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Jonathan Liedke

August 7, 2019
Summer II - UNCC

Reflection Essay

I usually think my writing is in good standard. I try to proof read my papers

and make sure the grammar and sentence structure sounds correct when read aloud.
I did learn that I have been using the Oxford comma my entire life but never knew
that is what it is called. I also learned somewhat how to add a header on Microsoft
Word. I also learned about Words track changes which I never even knew existed
before this class. I don’t think the class itself needs improvement, but I do think the
accelerated course for summer is a little hard to fully understand all of the content
for the assignments. I was unsure of a few things for the assignments and kind of
just tried to match the rubric. I did enjoy the content on which I wrote about and I
think I did learn quite a lot from the course overall.
As far as goals are concerned, I never really have any goals going into a
course other than passing the class. Of course, everyone would prefer an A, but I
am usually fine with a B as well. Although before the submission of the portfolio I
was at an 81 so I am hoping I did a good enough job on this portfolio to keep me
above the C grade. As a cyber security major, I am a little unsure of why all
students need to take technical communication as well as the undergraduate writing
courses. Otherwise I would not really have been interested in this type of course. I
do enjoy writing things like screenplays but that is very different than technical
writing requirements. Again, I think the accelerated course rate for the summer
period made the assignments feel non-stop, so you did not have a lot of time to
review your progress.
The assignment I was proud of the most was the white paper packet. I did a
lot of reading and research for that paper and I thought I did a really good layout
and selected good infographic imagery. Although my grade did not reflect nearly
how well I thought I had done. I do hope the revisions I have made for the
portfolio are acceptable. I also thought it was clever that I had a slight nod to the
“writer” of my letter in the email, so it was kind of a unified project. As far as
adding an assignment, I think the topics should change between classes, I did enjoy
islands, but I can see it being enjoyable to write about movies, animals, or other
things. I don’t know how or what to edit in any assignment we did through the
class. I think the visualization packet was unique but a little tough due to the audio
portion. I think maybe writing a short paper with the story spheres would be
effective because a lot of people hate their own voice or feel uncomfortable
speaking aloud about things.
Overall, I enjoyed the class and working with my group. I thought the
instructor was nice and knowledgeable. I feel like I took away something
worthwhile from the experience.

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