite genres along with Rap I loved to dance a lot, but now it's very
strange that I dance, I'm ashamed in that aspect, but once I dance it makes me
lose the pain. Before I used to listen to songs in Spanish, but then I started to like
more those of English that, although they find it more difficult to understand, I really
like the sound, the rhythm they have. Before I did not like exercise very much and,
therefore, I was chubby until I found a sport that fascinated me a lot with soccer
and I started to practice and every time I improved more and more until today that I
look for many teams to play with them. Before I did not have the same hairstyle
that I have now, before I always had long hair, I cut everything and now I do not
leave it longer and a little short of the sides I used to eat french fries with a lot of
sauce until one day the appendix hurt me too much and they took me to the
hospital and almost had surgery, but it turned out that I was just irritated and they
gave me the medicine, that's why it's very rare for me to eat potatoes fried. Before I
used to play a lot with my friends from the block to anything hidden for the chicken
coop, soccer to the top, but little by little they left and nowadays nobody plays
Name: Fidel Eduardo Jordan Regalado

Group: 402

Module: English

Specialty: Alternate sources of energy

Teacher: Estefania Rivas Lafuente

Unit 2: Exchange of personal information about the past

Evaluation activity 2.2.1: Write a text in english describity

activities you used to do during childhood

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