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Ayu Hardiana Eka Puspitawati

Task 1
M1: English for Personal Communication
LA1: Personal Letters

Task 1

In this task, please analyze the social function, structure, and lexico-grammatical features of the

The Answers

After analyzing those three letters, I can get the social function, structure, and lexico-
grammatical features as follows:

1. Social Function

Letter 1:

 Aleena informs to Fatima that she had had a vacation to Malang and wants to give
some vacation tips.
 Aleena also wants to share her mom’s unhealthy condition and her worried to

Letter 2: For making a friend who supports in practicing English.

Letter 3: To make a friend in order to improve the English skill.

2. Structure

Letter 1 Letter 2 Letter 3

1. Date 1. Salutation 1. Salutation
2. Salutation 2. Body/content 2. Body/content
3. Introduction 3. Complimentary Closing 3. Closure
4. Body/content 4. Complimentary Closing
5. Closure 5. Signature
6. Complimentary Closing
7. Signature

Task 1 M1 KB1 : Personal Letters

3. Lexico-Grammatical Features

Letter 1:

 Focus on exchanging personal current news, feelings and condition

 Use of date
 Use slightly formal salutation and casual and intimate closing
 The letter uses personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, reciprocal pronoun, relative
pronoun, and demonstrative pronoun
 Use simple present tense, simple past tense, and present perfect tense
 There is prohibition (negative command) in the letter

Letter 2:

 Focus on knowing each other because it’s their first letter

 Use slightly formal salutation and rather formal closing
 The letter uses personal pronoun and possessive pronoun
 Use simple present, present perfect tense
 There are some request in the letter

Letter 3:

 Focus on knowing each other because it’s their first letter

 Use slightly formal salutation and formal closing
 Use pleasure expression
 The letter uses personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, relative pronoun,
 Use conjunction
 Use simple present tense, present continuous tense, future tense, and present perfect
 Use degree of comparation

Task 1 M1 KB1 : Personal Letters

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