1st PT in English V 2017-2018

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Table of Specifications
Level (%) & Item No. Test Total No.
Learning Competencies R U AP AN E C Item of Test
No. Items
Describe different forms and conventions of film and 7.5(5,6, 5,6,7 3
moving pictures (lights, blocking, direction, 7)
characterization, acting, dialogue, setting or set-up
Use formal and informal English when appropriate to 2.5(15) 15 1
task and situation EN5OL-Ic-f-3.9
Note significant details EN5LC-Ia-2.1 5(28,29 28,29 2
Identify the elements of literary texts EN5LC-Ib-d-2.17 5(30,31 30,31 2
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound) 7.5(1 1,2,4 3
based on the given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, ,2,4)
word parts) and other strategies
EN5-Ia-b-12 and 13
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (affixed) based on 2.5(3 3 1
the given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word )
parts) and other strategies EN5-Ic-d-12 and 13
Use appropriate facial expressions EN5OL-Ia-2.6.1 2.5(1 10 1
Use appropriate body movements or gestures 2.5(9 9 1
EN5OL-IB-2.6.2 )
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (clipped) based 5(18, 18,19 2
on the given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word 19)
parts) and other strategies EN5-Ig-h-12 and 13
Compose clear and coherent sentences using 5(24 24,38 2
appropriate grammatical structures(conjunctions) ,38)
Compose clear and coherent sentences using 5(25 25,37 2
appropriate grammatical structures(Modals) ,37)
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (blended) based 5(16 16,17 2
on the given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word ,17)
parts) and other strategies EN5-Ie-f-12 and 13
Compose clear and coherent sentences using 2.5( 36 1
appropriate grammatical structures(Aspects of verbs) 36)
Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose 2.5( 13 1
EN5LC-If-2.8.1/2.8.2/2.8.3 13)
Analyze sound devices (onomatopoeia, alliteration, 5(11 11,12 2
assonance EN5LC-Ie-2.11.1-2.11.2/2.11.3 ,12)
Distinguish reality from fantasy EN5LC-Ig-h-2.3 2.5( 14 1
Analyze a 2-stanza poem in terms of its elements 2.5( 22 1
(rhymes, sound devices, imagery and figurative 22)
language) EN5RC-Ie-6
Analyze figures of speech (simile, metaphor, 5(20 20,21 2
personification, hyperbole) in a given text ,21)
Compose clear and coherent sentences using 5(26 26,27 2
appropriate grammatical structures(Aspects of verbs) ,27)
Use formal and informal English when appropriate to 2.5 8 1
task and situation EN5OL-Ic-f-3.9 (8)
Infer the theme of literary text EN5RC-Ib-2.9.1 5(2 23,32 2
Summarize narrative texts based on elements –Theme, 7.5( 33,34,3 3
Setting, Characters (Heroes and Villains), Plot 33,3 5
(beginning, middle and ending) EN5RC-Ic-d-2.23 4,35
Write two to three-paragraph composition based on 5(39 39,40 2
the prepared outline EN5Ic-d-2.2.4 ,40)
Total 20 20 20 20 7.5 12.5 100 (40)
Prepared by:

S. Y. 2017-2018

Direction: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.
Item 1-4 Infer the meaning of the underlined compound words in the following sentences.

1. A quick glance at your wristwatch helps you know the time.

A. timepiece C. watcher
B. body clock D. counter

2. Mr. Mercado gives a piece of advice to his son-in-law. The husband of his daughter
wants to go abroad.

C. sister-in-law C. to go abroad
D. The husband of his daughter D. a piece of advice

3. Many of the Girl Scouts who went were independent girls and did not need help in
doing basic or essential things like cooking and hiking.

A. did not need help C. always ask for help

B. essential skills D. dependent

4. The sky was overcast; rain was expected because it was cloudy afternoon.
A. Sunny B. Windy C. Cloudy D. Rainy

5-8 Identify the convention and elements of film or motion picture.

5. The director is telling the actors what he wants in the scene. What convention of film is
being described?

A. Lights B. Direction C. Blocking D. Setting

6. The time, place, circumstances in which a film takes place.

A. Blocking B. Setting C. Characterization D. Dialogue

7. “Get out, the house is on fire!!!” shouted the actor.

A. Lights B. Dialogue C. Setting D. Characterization

8. What are you going to say when you meet your principal at the gate of your school?

A. Hello, Sir! C. Isn’t it a nice day?

B. Hi! How are you? D. Good morning, Sir!

9. What is the message of the given picture?

A. Happy C. angry
B. Sad D. bored

10. What facial expression will match the given situation?

A. C.

Receiving a gift from a friend. B. D.

11. What sound device is used in the sentence?

I dreamt of a drip-dropping drain in my dream.

A. Assonance B. Alliteration C. Onomatopoeia D. Simile

12. Assonance takes place when two or more words close to one another repeat the
same vowel sound but start with different consonant sounds. Which of the following
sentences uses assonance?

A. The large dog said, “Bow-wow!”

B. The sheep went, “Baa.”
C. Dan’s dog dove deep in the dam, drinking dirty water as he dove.
D. The engineer held the steering to steer the vehicle

13. What is the mood in the given situation?

“Their cheers energized him and after few more seconds, he was already on top. “I did
it! I did it! he shouted politely”.
A. sad B. happy C. afraid D. worried

14. Which of the following sentences expresses fantasy?

A. The butterfly flew from flower to flower.

B. The giant carried the building in his right hand.
C. They planted trees in the forest.
D. The teacher is telling a story.

15. “Can I have a photo of you?” asked the woman to her favorite artist. Which is the
formal English for the word “photo”?

A. Picture B. photograph C.selfie D. profile pic

16. Due to the smoke of kaingin and the fog in the mountain the farmers cannot see
clearly because of the smog. Infer the meaning of the underlined word using context

A. Kaingin and forest C. smoke and dog

B. Fog and Mountain D. Smoke and fog

17. I ate my brunch at the canteen since I haven’t eaten my breakfast and lunch. What
do mean by the underlined word?

A. Breakfast and lunch C. breakfast with sandwich

B. Lunch break D. break time

18. Give the original word of the given clipped word based on its meaning.
vet = a doctor who practices veterinary
A. veterinarian B. veteran C. vestrywoman D. Vegetarian

19. My parents have finally decided that I’m old enough to ride my bike. Bike is a clipped
word from_____________.
A. Bakery B. tricycle C. bicycle D. water cycle
20. Analyze the figure of speech in the given text. What figure of speech is used in the

A. Simile C. Personification
B. Metaphor D. Hyperbole

21. Study the lines from a poem. These lines shows what kind of figurative language?

I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you

Till China and Africa meet, A. Simile C. Personification
And the river jumps over the mountain B. Metaphor D. Hyperbole
And the salmon sing in the street.

22. Analyze the given poem “Dreams”. What

figurative language is shown?

A. Simile C. Personificaation
B. Metaphor D. Hyberbole

23. What do you think is the author’s purpose in

writing the poem “Dreams”?

A. He wants others to give up on their dreams.

B. He wants others to forget their dreams.
C. He wants others to hold on their dreams.
D. He wants others to make their on their dreams.

24. What is the appropriate conjunction to be used in the given sentence?

I started gardening ________ I was seven.

A. because B. unless C. since D. if

25. What is the appropriate modal to be used in the given sentence.

I _______ sleep on my parent’s bed when I was small.

A. will B. used to C. because D. although

26. Which of the following sentences has the correct form of the verb?

A. Pila celebrate Pailah Festival last year.

B. Pila celebrated Pailah Festival last year.
C. Pila will celebrate Pailah Festival last year.
D. Pila celebrates Pailah Festival last year.

27. Which sentence tells that the action has just been done or completed?

A. Mother cooks dinner for us.

B. Mother is cooking dinner for us.
C. Mother had cooked dinner for us.
D. Mother cook dinner for us.
Item 28-32 Read the story and answer the questions that follows.

One day a fox fell into a well. He jumped and jumped but he could not get out. The
well was too deep. Soon he began to feel cold and hungry.
Suddenly there was a noise from above. A goat had come to drink from the well. It
looked in and saw the fox. “Why, what are you doing down there, Mr. Fox?” asked the
The fox was very cunning. Quickly, he thought of a way to trick the goat. “Oh, I’m
drinking,” he said.
“Down there? But there’s water in the bucket up here.”
“Yes, I know,” said the fox. “But the water down here is much sweeter.
Why don’t you come down and taste it for yourself?”
“I think I will do that.” And the silly animal jumped into the well.
At once the fox leapt on to the goat’s back. And from there he soon jumped out of
the well.
“Hey! Where are you going?” cried the goat. “What about me? How am I going to
get out of here?”
“Ah-ha, you silly goat,” laughed the fox. “Don’t you think you should have thought
of that before you jumped in?”
And still laughing to himself he ran off, leaving the poor goat in the well.

28. Who was trapped in the well?

A. The fox B. the goat C. the fox and the goat D. the dove

29. What convinced the goat to go down the well?

A. The fox offered him food to eat.
B. The fox told him that the water in the well is much sweeter.
C. The goat was very thirsty.
D. The goat wants to swim in the water.

30. Who are the characters in the story?

A. The fox and the goat C. the ant and the dove
B. The fox only D. the fox and the deer

31. What is the setting of the story?

A. Near a spring C. In the school
B. In the city D. In the well

32. What is the theme of the story?

A. Do not believe easily. C. Do good turn every day.
B. Be kind. D. Be happy all the times.

33-35 Summarize the story “The Fox in the Well” based on the elements of literary texts. (3pts)

The Fox in the Well

Setting: Characters: Plot:

36-38. Fill in the blanks using appropriate grammatical structures (aspects of verbs) to make
clear and coherent sentences.

36. I__________ about wildlife conservation.(read)

A. am reading B. are reading C. were reading D. was reading

37. Mother _________ fish as well as chicken because grandpa likes fish but grandma eats
only chicken.(cook)
A. used to cook B. would cook C. will cook D. had cook

38. We started early _______ we might not miss the show.

A. because B. so C. although D. on condition that

39-40 Write two paragraphs based on the outline given below. Use correct punctuation
marks. Follow the given format.

The Whale

I. A sea mammal well built for living in water

A. Has blubber or fat to keep at warm
B. Has few bristle of hair on its head
C. Has front links shaped like flippers
D. Gives birth to live babies

II. How the whale gets air

A. Breaths air through its lungs
B. Swims to the surface of the water to breathe air
C. Blows out stale air before breathing in
D. Will drown if cannot come to the surface to breathe

The Whale
The whale is ___________________________________________________________.

It breathes_____________________________________________________________.

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