Analysis and Findings

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1. About the respondents:

 Age of respondents-

Age segment in years Frequency Percentage(%)

18-22 4 50

23-25 4 50

26-29 0 _

Total 8 100

Age segment of respondents

50 50

18-22 23-25 26-29

Findings: 50% of our respondents fall in the age group of 18-22 years and 50% of them
belonged to the age group of 23-25 years, whereas there were no respondents in the age group of
26-29 years.
 Gender of the respondents-

The respondent base is unbiased in terms of sex, the chart of frequencies for which is presented

Gender Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 3 37.5

Female 5 62.5

Total 8 100

Gender of respondents
Male Female



Findings: 37.5% of the respondents were Male, and 62.5% of the respondents were Female.
 Pocket money of respondents (inRs.)-

Pocket money(Rs.) Frequency Percentage (%)

Upto 5000/- 3 37.5

5001/- to 9000/- 4 50

9001/- to 15000/- 1 12.5

Total 8 100

Pocket money of respondents

Upto 5000/- 5001/- to 9000/- 9001/- to 15000/-



Findings: The students of the university are mostly dependent on pocket money allowances for
buying any kind of products. The pocket money of 37.5% students are upto Rs. 5000/- , 50% has
Rs. 5001/- to Rs. 9000 as pocket money allowance and 12.5% respondents has pocket money of
Rs. 9001/- to Rs. 15000/-.
 Native language of respondents-

Native language Frquency Percentage(%)

Assamese 4 50

Bengali 2 25

Bodo 1 12.5

Nepali 1 12.5

Total 8 100

Native language of respondents

Assamese Bengali Bodo Nepali



Findings: Out of the 8 student respondents, 50% speak Assamese as their native language, 25%
speak Bengali, 12.5% speak Bodo and the rest 12.5% speak Nepali as their native language.
2. Products bought by respondents in Spring Semester, 2019-

The respondents were asked to choose products that they had purchased during Spring
Semester, 2019. They were given a list of 12 products to choose from. Each respondent has
chosen a multiple number of products appearing in the list. The following table shows the
frequency of the products purchased-

Products bought in Spring Semester, 2019 Frequency Percentage(%)

Soap/ Bodywash gel 7 13.46

Shampoo/ Conditioner 6 11.54

Moisturizer/ Sunscreen lotion 3 5.77

Facewash/ Facescrub 6 11.54

Hair oil/ Hair serum 3 5.77

Contraceptive/ Condom 0 0.00

Anti-pigmentation screen 0 0.00

Shaving gel or cream/ Shaving blade 3 5.77

Talcum powder/ Body deodorant 4 7.69

Perfume/ Hair styling gel 6 11.54

Biscuits/ Bhujia/ Roasted kaju 7 13.46

Potato/ corn/ banana chips or Popcorn 7 13.46

Total 52 100.00
Products bought by respondents in Spring
Semester, 2019
Potato/ corn/ banana chips or Popcorn 13.46
Biscuits/ Bhujia/ Roasted kaju 13.46
Perfume/ Hair styling gel 11.54
Talcum powder/ Body deodorant 7.69
Shaving gel or cream/ Shaving blade 5.77
Anti-pigmentation screen 0.00
Contraceptive/ Condom 0.00
Hair oil/ Hair serum 5.77
Facewash/ Facescrub 11.54
Moisturizer/ Sunscreen lotion 5.77
Shampoo/ Conditioner 11.54
Soap/ Bodywash gel 13.46

Findings: From the above bar diagram, it can be inferred that, 13.46% of the respondents bought
Potato/ corn/ banana chips or popcorn, another 13.46% of the respondents bought Biscuits/
bhujia/ roasted kaju, 11.54% bought Perfume/ hair styling gel, 7.69% bought Talcum powder/
body deodorant, 5.77% bought shaving gel or cream/ shaving blade, another 5.77% bought hair
oil/ Hair serum, 11.54% bought face wash/ face scrub, 5.77% bought moisturizer/ sunscreen
lotion, 11.54% bought shampoo/ conditioner, and 13.46% bought soap/ body wash gel. Hence, it
is clearly seen that the most preferred products among the respondents are Potato/ corn/ banana
chips or popcorn, Biscuits/ bhujia/ roasted kaju, and soap/ body wash gel. Whereas, the least
bought products are Contraceptive/ Condom and Anti-pigmentation screen.
3. Respondents experience of 2 products where product packaging feature
were deceiving, misleading in appeal or a ‘Topi’ package:

The respondents were asked to cite atleast 2 products X and Y where they had experience of
deception or misleading content in the packaging. Different products have been mentioned by
different respondents as per their personal experiences. However, more or less the products have
seen to be common.

Product X Frequency Percentage(%) Product Y Frequency Percentage(%)

Wafer 1 12.5 Biscuit 4 50
Perfume 1 12.5 Pefume 1 12.5
Biscuit 2 25 Bhujia 1 12.5
Soap 1 12.5 Face scrub 1 12.5
Banana chips 1 12.5 Chips 1 12.5
Hair oil 1 12.5
Detergent 1 12.5
Total 8 100 Total 8 100

Product X

12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5

Wafer Perfume Biscuit Soap Banana Hair oil Detergent


Product Y

12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5

Biscuit Pefume Bhujia Face scrub Chips

Findings: It is seen from the above figures that ‘Biscuit’ is the product where consumers had
the most deceiving, misleading or ‘Topi’ product packaging features experience.

4. Respondents suffering from Amnesia/ short term memory loss/

psychiatric treatment:

Response Frequency Percentage(%)

Yes 0 0

No 8 100

Total 8 100

Yes No



Findings: When asked if respondents were suffering from Amnesia/ short term memory loss/
psychiatric treatment, 100% of the respondents responded by saying ‘No’.
5. Respondents response on being influenced while making the purchase of
deceptive, misleading in appeal, topi experience package:

The respondents were asked if they were influenced while making purchase of deceptive,
misleading in appeal, topi experience package product. The options given were-

 No. I am the boss and master of my mind

 May be, but I was not influenced
 Yes, I was influenced with positive feedback
 Nah, but my roommate/date/partner insisted to buy
 Yes, I just love the store/mall/shop

The tables and charts representing the consumers purchase decision influencers are given below-

Response Frequency Percentage(%)

No, I am the boss and master of my mind 4 50

May be, but I was not influenced 0 0

Yes, I was influenced with positive feedback 2 25

Nah, but my roommate/ date partner insisted
to buy 2 25

Yes, I just love the store/ mall/ shop 0 0

Total 8 100
Yes, I just love the store/ mall/ shop 0

Nah, but my roommate/ date partner insisted to


Yes, I was influenced with positive feedback 25

May be, but I was not influenced 0

No, I am the boss and master of my mind 50

Findings: On asked if the respondents were influenced while purchasing the deceptive,
misleading in appeal, topi experience package, 50% of the respondents said ‘No’, because they
considered themselves as the boss and master of their mind, 25% responded positiviely saying
they were influenced with positive feedback to buy the product, while another 25 % said that
they were not influenced, however, they bought because their roommate/ date partner insisted to
buy the product.

6. Overall content in the product whose packet or packaging features were

deceiving, misleading in appeal with Topi package:

The respondents were asked to choose from the five options the overall content of the deceiving
packaging of the products that they have mentioned as X and Y. The options provided were:

 Deceptive packaging with 90% less than expected

 Gross mismatch packaging with 50% less than expected
 Wrong and useless packaging with 30% less than expected
 Good packaging for gifting purpose with 20% less than expected
 Cushioning and damage resistant packaging with 10% less than expected

Given below are tables and charts showing option wise experience of respondents with respect to
the products cited by them under Product X and Y.
Product X Product Y
Overall content of the product Frequency Percentage(%) Percentage(%) Frequency
Deceptive packaging with 90% less than
expected 1 12.5 50 4
Gross mismatch packaging with 50% less
than expected 4 50 12.5 1
Wrong and useless packaging with 30% less
than expected 1 12.5 37.5 3
Good packaging for gifting purpose with
20% less than expected 2 25 0 0
Cushioning and damage resistant packaging
with 10% less than expected 0 0 0 0
Total 8 100 100 8

Product Y Product X

Cushioning and damage resistant packaging 0

with 10% less than expected 0

Good packaging for gifting purpose with 20% 0

less than expected 25

Wrong and useless packaging with 30% less 37.5

than expected 12.5

Gross mismatch packaging with 50% less than 12.5

expected 50

Deceptive packaging with 90% less than 50

expected 12.5

Findings: When asked about the overall content in the product whose packet or packaging
features were deceiving, misleading in appeal with Topi package, the respondents responded
that 12.5% of Product X and 50% of Product Y had ‘deceptive packaging with 90% less than
expected’, 50% of Product X and 12.5% of Product Y had ‘gross mismatch packaging with
50% less than expected’, 12.5% of Product X and 37.5% of Product Y had ‘wrong and
useless packaging with 30% less than expected’, 25% of Product X and none of the Product
Y had ‘good packaging for gifting purpose with 20% less than expected’ and neither Product
X nor Product Y had ‘cushioning and damage resistant packaging with 10% less than

7. Respondents exposure to the products for the first time:

The respondents were then asked about the source from where they got to know about the
product for the first time. For this purpose, 5 options were provided to them:

A. Introduced by my family/roommate/date/partner
B. TV/Online/Mobile apps/SMS
C. Meme online or billboard/ banner
D. Shop/Store/Department Store/Boutique/Parlour/Mall
E. Mobile apps

Below has been provided tables and charts showing option wise selection for the products X and
Y as cited by the respondents:

Product X Product Y
Particulars Frequency (%) Percentage(%) Frequency
Introduced by my family/
roommate/ my date/ partner 2 25 12.5 1
TV/ Online/ mobile apps/ SMS 4 50 62.5 5
Meme online or billboard/
banner 0 0 0 0
Shop/ store/ department store/
boutique/ Parlor/ Mall 0 0 0 0
Mobile apps( Amazon,
Flipkart,etc) 2 25 25 2
Total 8 100 100 8
Product Y Product x

Mobile apps( Amazon, Flipkart,etc)

Shop/ store/ department store/ boutique/ Parlor/ Mall

Meme online or billboard/ banner

TV/ Online/ mobile apps/ SMS

Introduced by my family/ roommate/ my date/ partner

Findings: When the respondents were asked about how they got to know about these
products for the first time, they responded that 25% of Product X and 12.5% of Product Y
were introduced by their family/ roommate/ date/ partner, 50% of Product X and 62.5% of
Product Y were introduced to them through TV/ Online/ mobile apps/ SMS, none of the
respondents got to know about any of the products through Meme online or billboard/ banner
or Shop/ store/ department store/ boutique/ Parlor/ Mall, 25% of Product X and 25% of
Product Y were introduced to the respondents through mobile apps like Amazon, Flipkart,

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