Evaluation of Combination Measles-Mumps-Rubella-Varicella Vaccine Introduction in Australia

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JAMA Pediatrics | Original Investigation

Evaluation of Combination Measles-Mumps-Rubella-Varicella

Vaccine Introduction in Australia
Kristine Macartney, MD; Heather F. Gidding, PhD; Lieu Trinh, PhD; Han Wang, MStats; Aditi Dey, PhD;
Brynley Hull, MPH; Karen Orr, RN; Jocelynne McRae, MPH; Peter Richmond, MBBS; Michael Gold, MB, CHB;
Nigel Crawford, PhD; Jennifer A. Kynaston, MBBS; Peter McIntyre, PhD; Nicholas Wood, PhD;
for the Paediatric Active Enhanced Disease Surveillance Network

Editorial page 944

IMPORTANCE Incorporating combination vaccines, such as the measles-mumps-rubella-
varicella (MMRV) vaccine, into immunization schedules should be evaluated from a
benefit-risk perspective. Use of MMRV vaccine poses challenges due to a recognized
increased risk of febrile seizures (FSs) when used as the first dose in the second year of life.
Conversely, completion by age 2 years of measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella
immunization may offer improved disease control.

OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect on safety and coverage of earlier (age 18 months)
scheduling of MMRV vaccine as the second dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV) in

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Prospective active sentinel safety surveillance

comparing the relative incidence (RI) of FSs in toddlers given MMRV and measles-mumps-
rubella (MMR) and a national cohort study of vaccine coverage rates and timeliness before
and after MMRV vaccine introduction were conducted. All Australian children aged 11 to
72 months were included in the coverage analysis, and 1471 Australian children aged 11 to
59 months were included in the FS analysis, with a focus on those aged 11 to 23 months.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES MMRV vaccine safety, specifically, the RI of FSs after MMRV
vaccine at age 18 months, compared with risk following MMR vaccine and vaccine uptake for
2-dose MCV and single-dose varicella vaccine, focusing on timeliness.

RESULTS Of the 1471 children, the median age at first FS was 21 months (interquartile range
[IQR], 14-31 months). Three hundred ninety-one children were aged 11 to 23 months and had
at least 1 FS included in the analysis; of these, 207 (52.9%) were male. A total of 278 children
(71.1%) had received MMR followed by MMRV vaccine, 97 (24.8%) had received MMR vaccine
only, and 16 (4.1%) had received neither vaccine. There was no increased risk of FSs (RI, 1.08;
95% CI, 0.55-2.13) in the 5 to 12 days following MMRV vaccine given as the second MCV to
toddlers. Febrile seizures occurred after dose 1 of MMR vaccine at a known low increased risk
(RI, 2.71; 95% CI, 1.71- 4.29). Following program implementation, 2-dose MCV coverage at age
36 months exceeded that obtained at age 60 months in historical cohorts recommended to
receive MMR vaccine before school entry, and on-time vaccination increased by 13.5% (from
58.9% to 72.4%). Despite no change in the scheduled age of varicella vaccine, use of MMRV
vaccine was associated with a 4.0% increase in 1-dose varicella vaccine coverage.
Author Affiliations: Author
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide evidence affiliations are listed at the end of this
of the absence of an association between use of MMRV vaccine as the second dose of MCV
Group Information: Members of the
in toddlers and an increased risk of FSs. Incorporation of MMRV vaccine has facilitated
Paediatric Active Enhanced Disease
improvements in vaccine coverage that will potentially improve disease control. Surveillance Network are listed at the
end of this article.
Corresponding Author: Kristine
Macartney, MD, National Centre for
Immunisation Research and
Surveillance, The Children's Hospital
at Westmead, Locked Bag 4001,
Westmead, NSW 2145, Australia
JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171(10):992-998. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.1965 (kristine.macartney@health.nsw
Published online August 14, 2017. .gov.au)

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Evaluation of Measles-Mumps-Rubella-Varicella Vaccine in Australia Original Investigation Research

ome parents and health care workers are finding deci-
sion making regarding immunization increasingly com- Key Points
plex, presenting a barrier to timely vaccine uptake.1,2 A
Question What is the effect of introduction of combination
commonly reported concern is the number of injections given measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine at age 18 months as the
to children.1,2 Combination vaccines reduce the number of in- second dose of measles-containing vaccine on vaccine coverage
jections needed and may improve vaccine acceptance, cover- and risk of vaccine-associated febrile seizures in Australia?
age, and, ultimately, disease control. However, various other
Findings A national cohort study of vaccine coverage before and
factors surrounding use of combination vaccines, including after measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine introduction
cost-effectiveness, safety, availability, and country- or re- showed improvement in uptake and timeliness for all 4 vaccine
gion- specific disease epidemiology, require consideration.3 In components. Despite the peak incidence of all-cause febrile
the past decade, several countries have faced challenges in in- seizures occurring at age 18 months and a known increased risk
corporating the combination measles-mumps-rubella- of febrile seizures following the first dose, in a self-controlled case
series analysis including 1471 children, use of measles-mumps-
varicella (MMRV) vaccine into their immunization sched-
rubella-varicella vaccine at 18 months was not associated with
ules. Although both available MMRV vaccines (Priorix-Tetra an increased risk of febrile seizures.
[GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA] and ProQuad [Merck & Co
Inc]) offer the advantage of a single injection against 4 dis- Meaning Measles-mumps-rubella-varicella combination vaccine
was safely incorporated into the Australian National Immunisation
eases, prelicensure studies showed an increased risk of fever
Program schedule and improved population-level protection
in first-dose recipients aged 12 to 23 months compared with against these serious viral diseases.
children who received measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and
varicella vaccines separately.4,5 This reaction was presumed
to be related to potentiation of the immune response to the not be associated with an increased risk of FSs, even though
measles virus component. Postlicensure studies subse- it would be provided to children aged 18 months, when the in-
quently reported an approximately 2-fold increased risk of cidence of FSs peaks. The vaccine safety and evaluation plan
febrile seizures (FSs) following MMRV compared with giving for MMRV vaccine introduction included active, prospective
separate MMR and varicella vaccines.6,7 This finding prompted sentinel FS surveillance using the Paediatric Active En-
a withdrawal of a preferential recommendation for use of hanced Disease Surveillance (PAEDS) network19,20 and analy-
MMRV as the first measles-containing vaccine (MCV) in the sis of vaccine uptake using the ACIR. We aim to present the
United States and Germany.8,9 findings of this evaluation, examining the effect of the pro-
Before July 2013, MMRV vaccine was not used in Austra- gram change on (1) vaccine safety, specifically, the risk of
lia. Two doses of MMR vaccine were scheduled on the Na- MCV-associated FS and (2) vaccine uptake and timeliness.
tional Immunisation Program (NIP) and spaced 3 years apart
at ages 12 months and 4 years, similar to the US and UK sched-
ules. However, data from the national Australian Childhood
Immunisation Register (ACIR) in 2012 showed that vaccine up-
take was suboptimal; approximately 92% of children had re- Febrile Seizure Risk Associated With Measles-
ceived 2 MCVs by age 5 years,10 and modeling demonstrated and Varicella-Containing Vaccine Exposure
an increased risk of measles outbreaks associated with low Data Sources
2-dose immunity in younger children. Disease outbreaks aris- Active, prospective sentinel FS surveillance was conducted
ing from measles importations11,12 demonstrated the need to from May 1, 2013 (2 months before MMRV vaccine introduc-
improve 2-dose coverage at all ages, but especially in the young. tion), to June 30, 2014, by the PAEDS Network at 5 Australian
A single dose of monovalent varicella vaccine had been sched- tertiary pediatric hospitals, as previously described.19,21 At each
uled under NIP at age 18 months since November 2005,13 but site, emergency department and inpatient databases were
coverage by age 2 years was only 86%, although it increased scanned daily by PAEDS surveillance nurses to ascertain pos-
to 92% by 5 years. Declines in varicella-related morbidity and sible FS presentations in all children younger than 5 years. Pe-
mortality had occurred,14-17 but modeling18 suggested that riodic review of all International Statistical Classification of
improved 1-dose coverage was needed to decrease the risk of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision, Austra-
shifting disease to older age groups where higher disease se- lian Modification–coded FS encounters (code R56.0) was also
verity occurs. conducted to capture additional cases. Clinical and demo-
To address these challenges, the decision was made to in- graphic data were collected from the medical records and care-
clude MMRV vaccine on the Australian NIP at age 18 months giver interviews, and all FS diagnoses were confirmed. All chil-
as the second MCV dose from July 2013 onward, as reported dren had immunization records obtained from the ACIR, both
in Table 1. The risk-benefit assessment that underpinned this at FS presentation and at study end (to identify all vaccine
change was based on 2 hypotheses: (1) higher and earlier popu- exposures).
lation-level vaccine coverage of 2 doses of MCV and 1 dose of
varicella vaccine would be achieved by bringing forward the Study Population and Exclusion Criteria
scheduled age for the second MCV dose to 18 months and re- In Australia, the timing of vaccine administration is highly as-
placing MMR with MMRV vaccine, and (2) when used as the sociated with NIP-recommended schedule points. There-
second instead of the first dose of MCV, MMRV vaccine would fore, our analysis cohort was restricted to children who were

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Research Original Investigation Evaluation of Measles-Mumps-Rubella-Varicella Vaccine in Australia

the national public health insurance scheme, Medicare, that

Table 1. Australian NIP Schedule Before and After Introduction of MMRV
From July 1, 2013 covers all citizens, permanent residents, and select visa hold-
ers. During the study period, the ACIR recorded receipt of all
Age Before July 1, 2013 After July 1, 2013
vaccines provided up to age 7 years.23 Doses recorded on the
12 mo MMR MMR
ACIR (renamed the Australian Immunisation Register [AIR]
18 mo Monovalent varicellaa MMRVb
from November 2016 and including all aged persons) are linked
48 mo MMRb NA
to financial incentives for families and health care profession-
Abbreviations: MMR, measles-mumps-rubella; MMRV, measles-mumps-rubella- als, providing a basis for complete reporting.7,24
varicella; NA, not applicable; NIP, National Immunisation Program.
This vaccine was no longer routinely available under NIP after July 1, 2013.
Study Population and Outcome
To be eligible to receive the free MMRV vaccine from July 1, 2013, a child must The study outcome was immunization coverage of consecu-
be aged 18 months, have received their 12-month MMR vaccine at least 4
weeks before presentation, and not have received their 18-month monovalent tive, 3-month national cohorts of children born between Janu-
varicella vaccination, as per the previous NIP schedule. The vaccine used ary 1, 2009, and December 31, 2012, who had reached the ages
during the study was Priorix-Tetra. of 24, 36, 48, and 72 months, respectively, for receipt of MMR,
varicella, and/or MMRV vaccine by December 2015 (Table 1).
aged 11 to 23 months. Analysis was further restricted to in-
clude only children who had (1) 1 dose of MMR vaccine fol- Statistical Analysis
lowed by 1 dose of MMRV vaccine at least 27 days later (con- Coverage estimates for receipt of a second MCV dose and single
sistent with NIP recommendations), (2) 1 dose of MMR vaccine varicella vaccine dose, either on time (within 30 days of the
(as some had not yet received MMRV vaccine), or (3) no MMR recommended age) or at scheduled assessments dates, were
or MMRV vaccine (unvaccinated children, who contribute to compared between the pre-MMRV and post-MMRV periods.
the age-specific relative incidence [RI]).22 Children who re- Data were analyzed in SAS, version 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc); Stata,
ceived MMRV vaccine as their first MCV were excluded be- version 12 (StataCorp); and Excel 2007 (Microsoft Corp).
cause this schedule was not consistent with NIP recommen-
dations and occurred rarely. Ethical Approval
Each PAEDS hospital obtained ethical approval to conduct
Study Outcomes the FS safety study: Sydney Children’s Hospital Network
The main study outcome was the RI of FS in the 5 to 12 days Human Research Ethics Committee; Princess Margaret Hos-
after the first and second MCV doses compared with nonrisk pital Human Research Ethics Committee; Women’s and
periods (baseline) within the same person. An additional risk Children’s Hospital Network Human Research Ethics Com-
period of 13 to 30 days after each MCV was also included to mittee; QLD Children’s Health Services (Royal Children’s
identify any longer-term risk. Hospital) Human Research Ethics Committee; and the Royal
Children’s Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee
Statistical Analysis (Melbourne). Specific ethics approval was not required for
Relative incidences were calculated using the self-controlled vaccine coverage analysis, as we conducted our study using
case series (SCCS) method of analysis.3,4 The SCCS method re- deidentified ACIR data supplied by the Australian Govern-
quires FS cases only and compares the FS rate during biologi- ment Department of Human Services for the purposes of
cally plausible, predetermined risk periods with nonrisk pe- program evaluation.
riods (baseline) within the same person using conditional
Poisson regression models; thus, all fixed confounders (eg, sex)
are automatically adjusted for.22 Because age is a strong pre-
dictor of FS and is time varying, all models were adjusted for
the effect of age (using 3 age groups in the base case: 11-14, 15- Risk of FSs Following MMRV and MMR Vaccines
18, and 19-23 months). We removed the −1- to −13-day period During the study analysis period, 1668 unique FS episodes were
before vaccination from the baseline time because it may be identified in 1471 children younger than 5 years. Of these chil-
associated with a lower FS risk (an FS occurrence may delay dren, 1335 (90.8%) had only 1 episode and 136 (9.2%) had 2 or
receipt of scheduled vaccines).19,22 more episodes separated by at least 7 days. The median age at
The primary analysis included children who had both first the time of the first FS was 21 months (interquartile range [IQR],
and subsequent FS episodes (considered unique episodes), in 14-31 months), similar to the median age at receipt of MMRV
which the subsequent FS was separated by at least 7 days from vaccine of 18 months (IQR, 18-19 months) and the peak age at
a previous episode.3,5 Two sensitivity analyses were con- FSs shown previously.19 After restriction to age 11 to 23 months
ducted: (1) adjustment for age using finer intervals (1-month age and the recommended vaccine sequence, there were 465 FS
groups) and (2) restriction of the analysis to first FS episodes. episodes in 391 children. Ten children with 12 FSs (10 of 401
cases [2.4%]) were excluded because the recommended sched-
Measles- and Varicella-Containing Vaccine Uptake ule was not followed (only 4 had MMRV as dose 1, which was
Data Sources an insufficient sample to analyze FS risk). Of the 391 children
The ACIR is a nearly complete electronic population register. included, 278 (71.1%) had received MMR followed by MMRV
It includes approximately 99% of all children registered with vaccine, 97 (24.8%) had received MMR vaccine only, and

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Evaluation of Measles-Mumps-Rubella-Varicella Vaccine in Australia Original Investigation Research

16 (4.1%) had received neither vaccine. Further data are pro- period following MMRV, the prevaccination period, or the 13-
vided in Table 2. to 30-day postvaccination period. The RI of FSs was raised in
Table 3 provides the results of the primary and sensitiv- the 5 to 12 days following MMR vaccine (MCV dose 1) (RI, 2.71;
ity self-controlled case series analyses. In the primary analy- 95% CI, 1.71-4.29), and there was a significantly lower risk in
sis, which adjusted for age using 3 age groups, there was no the 2 weeks before vaccination. The results of the sensitivity
significantly increased risk of FSs within the 5- to 12-day risk analyses were similar to those of the primary analyses.

Table 2. Characteristics of Febrile Seizures in 391 Children Changes in Measles- and Varicella-Containing
Aged 11 to 23 Months in SCCS Analysis Vaccine Uptake
As reported in Table 4, within 2.5 years following MMRV intro-
Febrile Seizure
duction, 2-dose MCV coverage increased to 93.8% at age 36
Characteristic First Episode Unique Episodes
Febrile seizures, No. 391 465
months, which exceeded the most recent preprogram histori-
cal coverage level of 92% at age 60 months (1 year after the pre-
Male, No. (%) 207 (52.9) 249 (53.5)
vious age 48-month schedule point). Coverage with varicella-
No MCV, No. (%) 16 (4.1) 22 (4.7)
containing vaccine, consistently recommended at 18 months and
MMR during risk period,
No. (%)a assessed at age 24 months, increased by 4% after the change
Yes 23 (6.1) 24 (5.4) (Table 4). Overall, on-time immunization with the second MCV
No 352 (93.9) 419 (94.6) (defined as vaccine receipt within 30 days of the recom-
MMRV during risk period, mended age) improved by 13.5% (from 58.9% to 72.4%) (Figure).
No. (%)a,b During this time, there was virtually no change in the coverage
Yes 7 (2.5) 9 (2.7) of MMR dose 1 (recommended at age 12 months and measured
No 271 (97.5) 319 (97.3) at age 18 months), which increased by only 0.5% (Table 4).
Abbreviations: MCV, measles-containing vaccine; MMR, measles-mumps-
rubella; MMRV, measles-mumps-rubella-varicella; SCCS, self-controlled case
Vaccinated between 5 and 12 days before febrile seizure; percentage denotes Discussion
total children receiving each vaccine.
b We present a comprehensive evaluation of the effect of 2
Includes only children who received a previous MMR vaccine.
simultaneous changes to the Australian NIP that are relevant

Table 3. FS Risk Following Dose 1 of MMR and a Subsequent Dose of MMRV in Young Children
Method for −1 to −13 d 5 to 12 d 13 to 30 d
Analysis Age Control FS Episode Vaccine (95% CI) P Value (95% CI) P Value (95% CI) P Value
Primary 11-14, Uniquea MMR 0.41 (0.18-0.94) .04 2.71 (1.71-4.29) <.001 0.89 (0.54-1.48) .66
and 19-23 mo Uniquea MMRV 1.26 (0.77-2.07) .36 1.08 (0.55-2.13) .82 1.08 (0.67-1.74) .74
Secondary 1-mo intervals Unique MMR 0.42 (0.18-0.97) .04 2.57 (1.56-4.23) <.001 0.83 (0.49-1.40) .48
Uniquea MMRV 1.25 (0.74-2.14) .40 1.17 (0.57-2.40) .67 1.10 (0.66-1.83) .72
Secondary 11-14, First MMR 0.37 (0.15-0.92) .03 2.85 (1.78-4.56) <.001 0.82 (0.47-1.43) .48
and 19-23 mo First MMRV 1.37 (0.81-2.33) .24 1.06 (0.49-2.27) .89 1.21 (0.73-2.01) .73
Abbreviations: FS, febrile seizure; MMR, measles-mumps-rubella; MMRV, First FS episode or multiple FS episodes, with the episodes separated by at
measles-mumps-rubella-varicella; RI, relative incidence. least 7 days.

Table 4. One-Dose Varicella Vaccine and 2-Dose MCV Coverage Assessed at Ages Before and After MMRV Vaccine Introduction10

Vaccine Antigen and Age Assessed

Varicella MMR or MMRV
Timing 24 moa 36 moa 60 moa 12 mob 24 moc 36 moc 60 moc 72 moc
Before MMRV vaccine 85.9d 89.3e 91.2f 91.9 NA NA 92.0f 93.7g
After MMRV vaccine 89.9h 93.3h NC 92.4 89.8h 93.8h NC NC
Abbreviations: MCV, measles-containing vaccine; MMR, measles-mumps- vaccine after program change.
rubella; MMRV, measles-mumps-rubella-varicella; NA, not applicable; NC, not d
Cohort born January 1 to June 30, 2011.
calculated (due to cohort not yet reaching this age). e
Cohort born January 1 to June 30, 2010.
Only dose, provided as monovalent varicella vaccine before program change f
Cohort born January 1 to June 30, 2009.
and as MMRV vaccine after program change.
b Cohort born January 1 to June 30, 2008.
First dose provided as MMR vaccine at age 12 months throughout the study
period and assessed at age 18 months for all cohorts combined. Cohort born July 1 to December 3, 2012.
The second dose of MCV was MMR vaccine before program change and MMRV

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Research Original Investigation Evaluation of Measles-Mumps-Rubella-Varicella Vaccine in Australia

Each country needs to assess its own unique disease epi-

Figure. Proportion of Children With On-Time Vaccination for Dose 2
of Measles-Containing Vaccine Before and After Measles-Mumps- demiology, immunization program characteristics, and barri-
Rubella-Varicella (MMRV) Vaccine Introduction ers to vaccine uptake to determine the optimal timing of MCV
doses. However, for children in whom vaccination is delayed
A MMR2 after MMRV B MMR2 before MMRV whether due to missed opportunities, access issues, or vac-
100 100 cine hesitancy, earlier scheduled measles vaccination offers
90 90 more opportunities to provide catch-up vaccination, particu-
80 80
larly before school entry. One potential downside of earlier sec-
ond-dose vaccination is the potential for waning immunity.
Cumulative Vaccination, %

Cumulative Vaccination, %
70 70
On-time Modeling the effect of this schedule change on population im-
60 vaccination 60
munity to measles in Australia was sensitive to assumptions
50 50
vaccination regarding the extent of waning of vaccine-derived immunity.28
40 40 Waning immunity may also be an issue for the less-
30 30 efficacious mumps component of the vaccine; ongoing dis-
20 20 ease surveillance will be important to monitor for this poten-
10 10
tial outcome and, if needed, adjust policy recommendations
accordingly. However, several European countries, Canadian
0 0
provinces, and low- to middle-income countries under the
12 <12

18 <18

19 <19

20 <20

24 <24

36 <36

42 <42

48 <48

49 <49

50 <50




Expanded Program on Immunization use a similarly com-










pressed MCV schedule.

Age at MMR2 Dose, mo Age at MMR2 Dose, mo
Australia has had a 1-dose varicella vaccination program
On-time vaccination was defined as vaccine receipt within 30 days of the for children aged 18 months since late 2005.13,16 We show that
recommended age. MMR indicates measles-mumps-rubella; MMR2, dose 2 of MMRV introduction has rapidly been associated with improve-
MMR-containing vaccine in cohort born between July 1 and December 31, 2012 ments in the absolute level and timeliness of coverage against
(A) and cohort born between January 1 and June 30, 2009 (B).
varicella over that achieved with the single-antigen vaccine.
While our study design cannot confirm a direct cause-and-
effect relationship, reasons for this increase in coverage may
to child immunization programs worldwide: introduction of include (1) reduced prior attendance at the 18-month sched-
combination MMRV vaccine and bringing forward the sched- ule point due to parental (and clinician) perceptions of vari-
uled age for provision of the second MCV. Our evaluation dem- cella as a mild disease for which an appointment for the im-
onstrates that MMRV vaccine introduction in Australia has been munization was not considered sufficiently important (no other
associated with improved coverage and timeliness of protec- vaccine was recommended at this schedule point between
tion against all 4 diseases, with on-time vaccination increas- 2003 and 2016); (2) increased encouragement for children to
ing by 13.5%. This change has been done with no effect on the attend the 18-month immunization visit due to the inclusion
overall safety profile of the program; use of MMRV vaccine as of other antigens, particularly measles, in the vaccine; and/or
dose 2 of MCV at the age of 18 months was not associated with (3) reduction of the overall number of scheduled injections,
an increased risk of FSs. which was appealing to caregivers and clinicians. Although a
Global efforts to control measles rely on achieving and routine 2-dose varicella immunization schedule, as adopted
maintaining high 2-dose vaccine coverage (preferably >95%) in the United States in 2007, would offer improved protec-
at a country and subnational (district) level.25 Australia was tion against varicella, the addition of a second varicella dose
1 of the first 4 countries in the World Health Organization West- was previously rejected for NIP inclusion in Australia on the
ern Pacific Region to reach measles elimination status, de- basis of inadequate incremental cost-effectiveness.16
clared in March 2014.12 However, before 2014 and despite an To our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate
overall reduction in the incidence of measles, notification rates that administration of MMRV vaccine as dose 2 of the MCV at
were highest in infants and children aged 1 to 4 years, out- age 18 months is not associated with an increased risk of FSs
breaks often involved young children, and measles vaccine cov- despite peak FS incidence at this age.29 A US assessment
erage for 1 and 2 vaccine doses was suboptimal at 92% showed no increased FS risk when MMRV dose 2 was given at
nationally.11 This figure also masked small areas of lower cov- age 4 to 6 years30; however, overall FS incidence is much lower
erage and lack of timely uptake.26 Within 2.5 years of imple- in that age group. These results are also consistent with those
menting our compressed schedule at ages 12 and 18 months, of the previous PAEDS study showing no increased risk of FSs
we have demonstrated that more children were fully pro- after monovalent varicella vaccine at age 18 months and con-
tected against measles at an earlier age. In the United States, firming the well-described fold increase in FSs after MCV dose
which has recently experienced a resurgence of measles,25 MCV 1.19,29 Six postmarketing studies6,7,31-34 and a meta-analysis35
dose 2 is recommended at ages 4 to 6 years, and uptake of dose have consistently shown a 2-fold increase in FS risk in the risk
1 at age 12 months could be more timely. The 2014 US Na- window of approximately 5 to 12 days after MMRV dose 1 in
tional Immunization Survey estimated that 92% of children toddlers compared with giving MMR or MMR and the vari-
aged 19 to 35 months had received 1 dose of MMR vaccine cella vaccine separately. Although this finding equates to a rela-
(range, 84%-97%).27 tively low absolute excess of 4.3 FSs per 10 000 doses,7 even

996 JAMA Pediatrics October 2017 Volume 171, Number 10 (Reprinted) jamapediatrics.com

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Evaluation of Measles-Mumps-Rubella-Varicella Vaccine in Australia Original Investigation Research

a low risk has been viewed as concerning. In Australia, an un- 1 uptake did not change substantially over time. In Australia,
expected high rate of FSs occurred from 1 seasonal influenza all NIP vaccines are commonwealth government procured, and
vaccine brand (Fluvax [Afluria in the United States]) in chil- our 8 state and territory health departments undertake over-
dren younger than 5 years in 2010. Although most FS cases re- sight program delivery, resulting in more prescriptive use of
solved without sequelae, permanent neurologic damage oc- vaccine combinations and brands than in other countries where
curred in 2 children.36,37 In the United States, primary care vaccine choice is influenced by individual immunization cli-
clinicians are reported as being unlikely to recommend nicians or insurers. Together with our comprehensive na-
MMRV,38 and in Germany, there has been a decline in vari- tional vaccine register, this control enables accurate evalua-
cella vaccination uptake.9 tion of changes in coverage in response to new vaccine
introduction. Although our study primarily reports on 1 brand
Limitations and Strengths of MMRV vaccine (Priorix-Tetra), based on first principles, we
This study has a number of limitations and strengths. Al- believe that these results would likely be similar for the other
though we showed no statistically significant association be- registered MMRV vaccine (ProQuad).
tween FSs and MMRV vaccine, the point estimate was above
1 and CIs were wide (RI, 1.08; 95% CI, 0.55-2.13), thereby not
excluding a very low level of risk. In addition, FS case capture
was taken from sentinel pediatric hospital surveillance and may
not be representative of all Australian children with FSs. How- Data from this study help clinicians to better understand
ever, each site also functions as a community-based hospital, the link between measles and varicella virus–containing live
most children resided nearby and had simple FSs, and our vaccines and the risk of FSs—a common but serious early
analysis was robust in demonstrating the known association childhood condition that occurs in response to fever from
with MCV dose 1. Our ecologic cohort design to assess vac- any source. We present a comprehensive evaluation of the
cine coverage changes is subject to unrecognized biases or con- incorporation of MMRV vaccine into the Australian NIP,
founding factors and does not prove that the schedule change demonstrating an association with improved vaccine uptake
was the necessary or only causative factor in improving vac- and timeliness while maintaining overall program safety.
cine uptake. However, no other major programmatic or pro- Our findings should help to inform childhood immunization
cedural changes occurred during the study period that would policy decision making regarding use of these vaccines in
otherwise have increased coverage, and, notably, MCV dose other countries.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Nicholas Wood, PhD, and Laura Rost, RN (National
Accepted for Publication: May 10, 2017. Macartney, Gidding, Trinh, Wang, Dey, Hull, Orr, Centre for Immunisation Research and
McRae, Richmond, Crawford, Kynaston, McIntyre. Surveillance); Peter Richmond, MBBS, and
Published Online: August 14, 2017. Drafting of the manuscript: Macartney, Gidding, Christopher Blyth, PhD (School of Paediatrics and
doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.1965 Trinh, Dey, Richmond, Gold, McIntyre. Child Health, University of Western Australia);
Author Affiliations: National Centre for Critical revision of the manuscript for important Michael Gold, MB, CHB (Department of Paediatrics,
Immunisation Research and Surveillance, Sydney, intellectual content: Macartney, Gidding, Wang, Dey, University of Adelaide); Nigel Crawford, PhD (Royal
Australia (Macartney, Gidding, Wang, Dey, Hull, Orr, Hull, Orr, McRae, Richmond, Crawford, Kynaston, Children's Hospital); Jennifer A. Kynaston, MBBS,
McRae, McIntyre, Wood); School of Child and McIntyre, Wood. Julia E. Clark, BM, BS, and Sonia Dougherty, RN
Adolescent Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, Statistical analysis: Macartney, Gidding, Trinh, (Lady Cilento Children's Hospital); Robert Booy,
Australia (Macartney, Dey, McIntyre, Wood); Wang, Dey, Hull. PhD, and Elizabeth Elliott, PhD (School of Child
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, Obtained funding: Macartney, Wood. and Adolescent Health, University of Sydney);
Australia (Macartney, Orr, McRae, McIntyre, Wood); Administrative, technical, or material support: Jim Buttery, MD (School of Public Health and
School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Macartney, Dey, Orr, McRae, Richmond. Preventive Medicine, Monash University); Helen
UNSW Medicine, The University of New South Study supervision: Macartney, Gidding, Richmond, Marshall, PhD (Robinson Research Institute,
Wales, Sydney, Australia (Gidding); Western Sydney Crawford. The University of Adelaide); Thomas Snelling, PhD
Local Health District, Sydney, Australia (Trinh); Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None reported. (Wesfarmers Centre for Vaccines and Infectious
School of Paediatrics and Child Health, University Diseases, Telethon Kids Institute, University of
of Western Australia, Perth, Australia (Richmond); Funding/Support: Drs Gidding and Wood are Western Australia); Michael Nissen, PhD (previously
Wesfarmers Centre for Vaccines and Infectious supported by Australian National Health and Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane); Alissa McMinn,
Diseases, Telethon Kids Institute, University of Medical Research Council Career Development RN, and Donna Lee, RN (Monash Children's
Western Australia, Perth, Australia (Richmond); Fellowships. Funding from the Australian Hospital); Carolyn Finucane, RN, Christine Robins,
Department of Paediatrics, University of Adelaide, Government Department of Health and the NHMRC RN, Carol Orr, RN, and Jacki Connell, RN (Princess
Adelaide, Australia (Gold); Women’s and Children’s Project Grant ID number 1049557 supported the Margaret Hospital); Christine Heath, RN, and Mary
Hospital, Adelaide, Australia (Gold); Royal Children’s conduct of the study. Walker, RN (Women's and Children's Hospital);
Hospital, Melbourne, Australia (Crawford); Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funders had no Sharon Tan, RN, Helen Knight, RN, and Jennifer
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia role in the design and conduct of the study; Murphy, RN (The Children's Hospital at Westmead).
(Crawford); Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, collection, management, analysis, and Additional Contributions: Alexandra Hendry, PhD,
Brisbane, Australia (Kynaston). interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or of the National Centre for Immunisation Research
Author Contributions: Drs Macartney and Wood approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit and Surveillance, assisted with manuscript
had full access to all of the data in the study and the manuscript for publication. preparation. No compensation was received.
take responsibility for the integrity of the data and Group Information: Paediatric Active Enhanced
the accuracy of the data analysis. Disease Surveillance (PAEDS) Network members REFERENCES
Study concept and design: Macartney, Gidding, Dey, include Kristine Macartney, MD, Karen Orr, RN, 1. Corben P, Leask J. To close the childhood
Richmond, Gold, Crawford, McIntyre, Wood. Jocelynne McRae, MPH, Peter McIntyre, PhD, immunization gap, we need a richer understanding

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