Reply: Fitriani Eka Puspita

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 The language of formal invitation need to be taught because it needed by the students in

order they able to make a good formal invitation. Formal language is one of the requirement
in making a formal invitation.

In my opinion they will need it when they will married, of course they need a formal invitation.


 View profile card for FITRIANI EKA PUSPITA -


6 hours ago

The students need to ne taught the language of formal invitation because they should be learn how
to make a formal invitation. If the students do not understand the language of formal invitation,
they can not make a formal invitation.

The students need to write a formal invitation in English in the future if they are working as a
secretary in a company that need to write business invitation for an event to foreign company.


 View profile card for DYAH ARIYANTI -


5 hours ago

so it is important to teach our students the language of formal invitation.


 View profile card for DYAH ARIYANTI -


5 hours ago

language formal invitation need to be tought, because by understanding language they can
understand the writen invitation that they receive one day, or they should write formal invitation
when they already have a job.


 View profile card for ANITA PUSPITA EKA WULANDARI -


3 hours ago

The more I reflected on this thread in focus, the more I began to realize that each invitation we
might extend to students requires a certain amount of vulnerability. I’ve long been a believer that as
the adult in the room, we should be the ones placing ourselves at the most vulnerable place in the
conversation, but believing that and living that out are different experiences. The reality is that
leading new, risky, “out their” change will almost always involve operating out of a vulnerable
posture. Embrace it. (Just so you know, I’m telling myself as much as I’m telling you.)

Here are a few ways we can engage students in an invitation into something more. They start out
relatively easy, but the level of vulnerability required feels like it exponentially increases as the
invitations continue.

for e.g: Invite Students To Share Your Story, Invite Students to Teach, etc

The language of formal invitation need to be taught, it is because:

An invitation is a written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do

something. An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you
at a specific event. When the students ask people to attend a party, visit your beach house, or
witness your marriage, you invite them by giving them an invitation.

It can be in the form of an invitation card which is generally considered as formal invitation or it may
be in the letter format which is more informal.


 View profile card for TAMYIZ -


2 hours ago

As the one of important thing of invitation formally is language in a formal in use, so the formal
language is should be taught to get best invitation form. The students can apply the languge in a well
arrangement in formal case. They can use it anytimes, anywhere and anyhow appropiately to the
condition which needs of formal language in use to make formal invitation, well. For example when
the students wants to hold an international debate competition, they should make an invitation to
invite participants to come using language formally.


 View profile card for UMI NASHIROTUDDINIYAH -


1 hour ago

The language of formal invitation need to be taught to the students because they must know how to
make a formal invitation. To be able to construct the good formal invitation, the students must know
what is the social function of the text, the generic structure and lexico-grammatical feature.

In what situation in the future do students need to make/write invitation in English?

In my opinion, after the students are graduated from school or university, maybe they work in a big
company as a secretary. An invitation letter serves the purpose of inviting a guest to a party, an
event or a celebration while conveying more information. The one of secretary tasks is make
business invitation letter. In a big company there are foreigners and the connection of its company is
also with big companies even abroad. So, the language which is used is an international language
that is English. If the students have known it well , it will help their task when they are working.


 View profile card for NAWANGI DAHLIA -


42 minutes ago

It's very important to teach the language of formal invitation because they will be able to arrange a
good formal invitation. hope in the future they can apply it in their work places.


 View profile card for RAHMAT AL HIDAYAT -


41 minutes ago

Why does the language of formal invitation need to be taught?

I think the language of formal invitation need to be taught to students because it is very important
for students, by studying this lesson student are able to arrange the formal invitation well. They can
use the ability to arrange the formal invitations when they have graduated and work in a company
or institution in the future.


 View profile card for ASIH MUATSIROH -


32 minutes ago

The language of formal invitation needs to be taught to the students because by mastering the
language the students can understand the formal letter. And in the future they will write a good
invitation letter if they work as a secretary or If they will get married they make and design the
invitation by themselves.


 View profile card for HARTINI -


15 minutes ago

language of formal invitation needs to be taught to the students in order to make them understand
the language features of formal invitation. Therefore, they can make a formal invitation in good
writing, with good language.

Someday, after graduating from the school, the students can hold events which need English
invitation, such as:

1. Wedding invitation. They can design unique invitation card for their marriage. By using English
invitation, it will make the invitee interested to come.

2. Reunion invitation. They can invite people to come to the reunion by using English invitation. It
will remind all of the members of reunion about the sweet memories during they study at school.

the job deals with English invitation letter are:

1. Secretary in foreign company. They will make the invitation for hard written or electronic with
business purposes.

2. English Teacher. They will remember about invitation letter they learnt during study at school and

3. Members of Event Organizer who deal with foreign artists especially holding music concert.

 The element that should be in a formal invitation are :

1. Name of the hosts, it usually at the beginning of the invitation.

2. Phrasing of the invitation, it contains of request the pleasure, cordially invites you to.

3. The kind of event

4. Date

5. Time

6. Venue ; the place of the event.

7. Request to response, it usually about the contact person that can be called.

8. Special instruction like dress code, or another short detail information.

Here is the example of formal invitation:

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 View profile card for FITRIANI EKA PUSPITA -


6 hours ago

1. The elements should be in a formal invitation:

a. Name of the host

b. Formal phrase of invitation

c. Details of the event (day, date, time, place)

d. Reason of inviting

e. Special note (e.g. dress code, reservation/RSPV)

2. Types of formal invitation:

a. Card style.
Card Style formal Invitation includes the presentation in a single sentence, third person narration.
And each of the following is written in a separate line with fonts of varying sizes. The word limit is 50
words. The card include who, when, where, what time and for whom.

The card is for a lot of invitees.


b. Letter style

It is like a standard formal letter. The only difference is the word limit is 50 words. We write the
invitation letter only in one paragraph in Letter Style Invitation. The letter should answer who, what,
where, when and any other detail.

This kind of invitation is meant for an individual.


PT. Barakuda Muda

Jl. Bandara No.66, Palembang
Palembang, March 9th, 2016
To Mr. Jhonson Black
General Manager of PT. Markit Outfit
Jl. Pangeran No.33, Jakarta

Dear Mr. Jhonson,

We write this letter in order to request your honorable presence in our company 23rd Anniversary
celebration. The celebration will be held on:

Date: March 16th, 2016

Hours: 07.00 pm to 22.00 pm
Venue: J & J Hotel, 10th floor meeting room

We hope Mr. And Mrs. Jhonson would be available to come and join us. We would like to see you
both there in our company’s anniversary celebration.

Your Sincerely,
Andra Ceksa

General Manager PT. Barakuda Muda

SVP: (0812 8374 xxxx)Dress: Business

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 View profile card for DYAH ARIYANTI -


5 hours ago

The elements should be in a formal invitation just like my dear friends' answers, in my opinions,
there are two types of invitation, formal and informal.

 The formal invitation is an invitation which follows a dignified form, tone or style in
agreement with the established norms, customs, or values (Webster, 2012). For
example graduation ceremony, wedding, grand opening, etc.

 The informal invitation is a personal invitation given to a friend, family-like birthday

party, family gathering.


 View profile card for TAMYIZ -


4 hours ago

There are some elements should be completed in formal invitation Components, they are as follows:

 Name of host.

 Invitational (requests the pleasure of your company, cordially invites you to)

 Event type/name/purpose (e.g., luncheon, dinner, reception, lecture)

 Date.

 Hour.

 Place.

 Reply instructions (e.g., reply card or phone number)

 Disabled instructions (e.g., fax or email)

I will try to answer the thread:

1. What makes an invitation formal? (the language, the relation between the sender and receiver,
the event to be visited)


The language can make the invitation formal. A formal invitation uses formal language, not informal
or slang language.

The event of the formal invitation is formal event, for example: company anniversary invitation,
wedding invitation, business invitation.

2. Because the students formal relation is only the school, please design a situation in which
students may make formal invitation.


The situation in which students may make formal invitation is when there is graduation party
invitation. Therefore, the students can try to make invitation based on that situation. Another
situation is when the students join extra curricular for example Scout, English Club, Cross Red. They
can try to make formal invitation to have a meeting on those extra curricular.

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