Before The Storm - About The Rise of Senator Barry: American Right. According To Her, Right Are Highly

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AMERICAN GOVERNMENT & POLITICS theories and bizarre panaceas.

He named this
attitude “the paranoid style in American politics”.
I Thought I Understood the American Right. Trump Proved
Me Wrong Lisa McGirr

 Conservatives had become a scattered and obscure - Author of Suburban Warriors: The Origins of the New
remnant, vanquished by the New Deal and the American Right. According to her, right are highly
apparent reality that liberalism was “not only the educated and thoroughly modern group of men
dominant but even the sole intellectual tradition.” and women who built a vibrant and remarkable
 The central narrative of America’s political political mobilization.
development was still believed to be the rise of the
liberal state. Leo Ribuffo

Before the Storm – about the rise of Senator Barry - Author of The Old Christian Right: The Protestant Far
Goldwater, the uncompromising National Review favorite Right From the Great Depression to the Cold War. He
whose refusal to exploit the violent backlash against civil argued that America’s anti-liberal traditions were
rights, and whose bracingly idealistic devotion to the far more deeply rooted in the past, and far angrier,
Constitution as he understood it — he called for Social than most historians would acknowledge, citing a
Security to be made “voluntary” — led to his crushing defeat long list of examples from regional suspicions of
in the 1964 presidential election. various metropolitan centers and the snobs who
lived there to white racism institutionalized in
Goldwater’s loss inspired a new generation of conservative slavery and segregation.
activists to redouble their efforts, paving the way for the
Reagan revolution. Educated whites in the prosperous Hiram Evans
metropolises of the New South sublimated the frenetic,
- The decline of Americanism. Evans claimed to speak
violent anxieties that once marked race relations in their
for an abused white majority, “the so-called Nordic
region into more palatable policy concerns about “stable
race,” which, “with all its faults, has given the world
housing values” and “quality local education,” back footing
almost the whole of modern civilization.”
liberals and transforming conservatives into mainstream
- Have found themselves increasingly uncomfortable,
champions of a set of positions with enormous appeal to the
and finally deeply distressed, watching a moral
white American middle class. These were the factors, many
breakdown that was destroying a once-great
historians concluded, that made America a “center right”
- First, there was “confusion in thought and opinion,
Presentism — we are supposed to weigh the evidence of the a groping and hesitancy about national affairs and
past on its own terms but at the same time, the questions we private life alike, in sharp contrast to the clear,
ask are conditioned by the present. straightforward purposes of our earlier years.”
Next, they found “the control of much of our
Alan Brinkley industry and commerce taken over by strangers,
who stacked the cards of success and prosperity
- Author of The Problem of American Conservatism against us,” and ultimately these strangers “came
and argued that American conservatism had been to dominate our government.” The only thing that
something of an orphan in historical scholarship would make America great again, as it were, was “a
and that was coming to seem an ever-more-curious return of power into the hands of everyday, not
omission. The article inaugurated the boom in highly cultured, not overly intellectualized, but
scholarship that brought us the story, now widely entirely unspoiled and not de-Americanized
accepted, of conservatism’s triumphant rise. average citizens of old stock.”

Richard Hofstadter Herrenvolk republicanism – reserved social democracy solely

for the white majority
- The most influential writer on the subject of the
American right. He called them
“pseudoconservatives” and described as cranks that
salved their “status anxiety” with conspiracy
Richard Steigmann-Gall CHAPTER 1

- Fascism had a very real presence in the U.S.A., DEMOCRACY

comparable to that on continental Europe.
 Central idea is that ordinary people want to rule
Jefferson Cowie themselves and are capable of doing so.
 Best protects human rights because it is the only one
- The Great Exception. He suggests that what based on a recognition of the intrinsic worth and
historians considered the main event in 20th century equality of human beings.
American political development — the rise and  Most likely to produce rational policies because it
consolidation of the “New Deal order” — was in can count on the pooled knowledge and expertise of
fact an anomaly, made politically possible by a a society’s entire population.
convergence of political factors. One of those was  More stable and long-lasting because their leaders,
immigration. At the beginning of the 20th century, elected by and answerable to voters, enjoy a strong
millions of impoverished immigrants, mostly Catholic sense of legitimacy among citizens.
and Jewish, entered an overwhelmingly Protestant  Most conducive to economic growth and material
country. It was only when that demographic well-being, a claim with some scholarly support.
transformation was suspended by the 1924  The form of government under which human beings,
Immigration Act that majorities of Americans proved because they are free, are best able to develop their
willing to vote for many liberal policies. In 1965, natural capacities and talents.
Congress once more allowed large-scale immigration
to the United States — and it is no accident that this Democratic Origins
date coincides with the increasing conservative
backlash against liberalism itself.  Came from the word demos, meaning “the people,”
- Liberalization of immigration law is an obsession of and kratein, meaning “to rule.”
the alt-right.
Democracy – a system of government in which the people
The history of bait-and-switch between conservative rule; rule by the many.
electioneering and conservative governance is another rich
Oligarchy – rule by the few, where a minority holds power
seam that calls out for fresh scholarly excavation: not of how
over a majority, as in an aristocracy or a clerical
conservative voters see their leaders, but of the neglected
history of how conservative leaders see their voters.
Monarchy – rule by the one, such as where power rests in the
Joel Rogers & Thomas Ferguson
hands of a king or queen.
- Right Turn. They presented public-opinion data
demonstrating that Reagan’s crusade against activist
government, which was widely understood to be the Direct democracy – form of political decision making in which
source of his popularity, was not, in fact, particularly policies are decided by the people themselves, rather than by
popular. their representatives, acting either in small face-to-face
assemblies or through the electoral process as in initiatives
Tim Raphael
and referenda in the American states.
- The President Electric: Ronald Reagan and the
Representative democracy – indirect democracy, in which
Politics of Performance. Argues the short leap from
the people rule through elected representatives.
advertising and reality TV to darker forms of
- The producers of The Apprentice carefully crafted a
Trump character that was the quintessence of  These benchmarks are popular sovereignty, political
steely resolve and all-knowing mastery. equality, and political liberty.
 A society in which all three flourish, we argue, is a
healthy representative democracy. A society in
which any of the three is absent or impaired falls 2. Political equality – the principle that each person carries
short of the representative democratic ideal. equal weight in the conduct of the public business.

1. Popular sovereignty – the basic principle of democracy  Political equality and equal treatment are sometimes
that the people are the ultimate source of government called civil rights,.
authority and of the policies that government leaders make.  Great inequalities in economic circumstances are
almost always translated into political inequality.
How can we recognize popular sovereignty when we see it?
3. Political liberty – the principle that citizens in a democracy
a. Government leaders are selected in competitive elections. are protected from government interference in the exercise
of a range of basic freedoms, such as the freedoms of speech,
For the direction of influence to flow from the people to the
association, and conscience.
leadership, some mechanism must exist for forcing leaders to
be responsive to the people’s wishes and to be responsible to John Locke – individual rights and liberties were so
them for their actions. fundamental to the good society that their preservation was
the central responsibility of any legitimate government and
b. Elections are free and fair.
that their protection was the very reason people agreed to
No coercion of voters or election officials and that virtually all enter into a social contract to form government in the first
citizens are able to run for office and vote in elections. Also, place.
election rules do not favor some over others and that ballots
Democracy and liberty are inseparable. The concept of self-
are accurately counted.
government implies not only the right to vote and to run for
c. People participate in the political process. public office, but also the right to speak one’s mind; to
petition the government; and to join with others in political
Widespread participation in politics—including voting in parties, interest groups, or social movements.
elections, contacting public officials, working with others to
bring matters to public attention, joining associations that OBJECTIONS TO LIBERAL DEMOCRACY
work to shape government actions, and more—is necessary
Liberal democracy – representative democracy characterized
to ensure not only that responsive representatives will be
by popular sovereignty, liberty, and political equality.
1. “Majority tyranny” threatens liberty.
d. High-quality information is available.
James Madison and the other Founders of the American
If false or biased information is provided, if policies are not
republic feared that majority rule was bound to undermine
challenged and debated, or if misleading interpretations of
freedom and threaten the rights of the individual. Majority
the political world (or none at all) are offered, the people
tyranny is the suppression of the rights and liberties of a
cannot form opinions in accordance with their values and
minority by the majority
interests, and popular sovereignty cannot be said to exist.
2. The people are irrational and incompetent.
e. The majority rules.
Individual Americans do not care a great deal about politics
Government adopts the policy that the most people want.
and are rather poorly informed, unstable in their views, and
f. Government policies reflect the wishes of the people. not much interested in participating in the political process.

Existence of a close correspondence between what 3. Majoritarian democracy threatens minorities.

government does and what the people want it to do.
The position of minorities is protected in a fully developed
g. Government policies are effective. liberal democracy, in our view, by the requirements of equal
citizenship and access to the full range of civil liberties What
Policies must be carried out as intended and must effectively prevents majority tyranny over a minority in most policy
address the problems or concerns that led to the formation decisions in a democracy is that the composition of the
of these policies in the first place. Government policies must majority and the minority is always shifting, depending on the
be turned into government actions that work. issue.

1. Structure – factors enduring features of American life that

play key roles in determining what issues become important
in politics and government, how political power is distributed
in the population, and what attitudes and beliefs guide the
behavior of citizens and public officials. It includes the
economy and society, the constitutional rules, the political
culture, and the international system.

2. Political linkage – all of those political actors, institutions,

and processes that transmit the wants and demands of
people and groups in our society to government officials and
that together help shape what government officials do and
what policies they adopt. These include public opinion,
political parties, interest groups, the news media, and

3. Government – include all public officials and institutions

that have formal, legal responsibilities for making public
policy for the United States.

4. Government action – includes the wide range of actions

carried out by government: making laws, issuing rules and
regulations, waging war and providing national defense,
settling civil disputes, providing order, and more.

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