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2019 NOVA Open Warhammer 40,000 Mission Packet (Grand Tournament & Invitational)

Note for Attendees -

Our final rules packets for all events will be professionally laid out and published in hard copy for you within full color Guidebooks at
the 2019 NOVA Open. Leading up to the event, the Primers are presented in the following format to enable event leads to keep
registered and prospective attendees up to speed with changes and updates as efficiently as possible. Please e-mail with any questions!
Version – 2019.2, 2/24/2019
Change Notes
 Engineers Secondary Added
Version – 2019.1, 2/15/2019
Change Notes
 Engineers Removed. While 60% of attendees rated it positively in the post-con survey, we don’t consider this to meet our
standard of excellence (all other categories and mission elements exceeded 98% satisfaction). For now we’ve pulled Engineers,
though we’re considering re-adding it as a Secondary.
 Not Much Else. For now, most of the rest of the mission elements are remaining the same from 2018, but there are a few things
we’re considering (And we welcome your feedback @, including:
o Following Games Workshop’s lead with Kill Team: Arena, and the fact we have printed Card Decks for the Missions
that are provided to attendees, we’re considering making the Secondaries Secret until they are first Scored. This was
impossible when noting secondaries on paper or other methods, because it is so easy to cheat. This becomes
feasible with printed card decks provided to every player, and we’re investigating whether it’s feasible.
o We’re considering categorizing the Secondary Missions into three “Categories” and requiring players to choose 1
from each, so they cannot stack their army purely for “Kill Kill Kill” or “Hold Hold Hold” style objective selections.

A Note on ITC Missions

The NOVA Open is a part of the highly successful ITC tournament circuit. That said, we do not use ITC missions. Why? Well, ITC
missions largely are a duplication of NOVA missions, and took inspiration from them. Subsequently, we’ve taken inspiration from
some of their own innovations on Secondary missions and the sharing back and forth continues. Since NOVA’s missions formed
the basis for ITC’s and they share so many similarities, we stick with our own original format (and its continuing revisions). If your’e
familiar only with ITC missions and haven’t played NOVA yet, you should find it very easy to transition over for the GT!

Sportsmanship at the NOVA Open

The NOVA Open prides itself on a tradition of sportsmanship, and on the high marks attendees give to the atmosphere and sportsmanlike experience at NOVA
each year. Speaking on Sportsmanship, Olympian Jesse Owens once said it:

[Winning] starts with complete command of the fundamentals. Then it takes desire, determination, discipline and self-sacrifice. And
finally, it takes a great deal of love, fairness and respect for your fellow man. Put all these together, and even if you don't win, how can
you lose?
Not all opponents will become best friends. However, we ask you to treat your fellow competitors with the respect accorded a peer while you are here. The NOVA
Open would prefer you restrict your battles to the tabletop and end each game with a handshake!
The Golden Rule: You’re attending one of the largest 40K GTs on Earth, run for your enjoyment and to support charity. Let staff know if you need anything.
Respect your peers, tournament organizers, and the game. Most importantly, HAVE FUN!

1.0 Tournament Schedule

Friday, 8/31/18 Saturday, 9/1/18 Sunday, 9/2/18
Rd 1: 0930 – 1230 Rd 4: 0930 – 1230 Rd 7: 1130 – 1430
Lunch: 1230 – 1330 Lunch: 1230 – 1330 Lunch: 1430 – 1500
Rd 2: 1330 – 1630 Rd 5: 1330 – 1630 Rd 8: 1500 – 1800
Break: 1630 – 1700 Break: 1630 – 1700 Awards: 1900 – 2000
Rd 3: 1700 - 2000 Rd 6: 1700 - 2000

2.0 Policies
2.1 Painted Models
Fully Painted Armies are Required. You must show at least a good faith effort to achieve the traditional 3-color-and-based minimum.
Meeting the minimum only via obvious technicality will result in a 0 on your army and possible competitive penalties. Incomplete
models will be removed from your army without the option to amend your list. Armies over 50% incomplete will forfeit all games
until you complete painting. The NOVA Open provides a fully stocked Hobby Haven to assist players who did not complete their
armies. For any questions, email in advance of the event with your specific concerns.
2.2 Converted, Counts-As, and Forge World Models/Units
You may not gain a benefit from converted/counts-as models, but may incur penalties. For example, a modeled-taller model may be
more easily seen while gaining no LOS benefits for its extra height. If you wish to use alternate models to “count as” something else,
you must be clear with your army list, modeling, unit differentiation, and your opponents. You must seek permission from prior to the convention. If you do not obtain permission for alternate/counts-as models and units
prior to the convention, they will be removed from your list during play.
Different <Faction> type keywords must be clearly represented within your army; it is unacceptable, for instance, to include both
<Ultramarine> and <Dark Angels> Space Marines in an army together with all of them painted as Ultramarines.
Forge World units must be represented by the actual Forge World models. If no model exists, you may NOT use that unit in the GT.
If you want an exception for a creative or unique project, seek advance permission via You may
NOT use children's toys or equivalents in place of proper tabletop miniatures.
2.3 Army Lists
If any portion of your list is found invalid, the NOVA Open reserves the right to amend your list independent of your input, and/or to
force losses upon you if errors are caught once play begins. You will be required to provide one army list during on-site registration,
and one army list to each opponent. Pre-submission is not typically required at the NOVA Open but may be required this year with the
advent of automated list formatting and submission via Best Coast Pairings, which we use for scoring the Grand Tournament.
2.4 Basing Your Models
Models must be played on the bases provided with them. If two different sizes were provided, either may be used. If you are fielding
older models now provided on different bases, email to determine whether re-basing is required. Be
aware, in most cases we WILL require you to re-base models that were previously on 25mm and are now on 32mm, as this change
(Especially in larger model-count armies/units) is considered during the army balancing and playtesting processes.
2.5 Judges
Judges hold final say on all tournament issues. They can instruct players to begin a new round despite time, force a loss on someone
caught cheating, etc. This is to ensure play with integrity, good sportsmanship, and honesty – players will not be permitted to “abuse”
tournament rules to gain unfair advantages. Individual rulings are NEVER binding precedent. Should a judge get a rule wrong, that
does not bind the event to continue getting it wrong. Respect all judges – they are volunteers supporting charity, not pro referees.
The NOVA Open benefits from Robin Cruddace, lead 40K rules designer, as a member of our judging staff. Be aware that whenever
possible, we will play the rules as intended, and almost never kowtow to exhaustive or overly complex “Rules as Written” arguments.
If it sounds like your argument is heavily laden with technicalities and/or creative readings of the rule, chances are we will not agree.
2.6 Official Model and Game Rule Sources, Plus Dice
You MUST possess an official print or digital copy of any rules used by your army. You may use Games Workshop’s official dice
2.7 Quit Policy
Quitting may impact your ability to attend future NOVA Opens. The GT is designed to give players an optional self-removal at the
end of Round 6 (end of Saturday). Best Overall is calculated based only on 6 rounds to facilitate this option. If you have an
emergency, let the Event Organizers know (bright yellow Judge shirts). Quitting due to a difficult opponent is not acceptable or
sportsmanlike – again, contact a Judge! Do NOT quit early if you can avoid it – it makes pairings, brackets, and more very difficult on
2.8 Time and Chess Clock Policy
What is the purpose of our time policy? To be clear, it is NOT designed to stop cheating or intentional slow play. In many cases, it
will achieve this outcome, but the intent is to encourage the vast majority of games to finish completely. There are very few ways to
effectively stop time abuse by the tiny percentage of players who are, in a nutshell, cheaters. So while we can put a chess clock into
play on a game, including from the beginning, we simply wish to empower players to finish their games without the tremendous
negatives that result from forcing every game to be played with a chess clock from start to finish. If you feel the time policy is being in
any way abused by your opponent, immediately call over a Judge (bright yellow shirts).
NOVA Open staff will announce time remaining on a regular basis. They will also announce the point of the "regular" game you
should be at corresponding to the time remaining. A limited number of tournament-provided Chess Clocks will be available. These
can be used at a judge's discretion, but not simply because a player likes using them. All players are encouraged to play quickly and be
mindful of time remaining; judges can force a game to continue regardless of Round Time if it is perceived that an opponent
intentionally slowed down play to retain an artificial lead in game score. If a chess clock is put into play by a judge, you will be
provided clear rules for its use at that time, and NOT in advance. NOVA will not permit Chess Clocks to be used to bully or finagle an
unfair win out of a game. If it is determined that you used a clock or our time policy to intentionally slow play, game the clock, or
otherwise abuse the rules for unfair advantage, you will be awarded a loss immediately.
2.8.1 Regular Playspeed Milestones and Time Calling
Instead of focusing on time remaining - a figure that most players do not naturally associate certain game milestones with – NOVA
staff will call time based upon the place in the game you should on average be at. We will also seek to announce pairings for each
round as early as 15 minutes before the official round start time. These milestones break down as follows:
 3:00 – Start Round (Formally)
 2:50 – Complete Pre-Game Mission, Warlord, Psychic Power, and Other Selections, Begin Deployment
 2:30 – Deployment Complete, Begin Round 1
 1:50 – First Battle Round Complete, Begin Round 2
 1:10 – Second Battle Round Complete, Begin Round 3
 0:50 – Third Battle Round Complete, Begin Round 4
 0:30 – Fourth Battle Round Complete, Begin Round 5
 0:10 – Fifth Battle Round Complete, Begin Round 6
Based upon these milestones, you will not be permitted to begin a Battle Round with less than 15 minutes remaining unless it is the
SIXTH Battle Round. You will be permitted to begin the SIXTH Battle Round with at least 10 minutes remaining.
For clarity, this provides each player with, on average, the following time breakdown for the typical game:
 Pre-Game Mission, Warlord, Psychic Power, and Other Selections: 5 Minutes
 Deploying your actual models: 10 Minutes
 Playing your First Turn: 20 Minutes
 Playing your Second Turn: 20 Minutes
 Playing your Third Turn: 10 Minutes
 Playing your Fourth Turn: 10 Minutes
 Playing your Fifth Turn: 10 Minutes
 Playing your Sixth Turn: 5 Minutes
In all cases, we expect players to finish their games. While we will not apply a Clock to your table without significant cause for doing
so, we encourage you to prepare and practice as needed if you feel you are a slower player. This is not to add undue stress to you in
participation, but to ensure a fair game between you and your opponent. The above breakdown is therefore a suggestion which
provides 90 minutes per player, but it is one we will use as a guideline for patrolling tables and evaluating games that need assistance
to complete on time.
2.9 Player Conduct and Policies
Players are expected to comport themselves with high levels of sportsmanship and ethical play. Bullying, rules abuse, gaming chess
clocks, moving illegally, picking up hard-to-see dice as hits when they are misses, lying to judges or opponents, or any other form of
unethical or inappropriate conduct can result in substantial mid-game point penalties, automatic loss assessment, permanent removal
of parts of your army for the duration of the tournament, or removal from the event itself.
The judging staff includes such honorable guests as Robin Cruddace, the lead rules writer for Warhammer 40,000. Arguing with or
bullying refs is grounds for immediate penalty. To quote Robin, “If you aren’t sure if you’re acting like a jerk, you’re probably acting
like a jerk.”
There are pros and cons to establishing an objective set of penalties in a tournament format. Unfortunately, many behavior and
incorrect play actions often come down to “he said she said” when judges were not fortunate enough to be tableside at the time of their
occurrence. For this reason, behavioral and illegal play instances will always be adjudicated on a case-by-case basis. For serious
penalties, the overall Convention Organizer will be consulted.
The NOVA Open maintains a zero-tolerance policy, however, for such instances. Even warnings will almost always be accompanied
by a penalty of some sort, ranging from model removal to in-game point deductions.
Finally, be ready to lose at the NOVA Open. It seems an odd thing to say, but it is in the nature of a Win/Loss tournament that out of
256 players, only 1 (at most!) will finish the tournament without a loss. Winning with skill and grace instead of gotchas, bullying, or
cheating is extremely rewarding and should be the goal of all attendees. Losing with skill and grace is even more difficult, and even
more laudable.

3.0 Tournament Format and Awards

The NOVA Open considers Warhammer 40,000 a multi-faceted hobby, with social, gaming, and artistic components. As a result, the
overall winner of the NOVA Open, its Renaissance Man, is determined by equal parts Artistic and Competitive Score. Both scores are
normalized to a percentage of possible, then added together. The highest score wins Renaissance Man (Best Overall).
Awards and recognition may be given at random for superior sportsmanship. Players may be disqualified or removed from the
tournament for consistently poor sportsmanship.
The NOVA Open’s 40K GT awards are:
● Renaissance Man (Best Overall, 50/50 Appearance/Competitive) (Top Honor)
● Virtuoso (Best Army Artist)
● Tournament Champion (Winner of the first tournament bracket) (Best General Win/Loss)
● Battlemaster (Player who scores the highest Battle Points) (Best General Battlepoints)
● Hobby Ace (The 2 Runners Up for Virtuoso [#2])
● Second to One (Second place in the first tournament bracket)
● Bracket Champions (Winners of all other tournament brackets)
3.1 Win-Path Pairing
The NOVA Open uses "Win-Path" to pair opponents with the same record in each round. This pits players both against someone with
the same record *and* who won and lost their games during the same rounds. For example, a player who lost Round 1 and won
Rounds 2 and 3 will play an opponent who did the same, rather than someone who won their first 2 and only lost in the third Round.
3.1 Brackets
After Round 4, the entire Grand Tournament field will be split into 16 brackets of 16 players each. These brackets will be based
primarily on Win/Loss record, with "ties" for placing in a bracket determined by total accumulated Mission Points. Each bracket will
be won by the player that goes undefeated across the final 4 Rounds of the Tournament. This ensures players with more casual
interests or less powerful lists who start the GT with a weaker record spend their final Rounds in competition with their competitive
peers. This also avoids a tradition where players with weaker lists lose a few games, finally win a couple, only to have to face a harder
list that just lost a few games to finish out their tournament experience. At the NOVA Open, you are assured the final 4 games will be
against armies that present similar challenges to your own.

4.0 Overall Mission Guidance and Rules

4.1 Terrain & Hills
The NOVA Open's GT team includes 8th Edition 40K play testers, and some abstractions are intentional to ensure the quantity of
cover and LOS blockage desired for fair, balanced play.
 For purposes of cover only, Hills provide cover in the same fashion as Ruins with Bases.
 If your table's center-blockers include "L-shaped" ruins with thin top levels, you may not place models on top of them (or, as
a result, use your model placement to make charging units atop them impossible).
 "Scatter" elements count as Forests for purpose of charges and cover, regardless of whether they look like actual forests. 

NOVA Standard Terrain Layout

4.2 Legal Army Lists / Army Specifics / Points Sizes (2000)

The GT & Invitational are played at 2000 Points. Bring 9 printed copies of your list: 1 for the organizers and 8 for your opponents.
Armies should be constructed following all the rules for Matched Play at 2000 points in the Warhammer 40,000 8 th Edition Rulebook,
including the suggested detachment and datasheet limits of 3. Note that your free relic must be on your army list. Anything required
"when you muster your army," such as the Blood Angels Stratagem "Death Visions of Sanguinius," must also be on your army list. All
Warhammer 40,000 Indices and 8th Edition Codices are permitted in the NOVA Open's 40K GT and Invitational. Barring special
notice, rules released within 30 days of the event will not be legal. We reserve the right to reconsider edge cases should they arise.
4.3 Core Rules Modifications and Frequently Asked Questions
Please use all Chapter Approved and Beta released Matched Play rules from Games Workshop. Major FAQ items will be added here.
Game Length: All games will go to the end of Battle Round 6, rather than using Random Game Length.
Direct your questions to

5.0 Mission Rules and Scoring

The following material describes NOVA Open Asymmetrical Missions in detail. While they may initially appear complex, they're not
too different from book missions once familiar. Pick one of two Primary Missions, score 3 Secondary missions, and that's it! The
NOVA Open introduced the concept of selectable mission goals to the contemporary 40K tournament scene. If you are new to the
scene and have any questions about the design philosophy behind them, please let us know at
5.1 The NOVA Open Missions – Primary and Secondaries
In every Round, the following Primary and 2 Secondary Missions are in play. You may NEVER exceed the listed MAX for a Mission.

5.1.1 Primary – Objectives (18 Point Max)

Select ONE of the following each Round. Some rounds will include a bonus affecting Primary.

Progressive. Score the following at the start of your turns, starting in Battle Round 2. These are all cumulative:
1. If you control at least 1 Objective, earn 1 Point
2. If you control at least 2 Objectives, earn 1 Point
3. If you control more Objectives than your opponent, earn 2 Points
4. If you control at least 3 more Objectives than your opponent, earn 2 Points

Endgame. Score the following at the end of the Game:

1. For each Objective you control, earn 4 Points
2. If you control more Objectives than your opponent, earn 2 Points
5.1.2 Secondary 1 – Tailored Ops (12 Point Max)
These Ops are worth up to 4 points each. Choose 3 during Mission Selection. Units which never count for awarding mission points do
not award points for these (i.e. Mucolids may not be Marked for Death).
1. Moment of Bloodshed. Destroy 2+ enemy units during a turn to earn 1 Point.
2. Cull the Hordes. For every 20 enemy models destroyed, earn 1 Point.
3. Breakthrough. If at least one of your units is wholly in the enemy Deployment Zone at the start of your turn, earn 1 Point. A
unit is wholly in if every model in the unit is at least partially in the enemy Deployment Zone.
4. Reconnaissance. If you have a unit wholly within each table quarter at the end of your Turn, earn 1 Point.
5. Old School. Score 1 Point for each: Destroy an enemy unit in the first Battle Round; Destroy an enemy unit in the last Battle
Round; Destroy your opponent's Warlord; End the game with 1+ models in your opponent's Deployment Zone.
6. *Strike the Rank and File. Destroy 1+ enemy Troop units during a Turn to earn 1 Point. If no enemy Troops exist at the
start of your turn, earn 1 Point.
7. *Marked for Death. Note four of your opponent's units. For each one you destroy, earn 1 Point.
8. *Shoot the Big Ones. Destroy an enemy model with 10+ wounds to earn 1 Point.
9. *Headhunter. For every enemy Character destroyed, earn 1 Point.
10. *Titanslayer. Destroy a Titanic Unit: 2 Points.
11. Engineers. Select two units from your army when you select this Tailored Op (excluding Characters). Starting from Battle
Round 2, if either of these units starts and ends your turn within 3” of an objective marker you control, and it did not make
any attacks or manifest any psychic powers during your turn, earn 1 point at the end of that turn. These units cannot score this
Tailored Op if they have divided from or combined with any other units at any point before or during the battle.
*For secondaries 6-10, you may not earn more than one point for destroying any one unit. If such a unit would award points to
multiple Ops, you must decide which it scores at the time it is destroyed. For example, if you chose Marked for Death and Shoot
the Big Ones, and Marked an enemy Rhino, you must decide which Tailored Op you earn a single point for when you kill it.
5.1.3 Secondary 2 – Points Destroyed (4 Point Max)
Earn points for this Mission in the following fashion:
 Destroy 500 Points of the Enemy Army – 1 Point
 Destroy 1,000 Points of the Enemy Army – 1 Point
 Destroy 1,500 Points of the Enemy Army – 2 Points
A unit is worth 50% of its Points value if 50% or more of its starting wounds are gone. Combat Squads, Hellhounds, and similar
datasheets that are purchased as a single entry but deploy as multiple units are treated separately for purposes of this mission.
5.2 How to Play – Mission Selection and Pre-Game Process
1. Swap lists with your opponent and study what you're up against
2. Privately select, note, and simultaneously reveal Warlord Traits, Psychic Powers, and Relics
3. Privately select and note any Primary and Secondary mission selections
4. Reveal Mission Selections to your opponent
5. Roll off a d6 with your opponent; the winner selects their Deployment Zone
6. Place objectives required by the Mission, beginning with the winner of #5
7. Begin alternating unit deployment, beginning with the loser of #5
8. Once deployment is over, roll off a d6; add one if you finished deploying first
9. The winner of #8 decides whether to go First or Second, and the player going Second may attempt to seize the initiative
10. The First Battle Round begins: High fives and handshakes!
5.2.1 Scoring Points / Winning the Game / Tiebreaker
Each player combines their Primary and Secondary Mission Points. The player with the highest combined total wins the
game. If necessary, Ties are broken through Points Destroyed (see Secondary 2 to tabulate). Win or Lose, the
Battlemaster award is given to the player who scores the most Mission Points across all rounds of the tournament. The
Round Score you submit is equivalent to the number of Mission Points you earned.
After determining Mission Score and Tiebreakers, the Losing Player may not submit a score greater than 25 Mission
Points. Colluding with opponents to give the losing player a "max" score is grounds for forfeiture.
5.2.2 Objective Markers - Measure to the EDGES, NOT THE CENTER
Objective Markers should be 40mm in diameter. You are encouraged to use the ones NOVA provides. Please do not take these with
you. When you finish your final game, you may divide the objectives evenly with your opponent. Complete sets may be purchased at
the NOVA Open store during the Convention. Determine control by measuring to the edge of the objective markers, not the center.
Objectives are considered to always be on the table surface / lowest accessible level of a terrain piece.

5.2.3 The Ultimate Tiebreaker

In thousands of tournament games using NOVA missions around the world since 2010, there’s never been a perfect tie. However, a
TO-adjudicated 3-round match of Rock, Paper, Scissors will determine the outcome of such a statistically unlikely event.
You may never score more than 18 for Primary, 12 for Tailored Ops, 6 for Engineers, and 4 for Points Destroyed.
Round 1 - Invasion
Deployment: Dawn of War

Bonus: NOTE – Bonus points merely help you reach your Primary Cap of 18 faster, not exceed it
+1 Point when scoring your Progressive Primary if you control an Objective in your opponent's Deployment Zone, OR
+2 Points when scoring your Endgame Primary if you control an Objective in your opponent's Deployment Zone
Select 3 of the following Tailored Ops, nominate 2 units to be Engineers
1. Moment of Bloodshed 2. Cull the Hordes 3. Breakthrough
4. Reconnaissance 5. Old School 6. Strike the Rank and File
7. Marked for Death 8. Shoot the Big Ones 9. Headhunter
10. Titanslayer
You may never score more than 18 for Primary, 12 for Tailored Ops, 6 for Engineers, and 4 for Points Destroyed.
Round 2 - Secure Intelligence
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil

Bonus: NOTE – Bonus points merely help you reach your Primary Cap of 18 faster, not exceed it
+1 Point when scoring your Progressive Primary if you control the objective your Opponent placed, OR
+2 Points when scoring your Endgame Primary if you control the objective your Opponent placed
Select 3 of the following Tailored Ops, nominate 2 units to be Engineers
1. Moment of Bloodshed 2. Cull the Hordes 3. Breakthrough
4. Reconnaissance 5. Old School 6. Strike the Rank and File
7. Marked for Death 8. Shoot the Big Ones 9. Headhunter
10. Titanslayer
You may never score more than 18 for Primary, 12 for Tailored Ops, 6 for Engineers, and 4 for Points Destroyed.
Round 3 - Crusade
Deployment: Vanguard Strike

Bonus: None
Select 3 of the following Tailored Ops, nominate 2 units to be Engineers
1. Moment of Bloodshed 2. Cull the Hordes 3. Breakthrough
4. Reconnaissance 5. Old School 6. Strike the Rank and File
7. Marked for Death 8. Shoot the Big Ones 9. Headhunter
10. Titanslayer
You may never score more than 18 for Primary, 12 for Tailored Ops, 6 for Engineers, and 4 for Points Destroyed.
Round 4 - Confrontation
Deployment: Search and Destroy

Bonus: None
Select 3 of the following Tailored Ops, nominate 2 units to be Engineers
1. Moment of Bloodshed 2. Cull the Hordes 3. Breakthrough
4. Reconnaissance 5. Old School 6. Strike the Rank and File
7. Marked for Death 8. Shoot the Big Ones 9. Headhunter
10. Titanslayer
You may never score more than 18 for Primary, 12 for Tailored Ops, 6 for Engineers, and 4 for Points Destroyed.
Round 5 - Vital Objective
Deployment: Dawn of War

Bonus: None
Select 3 of the following Tailored Ops, nominate 2 units to be Engineers
1. Moment of Bloodshed 2. Cull the Hordes 3. Breakthrough
4. Reconnaissance 5. Old School 6. Strike the Rank and File
7. Marked for Death 8. Shoot the Big Ones 9. Headhunter
10. Titanslayer
You may never score more than 18 for Primary, 12 for Tailored Ops, 6 for Engineers, and 4 for Points Destroyed.
Round 6 - Crusade
Deployment: Search and Destroy

Bonus: None
Select 3 of the following Tailored Ops, nominate 2 units to be Engineers
1. Moment of Bloodshed 2. Cull the Hordes 3. Breakthrough
4. Reconnaissance 5. Old School 6. Strike the Rank and File
7. Marked for Death 8. Shoot the Big Ones 9. Headhunter
10. Titanslayer
You may never score more than 18 for Primary, 12 for Tailored Ops, 6 for Engineers, and 4 for Points Destroyed.
Round 7 - Domination
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil

Bonus: NOTE – Bonus points merely help you reach your Primary Cap of 18 faster, not exceed it
+1 Point when scoring your Progressive Primary if you control both Objectives closest to the center of the table, OR
+2 Points when scoring your Endgame Primary if you control both Objectives closest to the center of the table
Select 3 of the following Tailored Ops, nominate 2 units to be Engineers
1. Moment of Bloodshed 2. Cull the Hordes 3. Breakthrough
4. Reconnaissance 5. Old School 6. Strike the Rank and File
7. Marked for Death 8. Shoot the Big Ones 9. Headhunter
10. Titanslayer
You may never score more than 18 for Primary, 12 for Tailored Ops, 6 for Engineers, and 4 for Points Destroyed.
Round 8 - Crusade
Deployment: Vanguard Strike

Bonus: None
Select 3 of the following Tailored Ops, nominate 2 units to be Engineers
1. Moment of Bloodshed 2. Cull the Hordes 3. Breakthrough
4. Reconnaissance 5. Old School 6. Strike the Rank and File
7. Marked for Death 8. Shoot the Big Ones 9. Headhunter
10. Titanslayer
Scoresheet - Player
Turn Primary Tailored Ops Points Destroyed
1 N/A 500 = 1st Point
2 1000 = 2nd Point
3 1500 = 3rd + 4th Points
Scoresheet – Opponent
Turn Primary Tailored Ops Points Destroyed
1 N/A 500 = 1st Point
2 1000 = 2nd Point
3 1500 = 3rd + 4th Points

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