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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama :

Tingkat/Prog.Keahlian : XII / MM, AP Kelas :
Prog. Keahlian :
Hari/tgl : Selasa, 26 Sep 2017 No. Tes :
Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00 WIB

I. Circle the corret answer !

1. Guest : Excuse me, waiter. I asked for fried chicken not barbecued chicken.
What does the guest imply ?
a. He think that the waiter’s answer was wrong
b. He has been waiting too long for his fried chicken
c. He would like the waiter to replace the fried chicken with barbecued chicken
d. He would like the waiter to replace barbecued chicken fried chicken

2. Wenni : Unfortunately, I don’t have any more cash.

Shopkeeper : We take credit card, too, ma’am.
We can conclude that...
a. The shopkeeper takes Wenni’s credit card
b. Wenni wants the shoes and the she can pay by cash
c. Wenni can take the shoes and the credict card too
d. Wenni doesn’t have any more cash, but she may have a credit card

3. Customer : Excuse me. How much longer do we need to wait ? We asked for a table
for to half an
hour ago and you said you would check.
Manager : Let me check again for you, ma’am. We are terribly sory, but we have no seats for you.
Customer : I wish you had told us earlier !
What does the customer imply ?
a. She is happy to know that there are no seats for her
b. She is imagining what would happen if the manager had told her earlier
c. She wonder if it is posibble for the manager to tell the about the seats early
d. She is upset because she has been waiting too long only to find out that there are no seats
for her

4. Customer : Hi, we’d like a table for five.

Waiter : Sure, we have a table for you. We close at 10 and last order is at 9:30. Did you
still want to have your table ?
Customer : What time it is now ?
Waiters : It’s 9:20
Customer : Oh. All right, then. Maybe
We can conclude that..
a. The customer can order food up to 10 o’lock
b. The waiter wants the customer to have the table
c. The customer decided not to eat at that restaurant
d. The waiter didn’t want to give the customer a table

5. Receptionist : Ma’am, Dr Tono will be with you in about half an hour

Patient : I guess that’s OK. I can wait, although I wish I could see him now
Receptionist : I’m sorry, ma’am, but he is still with a patient at the moment
What does the patient imply ?
a. She was saying that she can see the doctor now
b. She was saying that the must see the doctor now
c. She was hoping that she would wait for half an hour to see the doctor
d. She was hoping that she does not have to wait for half an hour to see the doctor

6. Tary : I want a camera that is light and can fit into my pocket
Dana : ______________
Tary : It’a still too big. If it’s too big, i can’t carry it around easily
a. If I were you, I would get ths one
b. If I was you, I will get this one
c. If I was you, I get this one
d. If I were you, I get this one

7. Cory : Thank God you’re okay

Nina : Yeah. __________
a. If I hadn’t hit the brakes, I would’ve crashed into the fence
b. If I hadn’t hit the brakes, I wouldn’t crashed into the fence
c. If I hit the brakes, I wouldn’t crashed into the fence
d. If I hit the brakes, I would’ve crashed into the fence

8. Andreas : I need to fill up the tank now

Nona : What eill happen if you don’t ?
Andreas : ___________
a. If I don’t need it, the car will not run
b. If I don’t do it now, the car will not run
c. If I don’t do it now, the car will not happen
d. I don’t let it happen now, the car will run

9. Cashier : Would you like some french fries with you burger ?
Customer : No, thank you. __________
a. If I order too much, I will not finish them
b. If I order too much, I will order milk shake
c. If I don’t have same french fries, I won’t have burger
d. If I don’t have my burger with frencs fries, I won’t order

10. Karla : I still have so much work to do

Anisa : You seem so busy lately. You should take a holiday
Karla : If only I could take a holiday now. _____________
a. I would be able to do it
b. I should go back to work
c. I would go back to my hometown
d. I could have gone back to my hometown

II. Complete the procedure text below !

How to operate TV
1. ______________ the cable into the socket.
2. ______________ the power button to turn on the television.
3. ______________ the channel that you want to watch use the button or the remote.
4. ______________ the volume use the remote or the button volume.
5. ______________ the power button if you want to turn off the television.
***Selamat Mengerjakan***

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