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Original article

J Strain Analysis
2017, Vol. 52(2) 121–134
Ó IMechE 2017
Direct tension-dependent flexural Reprints and permissions:
behavior of ultra-high-performance DOI: 10.1177/0309324716689625

fiber-reinforced concretes

Duy-Liem Nguyen1, Duc-Kien Thai2 and Dong-Joo Kim2

This research investigated the effects of direct tensile response on the flexural resistance of ultra-high-performance
fiber-reinforced concretes by performing sectional analysis. The correlations between direct tensile and flexural
response of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concretes were investigated in detail for the development of a
design code of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete flexural members as follows: (1) the tensile resistance
of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concretes right after first-cracking in tension should be higher than one-third
of the first-cracking strength to obtain the deflection-hardening if the ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concretes
show tensile strain-softening response; (2) the equivalent bottom strain of flexural member at the modulus of rupture is
always higher than the strain capacity of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concretes in tension; (3) the softening
part in the direct tensile response of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concretes significantly affects their flexural
resistance; and (4) the moment resistance of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete girders is more signifi-
cantly influenced by the post-cracking tensile strength rather than the tensile strain capacity. Moreover, the size and geo-
metry effects should be carefully considered in predicting the moment capacity of ultra-high-performance fiber-
reinforced concrete beams.

Ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concretes, modulus of rupture, moment resistance, strain-hardening, deflection-

Date received: 13 July 2016; accepted: 23 December 2016

Introduction UHPFRCs should be clearly understood. Although

several researches have discussed about the correla-
Ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete tion,12–16 further investigation is needed as follows:
(UHPFRC) is one of the most promising construction
materials for durable and robust infrastructure due to
1. The deflection-hardening condition for the
its ultra-high compressive strength, high ductility,
UHPFRCs, with tensile strain-softening response,
cracking resistance, and durability.1–8 The superior
should be clearly understood because the
mechanical and material properties of UHPFRCs are
deflection-hardening accompanied by multiple
very attractive to structural engineers to apply them in
micro-cracks is one of the superior mechanical
civil and military infrastructures for enhancing their
properties of UHPFRCs. Moreover, the structural
resistance under severe environments and loads.
However, there is no international code for design-
ing structural members or structures using UHPFRCs Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
and Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
although there have been several guidelines.9–11 It is a 2
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sejong University,
hindrance in application of UHPFRCs to real infra- Seoul, Republic of Korea
structure. In preparing the design code for the struc-
tural members using UHPFRCs, the mechanical Corresponding author:
Duy-Liem Nguyen, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City
properties of structural members using UHPFRCs
University of Technology and Education, 01 Vo Van Ngan Street, Thu Duc
should be clearly understood. Specifically, the correla- District, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam.
tion between the tensile and fleuxural response of Email:
122 Journal of Strain Analysis 52(2)

members using UHPFRCs would be mostly under

flexural loads although UHPFRCs are categorized
corresponding to the direct tensile response: strain-
softening and strain-hardening responses of
UHPFRCs depend on fiber type and volume con-
tent in mixture.17,18 The tensile strain-hardening
response of UHPFRCs definitely generates a
deflection-hardening response in flexure, whereas
the tensile strain-softening UHPFRCs may generate
a deflection-hardening or deflection-softening.18,19
2. In calculating the nominal moment resistance of
UHPFRCs beams or girders, what is the tensile
strain and corresponding stress at the bottom section
of the UHPFRCs girders in comparison with direct
tensile response? In general, the maximum moment
resistance of deflection-hardening UHPFRCs can be
determined at the modulus of rupture (MOR),
whereas that of deflection-softening UHPFRCs is at
the limit of proportionality (LOP), as can be seen in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Typical tensile strain-softening and strain-hardening
3. The moment resistance of UHPFRC girder is behaviors of FRC, HPFRCC, and UHPFRC.17,18
known to be sensitive to the tensile parameters of
UHPFRCs: which tensile parameter, between ten-
sile strength and strain capacity, is the most critical
in the maximum moment resistance?20–22 What is
the effects of tensile-softening region of UHPFRCs
on the maximum moment resistance of UHPFRCs
in flexure? How is the difference between the pre-
dicted (or calculated) and measured moment resis-
tance, from experiments, of UHPFRCs?

These questions have motivated this analytical

study, which is based on chapter IV of PhD disserta-
tion of the first and corresponding author (Nguyen).22
The research aimed at providing helpful information
about the correlation between direct tensile and flexural Figure 2. Typical moment–curvature response of HPFRCC or
responses of UHPFRCs. The specific objectives are (1)
to discover the deflection-hardening condition of tensile
performance of UHPFRCs, (2) to estimate the bottom
condition spc 5scc . For the strain-hardening of
strain and corresponding stress of UHPFRCs girders
UHPFRCs, the tensile strain capacity ðepc Þ at the post-
at MOR, (3) to compare the influence of direct tensile
cracking point indicates the material ductility of
strength and ductility on the flexural behavior of
UHPFRCs. The area under the stress–strain curve until
UHPFRCs, and (4) to evaluate the difference between
the post-cracking point is estimated as the energy
the predicted and measured flexural behaviors of
absorption capacity ðTpc Þ
Flexural parameters are identified at the LOP and
MOR, as described in Figure 2.12 Flexural parameters
Tensile and flexural parameters of at LOP, where the first crack of beam occurs, include
moment resistance ðMLOP Þ and corresponding curva-
ture ðFLOP Þ, or load ðPLOP Þ and corresponding deflec-
A typical direct tensile and flexural behavior of tion ðdLOP Þ. Similarly, the flexural parameters at MOR,
UHPFRCs is illustrated in both Figures 1 and 2, where the softening branch indicating crack opening
respectively. Tensile parameters are notated at both the process starts, comprise moment resistance capacity
first-cracking ðecc ; scc Þ and post-cracking ðepc ; spc Þ ðMMOR Þ and corresponding curvature ðFMOR Þ, or load
points as material properties as shown in Figure 1.17,18 ðPMOR Þ and corresponding deflection ðdMOR Þ. The
The first-cracking point is defined as the LOP in the deflection-hardening can be obtained if the moment at
tensile response, whereas the post-cracking point is MOR is higher than that at LOP ðMMOR 5MLOP Þ.
identified as the point where the maximum tensile stress With a beam subjected to positive moment, the
occurs. A tensile strain-hardening transpires with the strains at the bottom and top of the section are notated
Nguyen et al. 123

Figure 3. Distribution of stress and strain at cross section by modeling: (a) Strain distribution, (b, c, d) Naaman,12 (e) Kanakubo,16
(f) Soranakom et al.,13 (g) Soranakom and Mobasher,14 (h) Soranakom and Mobasher,15 and (i) Sujivorakul (2012)28.

as et and ec , respectively, while the corresponding stres- whereas the tensile strength of UHPFRCs varies
ses are named as st and sc , respectively. The moment between 10 and 15 MPa.7,8 Resultantly, the cross sec-
resistance, corresponding to the bottom strains ecc and tion will consequently fail at bottom (tension-con-
epc , are named as Mcc and Mpc , respectively. It is noted trolled section), that is, the extreme compressive strain
that Mcc ffi MLOP since the first crack happens here. In at the top of the beam section is still within linear elas-
addition, the maximum moment ðMmax Þ, often called tic limit at the failure of UHPFRC beam under positive
moment capacity of cross section, may occur at either moment.
the MOR or LOP, as described in Figure 2. UHPFRCs can produce tensile strain-softening or
strain-hardening response corresponding to the fiber
type and volume content reinforced in composites.17,18
Simplified models for section analysis of The tensile stress versus strain response of UHPFRCs
UHPFRC beams would be simplified as bilinear or trilinear according to
To obtain the moment resistance of a beam using the tensile response after first-cracking point. The ten-
cement-based materials, the stress versus strain sile strain-hardening model of UHPFRCs can be fur-
response of materials under compression, as well as ther simplified as a bilinear curve because the strain at
direct tension, would be simplified for section analysis. first-cracking ðecc Þ is generally much smaller than the
Several section analyses performing distribution of strain at post-cracking point ðepc Þ, and the toughness
stress and strain on the flexural section using FRCs from the modeled curve is close to that from experi-
and high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious mental curve, as shown in Figure 5(a). On the contrary,
composites (HPFRCCs) have been reported,12–16 as Figure 5(b) and (c) shows the strain-softening response
described in Figure 3. The following models of com- of UHPFRCs after first-cracking without or with verti-
pressive and tensile behavior of UHPFRCs are pro- cal load drop, respectively. The ultimate tensile strain
posed according to their experimental test. ðetu Þ of UHPFRCs may be allowed up to 2.5% by
The compressive stress versus strain response of RILEM TC 162-TDF,25 whereas the value of ultimate
UHPFRCs is proposed to be linear elastic as described compressive strain ðecu Þ should be determined accord-
in Figure 4(b) because the measured compressive stress ing to measured data from compression test.
versus strain response of UHPFRCs prior to LOP is
almost linear and the response beyond LOP would not
Section analysis
be used due to the brittle failure of UHPFRCs, with
sudden load drop and scatter, under compression as Similar to concrete, the prediction of moment resis-
shown in Figure 4(a). Besides, UHPFRCs generally tance of UHPFRCs requires two basic conditions: (1)
show a very high compressive strength of more than static equilibrium and (2) compatibility of strains. In
150 MPa and the compressive failure strain of addition, the strain profile along the depth of section is
UHPFRC varies between 0.34% and 0.94%,4,23,24 assumed to be linear, that is, the plan section remaining
124 Journal of Strain Analysis 52(2)

Figure 4. (a) Compressive behaviors of UHPFRCs containing an identical 2% fiber content by volume with various fiber types24 and
(b) their simplified model.

Figure 5. Simplified models for tensile behavior of UHPFRC: (a) tensile-hardening behavior (T1), (b) tensile-softening behavior
without a clear sudden load drop (T2), and (c) tensile-softening behavior with a clear sudden load drop (T3).

plane during bending, while the stress profile hypotheti- ðMt Þ are calculated using the equilibriums of horizontal
cally corresponds to strain according to the simplified forces and moments at section, as provided in equa-
models, as described in Figure 3. tions (1)–(3). The equations of Mt , Ft , and the location
of neutral axis c = kh, which are considered as the
functions of et , are derived and shown in Table 1
Load versus deflection response of UHPFRCs X
Ti  C = 0 ð1Þ
A rectangular section of beam with depth h and width X
b was analyzed under the positive moment. Figures 6–8 Mt = Ti  yTi + C  yC ð2Þ
provide the distributions of the stress and strain at sec- ec et
tion according to three cases of tensile models: (1) ft = = ð3Þ
kh ½ð1  kÞh
strain-hardening, (2) strain-softening with inclined load
drop, and (3) strain-softening with vertical load drop. where yTi and yC are the distance from NA to equiva-
Each case of tensile models was analyzed in both (a) lent tensile force Ti and equivalent compressive force
elastic and (b, c) plastic stage. The bottom strain ðet Þ is C, respectively; ft is the curvature which corresponds
considered as a variable, then, location of neutral axis to moment Mt , whereas ec is the strain at the top of the
(kh), curvature of beam ðFt Þ, and moment resistance beam.
Nguyen et al. 125

The load versus deflection response of UHPFRCs in 4MMOR

PMOR = ð11aÞ
flexure, to compare the predicted flexural response "L (    )
using equations (1)–(3) with experimental results, was L2 MLOP 2 MLOP
obtained from the moment versus curvature response dMOR = FMOR 2  
as follows. Figure 9(a) and (b) shows the distribution
along the beam of moment–curvature (M–u) and shear MLOP FMOR ð1 + y ÞL2 h 2
force–shear strain (V–g) in four-point and three-point + FLOP 1 + +
bending test.
For the four-point bending test, the relationship
between the applied load and the moment at middle-
span is provided by equation (4), while the deflection at Deflection-hardening condition
middle-span can be calculated using equations (5) and
(6) for linear and non-linear portion, respectively A deflection-hardening occurs with the condition
(where L is the span length, Poisson’s ratio n = 0:2, MMOR 5MLOP , that is, the maximum moment resis-
and shear factor c = 1=1:5 for rectangular section)21 tance ðMmax Þ appears at eMOR . eLOP . The Mmax can be
mathematically estimated under fundamental condition
6M dMt =det = 0. However, it is very difficult to solve this
P= ð4Þ differential equation; thus, the method of eliminating
"   # the prior infinitesimal is proposed for the analysis in
23FL2 36ð1 + y Þ h 2
d= 1+ ð5Þ this research. The idea of this method is that, if a
216 23c L moment resistance, MT , with eT . ecc = eLOP , is found
" (    ) to be larger than MLOP , this means the deflection-
d= F 23  4 4 hardening occurs. Figures 10 and 11 provide the analy-
216 M M sis results according to the simplified tensile models as
MLOP Fð1 + y ÞL2 h 2
+ FLOP 4 + 4 +
M 6c L
1. A tensile strain-hardening UHPFRC always pro-
ð6Þ duces a deflection-hardening, and at MOR, the
For three-point bending test, the applied load can be extreme tensile strain of the beam is
drawn using equation (7), whereas the middle-span eMOR . epc . ecc , while the extreme tensile stress of
deflections are provided by equations (8) and (9) for the beam is sMOR \ spc , as shown in Figure 10(a).
linear and non-linear portion, respectively
Example 1. Considering a tensile strain-hardening
4M UHPFRC with scc = 5 MPa, ecc = 0:00025, spc =
P= ð7Þ
L 12 MPa, epc = 0:0035, E2 = 20; 000 MPa, and
"   #
FL2 2ð1 + y Þ h 2 Ec = 50; 000 MPa.
d= 1+ ð8Þ Because ecc \ \ epc , the tensile model T1 can be
12 c L
" ( used, E1 = 2000 MPa. Select eT = 1:01 epc , using equa-
L2 MLOP 2 MLOP tion in Table 1 for stage (b) of tensile model T1 , the cal-
d= F 2  culation provides MT = 23:121 ðbh2 =6Þ at et = eT and
24 M M
     Mpc = 23:015 ðbh2 =6Þ at et = epc . Ratio MT =Mpc =
MLOP Fð1 + y ÞL2 h 2 1:005 . 1 means eMOR . epc .
+ FLOP 1 + +
M 6c L
ð9Þ 2. A strain-softening of UHPFRC with an inclined
load drop always produces a deflection-hardening,
Finally, the load-carrying capacity and middle-span and at MOR, the extreme tensile strain of beam is
deflection at MOR can be shown in equations (10a), eMOR . ecc , while the extreme tensile stress of beam
(10b), (11a), and (11b) for four-point and three-point is sMOR \ scc , as shown in Figure 10(b).
bending, respectively
6MMOR Example 2. Considering a strain-softening of UHPFRC
PMOR = ð10aÞ with scc = 10 MPa, ecc = 0:0004, spc = 8 MPa,
" (    ) epc = 0:0014, and Ec = 50; 000 MPa. Using the tensile
L2 MLOP 2 MLOP model T2 , the calculation provides E0 = 25; 000 MPa
dMOR = FMOR 23  4 4
216 MMOR MMOR and E1 = 2000 MPa.
     Select eT = 1:0001 ecc , using equation in Table 1 for
MLOP FMOR ð1 + y ÞL2 h 2 stage (b) of tensile model T2 , the calculation provides
+ FLOP 4 + 4 +
MMOR 6c L MT = 11:7167 ðbh2 =6Þ at et = eT and MLOP = 11:7157
ð10bÞ ðbh2 =6Þ at et = ecc . Ratio MT =MLOP = 1:0008 . 1
126 Journal of Strain Analysis 52(2)

Figure 6. Strain and stress distribution along the depth of section for strain-hardening UHPFRC: (a) ecc 4et 4epc and (b)
epc 4et 4etu .

Figure 7. Strain and stress distribution along the depth of section for strain-softening UHPFRC with an inclined drop load, epc . ecc :
(a) 04et 4ecc , (b) ecc 4et 4epc , and (c) epc 4et 4etu .

Figure 8. Strain and stress distribution along the depth of section for strain-softening UHPFRC with a vertical drop load, epc = ecc :
(a) 04et 4ecc and (b) ecc 4et 4etu .

means eMOR . ecc and flexural behavior exhibits deflec- 3. A strain-softening of UHPFRC with a little vertical
tion-hardening. load drop ð0:67ecc 4epc \ ecc Þ will produce a
Nguyen et al. 127

Figure 9. Distribution along the beam of moment–curvature (M–u) and shear force–shear strain (V–g): (a) four-point bending and
(b) three-point bending.

deflection-hardening, and at MOR, the extreme ten- ðbh2 =6Þ at et = eT and thus ratio MT =MLOP =
sile strain of beam is eMOR . ecc , while the extreme 1:00006 . 1; this means eMOR . ecc and flexural beha-
tensile stress of beam is sMOR \ scc , as shown in vior exhibits deflection-hardening.
Figure 10(c).
4. A strain-softening of UHPFRC with a significant
vertical load drop ðepc \ 0:67ecc Þ possibly produces
Example 3. Considering a strain-softening of UHPFRC a deflection-softening, and at LOP, the extreme ten-
with a vertical load drop: scc = 10 MPa, ecc = sile strain of beam is eLOP = ecc , while the extreme
0:0004 = epc , spc = 8 MPa, Ec = 50; 000 MPa, and tensile stress of beam is sLOP = scc , as shown in
E2 = 5000 MPa. Using the tensile model T3 , the calcu- Figure 11.
lation provides E0 = 25; 000 MPa.
Select eT = 1:0001 ecc , using equation in Table 1 for
stage (b) of tensile model T3 , the calculation provides Example 4. Considering a strain-softening of UHPFRC
MLOP = 11:7157 ðbh2 =6Þ at et = ecc and MT = 11:7164 with a vertical load drop: scc = 10 MPa,
128 Journal of Strain Analysis 52(2)

Table 1. Equations of moment resistance according to simplified tensile models of UHPFRC.

Tensile model Stage Equation of Mt , Ft , and neutral axis c as a function of et

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 
(T1) Strain-hardening (a) 04et 4epc bh2 Ec et 2scc + E1 et
Mt = pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi scc pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi + 2E1 et + 3scc
Ec etffi + pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2scc + E1 etffi Ec et + 2scc + E1 et
et Ec et + 2scc + E1 et
Ft = pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
h Ec et ffi
2scc + Et et
c = kh = pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi h
 2 Ec et + 2scc + E t et   pffiffiffiffiffi 
(b) epc 4et bh 1 2E2 ðet  epc Þ3 + 3ðspc  E2 epc Þðet  epc Þ2
Mt = pffiffiffiffiffi E c + 2 Ec X 3
6 ðX + Ec et Þ2 + 6spc epc ðet  epc Þ + ðscc + 2spc Þe2pc
 pffiffiffiffiffi  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
et X + Ec et
Ft = p ffiffiffiffiffi , where X = E2 ðet  epc Þ2 + 2spc ðet  epc Þ + ðscc + spc Þepc
h Ec e t
c = kh = pffiffiffiffiffi h
X + Ec et pffiffiffiffiffi 
(T2) Strain-softening with (a) 04et 4ecc bh 2
2 Ec 2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

an inclined load drop Mt = E0 et pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi , MLOP = bh6 scc Ec ecc pffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi2 pffiffiffiffiffi
Ec ecc + scc
6pffiffiffiffiffi pEffiffiffiffi c ffi+
et Ec + E0
Ft = pffiffiffiffiffi
h pEffiffiffiffiffiffi
c = kh = pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi h
Ec ecc + s( cc )
(b) ecc 4et 4epc bh2 1 3 2
2 2E1 ðet  ecc Þ + 3ðscc  E1 ecc Þðet  ecc Þ
Mt = ð1  kÞ
6 e2t + 6scc ecc ðet  ecc Þ + 2scc e2cc
bh2 1
+ kð1  kÞf2X 2 g
6 et qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

Ft = eht X p+ ffiffiffiEc et
, where X = E1 ðet  ecc Þ2 + 2scc ðet  ecc Þ + scc ecc
E c et
c = kh = pffiffiffiX
E e +X
c t
(c) epc 4et
< 2E2 ðet  epc Þ3 + 3ðspc  E2 epc Þðet  epc Þ2 >
bh 1 2 3 2
Mt = ð1  kÞ 2E 1 ðepc  ecc Þ + 3ðs cc  E 1 ecc Þðepc  ecc Þ
6 et >
: >
+ 6spc epc ðet  epc Þ + 6scc ecc ðepc  ecc Þ + 2scc e2cc
bh2 1
+ kð1  kÞf2Y 2 g
6 et pffiffiffiffiffi 
et Y + Ec et
Ft = pffiffiffiffiffi , c = kh = pffiffiffi Y
E c et + Y
h c et
where Y = E2 ðet  epc Þ2 + 2spc ðet  epc Þ + scc epc + spc ðepc  ecc Þ
(T3) Strain-softening with (a) 04et 4ecc bh2 2 Ec 2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

a vertical load drop Mt = E0 et pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi , MLOP = bh6 scc Ec ecc pffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi2 pffiffiffiffiffi
Ec ecc + scc
6pffiffiffiffiffi pEffiffiffiffi c ffi+
et Ec + E0
Ft = pffiffiffiffiffi
h pEffiffiffiffiffiffi
c = kh = pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi h
Ec ecc + s( cc )
(b) ecc 4et bh2 1 3 2
2 2E2 ðet  ecc Þ + 3ðspc  E2 ecc Þðet  ecc Þ
Mt = ð1  kÞ
6 e2t + 6spc ecc ðet  ecc Þ + 2scc e2cc
bh2 1
+ kð1  kÞf2X 2 g
6 et pffiffiffiffiffi  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
et X + Ec et
Ft = pffiffiffiffiffi , where X = E2 ðet  ecc Þ2 + 2spc ðet  ecc Þ + scc ecc
h Ec e t
c = kh = pffiffiffiffiffi h
X + Ec et

ecc = 0:0004 = epc , spc = 5 MPa, Ec = 50; 000 MPa, MLOP = 11:7157 ðbh2 =6Þ at et = ecc and MT = 11:7151
and E2 = 5000 MPa. Using the tensile model T3 , the ðbh2 =6Þ at et = eT and thus ratio MT =MLOP =
calculation provides E0 = 25; 000 MPa. 0:99995 \ 1, that is, there is a reduction in moment
Select eT = 1:0001 ecc , using equation in Table 1 for right after LOP and flexural behavior would be deflec-
stage (b) of tensile model T3 , the calculation provides tion-softening.
Nguyen et al. 129

Figure 10. Shapes of tensile models of UHPFRCs to surely produce deflection-hardening and the flexural stress and strain at the
beam bottom at MOR: (a) strain-hardening (T1), (b) strain-softening with an inclined load drop (T2), and (c) strain-softening with a
little vertical load drop (T3).

model T1 , the section analysis gives the results as

follows: PMOR =PLOP = 3:28; 3:22; and3:19, respec-
tively, and dMOR = 1:85; 1:68; and 1:59 mm,
respectively. Figure 12 shows that both load-
carrying and deflection capacity of UHPFRC
decrease with the increase in slope E2 , that is,
UHPFRC absorbing more energy in direct tension
will produce higher moment resistance and deflec-
tion capacity. In addition, all predicted load versus
deflection curves exhibit deflection-hardening
behavior ðPMOR =PLOP . 1Þ.
2. Tensile strain-softening with an inclined load drop
case. Considering a strain-softening UHPFRC
with scc = 9 MPa, ecc = 0:0003, and spc =
4:5 MPa, slope E1 varies from 1071 (1) to 2045 (2)
and to 6429 MPa (3). The beam has a span length
of 450 mm, width and depth of cross section of
150 mm. Using the tensile model T2 , the section
Figure 11. Shape of tensile model of UHPFRCs to possibly analysis gives the results as follows:
produce deflection-softening and the flexural stress and strain at PMOR =PLOP = 1:83; 1:69; and 1:44, respectively,
the beam bottom at LOP. and dMOR = 0:47; 0:35; and 0:22mm, respectively.
Figure 13 shows that both load-carrying and
deflection capacity of UHPFRC decrease with the
Effects of tensile-softening portion on the moment increase in slope E1 . All predicted load versus
deflection curves also exhibit deflection-hardening
behavior ðPMOR =PLOP . 1Þ.
Performance of the tensile-softening branch, accompa- 3. Tensile strain-softening with a vertical load drop.
nied by propagation of localized crack, significantly Considering a strain-softening UHPFRC with
affects the moment resistance of UHPFRCs. The scc = 9 MPa, ecc = epc = 0:0005, load drop ratio
UHPFRC with higher energy absorption capacity in n = spc =scc varying from 0.28 (1) to 0.44 (2) and
direct tension generally produces a higher moment to 0.72 (3). Beam has span length of 450 mm,
resistance and deflection capacity. Following examples width and depth of cross section of 150 mm. Using
for the three tensile models will clearly show the men- the tensile model T3 , the section analysis gives the
tioned effects: results as follows: PMOR =PLOP = 0:67; 0:91;
and 1:31, respectively and dMOR = 0:23; 0:30; and
1. Tensile strain-hardening case. Considering a 0:53mm, respectively. Figure 14 shows that both
strain-hardening UHPFRC with scc = 7:6 MPa, load-carrying and deflection capacity of UHPFRC
spc = 11:8 MPa, and epc = 0:006, slope E2 varies decrease with the increase in load drop ratio
from 666 (1) to 1138 (2) and to 1614 MPa (3). The n = spc =scc . UHPFRC with little load drop
beam has a span length of 450 mm, and width and n = 0.72 . 0.67 (3) will produce deflection-
depth of cross section of 150 mm. Using the tensile hardening behavior ðPMOR =PLOP . 1Þ, whereas
130 Journal of Strain Analysis 52(2)

Figure 12. Effect of softening slope E2 on flexural parameters of tensile strain-hardening UHPFRCs: (a) model of tensile strain-
hardening with varied slope E2, (b) predicted flexural behavior, (c) effect of E2 on ratio PMOR =PLOP , and (d) effect of E2 on dMOR.

Figure 13. Effect of softening slope E1 on flexural parameters of tensile strain-softening UHPFRCs with an inclined load drop:
(a) model of tensile strain-hardening with varied slope E1, (b) predicted flexural behavior, (c) effect of E1 on ratio PMOR =PLOP , and
(d) effect of E1 on dMOR.
Nguyen et al. 131

Figure 14. Effect of spc =scc ratio on flexural parameters of tensile strain-softening UHPFRCs with sudden load drop: (a) model of
tensile strain-softening with varied spc =scc ratio, (b) predicted flexural behavior, (c) effect of spc =scc on PMOR =PLOP , and (d) effect of
spc =scc on dMOR.

UHPFRC with n = 0.28 and n = 0.44 \ 0.67 Predicting flexural behavior of UHPFRCs
(1 and 2) will produce deflection-softening beha- The predicted flexural behaviors in this research
vior ðPMOR =PLOP \ 1Þ. Moment resistance and
(notated as Pre-) were compared to experimental ones
deflection capacity are ranked as follows:
(notated Ex-) referred to previous research of Nguyen
(3) . (2) . (1).
et al.20 The investigated UHPFRC contained a blend
of 1% twisted and 1% short, smooth steel fiber by vol-
ume. Three different sizes of flexural specimens (width
Effects of tensile strength and ductility of UHPFRCs 3 depth 3 span length) were 50 3 50 3 150 mm3 (S),
on the moment resistance 100 3 100 3 300 mm3 (M), and 150 3 150 3 450 mm3
Both direct tensile strength and ductility of UHPFRC (L), while the size of tensile specimen (width 3 thick-
affect moment resistance capacity.21,22 Three types of ness 3 gauge length L) was 50 3 50 3 175 mm3. All
UHPFRCs with same energy absorption capacities ðTÞ flexural specimens were examined under four-point
but different tensile strengths were investigated for bending test, whereas the tensile specimens were tested
exploring how much effect of tensile strength and ducti- under direct tension. The simplified compressive and
lity of UHPFRCs on the Mmax . To simplify the investi- direct tensile response of UHPFRC is modeled in
gation, the model of tensile response was interpreted to Figure 16(a) based on experimental test. Figure 16(b)
be uniform. The uniform tensile stress of UHPFRC1, shows the predicted and experimental flexural beha-
UHPFRC2, and UHPFRC3 was assumed to be s0 , vior. Table 2 provides the parameters of the material
2s0 , and 3s0 , respectively, corresponding to their ulti- models used for the prediction, while Table 3 shows the
mate strain e0 , 1=2e0 , and 1=3e0 , respectively. Figure 15 comparative flexural resistances. The results of the pre-
shows the assumed strain and stress distributions along dicted and experimental flexural behavior according to
the depth of section and comparison result. The Mmax size of flexural specimens are dissimilar. For large-sized
increases as the tensile strength of UHPFRC increases, specimen, the predicted and experimental curves are
that is, the tensile strength much effects on the Mmax fairly fit, and the difference between them is more and
than the ductility (strain capacity). more as the size of flexural specimen decreased. The
132 Journal of Strain Analysis 52(2)

where Mt and Mad are the predicted moment resistance

from section analysis and predicted moment resistance
after adjusting, respectively; j1 is the factor considering
specimen size according to Weibull’s theory of size
effect, and Table 4 can be used to compute the effective
volume of beam according to loading configuration;27
and j2 is the factor considering specimen geometry.
Although the general equation for predicting
moment resistance was proposed in this research, fur-
ther investigation is required with larger database from
experimental test to determine the values of j1 and j2

This research provides useful information for the design
of UHPFRC flexural members by performing the sec-
tion analyses of the UHPFRC flexural member. The
following conclusions can be drawn from this analytical

 Condition to produce a deflection-hardening of

UHPFRC is explored as follows: the direct tensile
Figure 15. The assumed strain and stress distributions at performance demonstrates strain-hardening, strain-
section and the derived moment resistance capacities of softening with an inclined load drop, or strain-
UHPFRCs. softening with a slight vertical load drop
ðð2=3Þecc 4epc \ ecc Þ. A deflection-softening could
Table 2. Parameters of the material models used for the only be produced from a strain-softening with a
prediction.20,24. significant vertical load drop ðepc \ ð2=3Þecc Þ.
 At MOR of a deflection-hardening UHPFRC, the
Compressive behavior scu ðMPaÞ 170 tensile strain at beam bottom exceeds strain capac-
ecu ð%Þ 0.4 ity while the corresponding tensile stress at beam
Direct tensile behavior scc ðMPaÞ 0.025
ecc ð%Þ 7.56 bottom is lower than direct tensile strength.
spc ðMPaÞ 11.78  The softening portion of a direct tensile behavior of
epc ð%Þ 0.58 UHPFRC, accompanied by propagation of loca-
scu ðMPaÞ 7.00 lized crack, significantly affects moment resistance
ecu ð%Þ 1 and even governs deflection-softening or hardening
*On the branch of localized crack opening. of UHPFRC. Generally, UHPFRC absorbing
more energy in direct tension would produce higher
explanation of such difference is due to the size effect moment resistance and deflection capacity.
of UHPFRC which was reported in Nguyen et al.,20,26  Moment resistance capacity is significantly depen-
that is, the flexural strength is only one in analysis but dent on tensile strength rather than ductility of
really changed according to different size geometries UHPFRC although both tensile strength and strain
from experiment. Therefore, the predicted moment capacity of UHPFRC affect the produced flexural
resistance should be adjusted as equation (12) behavior.
 The factor of size and geometry effect should be
Mad = j1 j2 Mt ð12Þ considered in predicting the flexural behavior of

Table 3. Comparative flexural resistances.

Flexural specimen Predicted flexural resistance Experimental flexural resistance20 Ratio

pre pre
fMOR PMOR dpre
fMOR exp
PMOR dexp
PMOR pre
=PMOR dexp pre
MPa kN mm MPa kN mm

Small 26.43 22.02 0.560 38.91 32.43 0.893 1.47 1.59

Medium 26.43 88.09 1.119 29.10 97.02 1.272 1.10 1.14
Large 26.43 198.19 1.679 26.99 202.43 1.861 1.02 1.11
Nguyen et al. 133

Figure 16. The comparison between experimental flexural behaviors of UHPFRC under four-point bending test and predicted
ones: (a) model of compressive and tensile response and (b) the predicted (Pre-) and experimental (Ex-) flexural behavior.

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