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Pertussis Immunization in the Global Pertussis Initiative

European Region
Recommended Strategies and Implementation Considerations
Carl-Heinz Wirsing von König, MD,* Magda Campins-Marti,† Adam Finn, MD, PhD, Nicole Guiso,
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PhD, Jussi Mertsola, MD,¶ and Johannes Liese, MD, MSc㛳

Key Words: Bordetella pertussis, pertussis, immunization,

Abstract: Approaches to pertussis diagnosis, surveillance and im-
adolescents, health care workers, Europe
munization vary widely across Europe. Nonetheless most countries
report high levels of vaccine coverage in infants and toddlers, and (Pediatr Infect Dis J 2005;24: S87–S92)
significant reductions in infant morbidity and mortality have been
achieved. As a consequence of the effective protection of infants and
toddlers, the absolute incidence of pertussis has substantially de-
creased, but the relative proportion of older age groups, adolescents
and adults in particular, has increased. These groups, however, are a
relevant source of infection of unimmunized or incompletely immu-
A n accurate picture of the epidemiology of pertussis in
Europe is difficult to obtain because procedures for
diagnosing and reporting cases of pertussis disease vary
nized infants. In addition to efficient childhood vaccination, other widely across Europe. Nevertheless some general epidemio-
approaches to pertussis immunization are required. Among the logic trends have emerged. For example, the incidence of
various strategies evaluated, 3 were recommended by the European
pertussis increased in the 1990s in Finland,1 France,2 Spain,3
participants in the Global Pertussis Initiative that might be adapted
to each country’s specific needs: the reinforcement of implementa-
the Netherlands4 and the United Kingdom.5 Peak incidence
tion of current schedules, the addition of an extra dose of vaccine to also shifted from infants to older age groups, such as school
current immunization schedules and the selective immunization of age children and adults, in Finland,1 France,6 The Nether-
health care workers, which is already included in a European lands4 and Israel.7 In contrast, in the past decade, there has
Commission directive. The main barriers to the acceptance of these been an increase in infant morbidity and mortality caused by
strategies are low awareness of pertussis in immunized populations, pertussis disease in France and the United Kingdom, possibly
poor recognition of the disease in adults and adolescents, lack of as the result of increased parent-to-infant transmission, al-
standardized diagnostic criteria and poor access to laboratory con- though the incidence of the disease remains low.8,9 These
firmation of the diagnosis. These obstacles have led to underreport- variations in incidence may be the result of the different
ing of pertussis and an underestimation of the disease burden. pertussis immunization schedules in each country.
Actions to overcome these issues are crucial to the implementation
In 2001, the Global Pertussis Initiative (GPI) was
of new or improved immunization strategies to combat pertussis in
established as an expert scientific forum to analyze the status
of pertussis disease globally and to evaluate various immu-
nization strategies to improve disease control. GPI partici-
From the *Institut fur Hygiene und Laboratoriumsmedizin, Klinikum
pants from Europe considered strategies to improve disease
Krefeld, Krefeld, Germany; the †Department of Preventive Medicine and control and reduce the morbidity and mortality in unimmu-
Epidemiology, Vall d’Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain; the ‡Institute nized or incompletely immunized infants.10 The initiative
of Child Health, UBHT Education Centre, Bristol, United Kingdom; the participants have made recommendations to address specific
§Department of Ecosystems and Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, problems and explore the potential barriers to the implemen-
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France; 㛳Universitäts-Kinderklinik, Dr. v. Haun-
ersches Kinderspital, München, Germany; and the ¶Department of Pedi-
tation of such plans, and it is hoped that the appropriate
atrics, Turku University Central Hospital, Turku, Finland authorities may consider these recommendations.
Address for correspondence: Institut fur Hygiene und Laboratoriumsmedi-
zin, Klinikum Krefeld, Lutherplatz 40, D-47805 Krefeld, Germany Fax CURRENT IMMUNIZATION SCHEDULES
49-2151-32-2079. E-mail:
Copyright © 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Details of the current immunization schedules for Euro-
ISSN: 0891-3668/05/2405-0087 pean countries are outlined in Table 1. All the European coun-
DOI: 10.1097/01.inf.0000160920.75623.a3 tries represented on the GPI offer an initial course of 3 doses of

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Wirsing von König et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 24, Number 5, May 2005

TABLE 1. Current Pertussis Immunization Schedules in Europe

Country Primary Series (Age, Vaccine) Boosters Coverage

Austria 2, 3, 4 mo DTaP-IPV-Hib-HB 13–18 mo DTaP-IPV-Hib-HB

14 –15 yr dTaP-IPV
Every 10 yr dTaP-IPV
Belgium* 2, 3, 4 mo DTaP-IPV-Hib 13–18 mo DTaP-IPV-Hib
5– 6 yr DTaP-IPV
Denmark 3, 5, 12 mo DTaP-IPV 5 yr DTaP-IPV
Finland* 3, 4, 5 mo DTwP 20 –24 mo DTwP 98% (4th dose)
6 yr DTaP
France* 2, 3, 4 mo DTaP-IPV-Hib or DTwP- 16 –18 mo DTaP-IPV-Hib 97% (3 doses and 87% (4 doses)
11–13 yr DTaP-IPV or dTaP-IPV
No data available yet, but ⬃50%
according to manufacturers
Germany* 2, 3, 4 mo DTaP-IPV-Hib-HB 11–14 mo DtaP-IPV-Hib-HB ⬎90% (primary series)
9 –17 yr dTaP or dTaP-IPV ⬍10% (final booster)
Greece 2, 4, 6 mo DTwP or DTaP 18 mo DTwP or DTaP-Hib
(DTaP-Hib at 6 mo) 4 – 6 yr DTaP or DTwP
Iceland 3, 5, 12 months DTaP-IPV 5 yr DTaP
Ireland 2, 4, 6 months DTaP-IPV-Hib 4 –5 yr DTaP-IPV
Israel* 2, 4, 6 months DTaP 12 mo DTaP ⬎90% (all 4 doses)
Italy* 2, 4, 10 months DTaP-IPV-Hib-HB 5– 6 yr DTaP ⬎90%
Luxembourg 2, 3, 4 months DTaP-IPV (DTaP-Hib- 11–12 mo DTaP-Hib-IPV
IPV at 3 months)
The Netherlands* 2, 3, 4 months DTwP-IPV-Hib 11 mo DTwP-IPV-Hib ⬎95% (primary series)
4 yr DTaP-IPV
Norway 3, 5, 11 months DTaP-IPV
Portugal 2, 4, 6 months DTwP 15–18 mo DTwP
5– 6 yr DTaP
Spain* 2, 4, 6 months DTaP-Hib or DTwP-Hib 15–18 mo DTaP-Hib or DTwP-Hib ⬎90% (primary series)
4 – 6 yr DTaP No data available for booster
coverage at 4 – 6 years
Sweden* 3, 5, 12 months DTaP-IPV-Hib ⬎98% (primary series)
Switzerland* 2, 4, 6 months DTaP-IPV-Hib 15–24 mo DTaP-IPV-Hib ⬎95% (primary series)
4 –7 yr DTaP-IPV
11–15 yr dTaP if 4th and/or 5th
dose missed
United Kingdom 2, 3, 4 mo DTaP-IPV-Hib 3–5 yr DTaP-IPV ⬎90% (primary series)
*Countries represented on the GPI.
DTaP, diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccine;
DTwP, diphtheria, tetanus and whole cell pertussis vaccine;
dTaP, diphtheria (low dose), tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccine;
IPV, inactivated polio vaccine;
Hib, Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine;
HB, hepatitis B vaccine.

a combined diphtheria, tetanus, and either acellular per- the infant population with the first 3 doses of vaccine. Such
tussis (DTaP) or whole cell pertussis vaccine that is programs have proven successful in significantly reducing
administered between the ages of 2 and 12 months. With infant morbidity and mortality caused by pertussis.11 How-
the exception of Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom, ever, recent increases in the incidence of the disease and
they also offer a further dose between the ages of 11 and the apparent shift in some countries toward older age
24 months. Some countries also recommend a fourth or groups (school age children, adolescents and adults) sug-
fifth vaccine dose as a preschool booster for children 3– 6 gest that new approaches are needed (and are already
years of age (Belgium, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, recommended in some countries) to improve pertussis
Switzerland and the United Kingdom) or an adolescent control and develop herd immunity to protect unimmu-
booster for children ⬃11–18 years of age (Austria, France nized or incompletely immunized infants, who are at risk
and Germany). Austria also recommends that adults be for complications and death.4 Given the particular prob-
immunized every 10 years using a combined dTaP-inacti- lems in each country and the wide variation in approaches
vated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) vaccine, although no cov- to childhood immunization, no single pan-European im-
erage data for adults are available and adult immunization munization schedule to combat pertussis disease is likely
is not binding across Europe. to be acceptable in all countries. Nevertheless broad strat-
The immunization programs used in Europe are ef- egies to reduce the impact of the disease could be adapted
fective and generally achieve in excess of 90% coverage of to each country’s specific needs.

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 24, Number 5, May 2005 European Immunization Strategies

RECOMMENDED STRATEGIES TO OVERCOME could help to facilitate the introduction of adolescent immu-
PERTUSSIS IN YOUNG INFANTS nization in other countries.21
Of the strategies evaluated by the European GPI par- Selective Immunization of Health Care Workers. Certain
ticipants, the following were considered the most appropriate groups of adults who are at a relatively high risk for infection,
recommendations for countries that are not already imple- such as health care workers, might be protected from pertus-
menting these approaches: reinforcement of the implementa- sis and therefore also prevented from transmitting the disease
tion of current immunization schedules; the administration of to other adults and unimmunized or incompletely immunized
an extra dose of vaccine to children of preschool age (4 – 6 infants. Health care workers in pediatric and emergency
years) or adolescents, depending on the country; and selective departments, in particular, are important targets for this strat-
immunization of health care workers (in accordance with EC
EC Directive 2000/54/EC already strongly encourages
Directive 2000/54/EC).12
European Union (EU) countries to protect health care work-
Other groups of adults that might be targeted in the
ers through immunization.12 The Directive requires health
future include new mothers, child care workers, young adults
care workers to be offered immunization against any disease
and close contacts of newborns, if data can be obtained on the for which an effective vaccine is available, which includes
incidence of pertussis in these age groups and the role that pertussis. However, individuals can choose whether or not
these groups play in the transmission of pertussis to infants. they receive immunization, and experience suggests that
The selected strategies are discussed in more detail in health care workers are unwilling to comply with recom-
this article, as are the possible obstacles to their implemen- mended immunizations for influenza immunization,22 despite
tation. Other strategies evaluated by the GPI participants and proven benefits to workers and patients. Thus far, the Direc-
those recommended by the North American and international tive has been implemented only in Germany, since July 2001.
regions are described elsewhere in this issue.10,13,14 The recent German recommendations (July 2003)23 suggest
Reinforcing Current Immunization Schedules. In conjunction that health care workers in pediatric departments, those car-
with wider immunization strategies, the reinforcement of ing for pregnant women, those working in obstetrics and
ongoing programs will have a significant benefit in reducing child care workers be immunized once with an acellular
infant morbidity and mortality caused by pertussis and in vaccine against pertussis. Although the EU implemented the
maintaining herd immunity, as had been demonstrated in immunization of health care and child care workers as a
Germany.15 All the countries represented on the GPI have measure of its occupational health legislature, the implemen-
effective childhood immunization programs in place, which tation is also being monitored in respect to pertussis epide-
have significantly reduced the incidence of pertussis in in- miology. However, it is too soon to be able to confirm the
fants and toddlers and thus led to decreased awareness of the effects of this strategy in terms of morbidity among health
disease by vaccinating pediatricians or general practitioners. care workers or transmission to infants. Despite this, the GPI
Therefore maintenance of these programs is proving difficult participants believed that it is important for this strategy to be
in some European countries. implemented throughout Europe, given that countries that do
An Additional Vaccine Dose. To overcome the problem of not plan to implement the Directive will need to explain their
waning vaccine-induced immunity to Bordetella pertussis in reasons to the EU authorities.
children and adolescents, a logical strategy for many Euro-
pean countries would be to add an extra vaccine dose to their POTENTIAL OBSTACLES TO IMPLEMENTING
existing schedules, either in preschool children at the age of RECOMMENDED STRATEGIES
4 – 6 years or in adolescents, depending on the current sched-
Access to Target Populations. Access to the target popula-
ule in each country.16 –20 tions can generally be obtained relatively easily, depending
The preschool booster is a good opportunity to ensure on the population being targeted. There will, however, be
that children are adequately immunized before entering differences between countries.
school, and many European countries already implement this Existing infant immunization programs could be given
strategy. in a more timely fashion, to avoid postponing immunization
An alternative approach has been taken in France and due to the wrong contraindications. For the adolescent pop-
Germany, where adolescents are offered a booster dose of ulation, diphtheria-tetanus or diphtheria-tetanus-IPV boosters
dTaP-IPV or DTaP-IPV vaccine and no preschool pertussis are recommended in many countries, and pertussis immuni-
booster is given. If it could be demonstrated that the adoles- zation could thus be introduced with relative ease, as is
cent immunization in these countries induces a reduction in already the case in Austria, France and Germany. However,
pertussis morbidity in adolescents and if it also reduces infant the vaccine coverage in these populations varies markedly.
morbidity and mortality through reduced transmission, it For health care workers, existing occupational health pro-

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grams (ie, hepatitis B) can be used to meet the current infants, must also be standardized, because poor sampling
requirements of EC Directive 2000/54/EC. technique and sample storage can affect the results of labo-
Availability of Appropriate Vaccines. Because most Euro- ratory analysis.27
pean countries already implement childhood immunization Accurate surveillance studies require health care pro-
programs (Table 1), access to appropriate infant vaccines is fessionals to be aware of pertussis disease. In particular,
good. Two pertussis combination vaccines, with low dosage health care professionals must be more aware of the disease
tetanus and pertussis components, are available in many in adults and have a higher index of suspicion for the disease
European countries for use in adolescents and adults. The when patients present with either typical or atypical symp-
availability of appropriate vaccines will therefore not hinder toms. Health professionals must also be more aware of the
the implementation of the strategies of giving an extra dose to laboratory techniques available to confirm the diagnosis of
children or adolescents or of immunizing health care workers. pertussis and should have ready access to such techniques.
However, the availability of both combined and standalone Surveillance would be significantly improved with
pertussis vaccines would ensure that all groups can be fully mandatory registration of vaccine distribution and adminis-
immunized: some health care workers and adolescents, for tration, passive and active safety surveillance and monitoring
example, might already have full diphtheria, tetanus and polio of vaccine uptake in infants, children and adults. Vaccine
immunization histories and require only the acellular pertus- registries are already in place in some countries such as
sis (aP) booster. Additionally many adults do not know their France and the United Kingdom.
full immunization history. Resources, the Health Care Agenda and Policy Makers. The
Availability of Appropriate Delivery Infrastructures. Immu- implementation of strategies to extend immunization pro-
nization programs are operated in Europe through various grams primarily needs enough data for policy makers to
delivery channels. School immunization programs are an demonstrate the benefits of a new strategy and the need for
efficient way of immunizing children and adolescents, and additional funding.
the target population can be accessed easily. Where immuni- Regarding the addition of an extra dose in preschool
zation programs do not exist in schools, public health services children or adolescents, vaccine efficacy and cost effective-
should take action to introduce or reintroduce them. In many ness data from countries where these strategies are already in
countries, however, immunization programs are based on place will help to convince decision makers in other Euro-
individual pediatricians and/or general practitioners and the pean countries of the benefits of a booster dose. One U.K.
political direction seems to favor these routes of immuniza- study has predicted that the introduction of an aP booster at
tion. the age of 4 years will reduce morbidity and mortality in the
Because health care workers in several European coun- younger age groups by 40 –100%28; however, the United
tries (including France, Germany and the United Kingdom) Kingdom does not give a booster dose during the second year
already receive other immunizations via occupational health of life.
programs, including immunizations against diphtheria, teta- EU policy makers are already convinced of the need to
nus, influenza and hepatitis, the addition of a pertussis im- protect health care workers from vaccine-preventable dis-
munization would be relatively simple. However, vaccine eases, including pertussis.12 In Germany, health care workers
coverage in health care workers is generally very low; it is undergo pertussis immunization; data confirming the effec-
important to obtain a better understanding of the reasons for tiveness of this strategy in terms of reducing morbidity
this, to ensure that immunization is successful. among this group of people and in reducing transmission to
Diagnosis and Surveillance. The typical form (paroxysmal infants may help to convince other European countries to
cough, whoop and posttussive vomiting) of pertussis is now institute similar programs.
less common than the atypical form (mild or severe, persis- Health insurance and reimbursement systems vary from
tent cough), which usually affects adolescents and adults. As country to country in Europe, and decisions on funding will
a result, diagnosis can no longer rely on the clinical signs and be made at the country or regional level. However, robust
symptoms and needs laboratory confirmation. epidemiologic and health-economic data on the effects of
Polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immu- adding an extra dose of vaccine to current childhood immu-
nosorbent assay (ELISA) techniques are now widely avail- nization schedules (eg, data on adolescent immunization from
able. However, neither polymerase chain reaction techniques Austria, France and Germany) may help support the intro-
nor the various ELISAs are standardized. For ELISA stan- duction of an additional booster dose, although direct com-
dardization, an international reference serum for serology is a parisons will be difficult because immunization schedules
prerequisite. vary between countries.
Diagnosis with the use of ELISA can be made with Under the EC Directive, vaccines must be offered free
sufficient specificity with a single sample assay.24 –26 Sample of charge to health care workers. The cost of immunizing
collection techniques, particularly sample collection from health care workers is expected to be met by employers

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 24, Number 5, May 2005 European Immunization Strategies

because this approach is seen as protecting workers from picture of the extent of the morbidity caused by pertussis to
occupational hazards. be produced. In particular, studies in adults and adolescents,
Other costs must also be taken into account. For exam- in whom underreporting is most common, are warranted to
ple, in the United Kingdom, a system of financial incentives assess and raise awareness of the need for immunization in
has encouraged general practitioners to effect childhood im- these groups. Studies addressing these problems are ongoing,
munizations and has improved the coverage and success of with very different study designs, in Sweden, France and
these programs. The addition of an extra dose could also Germany.
increase the cost of these incentives. In other countries, the Vaccine Effectiveness and Safety Studies. It would be desir-
cost of setting up school-based adolescent immunization must able to obtain data on the effectiveness of vaccines to reduce
also be met, as must the cost of health education campaigns not only clinical disease but also transmission.32 The duration
to support the new strategies. of protection induced by the different vaccines should also be
Improving Education and Awareness. Health care profession- clarified, as should the reactogenicity of repeated doses of
als, including physicians, nurses and midwives, are particu- vaccine. Based on the results of these studies, further research
larly influential with respect to childhood immunization and can be conducted into the interval of administration of aP
are therefore important targets for education and awareness boosters, in addition to the safety of repeated aP vaccine
campaigns. These groups will need to understand the benefits doses. Because of the demonstrated long term effectiveness
of an extra dose of vaccine not only for their patients but also of the acellular vaccines,33,34 the feasibility of eliminating a
for themselves. Education and awareness programs should vaccine dose between infancy and adolescence could also be
also extend to improving the diagnosis of pertussis. studied, to address the potential problem of increased reac-
Across Europe, antivaccine campaigners have a strong togenicity with multiple vaccine doses. The possibility of
presence; clear and simple education programs are needed to immunizing pregnant women in the third trimester could also
counter unfounded antivaccine claims and highlight the con- be considered (although there are ethical issues associated
tinuing problems associated with pertussis, to persuade public with immunizing pregnant women), as should immunization
and health professionals of the benefits of immunization.29 of infants immediately after birth with a standalone aP vac-
cine or a combined aP-hepatitis B vaccine. The impact of
bacterial polymorphisms on the effectiveness of aP vaccines
RESEARCH NEEDED TO SUPPORT should be continually monitored in all countries.
Data on Current Immunization Programs. Although many CONCLUSION
European countries operate systems to monitor the coverage A combination of strategies to reinforce the implemen-
of national immunization programs, little official information tation of current childhood immunization programs, increase
is available on adherence to immunization schedules, such as the number of vaccine doses given in childhood and adoles-
the number of infants who are immunized at the ages recom- cence and target specific groups of high risk adults is cur-
mended, or on local obstacles to immunization, such as social rently considered to be the first step to reduce morbidity and
deprivation and religious or other philosophical opposition to mortality caused by pertussis in young infants and reduce the
immunization.29 Such information would be useful in guiding health burden in older age groups because of waning immu-
the development of local immunization strategies and would nity. In particular, it is hoped that these strategies will
provide valuable baseline data for comparison. increase herd immunity among adults and adolescents. Sev-
Transmission Studies. Because of the differences in immuni- eral countries have recently expanded their immunization
zation schedules and organization of child care across Eu- programs. Austria, France and Germany now offer an ado-
rope, a key area for research is investigations into the trans- lescent pertussis booster. Austria also recommends that adults
mission of pertussis to young infants by specific groups be immunized every 10 years with a combined aP vaccine.
(adolescents and adults in general and more specifically Various obstacles must be addressed to support the
health care and child care workers, parents and other close implementation of these strategies, including low awareness
contacts of young infants). of pertussis disease in adults and adolescents, inconsistent
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Studies. Given that diagnostic criteria and poor access to standardized laboratory
pertussis may contribute to SIDS mortality,30,31 it would also techniques to confirm the diagnosis. It is currently difficult to
be useful to try including pertussis diagnosis in ongoing SIDS obtain an accurate picture of the epidemiology of pertussis
studies in the various countries. disease in Europe, or of the effectiveness and cost benefits of
Diagnosis and Surveillance. Other areas that would benefit particular immunization schedules. Therefore epidemiologic
from new or more comprehensive data are the clinical and studies of the true extent of the morbidity and mortality
laboratory diagnosis of pertussis and surveillance of the caused by pertussis disease and its effects are a top priority.
disease. Such information would enable a more accurate Cost effectiveness data on the results of adolescent immuni-

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