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Figure 1 (Dr Katherine Pedley, 2017, The fault scarp formed on a section of the Leader Fault during the 2016
Kaikōura earthquake.)

American Red Cross

Leroy Phomma

Abstract 3
Earthquake Overview 4
Instructional guide for pre-earthquake, during and post-earthquake disaster 5
 Practice pre-earthquake procedures 5
 Pack for necessities and plan ahead 5
 Stay calm and aware of surroundings 5
Pre-earthquake preparation benefits 5
Conclusion 7

References 8

Figure 1 1
Figure 2 3
Figure 3 4
Figure 4 6

Earthquakes are one of mother nature’s powerful disasters. This natural disaster has constantly
made appearance in history for over centuries. Throughout history many initially believed
earthquakes to be a symbol of god’s wrath. Various countries have their own depiction of god’s
wrath. London’s Roman catholic religion depicts earthquakes as god’s punishments towards
sinners. Evangelist John Wesley, who prayed from their pulpits that sinful Londoners would repent
and repent and avert God’s wrath (Earthquake Nature and Culture, 10). India’s Hindu religion
contains a legend of the eight great elephants supporting the earth. Whenever an elephant would
become weary, it would lower its head and cause the earth to have a powerful shake (Earthquake
Nature and Culture, 14). Japan, Mexico and China all have their own variations as well.
Earthquakes have hit several different locations over the world such as Tokyo, San-Francisco, Haiti,
and even in Great Britain. It always appears unexpectedly and claims the lives of thousands of
people. After an earthquake has happened buildings become destroyed and turn to piles of rubble.
Fires begin to blaze due to broken gas and electrical lines. Even floods can appear from broken
dams and water structures. Even till now earthquakes aren’t one hundred percent predictable,
however Scientist have made quite the progress on their research. It is now easier to access
information about when and where an Earthquake has appeared due to technological advances. As
earthquakes continue to appear, we will also adapt. The data we gather from earthquakes can be
used to help us adapt and minimize casualties. Incase an earthquake were to happen in your vicinity,
you can prevent further disaster by learning the safety tips. With the data gathered from research we
can use it to minimize the damages and causalities. By providing an instructional guide, individual
will have a better understanding of precautions needed during an earthquake. This could potentially
save lives and keep individuals away from potential hazards. It will also warn them of actions that
are prohibited to do during an earthquake.

2 (KeystoneUSA-ZUMA/Rex Features, 2011, Nine months after the magnitude-9 Great East Japan

Earthquake OverviewIndividuals are not prepared for


Earthquakes can happen anywhere at any time. This is essentially why they are considered one of
the most dangerous natural disasters. Scientist are unable to predict when and where the next
earthquake could happen next. On January 12, 2010 an earthquake occurred in Haiti with a
magnitude of 7.0 and claimed the lives of 300,000 (Overview of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake).
However, on March 11, 2007 another earthquake occurred in Japan. It had a magnitude of 9.2 and
claimed the lives of 20,000 (Japan's Fire and Disaster Management Agency). Both earthquakes are
high in magnitude, but there is a significant difference in the number of lives lost. Earthquakes are
known for destroying structures. Falling or breaking structures are the number one hazard during an
earthquake. Structures that are not up to date with the building code are more vulnerable to
earthquakes. Those obsolete structures will collapse due to the shaking regardless of a high
magnitude. Majority of individuals are not prepared for an earthquake.

Figure 3 (, Drop, Cover and Hold on! Infographic step by step.)

Instructional guide for pre-earthquake, during and post-

earthquake disaster
Creating a safety preparation guide will inform individuals that have not experienced an earthquake.
After reading the guide, Individuals should have a better understanding of objectives prior and after
an earthquake. Unexperienced individuals who have zero knowledge about earthquakes can now be
prepared. Being unprepared for a natural disaster can potentially be a hazard because it can lead to
panic. Panicking can be very dangerous during these situations because it leads to unwise decisions.
Two women were killed by falling debris after escaping the building during the 2003 Paso Robles

earthquake. Experts believed that the two women would have survived if they had stayed inside
(Los Angeles Times). The guide will instruct individuals on what to do before, during and after an
earthquake through safety tips and procedures. Figure 3 Displays step by step instructions on
protecting yourself during an earthquake.

Practice pre-earthquake procedures

There are some important methods to learn during an earthquake. Learning these methods could
potentially save a life and keep an individual safe. Whenever an earthquake occurs it is very
important to utilize the “Drop, Cover and Hold on!” method. The initial step is to drop down to the
floor. Dropping down to the floor will prevent will prevent injury by fall. The next step is to cover
the head and neck area with hands. If possible, seek cover under a table or desk. It is advised to
firmly grasp the leg of the desk. In the event a desk is not available, search for an area safely away
from windows and proceed with the initial position. Another important method to learn is
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This will be able to help those who are unconscious and not
breathing. It is important to practice these methods prior to an earthquake.

Pack for necessities and plan ahead

In the event of an earthquake it is important to prepare before it happens. Food, shelter and water
will sometimes be inaccessible after an earthquake has happen. One good way to prepare is to
create an emergency kit. Your emergency kit should consist non-perishable food, water bottles,
flashlight, batteries and a whistle. The consumable items should last for three days. Individuals that
are not home after an earthquake will most likely be unable to return home the usual route. It is
important to pre-plan an alternative route back home. It is advised that individuals that have
recently moved to the area should familiarize themselves with alternative routes to commute back
home. During an earthquake roads and buildings will most likely be shifted. Keep in contact with
family and relatives outside the state. That way securing alternative shelter is possible.

Stay calm and aware of surroundings

Awareness is important prior and post-earthquake scenario. Before an earthquake happens, it is
important to learn how to locate your water, gas and electric lines. Turning those lines off could
prevent fires and environmental problems. After an earthquake happens individuals should be aware
of your surroundings. It is dangerous to immediately run outside after an earthquake is over. After
the initial earthquake happens small aftershocks usually appear right after. In order to prepare
maintain your current position and location. After the aftershocks Inspect the structure and use your
judgement to determine it is safe to evacuate. In the event you evacuate do not forget the emergency
kit and cell phones. It is better for individuals to stay where they are rather than search for help.

Pre-earthquake preparation benefits

This guide will guide minimize causalities and injuries. It will prepare individuals that never
experienced an earthquake before. Having pre-earthquake information presented will warn
individuals about potential hazards during an earthquake. It could prevent panic from arising.
Panicking can lead to rush decisions that could cause more worst-case scenarios. Practicing the pre-
earthquake procedures is very beneficial. During an earthquake an individual will be prepared
utilizing the “Drop, Cover and Hold on” to the point it become second nature. The “Drop, Cover
and Hold on!” method will protect users from falling hazards. As the nature of an earthquake is
unpredictable and sudden problematic situations can appear. If an individual were to come across an
unconscious person and no first responders are available, they would immediately know to provide
CPR. Preparing an emergency kit could be vital post-earthquake, because waiting for help could last
days. Research alternative routes incase the earthquake creates detours in your local area. By doing
this you will be able to check up on your house, belongings and loved ones. Keeping contact with
your families outside is an important way to secure a back-up shelter. Ignorance can be the most
dangerous thing during a natural disaster. Being aware can prevent further disasters from
happening. Inspect where your electrical, gas, and water lines are. This will prevent possible
explosions and fires from happening. Being prepared is important, however it should be noted that
things do not always go according to plan. Earthquakes are unpredictable and different hazardous
situations can arise. The goal of the guide is to prepare and inform individuals about Earthquakes to
minimize casualties.

Figure 4 (, After earthquake devastation in Italy, the physical damages from buildings and
emotional damages from survivors.)

The problem is that many individuals are not truly prepared for an earthquake. Being unprepared
creates more vulnerability to individuals. Earthquakes tend to appear frequently in areas like
California, Japan, and Mexico, however it is important to realize that it can happen anywhere
unexpectedly. Not acknowledging the potential of an earthquake could lead to enormous amount of
lives being lost. Preparing for an earthquake by reading this guide is a definite way to combat this
problem. Understanding the true hazards of an earthquake could clear up any concerns. State issued
government guides have already been implemented and can be found online. It can definitely be
found for the state of California due to frequent appearance of earthquakes, however it should be
issued by the United Nations. That every nation across the world has access to this information.
Earthquakes may appear frequently on certain areas, but it should be acknowledged that it could
potentially happen anywhere at any time.

“2011 Japan Earthquake - Tsunami Fast Facts.” CNN, Cable News Network, 4 Mar. 2019,
“Haiti Earthquake Fast Facts.” CNN, Cable News Network, 27 Dec. 2018,

“What Are the Odds of Dying in an Earthquake?” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 20 May

Robinson, Andrew. Earthquake: Nature and Culture. Reaktion Books, 2013.

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