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Final Assessment Test – November 2017

Programme : B.Tech. Semester : FALL 2017-18
Course Title : Software Engineering Course Code : CSE3001
Faculty : Dr. B.Sathis Kumar Slot : A1
Class Nbr : 2007
Time : Three hours Max. Marks : 100

Answer ALL the questions

Insurance System with Tracking Manager

This software provides different types of Insurance services, which includes Life Insurance, medical Insurance,
Insurance, Travel Insurance. This software provides loan facility for Motor Purchasing. The details can be v
the officials of the company.
Users of the system: A. Registered Users, B. Company Officials, C. Administrator

Functional Requirements:
i. User can view the details of various policies and schemes offered by the Insurance Company.
ii. New Users can register with the site so that he can get information online.
iii. An existing policyholder can view his policy details and calculate the premium.
iv. The web site provides information about the new strategies and subsidiary schemes of the company.
v. Provides loan facility for policyholders and online payments.
vi. Provides Loan EMI calculator
vii. Provides Interest calculator
viii. administrator gives the approval for the new users
ix .administrator edit modify and delete, upload certain information
x. Provide the facility to send the statements and loan EMI details in pdf format to users’ mail ids.

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1. What would be your choice of software process model to build this Insurance System
with Tracking Manager? Explain the chosen model. Justify your choice of the process 10
2 Draw the use case diagram suitable for designing the Insurance System with Tracking
Manager. 10

3. Identify functional and non-functional requirements for implementing the Insurance

System with Tracking Manager
4. As a Requirement Engineer which requirement elicitation techniques will you apply for
this Insurance System with Tracking Manager? Why? 10

5 What would be your choice of Architectural Style to build this Insurance System with
Tracking Manager? Explain the chosen model. Justify your choice of the Architectural 10

6 Design a Static model of the Insurance System with Tracking Manager using Class
diagram. 10

7 Write the set of Black Box Test Cases for any one of the functional requirements in
Insurance System with Tracking Manager. 10

8 Write a sample code using any programming language for any one of the functional
requirements in Insurance System with Tracking Manager and write the White box
test cases.

9 Write an inspection checklist for the sample code you have written for white box text
cases in Insurance System with Tracking Manager. 10

10 Apply the appropriate object oriented metrics to Insurance System with Tracking
Manager Class diagram and validate any two quality metrics. 10

Total Marks [100]


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