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Risk Assesment Questionnaire

(*Mandatory for the ‘head of the family’)

Q.1 Kindly describe the type of your family. Q.6 Investment Horizon: How many years will you allow your investments to grow
before you will need to start signi cant withdrawals?
Retired 2 Less than 1 year 2
Nearing Retirement 4 1 to 2 years 4
Matured Family 6 3 to 5 years 6
Young Family 8 6 to 10 years 8
Single 10 10 years plus 10

Q.2 If Market corrects by 20% but there is no change in the fundamental strength Q.7 ls your family sufficiently secured to face any unforeseen eventualities?
of your investment, what would you do?
I will withdraw all money from the investment and transfer it to bank FD 2 I have not taken any insurance coverage 2
I will withdraw and transfer some of the investment into secured investment portfolio 4 I have not taken enough life insurance coverage 4
I will wait till the losses are covered and then will move to the secured investment 6 I have taken enough life insurance cover for me 6
I will keep my investments as it is originally aimed at 8 I have taken enough life insurance cover for me and my family 8
I will invest further considering the downturn as an opportunity 10 Along with life insurance for self, I have insured for major assets (life house, vehicle) 10

Q.3 Please describe your attitude towards risk and return. Q. 8 Which of the following portfolio will you prefer?
(The band is the probable range of return into next one year.)
I am a very low risk taker; I need the Safety & security 2 Profit 8% 2
I am a low risk taker 4 Loss -2% Profit 10% 4
I am an average risk taker, not overly concerned with security 6 Loss -7% Profit 15% 6
I am a high risk taker; short term security is not an issue for me 8 Loss-12% Profit 20% 8
I am a very high risk taker, security is not a concern to me 10 Loss -17% Profit 25% 10

Q.4 As an investor I would describe myself as: Q.9 If there is a loss into the portfolio due to some external factors leading to
market correction, assuming the fundamental strengths of the economy, asset
class and product remain the same, how long will you wait before liquidating
your portfolio?
A very inexperienced 2 Less than 3 months 2
A fairly inexperienced 4 Up to 6 months 4
A fairly experienced 6 Up to 12 months 6
An experienced 8 Up to 2 years 8
A very experienced 10 Up to 3 years or more 10

Q.5 Corrections into the markets are normal. How much fall into your portfolio Q.10 Do you take loan to invest into the financial markets?
would make you uncomfortable?
Any fall would make me feel uncomfortable 2 Never 2
5% 4 Sometimes if I get a safe bet 4
10% 6 Yes but a very limited portion of it 6
15% 8 Frequently 8
25% and above 10 Always 10

What does your Risk Profile Mean? DISCLAIMER: Risk assessment is a very subjective matter dependent on many factors and circumstances.
Ideal Asset Allocation Further, the risk assessment /pro le of a person is likely to change over time and upon happening of any
Score Investor Profile life-style changes, life-events, etc. The above questionnaire is one of the many tools /approaches that
Debt (%) Equity (%) one can use to determine a risk pro le that matches you. While due care & consideration is taken in
preparation of the above questionnaire, there is no guarantee that the risk pro le outcome is the 'right'
0 to 20 Wealth Guard 80 - 100 0 - 20
one for you. The above document is not recommendary in nature and is intended to be and must not taken
21 to 40 Wealth Keeper 60 - 80 20 - 40 as the basis of any investment decision. There is no investment advice or solicitation of any nancial
product. Investors are advised to exercise due caution and take proper expert guidance before making
41 to 60 Wealth Builder 40 - 60 40 - 60 anyinvestment decisions.
61 to 80 Wealth Enhancer 20 - 40 60 - 80
80 PLUS Wealth Multiplier 0 - 20 80 - 100
*Any family member who want to do his/her risk profiling can do it by filling a separate risk profiling form

Group Name Group Code Name:

Date: Place: Signature

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