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Cassaundra Allison Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

SEF Canada Outreach Director

+ 1 604 789 2450 • Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
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July 31, 2019
Jorge Laguna-Celis Formatted: Font: 9.5 pt
United Nations Environment Governance Affairs Office
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Avenue, Gigiri
PO Box 30552, 00100
Nairobi, Kenya

Subject: Getting Involved in GOLD

Dear Mr. Laguna-Celis:

Clean Gold Community Solutions is looking to get more involved in worldwide projects for communities effected
by artisanal gold mining. Currently, we have projects in northern Ecuador and other South American countries.
Our current focus has been helping communities in need by providing them with the skills and information
necessary to increase the effectiveness and safety of artisanal gold mines. This includes providing the workers
with safer and greener methods that can help them reach gold yields of 90 percent, which is a large
improvement from the 30 to 40 percent yield when using dangerous chemicals like mercury.

Our company is interested in partnering with the United Nations to reduce the harmful conditions of many
small-scale gold mines. The United Nations environment programme’s current project The Global Opportunities
for Long-term Development (GOLD) would allow our company to increase our influence on a global scale will
still aligning with our current goals. Clean Gold Community Solutions has proven strategies for empowering
communities to become sustainable using better practices, and we would be an asset to your program. The
United Nations project would allow our company to increase the reach of our current program and help achieve
our mutual goal of having clean gold mines around the world.

I am therefore writing to you to request additional information about how to get our company involved and
what steps would be required. If you could answer these questions for me that would be greatly appreciated!

Are there any current sites that need immediate assistance?

Where is the GOLD program focusing their efforts?
Are there any required licenses or backgrounds that are required for participating in your program?
Are there any required funds needed or expected to join the program?
Is it possible to continue using our companies hands-on training for communities?
Will we be able to use our experts? Or are United Nations sanctioned experts required?

We hope that a future partnership will help dramatically decrease the use of mercury in artisanal gold mining
around the world. The United Nation’s has already made great strides in this area, and we would greatly
appreciate the opportunity to work with your program.

I look forward to hearing from you shortly and look forward to working more closely with you and the United
Nations. Formatted: Font: 9.5 pt

Look forward to working with youSincerely, Formatted: Font: 9.5 pt

Cassaundra Allison

SEF Canada Outreach Director Formatted: Font: 9.5 pt

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#2004 1225 Richards Street

Registered in British Columbia
Vancouver, BC Canada V6B 3G3

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