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Speaking the truth is not involved in illegal drugs.

against the 13w, an opposi- On May 23, Advincula
tion congressman told his appeared with PNP of-
' colleagues in the House of ficials in a news conference
' Representatives on Tues- and changed his story.
day night. l He instead accused op-
"Last I checked, the position leaders of sup-
truth is still the truth and posedly conspiring to oust
is not inciting to sedition. President Duterte.
Last I checked, speaking Belmonte said Advin-
up is not prohibited...itis cula's accusations were
part of our duty as citizens "fictitious and initiated by
to insist on what is right, a few misguided syco-
to debate even with g"ov- phants who would rather
ernment so it could make destabilize the governmeht
meaningful decisions, " and push their own per-
Quezon City Rep. Chris- sonal agendas rather than
topher Belmonte said in a work to uplift the lives of
privilege speech. the Filipinos."
Belmonte is House dep- He urged his colleagues
uty minority leader and to prioritize the people's
secretary general of the needs over politics.
oppo_sition Liberal P arty, "Our goal is not to fol-
which is chaired by Vicb' low this or that marching
President Leni Robredo. order because there are,no
His speech was his way marching orders higher
of defending Robredo than that of the Filipino
from sedition, libel and people's," Belmonti said.
other criminal charges the He appealed to his col-
Philippine National Police leagues to approve bills
(PNP) has filed against that would benefit the
her and other opposition greater majority of the ,

personalities in connection people.

with the so-called "Ang 'There are pending bills
Totoong Narcolist" videos. on higher compensation
In the videos, Peter for teachers, nurses and
]oemel Advincula, intro- other healthcare workers,
ducing himself as "Brkoy,t' measures on housing and
initially claimed that mem- proposals to create more ,;g
bers of President Duterte's job opportunities i' he baid.' ,i,
family were allegedly, ]ess Qiae' i.'
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