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Unit – 1: Distribution Systems:

Q. No. 1: Compare a 3 phase, 3 wire AC supply system with a 3 phase, 4 wire AC system
for the volume of conductor required, on the basis of equal maximum potential difference
between any conductor and earth. Clearly state the assumptions made. [8 M]

Q. No. 2: Distinguish between a distributor and feeder. What criterion is used for
designing of them? [4 M]

Q. No. 3: The cost of a 3 phase overhead transmission line is Rs. (55000a + 4000) per km
where ‘a’ is the area of cross section of each conductor in The line is supplying a
load of 7 MW at 33 kV and 0.85 p.f. lagging, assumed to be constant throughout the year.
Energy costs Rs. 4/kwh and interest and depreciation of 10%, specific resistance of
conductor material is 1 micro ohm cm. [6 M]

Q. No. 4: Write a short note on classification of supply system [4 M]

Q. No. 5: State and prove Kelvin’s law for feeder design with reference to supply system.
[6 M]

Q. No. 6: A 300 m long distributor is fed at point ‘A’ and is loaded as 60 A at 0.9 lag p.f.
and 100 A at 0.9 lag p.f. at point ‘B’ and point ‘C’ respectively. ‘B’ is midpoint of feeder.
Power factors at both load points are referred to the voltage at point ‘C”. The impedance
of each section is 0.15 + j0.2. Calculate the sending end voltage, current and power factor
if the voltage at point ‘C’ is 230 Volts. [8 M]

Q. N0. 7: Compare single phase 2 wire AC overhead systems with three phase, 4 wire
AC overhead systems for volume of conductor material required. Clearly state the
assumptions made. [6 M]

Q. No. 8: Draw a single line diagram of typical AC supply distribution system. [4 M]

Q. No. 9: Compare a three phase, three wire AC supply system with a single phase, 2
wire AC system for the volume of conductor material required, on the basis of equal
maximum potential difference between any conductor and earth. Clearly state the
assumptions made. [8 M]
Q. No. 10: A single phase cable has R = 0.4 ohm/km and X = 0.6 ohm/km. The length of
the cable is 1 km. and load points B, C, D and E are loaded as 20 A at 0.85 p.f. lag, 25 A
at 0.8 p.f. lag, 40 A at 0.9 p.f. lag and 45 A at unity p.f. respectively. The distance of load
points from the sending end is 200 m, 400m, 600m and 1000 m respectively. The
voltages at sending end is maintained at 230 V. The load power factors are referred to
sending end. Find the voltages at respective loading points. [10 M]

Unit – 2: Substation and Earthing:

Q. No. 1: Draw the layout of a single bus bar system substation. Use standard symbols
for the indication. Explain in brief functions and technical specifications of main
equipments [8 M]

Q. No. 2: Write a detail note on substation grounding. [8 M]

Q. No.3: Discuss in detail soil resistivity and various factors affecting it. [8 M]

Q. No. 4: Define the terms with neat figures:

i) Touch potential
ii) Step potential
iii) Transfer potential [8 M]

Q. No. 5: What is the importance of measuring soil resistivity? [4 M]

Q. No. 6: Explain in detail steps involved in design of earthing grid of substation with
reference to IEEE standard. [10 M]

Q. No. 7: Write short note on classification of substations. [4 M]

Q. No. 8: Using following data find step potential and touch potential:
Maximum grid current = 3000 A
Fault clearing time = 0.6 seconds
Resistivity of soil at surface = 2000 ohm meter [8M]

Unit – 3: Condition Monitoring and Maintenance:

Q. No. 1: Explain in detail:

i) Breakdown maintenance
ii) Planned maintenance
iii) Condition based maintenance [9 M]

Q. No. 2: Describe DC test for measurement of insulation resistance. [7 M]

Q. No. 3: Explain preventive maintenance of induction motor. [8 M]

Q. No. 4: Explain the concept of condition monitoring and state its advantages [8 M]
Q. No. 5: Define the terms polarization index and dielectric absorption ratio. Explain
their significance in condition monitoring. [8 M]

Q. No.6: What is condition based maintenance? State its advantages over other
maintenance strategies. [8 M]

Q. No. 7: Explain the process of insulation deterioration in detail. [8 M]

Q. No. 8: Explain preventive maintenance of transformer. [8 M]

Q. No. 9: Discuss in detail different maintenance strategies. [10 M]

Q. No. 10: Write a note on various insulation stressing factors. [8 M]

Unit – 4: Condition Monitoring of Transformers:

Q. No. 1: Describe the various failure modes of transformer. [8 M]

Q. No. 2: What is partial discharge in transformer? Explain methods of measuring partial

discharge activity. [10 M]

Q. No. 3: Explain in detail condition monitoring of transformer. [8 M]

Q. No. 4: Explain in detail dissolved gas analysis and degree of polymerization in context
with transformer. What are the applications of dissolved gas analysis in condition
monitoring of transformers? [8 M]

Q. No. 5: State the common On load Tap changer problems in transformer. Explain in
brief various diagnostic techniques of OLTC for its condition monitoring. [9 M]

Q. No. 6: With a neat diagram explain process of filtration of insulating oil. [9 M]

Q. No. 7: Explain condition monitoring of transformer for:

i) Insulation System
ii) Bushing System [8 M]

Q. No. 8: Write short note on different stresses in transformer. [4 M]

Q. No. 9: How dielectric strength of transformer oil is measured? Explain it in neat

sequence with block diagram. [9 M]
Unit – 5: Condition Monitoring of other electrical equipments:

Q. No.1: Describe condition monitoring of power cables. [8 M]

Q. No. 2: What is thermography? State its applications for condition monitoring of

equipments. What instruments are used in thermography? [8 M]

Q. No. 3: What are the different causes of failure of motor? State remedies for the same.
[8 M]
Q. No. 4: Write short notes on:
i) Signature Analysis
ii) Tan δ measurement [8 M]

Q. No. 5: What are the diagnostic testing techniques for power cables? Describe each in
brief. [8 M]

Q. No. 6: Explain in detail importance of tan δ measurement in condition monitoring.

State the methods of measuring tan δ. [8 M]

Q. No. 7: Explain the various tests carried out on induction motor for condition
monitoring. [8

Q. No. 8: Explain the various failure modes of power cables. [8 M]

Q. No. 9: What is meant by partial discharge? How is it measured for condition

monitoring of insulation? [9 M]

Q. No. 10: Explain how the thermographic techniques are useful for condition monitoring
of electric motor? [8 M]

Unit – 6: Mechanical failure analysis of rotating machines:

Q. No. 1: Write a short note on tell tale signs on bearings. [8 M]

Q. No. 2: Write a short note on bearing nomenclature. [8 M]

Q. No. 3: What are the various modes of bearing failure? Discuss each in brief. [8 M]

Q. No. 4: Write short notes on:

i) Spark pulse measurement
ii) Vibration Signature analysis [8 M]

Q. No. 5: Explain the various preventive maintenance techniques for bearings. [8 M]

Q. No. 6: Explain the various failure modes of rotating parts and maintenance of it. [8 M]
(Electrical Installation, Maintenance and Testing)

Week No. Topics to be covered

UNIT I – Distribution systems
1 Classification of supply systems, types of supply systems, single phase
two wire system, three phase three wire system, three phase four wire
system, Comparison based on the basis of volume requirement for
conductor for overhead and underground systems.
2 AC distribution system design, types of primary distribution systems, types of
secondary distribution systems, voltage drop in ac distributors, Kelvin’s law,
general design considerations, load estimation.
3 Design of primary and secondary distribution systems, economical design of
distributors, residential, commercial and industrial loads including estimation.
UNIT II – Substation and Grounding
4 Classification and types of substation, layout of substation, function and
technical specifications of each equipment, voltage levels and clearances
5 Necessity and types of earthing systems, Substation grounding, tolerable
limits of body currents, estimation of soil resistance and its management.
Tolerable step and touch voltages, different electrode configurations, steps in
grid design as per IEEE standard 1976.
UNIT III – Condition monitoring and maintenance
6 Importance and necessity of maintenance, different maintenance strategies
like breakdown maintenance, planned maintenance and condition based
maintenance. Planned and preventive maintenance of transformer, induction
motor, generators and power cables.
7 Insulation stressing factors, insulation deterioration, DC test for measurement
of insulation resistance, polarization index, dielectric absorption ratio, partial
discharge, concept of condition monitoring of electrical equipment.
UNIT IV – Condition monitoring of transformers
8 Transformer insulation, of solid and liquid insulation, filtration or
reconditioning of insulating oil characteristics, testing and condition
monitoring of oil as per the relevant standards, interaction insulating oil.
9 Failure modes of transformer, condition monitoring of transformer bushings,
on load tap changer, dissolved gas analysis, degree of polymerization, partial
discharge measurements.
UNIT V – Condition monitoring of other electrical equipments
10 AC testing of insulation, tanδ, partial discharge as per relevant standard.
Testing of cables and other electrical equipment such as motor, generators,
and DG sets.
11 Causes of motor failures, remedies, signature analysis, condition monitoring
of induction motor, power cables, thermography, measuring instruments for
carrying out these tests.
UNIT VI – Mechanical failure analysis of rotating machines
12 Bearing nomenclature, function, mechanical failures of bearings, tell tale
signs on bearings and end shields of machine.
13 Condition monitoring of motors using spark pulse measurements method and
vibration signature analysis techniques.
14 Conclusion, paper solving techniques, problem solving.

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 4 Hrs/Week Paper: 100 Marks
Drawing: 4 Hrs. /Week Termwork: 50 Marks

Unit – 1 Distribution Systems:

Classification of supply systems, Types of supply systems, Details of supply systems: 1 phase 2
wire system, 3 phase 3 wire systems, 3 phase 4 wire system. Comparison of these systems on the
basis of volume requirement for conductor for overhead and underground systems.

AC Distribution system design:

Types of primary distribution systems, types of secondary distribution systems, voltage drops in
ac distributors, Kelvin’s law, limitations of Kelvin’s law, general design considerations, load
estimation, design of primary and secondary distribution design, economical design of
distributors, design of residential, commercial and industrial loads including estimation.
(10 Hours)

Unit – 2 Substations and Earthing:

Substation: Classification and types, layout of substation, function and technical specifications of
each equipment, voltage levels and clearances.


Necessity and types of earthing systems, substation grounding, tolerable limits of body currents,
estimation of soil resistance and its management. Tolerable step and touch voltages, different
electrode configurations, steps in grid design reference to IEEE standard 1976.
(8 Hours)

Unit – 3 Condition monitoring and maintenance:

Importance and necessity of maintenance, different maintenance strategies like breakdown

maintenance, planned maintenance and condition based maintenance. Planned and preventive
maintenance of transformer, induction motor, generators and power cables. Insulation stressing
factors, insulation deterioration, DC test for measurement of insulation resistance, polarization
index, dielectric absorption ratio, dielectric discharge, concept of condition monitoring of
electrical equipment. (8 Hours)

Unit – 4 Condition monitoring of transformers:

Transformer insulation, insulating oil characteristics, testing and condition monitoring oil as per
relevant standards, interaction of solid and liquid insulation, filtration or reconditioning of
insulating oil, failure modes of transformer, condition monitoring of transformer bushings, on
load tap changer, dissolved gas analysis, degree of polymerization, partial discharge
measurement. (8 Hours)

Unit – 5 Condition monitoring of other electrical equipments:

AC testing of insulation, tanδ, partial discharge as per relevant standard, testing of cables and
other electrical equipment such as motors, generators, DG sets. Causes of motor failure,
remedies, signature analysis, condition monitoring of induction motor, power cables.
Thermography, measuring instruments for carrying out these tests.
(8 Hours)

Unit – 6 Mechanical failure analysis of rotating machines:

Bearing nomenclature, function, mechanical failures of bearings, tell tale signs on bearings and
end shields of machine. Condition monitoring of motors using spark pulse measurements method
and vibration signature analysis techniques. (8 Hours)


1. Single line diagram of substation (Based on actual field visit), wiring symbols, plate and
pipe earthing.
2. Project report on area electrification.
3. Project design and estimation of power circuit of labs/Workshops.


1. Measurement of insulation resistance of motors and cables.

2. Measurement of tan delta and partial discharge of transformer insulation by arranging
visit to industry/HV lab/ in house.
3. Measurement of oil parameters as per relevant standards.
4. Trouble shooting of electrical equipment: i) Three phase induction motor ii) Transformer
5. Study of thermography images and analysis based on that.
6. Determination of regulation of alternator by following methods: (a) EMF method (b)
MMF method (c) Potier and ASA method.
7. Direct loading of an alternator
8. V and inverted V curves of synchronous motor at constant load.

Text Books:

1. B. R. Gupta – Power system analysis and design, 3rd edition, Wheelers Publication.
2. P. S. Pabla – Electrical Power Distribution, 5th edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
3. K.B. Raina, S. K. Bhattacharya – Electrical Design, Estimation and costing, Wirely
Eastern limited, New Delhi.
4. S. Rao - Electrical installation, maintenance and testing.

Title: Open circuit test and short circuit test on three phase alternator.

Aim/Objective: To determine the voltage regulation of an alternator by conducting open circuit

test and short circuit test.


Item no. Description of item Specifications Quantity

1 Three point starter ---- 1 No.
2 DC shunt motor 7.5 Kw, 230 V DC, 28 A, 1500 rpm. 1 No.

3 Alternator 3 phase, 440 V, 50 Hz., 5 KVA, 7 A, 1500 rpm. 1 No.

4 DC exciter 230 V DC, 1 A. 1 No.

5 Rheostat 750 ohms, 1.2 A. 2 Nos.

6 Ammeter 0-10 A (AC) 1 No.
0-1 A (DC) 1 No.
7 Voltmeter 0-600 V (AC) 1 No.
8 Digital Tachometer ----- 1 No.

Theory: Alternator is a device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by using a
prime mover. Before conducting the open circuit and short circuit tests armature resistance is
measured in terms of ohms/phase.

R Idc


L + Vdc
Ra Ra


Experimental set up to measure armature resistance of the alternator

A.C. resistance per phase=1.2*Ra

This method of determining voltage regulation is also called as e.m.f method or synchronous
impedance method. Synchronous impedance (Zs) is determined using the equation as given

Zs=Voc/Isc (Field current is kept constant)

Where Voc=per phase open circuit voltage of the alternator.

Isc=per phase full load current flowing through the short circuited armature

Zs=Ra2+Xs2 ohms/phase
Where Ra=per phase armature resistance, Xs=per phase synchronous reactance

No load induced emf per phase, Eph, can be determined by using the mathematical
expression as given below:

Eph=√ (VphcosΦ + IaRa)2 + (VphsinΦ + IaXs)2

Where Vph=phase value of rated voltage of alternator

Ia=phase value of armature current depending on the load condition
cosΦ=power factor of load

Positive value is used for lagging power factor while negative sign is used for leading
power factor.

The voltage regulation can then be determined by using the formula:

% voltage regulation= [(Eph - Vph)/ Vph]*100

The main advantage of this method is the value of synchronous impedance for any load
condition can be calculated. Hence regulation of the alternator at any load condition and
load power factor can be determined. Actual load need not be connected to the alternator
and hence this method can be used for very high capacity alternators.

The main limitation if this method is that the method gives large values of synchronous
reactance. This leads to high values of percentage regulation than the actual results.
Hence this method is called as pessimistic method.

[a] Open circuit test:

1. Make the connections as per circuit diagram.

2. Keep the rheostat in the field circuit of alternator to its maximum position. Do not
connect any load across the alternator terminals. Switch on the DC supply. Start the
prime mover and adjust the speed of alternator to its synchronous speed.
3. With the help of rheostat in field circuit, field current is varied from its minimum value to
the rated value. Due to this, flux increases, thereby increasing the induced e.m.f. Hence
voltmeter reading, which is measuring line value of open circuit voltage, increases. For
various values of field current, voltmeter readings are observed.
4. After completing the open circuit test observations, the rheostat in field circuit is brought
to maximum position.
5. Switch off the supply. Plot the open circuit characteristics, which is a graph of open
circuit terminal voltage against the field current of alternator.

[b] Short circuit test:

1. Make the connections as per circuit diagram.

2. Keep the rheostat in the field circuit of alternator to its maximum position. Switch on the
DC supply. Start the prime mover and adjust the speed of alternator to its synchronous
3. The T.P.S.T. switch shown in the circuit diagram is now closed. As ammeter has
negligible resistance, the armature gets short circuited.
4. By varying the rheostat in field circuit, adjust the short circuit current to full load (rated)
current of the alternator. Note down corresponding field current on the ammeter.
5. After taking the readings, rheostat in field circuit is brought to maximum position.
6. Switch off the supply. Plot the short circuit characteristics, which is the graph of short
circuit current against the field current. It is a straight line passing through origin.

Observation Table:

[a] Open circuit test:

Observation number If (A) Voc (line) (V) Voc (phase) (V)


[b] Short Circuit test:

Observation number If (A) Isc(A)

Calculations and Conclusion: To be written by the student.


750 ohm, 1.2 A


A1 F1
0-600 V 0-10 A

A2 F2
230 V _

Three phase 440 V, 50 Hz., 5 KVA, 7

230 V DC, 28 A, 7.5 Kw, 1500 rpm A, 1500 rpm alternator
Dc shunt motor

F1 F2

A 0-1A

750 ohm, 1.2 A

+ --

E1 E2

Circuit diagram for Open circuit test and Short circuit test

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