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IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 1


As investment management firms move to take full advantage of emerging growth

opportunities, they find themselves exposed to weaknesses in their current
operating models. Learn how an investment book of record (IBOR)
not only remedies these deficiencies and can lead to a source of
sustainable competitive advantage, but also future proofs
operations for years to come.
IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 2


An investment book of record (IBOR) helps safeguard investment

managers against the deficiencies of their current operating models.
SimCorp Dimension is uniquely positioned as the only offering on the
market today to fulfill all 10 requirements of an advanced IBOR solution.


Unprecedented changes in investor preferences have To keep ahead in a ferociously competitive market,
swept the investment management industry in recent portfolio managers and traders need high quality,
years. Many of these trends will continue for some up-to-date position and cash information. Such
time to come. Asset inflows and cross-flows are mov- information enables them to make the best-informed
ing away from traditional fixed-income and equity- investment decisions and to comply with regulatory
based products to alternative asset classes; they are requirements.
also shifting from traditional marketplaces towards
emerging markets, such as Asia and Latin America. But the quality and timeliness of such data are of
From an investment strategy perspective, we are see- increasing concern. This especially applies to asset
ing a distinct change in preference from actively man- managers, who are sourcing start-of-day (SOD)
aged to passive products, including exchange-traded positions for front-office use from internal accounting
funds (ETFs). systems, or external outsourced service providers.
Where different front office and/or operations teams
As investment management organizations evolve work in silos, by asset class, or investment strategy,
their strategies to capture a share of these and other the problem is even greater. Asset managers in such
growth opportunities, they look to their front-office a situation typically:
teams for innovative offerings to help retain existing
clients and attract new ones. The firm’s front-office • Spend a lot of front-office time every morning
capabilities are paramount here, both in terms of the ensuring they understand their data.
ability to generate alpha and to ensure compliance • Have to make investment decisions during the
with the waves of new regulation sweeping the indus- day on incomplete, inaccurate data, including
try globally. inaccurate cash positions.
• Have no ‘single source of truth’ in respect of
Investment managers are reacting by re-evaluating investment positions, including cash.
their operating models. As they do so, they are • Expend significant time and effort in aggregating
unearthing some hidden truths. Many years of under- data for reporting purposes.
investment across much of the underlying systems
infrastructure, or previous decisions to outsource
some parts of their operations, are hindering their
powers. These include the ability to innovate, to make
sound investment decisions, and to comply with reg-
ulation. They find themselves struggling to establish
the necessary data foundation to run their businesses
effectively in this new environment.
IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 3

This all results in headaches for the:

• Chief Investment Officer: Wasted time, including ABOR – Accounting Book of Record: End-of-
the time of front-office professionals who make Day (EOD) records of settled investment posi-
the firm’s money. tions. These are typically updated overnight to
• Chief Investment Officer and Head of Trading: incorporate certain non-trading activities, such
Obstructions to making optimal investment and as corporate actions, to create a SOD TBOR for
trading decisions. portfolio managers and traders.
• Chief Executive, Chief Risk Officer, and Chief
Investment Officer: Inability to readily understand TBOR – Trading Book of Record: SOD set of re-
firm-wide risk and counterparty exposures. cords that is adjusted as trading activities ensue
• Entire management: Difficulty in meeting reporting during the course of the day. This typically lacks
deadlines, whether management, regulatory, data about non-trading activities that occur
operational, or stakeholder reporting. during the day, such as collateral movements,
• Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer: corporate actions, and resets.
High cost of operations.

If the front office is not provided with accurate po-

HOW THE PROBLEM ARISES sition views, it will seek to create them on its own.
External service providers, or in-house accounting Hence, each front-office system – or even user – often
systems, maintain end-of-day (EOD) records. Such establishes a ‘shadow’ position record, adjusting it
records are often referred to as the accounting book manually for errors or missing investment data, such
of record (ABOR). Overnight, complex SOD process- as corporate actions. However, the TBOR holds no
es take the EOD data and enrich it to create SOD position history. Perhaps more importantly, it does not
positions (see Figure 1). SOD positions should include capture all intraday events that have not originated in
known events of the day, such as corporate actions the front office, such as collateral movements.
and interest payments.
Making such problems worse, many firms operate
But in many cases, the SOD positions are merely with multiple TBORs, with each dependent on the
approximations, due to missing or inaccurate infor- quality of the SOD positions and timeliness of updates
mation, or to inadequate tools and processes. These from the ABOR for its own asset class. In other situ-
SOD positions are the basis for front-office systems ations, multiple ABORs prevail, with each lacking the
that reflect the impact of trading activities intraday. essential information on simulated trades or pending
This view is often called the trading book of record orders, and not updated with intraday transactions.
(TBOR). Usually intraday or backdated ABOR chang-
es are not reflected in the TBOR before the next day. It is impossible to ignore the fact that this model
prevents firms from establishing a correct, up-to-the-
minute, intraday consolidated overview of investment
positions and exposures. It prevents either the TBOR
or the ABOR from holding the entire truth.
Front office Trades Accounting
There was a time when this situation was less prob-
SOD positions EOD positions lematic. Portfolio managers and traders could work
SOD cash EOD cash
adequately with a TBOR that was created overnight.
Although important position drivers, such as cash
Start-of-day in- and out-flows, or corporate actions, were often
(SOD) missing, the TBOR was seen as providing an accept-
processes able approximation of positions on which to base
investment decisions.

Figure 1: Illustration of a typical trading infrastructure and data flows.

IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 4

However, the world has moved on:

• The industry’s unrelenting globalization has intro- An investment book of record (IBOR) delivers
duced operational dependencies that challenge control over investment-critical information to
the very concept of an ‘overnight’ position. asset managers by centralizing intraday po-
• The timeliness of all investment information is sitions across all asset classes into a ‘golden
increasingly crucial and no longer optional. copy’. It provides up-to-date information in
• An ever-broadening range of investable securities real time about current as well as projected
and strategies has made the understanding of cross- and historical positions and cash for all events
asset views essential, including counterparty risk. driving the position lifecycle. This enables
• Regulation has made collateral management a portfolio managers and traders to make better
required element in investment decision-making. investment decisions, providing risk managers
• The need to have a holistic view of risks associated with accurate views on exposures and the back
with any action, or inaction, is essential. To have office with precise views on current, as well as
this complete picture, as well as execute trades future cash, liquidity, and collateral positions.
and corporate actions, the portfolio manager
needs to factor in resets, simulations, open trades,
benchmarks, collateral needs, and cash movements.
In practical terms, the IBOR’s purpose is to establish a
consolidated, enterprise-wide, multi-asset class data
TBORs today – especially if they are asset-class spe-
foundation. For front-office users, the IBOR provides
cific – are simply considered inadequate. The conse-
a complete and up-to-date front-office based view
quences of their operational shortcomings cannot be
on current positions and investable cash. Ideally, the
overstated: Many traders as well as portfolio and risk
IBOR combines all the components of the TBOR and
managers are basing their investment decisions and
ABOR in capturing all events intraday no matter their
risk assessments on delayed, incomplete, and inaccu-
rate position as well as investable cash information.
They simply have nowhere to go for a truly firm-wide
The IBOR is the independent point of reference for
overview of exposures across portfolios, asset classes,
asset managers that:
sectors, geographies, currencies, and counterparties.

• Utilize one or more service providers for

Leading investment management firms have under-
accounting or investment processing.
stood the importance of their data as a source of
• Have more than one order management system
competitive advantage. There are many alternatives
(OMS) in their front office, or
to improve a firm’s underlying data foundation for
• Have more than one accounting system.
investment decision-making, risk management, and
compliance. However, there is growing excitement
The IBOR is the point of consolidation. To ensure this,
around a developing concept in the institutional in-
it must be part of the asset manager’s system infra-
vestment community that may help firms accelerate
their ambitions in this area – the investment book of
record (IBOR).


An investment book of record equips investment
management firms with the ability to innovate and
scale, thereby differentiating their product and service
offerings for maximum competitive advantage by
providing a comprehensive, real-time, and accurate
data foundation across the enterprise for decision-
making, risk assessment, compliance, and client-
servicing purposes.
IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 5

Reporting Other systems Custodian


Current, historical, projected positions

office/OMS Transaction lifecycle

Simulated Ordered Allocated Confirmed Booked Settled

Settlement Security, contract, and cash positions projected
Events Historical security
Trades records and cash
Event schedule

... Valuation and key ratios

Figure 2: Illustration of an IBOR’s elements and interaction with operational systems.

FOUR OPTIONS TO IMPROVE INFORMATION • Disseminate the information to end-users and con-
Asset managers with a system infrastructure based on suming systems.
TBOR(s) in the front office and ABOR(s) to support
operations departments have four options to improve A number of source systems feed the IBOR every time
the information on which the front office relies: a new event occurs. This enables the IBOR to keep
track of the entire lifecycle of the positions. This is
• Introduce an IBOR into the infrastructure as a fundamental to the IBOR’s ability to serve as a solu-
stand-alone component. tion for the problems described above.
• Extend the accounting or operations infrastructure
to include an IBOR. Based on the positions and event schedules, the IBOR
• Extend the front-office infrastructure to include an calculates current and projected security and cash
IBOR. positions. The event schedules include, for example,
• Merge the front-office and operations infrastruc- coupons or redemptions, maturity of a swap contract,
tures into one integrated front-to-back office dividends on both ex and payment date, and expect-
system with an IBOR. ed restitutions.

When choosing which strategy to pursue, the asset

manager should consider current and future business THE IBOR AS CENTER OF THE INVESTMENT
needs, for example, meeting regulatory requirements UNIVERSE
or supporting growth strategies. But he should also The IBOR positions are the foundation for all the sys-
take into account specific pain points and current tems that receive data from it, some of which are also
vendors’/systems’ IBOR capabilities. source systems. Additionally, it is the basis for recon-
ciliation with custodians, external service providers, or
At a high level, the IBOR must capture, calculate, and other systems. Further, the IBOR provides valuation
disseminate as follows: services, accruals, and analytics, ensuring consistency
across all of the receiving systems.
• Capture position-driving events from a range of
operational source systems.
• Calculate positions based on events, forecasts, etc.
IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 6

There are 10 key requirements that an IBOR must TOP 10 KEY IBOR REQUIREMENTS
fulfill in order to provide a complete and up-to-date, 1 Full instrument coverage
front-office based view on current positions and 2 Position management
investable cash, as well as the data foundation for 3 Event management and drill-down
enterprise-wide risk assessment, compliance, and 4 Cash forecasting
client servicing. 5 Security forecasting
6 Reconciliation and exception management
These requirements go far beyond those that conven- 7 Integration to source systems
tional data management systems or data warehouse 8 Market valuation, accruals, and analytics
solutions typically satisfy. In fact, there are very few 9 Distribution to receiving systems
solutions on the market today that are able to deliver 10 Online view of IBOR information
on all of these 10 requirements.

SIMCORP’S IBOR SOLUTION 1. Full instrument coverage

SimCorp Dimension is uniquely positioned in the One of the IBOR’s main purposes is to provide a
industry, being the only solution that is able to fulfill all consolidated view of all the assets within the firm
of the requirements cited above, and much more be- as opposed to a silo-based view on individual asset
sides. The remainder of this paper presents SimCorp classes. Without such a view, it is impossible to readily
Dimension as an IBOR solution in the context of these understand firm-wide risk and counterparty exposures.
10 key requirements.



Fixed Bonds Bank Accounts Bond Futures Bond Forwards Complex structured
Fixed/Floating/Structured Loans, Commitments Bond Options OTC Bond Options notes/products
Schuldscheine and Facilities Futures on Bond Interest Rate Swaps Exotic derivatives
US MBS Call Money Options Cross Currency Swaps Examples:
Pools Deposits (fixed, Dual Currency Swaps Range accruals
TBA Trades floating) CMS/CMT Swaps TARNs
Asset Backed Securities Bills Swaptions Snowballs
Pass-Through Certificates Commercial Paper FRA/IRF
Convertible Bonds Certificate of Deposit Cap/Floor/Collar
Securities lending

Equity/ Equities Equity/Index Futures Equity/Index Forwards Complex equity or hybrid

Rights Equity/Index Options OTC Equity/Index Options structures
(Covered) Warrants Futures on Equity/ Total Return Swaps Examples:
ADR/GDR Index Options TRS on Dynamic Baskets Equity/Index Linked Hybrids
Index Certificates Contracts For Difference Variance/Volatility Swaps
Portfolio Swaps Exotic options

FX FX Spot FX Futures FX Forwards Examples:

FX Swaps Exotic options
FX Options
Exotic FX Options

Credit ABS Index CDS Single Name CDS

Corporate bonds Index Tranches Bespoke Basket CDS
Synthetic CDOs
CDS Options

Inflation Index bonds Examples:

Zero Coupon Inflation Swaps
YoY Inflation Swaps

Other Commodities Commodity Options Examples:

Fund Certificates Exotic Commodity Options
Alternative Investments Weather Derivatives
Catastrophe Bonds

Figure 3: Illustration of SimCorp Dimension’s extensive instrument coverage.

IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 7

Hence, the IBOR must handle all the instruments the SimCorp Dimension also supports amendments and
asset manager trades – equities, fixed income, cash, deletions that impact the positions, including backdat-
foreign exchange, money market, exchange traded ed changes. Additionally, it provides look-through and
derivatives (ETDs), over-the-counter (OTC) deriva- decomposition of instruments, such as index futures
tives, structured products, alternative investments, or structured products, and keeps track of position
commodities, etc. More-over, the IBOR must support history with the ability to lock down periods in order
all of these instruments consistently, for example, with to re-create historical position views.
respect to position and event management, forecast-
ing, and valuation. This requires that the IBOR provides 3. Event management and drill-down
in-depth business functionality across all asset classes. Most commonly, buying or selling securities drives
changes in positions. However, also driving changes
SimCorp Dimension’s extensive instrument coverage are events, such as corporate actions, redemptions,
is amongst the most comprehensive in the industry, maturity of contracts, close or partial close, roll-overs,
including a vast array of standard instruments, as exercise, resets, and collateral movements. While in
well as tools for modeling additional derivatives an IBOR context, all of these events may originate in
(see Figure 3). other systems, SimCorp Dimension contains business
logic to calculate how they impact positions across
2. Position management the entire position lifecycle.
SimCorp Dimension provides position-keeping for
all instruments and cash accounts by managing the Unlike in purely position-based IBOR systems, SimCorp
entire position lifecycle. It delivers this as and when Dimension maintains a link between positions and
events ensue that affect positions in real time. It in- events to provide drill-down capabilities. This is abso-
cludes events that occur right across the business – lutely essential for efficient reconciliation between the
in the front office, middle office, or in investment IBOR and source systems. SimCorp Dimension makes
processing and accounting. it possible to drill down from any position in any secu-
rity or cash, and whether simulated, executed, con-
This extends across simulation/what-if > order place- firmed, or settled, to the individual events that have
ment > order execution > trade confirmation > trade affected the position over time. It is even possible to
settlement/physical delivery, and post-settlement overlay an approval process, for example, utilizing
events, such as closing down periods for reporting, as automated threshold tests and alerts to secure data
well as backdates due to erroneous transactions. accuracy.
SimCorp Dimension handles multiple position levels,
typically split into four: 1) simulation or order; 4. Cash forecasting
2) executed but not confirmed; 3) confirmed and con- The amount of investable cash available is crucial in-
tractual; and finally 4) settled and physical delivery. formation in investment decision-making. Without this
information, it is impossible for the Chief Investment
SimCorp Dimension reflects the reality that ‘position’ Officer’s team to perform optimally.
means different things to different people. Hence, it
allows users to individually define how to view po- SimCorp Dimension holds both current investable
sitions by handling all permutations of the above. cash and forecasts of future cash positions, including
For example, one user might need to view positions, all events that impact the cash accounts: Active in-
including open orders for one asset class, or portfolio. vestment decisions, such as buys and sells, close and
But for another asset class, or portfolio, he only needs partial close, foreign exchange, and roll-overs. Critical-
to see the positions based on confirmed trades. Then ly though, it also incorporates other types of events
again, a second user might require completely differ- that do not originate in the front office, but which can
ent views altogether. have a significant impact on cash. Hence, it covers
fees and other payments, interest payments, cash col-
SimCorp Dimension allows the grouping of positions lateral movements, corporate actions, cash injections,
according to users’ needs, for example, by portfolio, fund issues and redemptions, and coupons.
strategy, custody account, clearing house, or counter-
party. It also reflects whether the security position is Cash forecasting could reside in each of the receiv-
lent out, or pledged as collateral. ing systems where the information is primarily used,
for example, the order management systems (OMS).
IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 8
IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 9

However, most of these systems do not provide the Dimension are compared to those of the source
necessary business logic to handle complete and systems, reconciled by use of parameters, such as
accurate cash forecasting. Only SimCorp Dimension absolute or relative tolerances.
contains all the events impacting cash positions. Also,
the advantage of having the cash forecast in SimCorp What’s more, SimCorp Dimension provides compre-
Dimension is that many different users across different hensive alert management and drill-down capabilities
business areas can utilize the cash forecasts, ensuring that allow users to overview exceptions and dig into
a common and consistent view across the firm. position discrepancies all the way down to the un-
derlying events. These are essential tools in efficient
Cash forecasting also requires knowledge of future case management to provide overview, focus on
events. Unlike offerings that fail to include event exceptions, and for quickly locating the source of any
management functionality, SimCorp Dimension can discrepancies.
capture all the information necessary for forecasting:
Upcoming corporate actions, fixed-income cash flows Portfolio managers and traders insist on access to
and derivatives events, such as exercise or maturity. the most complete, accurate, and up-to-date view of
positions and investable cash. In that respect, the in-
Much of this information is typically stored in the vestment management firm must decide whether the
security master (i.e. cash flows), or derivatives con- IBOR should just mirror the information of the source
tract definitions (contract events). Hence, it would be systems, or whether it should have ‘its own view of
only natural to see the security master as part of the the truth’. The real value of SimCorp Dimension, when
IBOR – and indeed SimCorp Dimension is routinely implemented as an IBOR, is maximized when it is used
deployed in this way. It connects to data providers as the ‘golden copy’, as this brings with it a number of
and incorporates data cleansing functionality, includ- significant advantages.
ing tests for reasonableness of data changes, ensuring
high quality and creating a reliable ‘golden copy’. For example, the IBOR must be able to include a
corporate action before the event takes place, as it is
5. Security forecasting essential information for the portfolio manager’s deci-
With increased volumes in collateral, repo, and lend- sion-making process. This information may not exist in
ing, the ability to forecast security balances becomes the accounting system, because from an accounting
equally as important as forecasting cash positions. perspective, there is no need to know until the event
Without an event management capability, an IBOR has actually taken place. What’s more, if the source
could not provide security forecasting to portfolio systems suffer from data accuracy issues, the IBOR
managers. will simply mirror the inaccuracies and errors, render-
ing the IBOR data perilously redundant.
SimCorp Dimension forecasts security balances based
on all types of future events: For example, buys and SimCorp Dimension distinguishes between events
sells, maturity, stock collateral, repo, lending, corpo- caused by active decisions, such as buying or selling a
rate actions, and redemptions. security, and events that originate from outside of the
firm. Events from active decisions should be obtained
As with cash forecasting, security forecasting could directly from source systems, whereas ‘passive’
in principle reside in each of the systems used by the events, such as many corporate actions, rate-fixings,
information consumers, such as the collateral desk, resets, etc., are best managed in SimCorp Dimension.
or portfolio managers and traders. However, SimCorp Letting SimCorp Dimension handle these events
Dimension can capture all of the relevant events, with across instruments allows for reconciliation against
the advantage that it creates comprehensive, reliable, the source systems to significantly improve data
and consistent forecast views that any relevant user quality.
can utilize.
7. Integration to source systems
6. Reconciliation and exception management SimCorp Dimension effectively integrates to other
One of the IBOR’s fundamental aspects is that it is systems for capturing relevant events. The interfacing
a central place where data from disparate sources tools utilized are standard throughout the system –
is consolidated and checked for quality. To ensure irrespective of the type of data for import, the same
this, SimCorp Dimension includes reconciliation and tools are used. This consistency greatly simplifies the
exception management tools. Data values in SimCorp development of interfaces.
IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 10

You can also use SimCorp Dimension to import data on full look-through into the underlying elements of
formats, such as XML, CSV, SWIFT, or FIX via multiple derivatives, collateral, and structured products. This
transport mechanisms, such as web services, FTP, IBM advantage translates into significant cost savings as
Websphere, or an Enterprise Service Bus. SimCorp you can pull together all the required data in your
Dimension also fully supports event-driven interfacing, daily operations.
which is important to ensure the IBOR is as real time
as the source systems allow. 9. Distribution to receiving systems
All of your calculated information in terms of positions,
8. Market valuation, accruals, and analytics valuations, and analytics, as well as cash and security
Different users across front and middle office will have forecasts, must go out to a range of consuming systems.
different needs when it comes to valuation and analyt-
ics. One portfolio manager may need real-time prices; SimCorp Dimension offers an advanced data extract/
another may need only snapshot prices; while a risk transform/load toolset. It can publish data in multiple
officer may need new prices and analytics only once a formats, such as XML, CSV, Swift, or FIX via a range
day. Some portfolio managers only trade liquid stocks of transport mechanisms, such as web services, IBM
where a quoted market price is readily available, while Webspere, messaging, or FTP. As for integration with
others may trade OTC derivatives where valuation is source systems, you can accomplish event-driven dis-
based on a theoretical price model. tribution to receiving systems immediately as events
occur in near real time.
Derivatives and collateral positions must be marked to
market according to frequency and valuation method- To ensure timeliness and data quality, SimCorp
ologies agreed with the counterparty, or as stated by Dimension also gives you data change capture and
the clearing house. Front- and middle-office users also alert functionality, as well as data quality checks.
need accrual information, such as accrued interest on a
bond, daily margins on bilateral derivatives contracts, or 10. Online view of IBOR information
accrued management or custody feeds. It is not accu- Distributing data from SimCorp Dimension is one
rate enough to only register accruals when they settle. thing. However, the receiving systems – especially
legacy systems (see definition in the box below), or
SimCorp Dimension contains valuation, accruals, those of narrow purpose – may struggle to consume
and analytical models covering the entire instrument or integrate information effectively. An IBOR should
universe. This data can be either imported from data provide the user with a direct view to the information
providers, or calculated based on an extensive library it holds. For example, many OMSs cannot represent
of pricing functions. SimCorp Dimension also includes the IBOR position information correctly. This applies
advanced fee capabilities (e.g. high water marks) that to marking a security position as lent out, or pledged
can calculate accrued and expected fees, which are as collateral, for instance.
subsequently reconciled against the actual payments.
SimCorp Dimension provides front office users with an
Just as for cash and security forecasting, market valu- accurate and comprehensive view of current positions
ation could reside in each of the consuming systems. and investable cash, market values, accruals, and ana-
However, a significant advantage of including it in the lytics, as well as cash and security forecasts. You can
IBOR is the resulting consistency in the utilization of configure the view seen entirely to your user needs.
these figures and the related calculation models. The
fee calculation engine in SimCorp Dimension allows all
consuming systems to share the same accruals. Also,
at specific times – for example, end of day, or at the
time of striking the official net asset value (NAV) of a
fund – many users want to use the same exact prices, DEFINITION OF A LEGACY SYSTEM
market values, accruals, and analytics. An investment management system that is
infrequently updated; and that is often running
SimCorp Dimension has the additional advantage of on outdated, poorly-documented, or obscure
providing the ability to aggregate exposures, such as technologies; and that has difficulty in automat-
counterparty and issuer exposures on firm level. This ing or adapting to business processes, as well
goes beyond market valuation, and is only possible as providing a real-time consolidated overview
because SimCorp Dimension has complete position of the business.
and contract information. The aggregation is based
IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 11

Middle office Portfolio Investment Accounting

management procession
and trading

Risk Equities Confirmation, settlement NAV

Performance Fixed income Corporate actions Valuation, accruals

Attribution Derivatives Collateral
General ledger

Compliance FX/MM Lending, FX, MM

Alternatives... Fees...

SimCorp Dimension as IBOR


Figure 4: Illustration of a logical system infrastructure and its main data flows.

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE IBOR Four options with one solution

Figure 4 illustrates a logical system infrastructure and Earlier in this paper, we listed the four major IBOR im-
its main data flows. The IBOR calculates positions and plementation options. Here we describe how SimCorp
cash – along with cash and securities forecasts – to provides an IBOR solution for each of the options as
provide the foundation for your front- and middle- follows:
office analysis and decision-making.
Introduce an IBOR into the infrastructure
SimCorp Dimension captures all of the events that
impact security and cash positions originating from 1 as a stand-alone component.
This is the situation as described above.
front office or investment processing, or – in the You implement SimCorp Dimension along-
case of backdates – from the accounting system. To side the existing infra structure as a new component.
ensure data quality, SimCorp Dimension reconciles
with accounting systems and external parties, such as Extend the accounting or operations
custodians and clearing houses.
2 infrastructure to include an IBOR.
Unlike most accounting only systems,
Additionally, SimCorp Dimension provides a foundation SimCorp Dimension can operate as both
for front- and middle-office analysis and decision-mak- an IBOR and an ABOR in the same system. This means
ing. But often there are additional pain points in the that if required SimCorp Dimension can serve as your
broader infrastructure. One could be a legacy account- accounting system based on the ABOR. At the same
ing system that restricts growth into new asset classes time, it can act as the IBOR that captures all intraday
or geographies. Another could be a system infrastruc- events as described above. In this set-up, SimCorp
ture that has many systems and integration points. Dimension automatically handles the reconciliation
between the IBOR and ABOR with the fundamental
These make it very costly to operate on a daily basis system architecture ensuring that the IBOR and ABOR
or to periodically upgrade systems within it. Since are always aligned and consistent.
you can largely implement an IBOR without impact-
ing the existing operational systems, infrastructures, Extend the front-office infrastructure to
and flows, doing so is a natural first step. Once you
have installed the IBOR, your asset manager can then 3 include an IBOR.
Unlike most front-office-only OMSs,
address other pain points. SimCorp Dimension’s Front Office Suite
IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 12






Figure 5: Illustration of SimCorp’s solutions portfolio in the IBOR context.

includes an integrated IBOR. Hence, it handles the SUMMARY

TBOR and IBOR in the same system. In this configura- Many asset managers have complex IT infrastructures
tion, your front office runs truly independent of all with many systems and integration points. Others
accounting systems or service providers since it may have outsourced operations and related systems.
directly captures all events across all asset classes. Often such architectures are based on a separation
between the TBOR and the ABOR. This leads to
Merge the front-office and operations investment decisions based on an incomplete, out

4 infrastructures into one integrated front-

to-back office system with an IBOR.
of sync, and hence incorrect view of positions and
investable cash.
Here you use SimCorp Dimension to
handle all asset management functions front-to-back The IBOR solves these problems by capturing all
across all office operations, as well as accounting. events across all asset classes and systems to main-
There is just one common ‘book of records’. While tain a position record that is always up-to-date and
used across the entire organization, each and every correct. This position – along with investable cash –
user can define their own views of the data they need is available to front-office users as a far better founda-
for daily work. For example, front-office users can tion for investment decisions and risk assessments.
have their IBOR views, while operations users have
their ABOR views. The data in all views remains entirely
consistent all of the time. In this case, SimCorp Dimension
serves as the TBOR, ABOR, and IBOR simultaneously.

SimCorp Dimension’s configurable design supports any

of these options. It also offers the choice to expand
functional coverage over time to achieve a more effec-
tive, efficient, and simplified systems infrastructure.
IBOR with SimCorp | The Investment Book of Record 13

SimCorp Dimension fulfills all the 10 key requirements
of an advanced IBOR solution. These requirements
cover the capture of data from all source systems in
all formats utilizing different communication technol-
ogies. The IBOR’s central function is to use events to
calculate positions across the full lifecycle of all asset
classes. SimCorp Dimension also provides you with a
range of additional functions, such as position history,
lock-down periods, handling updates, cancellations,
and decomposition of structured products.

In addition, SimCorp Dimension forecasts cash and se-

curity balances and contains market valuation and key
ratios functionality. All of this requires the advanced
business logic that SimCorp Dimension has. Finally,
SimCorp Dimension disseminates the information to
other systems and offers the end-user his or her own
view of the information it holds.

SimCorp Dimension is modular in architecture. Hence,

it is flexible enough to be implemented in many differ-
ent operational environments: As a stand-alone IBOR;
as a front-office system with an integrated IBOR; as
an operations/accounting system with an integrated
IBOR; or as a front-to-back system with one common
book of records.

With SimCorp Dimension at the core of your operations,

you have the breadth and quality of data you need for
accurate investment decision-making, enterprise-wide
risk management, and regulatory compliance.

Leveraging SimCorp Dimension as an IBOR can have a

significant and positive impact on your business, free-
ing up key resources to focus on the core business,
providing the foundation for innovation, and improv-
ing your ability to tap into new growth opportunities.
SimCorp provides integrated, best-in-class investment management solutions
to the world’s leading asset managers, fund managers, asset servicers, pension and
insurance funds, wealth managers and sovereign wealth funds. Whether deployed
on premise or as an ASP solution, its core system, SimCorp Dimension, supports
the entire investment value chain and range of instruments, all based on a market-
leading IBOR. SimCorp invests more than 20% of its annual revenue in R&D, helping
clients develop their business and stay ahead of ever-changing industry demands.
Listed on NASDAQ Copenhagen, SimCorp is a global company, regionally covering
all of Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific.

For more information, please visit


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