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New Saft batteries double maintenance intervals for A320 Family

Lorena Zamora Matos

It is pretty impressive the power and importance of these batteries. The A320 only needs two
28Ah Skyzen rechargeable batteries and this airbus can carry 150 passengers. I am sure that the
batteries provide and perform under extreme circumstances and during emergencies. In this
market being reliable is key to succeed. Skyzen has the reliability along with a variety of designs
to fit almost any customer needs.

Allison Cox
As Lorena has stated above the power and importance of these batteries is very impressive. The
fact that they can be a backup during extreme tragies is amazing, they are like a generator but
better and more reliable. They are able to apply almost all customer needs with their variety of

Brian Evans
Battery technology is going to be an important player in this renewable revolution that’s
occurring in word right now. The missing ingredients for solar to replace traditional forms of
generation is battery storage. Battery storage allows solar energy to be provided even when the
sun is not shining. However, battery storage is currently extremely expensive. The Skyzen
batteries discussed in this article may become the solution to solar battery storage. The ultra-low
maintenance requirements could certainly cut the cost a bit.

Anthony Randazzo
In a highly regulated industry such as aerospace, there is no room for error. This battery is
sustainable and has a good reputation to back it. We are projected to see new strides in the
energy storage market in the years to come. Skyen will be on the radar.

Avni Patel
The addition of Skyzen to Saft batteries is pretty interesting because it offers a combination of
high performance and ultra-low maintenance. It is important for batteries in the aircraft to be
reliable, durable, lower in maintenance, low weight, lower in cost and most important have an
extended life. I agree with Anthony Randazzo that in a regulated industry, there is no room for
error. It is advanced for major aircraft and helicopter manufacturers. Saft's longer-lasting
batteries and systems have provided critical safety application, back up power for their
customers. Like Lorena Matos and Allison Cox have mentioned Skyzen contains all
requirements that Saft's customers need.

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