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To: psampat@earthworks.

Subject: No Dirty Gold – Legislative Solutions
Date: July 31, 2019

Dear Payal Sampat,

I have received the report on the efforts of our No Dirty Gold campaign and I very much
appreciate the actions you have taken to improve our visibility in the community. We
have had more and more companies sign up to promise to only use gold that is free
from conflict, child labor, and dangerous environmental problems. This is largely due to
increased awareness in the community that has created pressure for the companies to
be more diligent through their supply lines. However, we need to be sure we are
focusing on getting more legislation passed to make these things mandatory. So far
there are only a few places that require companies to be transparent about how they
obtain their gold.

Government Pressure Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Font color: Accent 6

It is vital that we make sure to apply pressure to governments as well as the companies
suppling gold. In the United States, the promises made by companies to be transparent
about the suppliers of gold and jewels is voluntary. Though many companies are
choosing to increase visibility on these issues because of public pressure, we still have
many that do not. Therefore, I propose we work on creating a bigger movement to
support a bill similar to the one passed in the European Union (EU).
The conflict minerals regulation is a law that will go into effect in 2021. It will help
prevent trade of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold that might be involved in funding armed
groups, human rights violations, or corruption. This new law requires that companies in
the EU ensure that their supply chain is free of minerals that have come from
irresponsible mines and/or conflict areas.

Bringing it to the US Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Font color: Accent 6

Putting pressure on the United States to come up with a similar regulation for U.S.
companies would go a long way in helping our efforts here at home as well as overseas.
By increasing the legislation binding these companies to rules, we will be able to
decrease the amount of dirty gold produced and marketed.
I look forward to meeting with you soon to discuss further strategies for achieving this
All the best,
Jennifer Krill
Executive Director

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