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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 3 9 August 2019

Useful Links Editorial

Welcome to the third issue of my Gift certificates
newsletter Anita’s Garden for 2019.
I will still be offering gift certificates
Newsletter back issues for the nursery at Anita’s Garden.
Seed orders
They are perfect to give as a present
Over the past week, I have been very for birthdays, Christmas and other
Instagram busy placing seed orders. At the mo- occasions. They do not have an expiry
ment, I am open to requests for varie- date.
Twitter ties you would like me to stock in the
plant nursery. I have already received
Linkedin some enquiries about what varieties I
Pinterest will be selling in the nursery and
some plant orders. However, I am not
in a position to provide a definitive
list of what will be stocked in the
Contact me nursery or process orders at this
stage. As you will appreciate, I still
 Feedback need to secure seeds and the propaga- Your input is welcome!
tion process is never certain, for some-
 Newsletter input
times seeds don’t germinate and To make Anita’s Garden even more
(tips, recipes, gar-
plants don’t grow. Be assured though successful than ever before, I am inter-
den photos etc)
that once plants become available for ested in your suggestions on the fol-
 To be added to my sale, they will be advertised in the lowing:
mailing list newsletter and on my Facebook page.
 Plants (veggies, flowers, herbs, New readers fruits and other seedlings)
which you would like me to sell
There continue to be many new people in my plant nursery, plus any
who joined the newsletter mailing list. varieties you particularly want
Welcome! To receive the newsletter to obtain
Inside this issue: direct to your inbox, please email me
at and put  What topics you would like me
“subscribe” in the subject field. to cover in workshops held at
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 Anita’s Garden
Loyalty cards – NEW!
Anita’s Garden
 Topics you would like me to cov-
I’m pleased to announce that I will be
er in my blog
introducing loyalty cards this year.
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 After your 5th visit to the nursery,  Services you would like me to
for the week you will receive a free plant! offer as part of my business, for
example, garden maintenance,
Franchi Italian heirloom 2 design/landscaping etc
seeds giveaway
Please feel free to email me at with your
How to grow herbs 3
Thank you for your continued support.

Anita Kundu
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 3

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Over the past week, I have been
Sowing seeds indoors
very busy around the garden. seeds at the right time, it’s always
I started sowing capsicums and a good idea to check the back of
Planting more lily bulbs the packet first.
chillies on my heat pad. This year,
I planted more lilies I purchased I am excited to try the following
Spraying garlic
from Garden Post, including the new varieties from Egmont Seeds:
varieties Yelloween, Corcovado, As I mentioned in page 2 of Issue 1
 Capsicum Sweet Shishito for 2019, it has become necessary
Regale, Pink Heaven, Bellam and
Nymph  Capsicum Sweet Classic to spray garlic due to rust. As it is
a relatively new strain, a specific
 Capsicum Hot Jalwa India spray has not yet been developed
and some experimentation is re-
See page 3 of Issue 1 for 2019 for quired. I am relying on advice giv-
tips on how to propagate plants en to me by Wally. He suggested
from seed that I use a combination of liquid
sulphur, liquid copper, potassium
Sowing lettuce outdoors permanganate, rainard and vapor-
I sowed the Franchi varieties gard. Now that my garlic has
Parella Rossa and Degli Ortolani started to surface, I intend to
outdoors in punnets. These two spray at fortnightly intervals. I
Triumphator Xmas lily in bloom will report back on the success of
types are suitable for sowing in
last summer using these sprays in due course.
August. To ensure you’re sowing

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

1. Sow seeds undercover 3. Plant strawberries 5. Prune roses

Now is the perfect time to sow heat It’s not too late to plant more It’s still not too late to prune your
-loving veggies which need a long strawberries in your patch. roses. Spray with Conqueror Oil
growing period, such as capsicums, Awapuni stock Camarosa and Ven- afterwards to seal the cuts
chillies, tomatoes and eggplants tana plants. For growing tips, see
page 2 of Issue 1 for 2019
2. Sow lettuce outdoors
4. Plant seed potatoes
Some varieties of lettuce, including
ones from Franchi Italian heirloom Get seed potatoes chitting now
seeds, are suitable for sowing in before planting in spring for a
August (see above) Christmas feast

Franchi Italian heirloom seeds giveaway!

Gillian Hurley-Gordon of Italian  Radish Gaudry 2
Seeds Pronto has kindly given me  Mesclun Quatrro Stagioni
a collection of Franchi seeds to
give away to one lucky gardener in AND a pomodoro tomato vegetable
New Zealand. The prize contains soap
the following varieties:
To enter, visit my Facebook page
 Zucchini Romanesco and see the pinned post at the
top of the page.
 Onion Tropea Rossa Tonda
Competition closes Monday 12 Au-
 Broccoli Spigariello gust at 5 pm
V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 3 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N PAGE 3

How to grow herbs

In my opinion, every garden  Parsley has a long tap root  Best sown directly where
should contain a space for herbs. and hates being transplant- you want it to grow
They’re easy to grow and really ed. For this reason, it’s best
bring out the flavor of dishes. sown direct Chives
They can also be expensive to buy
Oregano  Goes well with cottage
from the supermarket. Some reci-
cheese. Lovely served in an
pes require only a small quantity,  A favourite in Italian dishes omelette
making the rest of the packet a
waste. Growing your own ensures  Can be grown from seed or  Grows in the garden all
that you only pick what you need, purchased as a plant. As we year round
leaving the plant to continue to don’t use a large quantity of
grow in the garden. oregano, usually one plant is  Best planted in the ground
Here are some of my favourite Mint
herbs, together with some growing Sage
tips for success.  An indispensable herb. Can
 The perfect accompaniment be added to many different
Dill to homemade gnocchi with a dishes and drinks. You
little butter can’t go past mint sauce
 The perfect accompaniment with roast lamb!
to fish dishes  Easy to grow from seed. As
with oregano, we don’t use a  Best grown in the ground
 Useful to add to homemade
large amount hence one
bottled gherkins  Can be grown from a cutting
plant is sufficient
 Best sown directly where
Thyme Catnip
you want it to grow
 A very useful herb to have  A favourite among felines
 Sow in early spring
in the garden who love to sniff, eat and
play in it. We
 Tends to bolt to seed as the  There are grow catnip for
weather warms up many differ- our cat Ginger,
“Every garden should
Coriander ent varieties. contain a space for herbs. who loves it, and
We always They’re easy to grow and so do the other
 Deeply aromatic, coriander grow common cats in our neigh-
really bring out the
is a favourite in Indian and and pizza bourhood!
flavor of dishes”
Asian cuisine thyme
 Coriander hates being Rosemary
 Another favourite among
transplanted. Best sown
 Goes well with lamb and cats, who enjoy sniffing and
directly where you want it
potatoes eating it
to grow
 One plant should be suffi- Cat grass
 Best grown in spring and
autumn, as coriander bolts cient
 Sow directly in seed raising
to seed in hot weather  Can be grown easily from a trays. Your cat will enjoy
cutting lying on it. Ours does!
 Freezes well for later use
Basil General tips for growing herbs
 The ideal accompaniment to  Make sure your herb garden
 One of the most useful herbs
homegrown tomatoes and is near your kitchen, so
to have in the garden. Pars-
the perfect addition to Ital- you’ll use them more
ley goes well with many
dishes, including eggs and ian dishes. Great for pesto!
 For those of you who prefer,
fish  This is a heat-loving herb so herbs can be grown in con-
it’s best to wait until No- tainers. Herbs suitable for
 The two main varieties are
vember before growing basil pots include parsley, orega-
flat leaf (Italian) and triple
outdoors no, sage, rosemary, corian-
der, chives, mint, catnip and

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