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What Can You Grow Hydroponically?

People ask frequently, “what can I grow hydroponically? The answer is really
quite simple: You can grow a large variety of flowers, vegetables, and herbs
hydroponically, with the exception of mushrooms that are a fungi.

Following is a listing of many plants that grow well in hydroponic systems,

together with some information of interest:

Growing flowers lends itself beautifully to hydroponic gardening as they can
be grown in larger numbers, and can be grown year-round. Most flowers will
do well in a hydroponic garden, and when seedlings are big enough, flowers
can be cut or transplanted.

Many herbs will grow very well in a hydroponic setting. Some that do the best
include anise, basil, catnip, chamomile, chervil, chives, cilantro, coriander, dill,
fennel, lavender, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon
and thyme.

Anise is a feathery annual that grows from 1 to 2 feet high, has finely cut
serrated leaves and very small, whitish flowers in flat clusters. Both the leaves
and seeds have a warm, sweet licorice taste. It grows rapidly from seed and
should be planted after all danger of frost has passed. The green leaves can
be cut whenever plants are large enough and seeds may be gathered 1
month after flowers bloom. Anise leaves can be used in salads and as a
garnish; the seeds flavor confections such as cakes and cookies.

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In a protected environment, growing basil can be accomplished throughout
the year. Once mature, it can be harvested and trimmed weekly. It responds
extremely well to hydroponic growing.

A psychoactive herb derived from the flowering tops of hemp plants. Cannabis
is controlled under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. It is
also called bhang, ganja, grass, hashish, marijuana, pot, reefer, tea, and
weed. It thrives and grows to a more vigorous plant in a hydroponic system.
Most cannabis plants cultivated in the United States begin to flower by late
August to early October and the plants are harvested from October to

It grows well in hydroponics in full sun or partial shade. It is a perennial herb of
the mint family that will grow from 3-5 feet tall. It is easily propagated by seed,
stem cuttings, or rootball division. Seed should be sown late in fall or early in
the spring. Sow in plugs or seeds 12 to 15 weeks before sale. Seeds to
finished plugs, 8 to 10 weeks; plugs to saleable plants, 3 to 5 weeks.

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It grows well in soilless culture. It is used to make chamomile tea and
possesses a number of medicinal qualities. Chamomile grown outdoors
prefers full sun but will tolerate some shade. From seeds to finished plugs, 6
weeks; plugs to saleable plants, 4 to 6 weeks.

Chervil is a low light cool temperature crop. At temperatures above 70-
75‫�┬ظ‬éû�ùF, the plant will grow slowly and bolt to flower at an early age.
Cool roots are critical to ensure good growth. Unless shade and special
cooling is used, chervil is difficult to grow in the summer. Growing time to
harvest is 4 weeks. It is the perfect winter crop. Best grown under low lights.

Chives (a relative of the onion family) require little space and produce a
continuous supply of seasoning for salads, and main dishes. Plants are hardy,
tolerate a variety of growing conditions, are very aromatic and coveted by
gourmet cooks.

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Cilantro (a relative of parsley) is a very successful hydroponic
tolerates various pH conditions and lower light conditions. It requires little
maintenance and reaches harvest stage within six weeks. It must be regularly
trimmed or it will go to seed.

Cilantro is a parsley-type herb. When grown for leaves only, it is called cilantro
but if allowed to continue growing to seed, it becomes what is called
coriander. Coriander requires cool temperatures or it will bolt. Coriander
grows best in full sun. Only the immature leaves are sold. (The mature
"feathery” leaves that precede bolting are not desirable.) To grow in a slab:
upon final harvest, pull out plants by the roots and re-seed directly into slab, or
transplant. Harvest by cutting tops to crown and allowing to re-grow ‫ع‬é�é╜éô
or pull up by the roots.

Dill is a flavorful addition for hydroponic herb gardens and it produces new
growth when harvested. Replacing spent plants with new seedlings every
three to four weeks will insure a constant supply of dill. The compact fernleaf
variety produces an abundance of lush growth thereby allowing for numerous
cuttings from a single plant.

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Fennel is a perennial (but usually grown as an annual) that grows to about 3
to 4 feet tall. The leaves are finely divided into thread-like segments and are
light green and resemble Dill. It grows easily from seed planted in spring and
grows best in full sun. Plants need to be staked when 18 inches tall. Harvest
seeds when ripe. Tender flower stalks just before they blossom are best for
eating. Fennel seeds are used as a condiment. The leaves have an anise-like
flavor and the stems can be eaten like celery. Seeds can be used in cheese
spreads and vegetable dishes.

Common name for a genus of fragrant herbs or shrubs that is grown as a
decorative plant in the garden and for its sweet scent when dried. The dried
flowers are used to fill sachets and to perfume clothing or linens.
Commercially they, and the green parts, are used for making "oil of spike,"
aromatic vinegar, and lavender water. True lavender is not fully hardy in
northern gardens. It is found more in the milder Pacific Coast and in the
South. As seed produces variable plants, propagation is commonly by cuttings
of selected plants. Sow seeds 20 to 26 weeks before sale; seeds to finished
plugs, 12 to 16 weeks; plugs to saleable plant, 8 to 10 weeks.

A perennial herb usually grown as an annual for its fragrant foliage used to
flavor dressings and meat dishes. It thrives in full sun. Since the seed is very
small, it is best sown in flats in the greenhouse and the seedlings transplanted
outside after all danger of frost has passed. Seeds to finished plugs, 6 weeks;
plugs to saleable plant, 2 to 4 weeks.

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Though they are usually grown on land, most mints are actually aquatic or
semi-aquatic plants, doing their best in shallow water at the edges of ponds
and streams. One of its adaptations to water is to spread by stolons that move
out along the top of the soil or just under the surface. Spearmint, peppermint,
and orange mint are three examples of mints that grow best in or close to
water. Mint grown in water tends to have bigger, more lush foliage than land-
grown mint, so it is ideal in hydroponic gardens.

Oregano (Wild marjoram)

Oregano is a hardy perennial that has sprawling stems that can grow to 2 feet
tall. It has small pink or white flowers. Oregano can be propagated by seed or
division. Stimulate foliage by cutting back flowers. Replant when plants
become woody in 3 to 4 years. Leaves can be used fresh or preserved by
drying. Oregano leaves are used extensively as a flavoring on pizza, or
sprinkled over lamb. Used generously in Italian-type sauces.

Parsley, is an herb well suited for hydroponic growing. Since it has a long tap
root, the hydroponic container should be at least 12 inches deep for the best

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A hardy evergreen sub-shrub grown mainly for its aromatic leaves that are
used in culinary seasoning and yield an oil once used in medicine. Small light
blue flowers are borne in April or May. The foliage is white and woolly on the
under side and dark and shiny above. Plants can grow to a height of 6 feet
and last for years but need protection from the cold. It prefers alkaline soil and
full sun, but does tolerate moderate shade. Sow in seed flats 22 weeks before
sale in 10 cm diameter pots. Seeds to finished plugs, 12 weeks; plugs to
saleable plants, 10 weeks.

Common name for the hardy sub-shrub that is extensively grown for
seasoning dressings used with rich meats, and for flavoring sausages and
cheese. In hydroponics, it can be grown from seeds protected from cold and it
prefers full sun. As the plants often exceed 3 feet in diameter, they should be
grown at least that far apart. Sage leaves should be harvested prior to
blooming and dried in a well-ventilated room on screens or in a commercial
dryer, away from direct sunlight and then store in airtight containers. Sow in
plugs or seed flats 12 to 14 weeks before sale. Seeds to finished plugs, 8
weeks; plugs to saleable plants, 4 to 6 weeks.

A perennial herb the leaves of which are used for seasoning, especially
vinegar. Tarragon grows to two or three feet tall and likes moderate sun,
preferring some shade during the hottest part of the day. Tarragon, during
growth, seems to have little aroma; yet after the leaves or tops are harvested,
the oils concentrate and start emitting their unique tarragon sweet smell.
Plugs to saleable plants, 7 weeks.

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A plant of the mint family long cultivated and valued as a sweet herb. It has
small lavender or pink flowers and is grown as a border plant, for ornament, or
as an herb to be used for seasoning. Thyme should be planted in early spring.
It is very hardy and will grow under most conditions. It prefers full sun. Thyme
requires minimal fertilization when grown in a hydroponic system. Sow in
plugs 12 to 14 weeks before sale. Seeds to finished plugs, 6 to 8 weeks; plugs
to saleable plants, 4 to 6 weeks.

Low growing and trailing European perennial, a member of the mustard
family. It is easily grown from seed. Its natural season is from mid-autumn
until spring. After its flower buds appear the leaves become too rank in flavor
to be edible. It is also easily grown indoors in a hydroponic system. Start
plants with seed by sowing lightly in pots filled with a medium. Watercress has
many culinary, decorative, and medicinal uses.

Vegetables that do well in a hydroponic garden include artichokes, beans,
lettuce, spinach, cabbage, beets, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels
sprouts and peas. Vegetables that grow beneath the soil, such as onions,
leeks, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, yams and radishes will also grow
hydroponically, but may require extra care. Some crops to avoid are corn,
zucchini, summer squash, and vining plants. They can be grown in a
hydroponic garden, but they are not space efficient, and just not practical.
They will dominate your whole unit. Your resources are better spent on crops
more suited to the compact systems.
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WARM WEATHER CROPS: Start seedlings in March-

April, transplant in May. Harvested by late August:
 Tomatoes
 Green peppers
 Eggplants
 Cucumbers
 Green beans
 Squash (needs room)
 Melons (need room)

COOL SEASON CROPS: Two growing seasons: Early

spring (February 20); and early fall (August 30):
 Broccoli and cauliflower
 Cabbage and bok choy
 Lettuces
 Spinach
 Swiss chard
 Peas, snow peas and sugar snaps
 Green onions
 Carrots (stubbies)

Beans are a warm weather vegetable that grows best in a Hydroponic system.
Seeds are planted in the growing medium and watered from below by the
bubbling system. Seeds germinate in 16 days, and since green beans are
similar to other vegetable crops, no special formulation is required. They will
grow fast, plump, and delicious!

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Bok Choy
(See Cabbage)
Broccoli (from the Italian plural of broccolo, referring to "the flowering top of a
cabbage") is a plant of the mustard/cabbage family. Broccoli has large flower
heads, usually green in color, arranged in a tree-like fashion on branches
sprouting from a thick, edible stalk. The mass of flower heads is surrounded
by leaves. Many varieties of broccoli are perennial. It is planted in May to be
harvested during the winter or early the following year in temperate climates. It
grows well in hydroponic systems but since it is a heavy plant, needs sturdy

Purchase cabbage seedlings or grow your own in rockwool cubes. When they
grow large enough to stand on their own, transfer them to the hydroponic pots
and surround the cubes with a growing medium. If you have a system that
uses "flushing"---fill the tray from beneath with a flood of water, then drain it
immediately---wait until your seedlings have grown large enough that they will
not float out of the medium. Cabbage may need as much as two feet to
spread out, depending on variety.

Cauliflower, a cruciferous vegetable, is in the same plant family as
broccoli, kale, cabbage, and collards. It has a compact head (called a "curd"),
with an average size of six inches in diameter. It is composed of undeveloped
flower buds. The flowers are attached to a central stalk. A sturdy support is
important to keep all but the roots out of the hydroponic solution. This can be
accomplished by either using a layer of gravel through which the roots can
reach the hydroponic nutrients, or setting up netting that allows the roots to
grow through. The hydroponic nutrients can be delivered through drip
irrigation twice a day. This will keep the roots from getting too moist. Broccoli
and cauliflower are two of the most cost-efficient vegetables to grow because
of the lower temperatures required and the lack of need to continuously
provide hydroponic nutrients.

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Their quick growth in relation to the time available makes cucumbers a good
candidate for a fall crop. They are normally seeded in July, set in the
greenhouse during the first week of August, and harvested from September to
December. The cucumber responds like a semitropical plant. It grows best
under conditions of high temperature, humidity, and light intensity and with an
uninterrupted supply of water and nutrients. Under favorable and stable
environmental and nutritional conditions and when pests are under control,
the plants grow rapidly and produce heavily.

Eggplant should be planted in full sun. The plants are easily injured by frost
and will not do well with long periods of cool weather. Eggplants should be
treated like tomatoes, the only difference being that eggplants like it warmer.
Plant them from nursery stock, or starts, in the early spring. Allow 60-100 days
to reach maturity from transplanting.

Leaf lettuce or semi-headed lettuce are the best varieties for hydroponic
systems. Boston, black-seeded simpson, bibb or butter, or leaf lettuces are
good choices. Lettuce requires additional light to grow successfully. It prefers
cooler temperatures than warm weather crops. For best results, set your
temperature controls for 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime and 55
degrees Fahrenheit at night.

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Snow peas like the cooler weather in the spring and fall, but don’t handle the
hot summer well. The same can be said for spinach, celery and most salad
greens although they are slightly more tolerant. Chinese peas, also called
snow peas are a cool season crop and are sensitive to heat. Temperatures
over 86 deg. F will cause poor pod set. Before planting, you will want to
choose the peas you want to plant: English (garden), Chinese (snow) or Snap
peas. English peas only produce edible seeds. Chinese peas produce edible
pods as well as edible seeds, and snap peas do the same. The peas will be
ready to be picked around three weeks after the flowers start to appear.
Peppers, like tomatoes, prefer warm growing conditions. Most peppers plants
also require staking. Suggested varieties to grow hydroponically include
cubico, mazurka, Fellini, Narobi and gold flame for sweet peppers and
jalapeno, habanero and cayenne for hot peppers. Light and temperature
requirements to grow peppers hydroponically remain the same as growing
hydroponic tomatoes.

Start your spinach seeds in rockwool. Place seeds in drilled holes and then
hang slightly above a hydroponic nutrient solution in and ebb and flow system.
Germinating plants need to be raised slightly to allow more oxygen to reach
their roots, as the rockwool is not a good conductor in this aspect. After the
seeds have sprouted, move them to their permanent spot. Allow twenty
square inches per plant. The hydroponic solution you use at this point is
extremely important as no growing medium is needed with the ebb and flow
system. Plants are placed on a netting-type material with their roots allowed to
dangle in the solution. Spinach will not thrive in too much light.

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You will achieve more success if you start hydroponic tomatoes from
transplants rather than seeds. Try indeterminate, disease resistant varieties
such as Trust or Daniela. Good cocktail or cherry tomato varieties for
hydroponic growing are Cherita and Sweet 100s. Productive heirloom
cultivars include Moskvich and Thessaloniki. Hydroponic tomatoes require
staking or other support systems to maintain the plant in an upright position.
Tomatoes need flowing nutrient systems where the feeding solution moves
past the roots on a schedule four to six times per day. For seedlings, set the
temperatures between, 68 degrees and 72 degrees Fahrenheit suggests the
University of Arizona. Gradually increase the daytime temperature 70-79
degrees Fahrenheit and decrease the nighttime temperature to 61-65 degrees
Fahrenheit. Use supplemental lighting up to 18 hours per day to improve
production. Pollinate through vibration or gently shaking stems with blossoms.

Fruit that can be grown hydroponically includes tomatoes, watermelon,
cantaloupe, grapes, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and strawberries. If
you have the resources, some fruit trees can also be grown hydroponically,
such as lemons or bananas.

Strawberry crops yield and produce well hydroponically. Growing strawberries
hydroponically at home can produce enough berries to feed a family of four for
a full year. Production doesn't need to stop seasonally as a hydroponic
system can be set up outdoors or indoors with artificial light.

A hydroponic system can be tailored to suit almost any growing application;

strawberries are well suited for hydroponic cultivation. Perfect water and
nutrient levels can be easily maintained to produce plump, juicy, unblemished
Always use runners that are certified virus tested. Carefully remove the
runners or new strawberry plant from its container. Remove as much of the
earth as you can by gently shaking and massaging the roots. Submerge the
entire root system in a bucket of cold water for about 10 minutes then rinse
roots under cold running water to remove any remaining dirt. Be very careful
to inflict as little damage as possible to the roots and tiny root hairs as too
much breakage will seriously stress plants and impair growth. Dry or brittle
leaves and roots should be removed at this time. Add enough of the growing
medium to fill the pot making sure the crown of the strawberry is well above
the surface. The crown requires light and fresh air as this is where new leaves
and flowers grow. If submerged, the crown will rot causing the entire plant to
die. Insert the pot into your hydroponic garden. Once plants have finished
fruiting and produced runners, clip the runners from the mother plant and root
using conventional rooting methods. Once cuttings or runners have
established a good root system, they must endure a chilling process. This
may be done by placing rooted cuttings in a garage or cold cellar where
temperatures remain between zero and 5C. Chilling may last anywhere from
10 days to five months depending on when your next crop is desired.

Other berries can be grown hydroponically, but they take up a great deal of
space, and you would have to dedicate yourself to managing your system for
berry growingit can be done, but it is not one of the easier applications.

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