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What assistance from outside might the owners have had in

developing the business?

According to the case it can be identified that significant attention not given
for the pathway of the business. If he had a proper he had to manage with
unforeseen dynamic business fluctuations and allocate and manage
resources optimally. With support of business incubators and consultants in
the business sector he could have planned the business for future.

Not properly managed Human resource strategy. High staff turnover in the
Paggydale is also because a constraints in developing the company skill
base. The roster base staff is good to have because the employment is
seasonal. However the fixed staff is need to be keep long term because the
key skill developed with them is the important fact of development of the
business. Roaster basis working can reduce the motivation of increase
production and mere earning of their pay.

Not being access to t he Government subsidies that would be helpful and

qualified to receive for developing the business. The Paggydale is helping for
increase the local development. It is local enterprise using local materials. In
order to develop the company He would have to go for get government
assistance for develops his enterprise. Financially and business knowledge
assistants could get for development. Some other nongovernmental
organizations are also willing to provide assistance on management and
research and development support.

Marketing strategies not properly formulated to extend beyond the industry.

Word for mouth is a main effective marketing strategy he has used for
Paggydale promotion. This is uncertain and not ascertainable. As an
important strategy in promotion the Paggydale need attractive branding.
Outdoor marketing strategies needed to use. Promotional campaign for
market would have get better outcome form the printed media form the
outside. Since this is targeted tourists Paggydale should need a website.
Internet marketing is important aspect which was not used. Attractive
website with competitive production with Pagydale brand would be used for
low cost extensive marketing tool. He would have use for sales team which
can do door to door marketing that can access to the costumers other than

Bills international relationship with tourists stepped to Paggydale could be

successfully leverage to his international export strategy. While him visiting
to the overseas he would have participated for international promotions and
marketing festivals. In addition to that New Zeeland Trade and Enterprise
gives comprehensive pack of support for potential exporters. By that he
could explore the export market for find opportunities, develop export
knowledge, funding assistance etc. His printed matter would be successful if
he had done something for increase the awareness of the target market

• John Mussy, Hoe top Start a Business plan, (nd) retrieved from
• New Zealand's Experience in Export Development and Promotion,
(29/08/2008),retrieved by
• Resources & help to business development and grow,(nd) retrieved by
• Ten Internet marketing myths, 20/07/2010, retrieved by http://blog.qi-

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