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Running: My Origin Country 1

Aiveen Walker

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

My Origin Country

Out of my two countries of origin, I’ve decided to research about maternal origin country

of Ireland. Ireland was first settled by the Celts in 600-150 BC. The Celts then became the Gaels

and continued to transform Ireland into a civilization. The Gaels developed roads, churches,

armies, towns, government systems, and, most importantly, the gaelic languages. The Gaels

remained in charge until the later years of the eighth century. The vikings came in with full force

and aggression. The Vikings completely took over Ireland until, in 1014, the Gaels finally came

back with an army and defeated the Vikings. According to discovery Ireland, “Although Viking

power was broken, the Vikings had left their mark upon the country by founding Ireland's first

cities, including ​Dublin​, Limerick, and Waterford.” The Gaelic forces were lead by an

“honorary” King Brian Boru. Boru’s often known to have provided a sense of peace and

togetherness; but since monarchies weren’t a thing in Ireland, his reign ended quickly. The next

group to conquer Ireland was the Normans. When the Normans came in, they brought their

religion, government, and culture. Ireland had become divided into three sections, the Pale,

quaise-independent, and the Gaelics. The Gaels ultimately ended up taking over British

territories, converting the British to their Irish ways. After many years of peace, a tragedy known

as the Great Famine swept the nation. Over eight million Irish were left starving and suffering

after a potato fungus wiped across the country. This famine lasted four years and killed millions.

After the famine the country thrived significantly. During the calm period, a new flag was

adopted signifying unity between Catholics and Protestants. The white in between the orange and

green represent the peace and harmony between the two, once feuding, sides. Over the years, the
possibility of becoming a Irish citizen has always been in the cards. Since my mother is a citizen

the process for me, unlike others, would be pretty easy.

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July 19, 2019, from ​

Retrieved July 19, 2019, from ​

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