Reviewer in English2

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- From the Latin word prolixus, which means extended, is often associated with wordiness.
- Unlike wordiness, which has a negative connotation in writing, prolixity can be used as a stylistic
device to express excitement.


Redundancy – useless repetition of ideas (ex: repeat again, first and foremost, whole entire)

Use verbs that create pictures instead on relying on modifiers

walked slowly = plodded
heavy steps = trudged

Identify and limit prepositional phrases

They agreed to stroll by the beach at six o’clock in the evening on Monday.

Avoid trite or cliché expressions

tired and happy
sadder but wiser

Use direct sentence instead of roundabout one.

He is one who can imitate the speech and actions of another.

- He is one who mimic another.

To win the game, the coach hit on a sound and skillful management to defeat the opposing team.

- To win the game, the coach hit on a sound and strategized to defeat the opposing team.

The report had been twisted out of shape.

- The report had been distorted.

Many of our songs and dances are of the nature of being handed down from generation to generation.

- Many of our songs and dances are traditional.


Natural Order Inverted Order

Subject comes first before the predicate Predicate comes first before the subject
I came to the capital from the village. From the village to the capital came I.
Deep meaning with me is one little incident
On little incident alone is deep meaning with me.
I am unable to forget it even now. Unable to forget it even now am I.
It was winter day in the Sixth Year of the In the Sixth Year of the Republic a winter day was
Republic. it.
A strong northerly wind blew furiously. Furiously blew a strong northerly wind.
In most declarative sentences, the subject appears first and the verb follows.

- Many Chinese authors showed the influence of Western literature in their works.

Imperative sentences are in natural word order.

- (You) get another rickshaw.

Sentences that begin with here or there use the inverted word order.

- There have occurred many of those events known as “affairs of the state”.

Most interrogative sentences are in inverted word order.

- How can you be hurt?

To find the subject of the sentence in inverted word order, change it to natural word order; the
question, to a statement.

- Are you all right?

You are all right.


• HEADING – contains the essential personal information such as name, address, and contact
• CAREER OBJECTIVE - it is a short, targeted statement or blurb at the beginning of a resume
that reflects what you have already achieved, and how you are a perfect match for the
position that is on offer.
• CORE COMPETENCIES – include all the skills/ aptitudes needed for employment.
• AWARDS/ HONORS – academic, extra-curricular, and work-related achievements (if any).
Make sure to include only the ones related to the job you are applying for.
• WORK EXPERIENCES – list of employment history listed in sequence (full time and part-time).
Arrange from most to least recent.
• EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND – comprehensive series of schools attended
• SEMINARS/TRAININGS ATTENDED – certifications from training related to the job
• CHARACTER REFERENCES – list of reliable persons who could provide additional background
information about the applicant
• PERSONAL DATA – is an optional part which includes all the personal details about the

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